Trump fans MOCK Floyd death at peaceful protest

Trumpism, 2020. This guy and his pal are play-acting Floyd's murder and screaming at protestors in front of his 'murican flag, Trump poster and pick-em up truck.

Doesn't seem very nice. Do any Trump fans have any kind of problem with this?

You do the same thing when you mock "political correctness".

Pot, meet kettle.
Just when I think you are FINALLY making sense Joe, you go off the rails. If you think political correctness is acceptable, you then must find silencing free speech and Fascism acceptable.
This is ridiculous activity, but, then, this entire situation is a mockery of real action, thought, justice or attempt to reach profound understanding and change.
And worse, it all feeds on itself, as if both ends want it to.
Precisely. They are all following the wishes of the enemies to America.
Agreed and they are unknowingly assisting the power elite, who’s goal is continued division of the people.
In a way, I actually hope that's it. I hope someone is pulling strings.

Because I'd like to think that people are a little more an intelligent than to go out of their way to give the other side so much material to work with.
Trumpism, 2020. This guy and his pal are play-acting Floyd's murder and screaming at protestors in front of his 'murican flag, Trump poster and pick-em up truck.

Doesn't seem very nice. Do any Trump fans have any kind of problem with this?


Enough of your feigned outrage bullshit. You act like there's no black and brown racists. I hope the entire country improves racial relations but be honest about the narrative. There's a hell of lot more places a white person can't go at night than a black or brown person. Funny how the n word is banned but cracker is a ok.
Trumpism, 2020. This guy and his pal are play-acting Floyd's murder and screaming at protestors in front of his 'murican flag, Trump poster and pick-em up truck.

Doesn't seem very nice. Do any Trump fans have any kind of problem with this?


Enough of your feigned outrage bullshit. You act like there's no black and brown racists. I hope the entire country improves racial relations but be honest about the narrative. There's a hell of lot more places a white person can't go at night than a black or brown person. Funny how the n word is banned but cracker is a ok.
And another one clumsily tries to change the subject.

We are all complicit in a police state displaying police brutality.....

In an oligarchy advocating subjugation......

Kneeling to vs standing up for any faction.....

Trumpism, 2020. This guy and his pal are play-acting Floyd's murder and screaming at protestors in front of his 'murican flag, Trump poster and pick-em up truck.

Doesn't seem very nice. Do any Trump fans have any kind of problem with this?


Enough of your feigned outrage bullshit. You act like there's no black and brown racists. I hope the entire country improves racial relations but be honest about the narrative. There's a hell of lot more places a white person can't go at night than a black or brown person. Funny how the n word is banned but cracker is a ok.
And another one clumsily tries to change the subject.


Did not try to change the subject ya lying bastard. You just don't like getting clobbered with reality.
Obama fans--blacks--- MURDER whites at TEN times the rate of vice versa....what's worse--mocking or MURDER?
Deflection, of course.

One of these days, one of you guys will act like honest adults and hold your own side accountable for something, and you'll shock us.
So the leftist nuts who are encouraged by liberal media to burn down neighborhoods and tear down historical statues in an attempt at revisionist history get a free pass? But what these ass clowns did somehow upsets you?
We are all complicit in a police state displaying police brutality.....
Yep. When we choose not to hold our own accountable, we are doing nothing more than enabling their worst behaviors.

That's a choice we make.
So the leftist nuts who are encouraged by liberal media to burn down neighborhoods and tear down historical statues in an attempt at revisionist history get a free pass? But what these ass clowns did somehow upsets you?
I'm not upset at all. I'm pointing at it as proof of what Trumpism is.

And all the attempts in this thread so far, to try to change the subject and put me on the defensive, are sealing the deal for me.

So please, continue.
Trumpism, 2020. This guy and his pal are play-acting Floyd's murder and screaming at protestors in front of his 'murican flag, Trump poster and pick-em up truck.

Doesn't seem very nice. Do any Trump fans have any kind of problem with this?

You do the same thing when you mock "political correctness".

Pot, meet kettle.
Political correctness is Orwellian "double speak."
Enough of your feigned outrage bullshit. You act like there's no black and brown racists. I hope the entire country improves racial relations but be honest about the narrative. There's a hell of lot more places a white person can't go at night than a black or brown person. Funny how the n word is banned but cracker is a ok.

Who is using the word "Cracker"? I haven't seen that word used since the 1990's.
Floyd once held a pregnant woman at gunpoint while his buddies robbed her home....I'd say karma is a bitch
Floyd is in hell. Violent criminal who did not repent and was drugged-up and violent until he was put.
Means nothing dummy. If you think the state has the right to wantonly murder it’s citizens, as was done to Floyd, you’re a Fascist.
The deal was sealed for you before you ever posted .....You created your own narrative and then when every one didn't agree with you,you declare everyone is we just dont buy your bullshit.......How is Trump responsible for any of this?
Floyd once held a pregnant woman at gunpoint while his buddies robbed her home....I'd say karma is a bitch
So you're fine with an execution without a trial?
Good to know.
Never said that....stop making it up.I'm saying Floyd's lawless life caught up with him.
A racist piece of shit decided it was time for him to die.
If it was karma he would have been struck by lightning or got cancer or some other unforeseen event.
That is how karma works.
This is ridiculous activity, but, then, this entire situation is a mockery of real action, thought, justice or attempt to reach profound understanding and change.
And worse, it all feeds on itself, as if both ends want it to.
Precisely. They are all following the wishes of the enemies to America.
Agreed and they are unknowingly assisting the power elite, who’s goal is continued division of the people.
In a way, I actually hope that's it. I hope someone is pulling strings.

Because I'd like to think that people are a little more an intelligent than to go out of their way to give the other side so much material to work with.
There’s a great deal of ignorance out there, on both sides.

Many on the left believe ignorance like this...just ask Joe.

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