Trump Fascism

Actually I had an appointment at Kaiser this afternoon. However, I'm sick and tired of your efforts to defend trump, he's a disaster. I've posted accurate data from the DSM on why he is unfit to be POTUS; his flips and flops; his lies and total incompetence; and his childish behavior.

All of which are in the public domain.

Why not to defend him when your attacks are based on lies.

Unfit to be a president, says who?
Hitler and Mussolini had a media because fascists have media.

I want to eliminate the media.
You are even more Hitler than Hitler. You want people to know nothing. You want to shoot Democrats. You make Hitler look meek.

So you support the Democrat propaganda machine, is that what you're saying?
Democrats are decent. They believe in equality, love, brotherhood, helping those in need, and even more importantly Democrats believe in standing against prejudices, and antisemitism.

Unicorns... unicorns everywhere.

Well, you've proved on thing in this litany of single sentences / phrases, that you cannot post anything of substance, thoughtful or thought provoking. Making you a master of the Idiot-Gram.

My sentence is equally true as yours "Democrats are decent".

History proves otherwise. Shell we post few reminders.

Slavery. KKK. Jim Crow. Lynching laws. Poll taxes. Segregation.
And why did Strom Thurmond switch parties?

Can you name five more racists Democrats who did the same?

Yes, Thurmond switch the parties, but the others did not. All the hard core racists remained Democrats.
Jesse Helms and Mills Godwin.

The majority of the realignment was due to Lee Atwater's southern strategy. Barry Goldwater's "go hunting where the ducks are". This eventually lead to the coded language of "States Rights" which was a wink and a nod to racism in the south and how the southern states should have the right to keep segregation, refuse busing, etc.

Trump is the culmination of the Southern strategy.

because it went much longer and further than we think.
And why did Strom Thurmond switch parties?

Can you name five more racists Democrats who did the same?

Yes, Thurmond switch the parties, but the others did not. All the hard core racists remained Democrats.
Jesse Helms and Mills Godwin.

The majority of the realignment was due to Lee Atwater's southern strategy. Barry Goldwater's "go hunting where the ducks are". This eventually lead to the coded language of "States Rights" which was a wink and a nod to racism in the south and how the southern states should have the right to keep segregation, refuse busing, etc.

Trump is the culmination of the Southern strategy.

because it went much longer and further than we think.

Nice try, but no.

Jesse Helms became senator in 1972, almost decade after claimed "party switch".
Mills Godwin was one southern Democrat who actually supported CRA of 1964, so it's not really example of racist you wish him to be.
And why did Strom Thurmond switch parties?

Can you name five more racists Democrats who did the same?

Yes, Thurmond switch the parties, but the others did not. All the hard core racists remained Democrats.
Jesse Helms and Mills Godwin.

The majority of the realignment was due to Lee Atwater's southern strategy. Barry Goldwater's "go hunting where the ducks are". This eventually lead to the coded language of "States Rights" which was a wink and a nod to racism in the south and how the southern states should have the right to keep segregation, refuse busing, etc.

Trump is the culmination of the Southern strategy.

because it went much longer and further than we think.

Nice try, but no.

Jesse Helms became senator in 1972, almost decade after claimed "party switch".
Mills Godwin was one southern Democrat who actually supported CRA of 1964, so it's not really example of racist you wish him to be.
In 1957, Helms won his first election as a Democrat- for a Raleigh City Council seat
Jesse Helms advocated the movement of conservatives from the Democratic Party – which they deemed too liberal – to the Republican Party.

Mills Godwin was adamantly opposed to school desegregation. Why else did he become a republican.

But that all loses the most relevant point: Trump is the culmination of the Southern strategy.
And why did Strom Thurmond switch parties?

Can you name five more racists Democrats who did the same?

Yes, Thurmond switch the parties, but the others did not. All the hard core racists remained Democrats.
Jesse Helms and Mills Godwin.

The majority of the realignment was due to Lee Atwater's southern strategy. Barry Goldwater's "go hunting where the ducks are". This eventually lead to the coded language of "States Rights" which was a wink and a nod to racism in the south and how the southern states should have the right to keep segregation, refuse busing, etc.

Trump is the culmination of the Southern strategy.

because it went much longer and further than we think.

Nice try, but no.

Jesse Helms became senator in 1972, almost decade after claimed "party switch".
Mills Godwin was one southern Democrat who actually supported CRA of 1964, so it's not really example of racist you wish him to be.
In 1957, Helms won his first election as a Democrat- for a Raleigh City Council seat
Jesse Helms advocated the movement of conservatives from the Democratic Party – which they deemed too liberal – to the Republican Party.

Mills Godwin was adamantly opposed to school desegregation. Why else did he become a republican.

But that all loses the most relevant point: Trump is the culmination of the Southern strategy.

Helms had City council seat in 1957. WOW.
Godwin opposed desegregation in 1950's. WOW.

So were all Democrats at the time.

And two of them left Democrat party to join racist Republican party. That's it? Two?
Actually I had an appointment at Kaiser this afternoon. However, I'm sick and tired of your efforts to defend trump, he's a disaster. I've posted accurate data from the DSM on why he is unfit to be POTUS; his flips and flops; his lies and total incompetence; and his childish behavior.

All of which are in the public domain.

Why not to defend him when your attacks are based on lies.

Unfit to be a president, says who?

Nothing I posted is a lie, it is and always has been an informed opinion based on trump's polemics, i.e. attacks on the character of anyone who won't kiss his ass, ubiquitous lies and the chaos he has brought to our nation and the world.
You are even more Hitler than Hitler. You want people to know nothing. You want to shoot Democrats. You make Hitler look meek.

So you support the Democrat propaganda machine, is that what you're saying?
Democrats are decent. They believe in equality, love, brotherhood, helping those in need, and even more importantly Democrats believe in standing against prejudices, and antisemitism.

Unicorns... unicorns everywhere.

Well, you've proved on thing in this litany of single sentences / phrases, that you cannot post anything of substance, thoughtful or thought provoking. Making you a master of the Idiot-Gram.

My sentence is equally true as yours "Democrats are decent".

History proves otherwise. Shell we post few reminders.

Slavery. KKK. Jim Crow. Lynching laws. Poll taxes. Segregation.

History proves Truman integrated the Military; Ike sent troops to Little Rock to support Brown v. Ed., LBJ pushed for and signed the Civil Rights Act, and Strom Thurman and other Dixiecrats joined the Republican Party, and these former Democrats have continued their bigotry to fight against Affirmative Action and the laws which were promulgated to protect women, gays and lesbians, people of color and those not WASP's.

Lies by omission are lies meant to mislead the biddable - you can't fool all of the people ever.
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Actually I had an appointment at Kaiser this afternoon. However, I'm sick and tired of your efforts to defend trump, he's a disaster. I've posted accurate data from the DSM on why he is unfit to be POTUS; his flips and flops; his lies and total incompetence; and his childish behavior.

All of which are in the public domain.

Why not to defend him when your attacks are based on lies.

Unfit to be a president, says who?

Nothing I posted is a lie, it is and always has been an informed opinion based on trump's polemics, i.e. attacks on the character of anyone who won't kiss his ass, ubiquitous lies and the chaos he has brought to our nation and the world.

So now it's his character that disqualifies him for being president? Or is it Russian collusion? Or maybe obstruction of justice?

Yes, he's a jackass, and that's exactly why I think he's great antidote for Democrats. He sees thru you, you can lie and scream all you want, and he doesn't care, because you can't touch him. Your leftist tactics worked on others, but not on him, and your inability to make him cave on your endless, mindless, butthurt meltdowns drives you nuts.
History proves Truman integrated the Military; Ike sent troops to Little Rock to support Brown v. Ed., LBJ pushed for and signed the Civil Rights Act, and Strom Thurman and other Dixiecrats joined the Republican Party, and these former Democrats have continued their bigotry to fight against Affirmative Action and the laws which were promulgated to protect women, gays and lesbians, people of color and those not WASP's.

Lies by omission are lies meant to mislead the biddable - you can't fool all of the people ever.

First of all, it's Strom Thurmond.

Second, beside him, how many racist Dixiecrats joined Republican party? Can you name five?

Racist Democrats remained Democrats for life. They never apologized for anything they did, they just blame others for doing it. The same tactics Democrats are using to present day.
You do realize that every single one of those, I can link directly to the left-wing..... right?

  1. Powerful and Continuing Nationalism

    Every single time Trump does anything, you say "That's UnAmerican". "That's not what America stands for!" and so on. Using a claim to nationalism, to advance politics.

  2. Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights

    The murder of half a million babies every year, the protection of criminals, at the expense of victims, rape, murder, and so on.

  3. Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause

    The people are rallied into a unifying patriotic frenzy over the need to eliminate a perceived common threat or foe: racial, ethnic or religious minorities; liberals; communists; socialists, terrorists, etc.

  4. Supremacy of the Military

    While the current Democrat party is not pro-military, they will become pro-military the moment they can use it for political benefit. Every left-wing government in human history has. From the Soviets, to Chavez, to Pol Pot, to Mao, to Castro. Even then, the Left-wing has no problem using military-style storm troopers whenever they wish against US citizens. View attachment 276379 View attachment 276380

  5. Rampant Sexism

    The left-wing is extraordinarily sexist constantly. Look at how they treated Sarah Palin, and Nikki Haley, and Carrie Prejean, and the list goes on and on and on. The left has no problem targetting someone over their gender, if they don't tow the left-wing line. Was it not Hillary herself, that blamed all those white women for 'obeying their husbands' and not voting for her?

  6. Controlled Mass Media

    MSNBC, CNN, CBS, NYT, Washington Post, dozens of all left-wing news outlets all parroting the Democrat party lines. And was it not Obama that targeted Fox News? Was it not the Democrats in the 90s that tried to pass the "Hush Rush" law? They have done everything they can to shut down the only small sources of media that is not left-wing bias in nature.

  7. Obsession with National Security

    Fear? I would be hard pressed to see how any citizen of the US, now lives in fear.

  8. Religion and Government are Intertwined

    I do not see that religious leaders are dictating US policy, or even have significant influence, and I certainly do not see that Trump is even remotely religious.

  9. Corporate Power is Protected

    Corporate power was never protected in any Fascist state. It certainly wasn't in Germany. A corporation was ordered, and controlled, to build and produce, exactly what the government wanted. Have you never watched Schindler's list?

  10. Labor Power is Suppressed

    Stalin forced millions of people into gulags to produce labor for the country. I'm not sure what comparison you would make to connect the power of "labor" here, to Fascism.

  11. Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts

    Watch Expelled The disdain for intellectuals and arts is vastly greater on the left-wing.

  12. Obsession with Crime and Punishment

    See pictures above. The left-wing punishes the law abiding citizens, and protects the evil and criminal. I'll take obsession with crime and punishment over, your system of anarchy injustice, and evil.

  13. Rampant Cronyism and Corruption

    You mean like Al Gore selling the Elk Hills oil reserve, to Occidental Petroleum, that Al Gore happen to have hundreds of thousand of dollars in stock in? Secret Empires by Peter Schweizer. Many Obama supporters pushed Obama policy for personal gain.

  14. Fraudulent Elections

    Last I checked the Democrats were opposed to even requiring an ID to vote.

You've proved one thing, you never completed a course in expository writing.

14: I've never opposed an ID being required to vote.

13: One supposed Data point, without evidence, is absurd.

12: The Left-Wing is not defined; I spent 32 years carrying a badge which brought the Maniforts', White Collar Criminals and anyone who violated the laws of the St. of CA. to Justice.

11: LOL, How much more ludicrous can you get?

10: The R's oppose labor unions, Right to Work is a euphemism for busting collective bargaining and not
protecting each individual employee.

9: Corporate Power ("corporations are people too") and the recent reform, aka tax fraud, implemented by Ryan and signed by Trump harm the working men and middle class while rewarding the 1% and corporate profits.

8: Trump and the Republican Party oppose abortion, not out of any moral compass, but to continue to secure the vote of the Clergy, many of whom lack the ethos of Jesus in all other matters (aiding the poor, capital punishment, healing the sick).

7: Hate and fear mongering, locking up mothers and separating them from their children for crossing the border seeking asylum. Trump's Emergency Orders when he created the border issue, and the only real emergency is the deaths of a hundred or more Americans ODing on Opiates everyday.

6: Yep, you can get more ludicrous. "Outfoxed" was produced well before Obama took elected office, the Murdoch propaganda Machine along with Limbaugh's Dittoheads use the BIG LIES (Fake News, the Red Scare) to influence people like you, the biddable fools.

5. Donald Trump is a lounge lizard, cheated on his wives, bribed women to keep quiet for his sexual peccadilloes, and attacked the character of all the women who accused him of untoward sexual advances.

4. See the budget, no money to speak of for domestic needs, but padding the budget of the Military beyond that of all other nation's. When it suited him he attacked Sen. McCain's service, and has still not fixed the VA (one of many broken promses).

3. This is true, you even admit Trump's hate and fear have been focused on minorities, liberal Democrats and now Jews who don't support him.

2. Another overreach. Abortion is legal, and Trump has abused the power of the office by attacking a Supreme Court Decision and laying blame on the Democrats, liberals and progressives.

That said, the numbers of migrants suffering on the border are beyond question to be victims of trumps callous conservatism.

1. White Nationalism is not patriotism. The United States population is diverse, and needs a leader to support all of our citizens with protections for their lives, liberty and happiness.

what is the purpose of a labor union exactly?

I see you've never taken a course in history, that's sad but it proves why you are what you are.


Really? You have to go back to the 1800s, to justify something today?

Look, I get that in the 1800s and even early 1900s, we had things like Mining Towns.

The company paid to have a rail road built, paid to have people moved there, paid for the housing, to food, everything.... and in return people were paid in company dollars, only usable at the company store.

This made it almost impossible for people to do anything, but stay working in the mine. They were trapped. They couldn't buy a wagon, because the company store didn't stock wagons, and why would they? You don't need it. The mine is right there. People didn't have money, or a way to leave. They were trapped in the mining town.

In that situation, I understand why unions were needed. I get it. Makes sense.

Please tell me who, anywhere is trapped? I had a job that paid me $8/hour, when you consider how many hows I worked, and how much it cost me to do that job.

What did I do? Form a union? Try and force management to pay more?

No I quit. I found another job that pays better. In fact I just did that this month. My last day at my current job is next week.

There is no value to a union today.

the only value is with the union getting paid from the employees. otherwise they go bye bye. bye bye

I was working for a company that delivered packages to the airports. One Delta employee and I got talking about his Union, just because I was curious about how it worked for them. He let out a string of curses about the Union, and how he absolutely hated the unions.

Apparently after working there for several years, he had a conflict with management about a pre-approved vacation. He already had his vacation planned out, when someone quit the job, and another employee had vacation too. So they simply canceled his vacation time.

He contacted his union rep, who told him effectively 'work it out yourself' and hung up on him.

He's paid into this union for years, and they take his money, and tell him to figure out his own problems?

And then when people want 'right to work' laws, so they can't be coerced into a union, the mindless bastard children of the left, claim we're against the working man?

Unions today, are garbage. Few if any.... if ANY... have a value.
Actually I had an appointment at Kaiser this afternoon. However, I'm sick and tired of your efforts to defend trump, he's a disaster. I've posted accurate data from the DSM on why he is unfit to be POTUS; his flips and flops; his lies and total incompetence; and his childish behavior.

All of which are in the public domain.

Why not to defend him when your attacks are based on lies.

Unfit to be a president, says who?

Nothing I posted is a lie, it is and always has been an informed opinion based on trump's polemics, i.e. attacks on the character of anyone who won't kiss his ass, ubiquitous lies and the chaos he has brought to our nation and the world.

So now it's his character that disqualifies him for being president? Or is it Russian collusion? Or maybe obstruction of justice?

Yes, he's a jackass, and that's exactly why I think he's great antidote for Democrats. He sees thru you, you can lie and scream all you want, and he doesn't care, because you can't touch him. Your leftist tactics worked on others, but not on him, and your inability to make him cave on your endless, mindless, butthurt meltdowns drives you nuts.

I assume you've agreed Trump has many character flaws, where we are in disagreement is I believe these flaws are endemic of Personality Disorders which make him unfit to be POTUS.

I've outlined these maladies in the DMS-IV many times, and if you are not willfully ignorant you can look up personality disorders on line, and consider trump's behavior without your obvious biases.

I don't lie and scream, I make a case and have dozens of time why I believe Trump is the worst person to ever occupy the office of POTUS.
You've proved one thing, you never completed a course in expository writing.

14: I've never opposed an ID being required to vote.

13: One supposed Data point, without evidence, is absurd.

12: The Left-Wing is not defined; I spent 32 years carrying a badge which brought the Maniforts', White Collar Criminals and anyone who violated the laws of the St. of CA. to Justice.

11: LOL, How much more ludicrous can you get?

10: The R's oppose labor unions, Right to Work is a euphemism for busting collective bargaining and not
protecting each individual employee.

9: Corporate Power ("corporations are people too") and the recent reform, aka tax fraud, implemented by Ryan and signed by Trump harm the working men and middle class while rewarding the 1% and corporate profits.

8: Trump and the Republican Party oppose abortion, not out of any moral compass, but to continue to secure the vote of the Clergy, many of whom lack the ethos of Jesus in all other matters (aiding the poor, capital punishment, healing the sick).

7: Hate and fear mongering, locking up mothers and separating them from their children for crossing the border seeking asylum. Trump's Emergency Orders when he created the border issue, and the only real emergency is the deaths of a hundred or more Americans ODing on Opiates everyday.

6: Yep, you can get more ludicrous. "Outfoxed" was produced well before Obama took elected office, the Murdoch propaganda Machine along with Limbaugh's Dittoheads use the BIG LIES (Fake News, the Red Scare) to influence people like you, the biddable fools.

5. Donald Trump is a lounge lizard, cheated on his wives, bribed women to keep quiet for his sexual peccadilloes, and attacked the character of all the women who accused him of untoward sexual advances.

4. See the budget, no money to speak of for domestic needs, but padding the budget of the Military beyond that of all other nation's. When it suited him he attacked Sen. McCain's service, and has still not fixed the VA (one of many broken promses).

3. This is true, you even admit Trump's hate and fear have been focused on minorities, liberal Democrats and now Jews who don't support him.

2. Another overreach. Abortion is legal, and Trump has abused the power of the office by attacking a Supreme Court Decision and laying blame on the Democrats, liberals and progressives.

That said, the numbers of migrants suffering on the border are beyond question to be victims of trumps callous conservatism.

1. White Nationalism is not patriotism. The United States population is diverse, and needs a leader to support all of our citizens with protections for their lives, liberty and happiness.

what is the purpose of a labor union exactly?

I see you've never taken a course in history, that's sad but it proves why you are what you are.


Really? You have to go back to the 1800s, to justify something today?

Look, I get that in the 1800s and even early 1900s, we had things like Mining Towns.

The company paid to have a rail road built, paid to have people moved there, paid for the housing, to food, everything.... and in return people were paid in company dollars, only usable at the company store.

This made it almost impossible for people to do anything, but stay working in the mine. They were trapped. They couldn't buy a wagon, because the company store didn't stock wagons, and why would they? You don't need it. The mine is right there. People didn't have money, or a way to leave. They were trapped in the mining town.

In that situation, I understand why unions were needed. I get it. Makes sense.

Please tell me who, anywhere is trapped? I had a job that paid me $8/hour, when you consider how many hows I worked, and how much it cost me to do that job.

What did I do? Form a union? Try and force management to pay more?

No I quit. I found another job that pays better. In fact I just did that this month. My last day at my current job is next week.

There is no value to a union today.
the only value is with the union getting paid from the employees. otherwise they go bye bye. bye bye

I was working for a company that delivered packages to the airports. One Delta employee and I got talking about his Union, just because I was curious about how it worked for them. He let out a string of curses about the Union, and how he absolutely hated the unions.

Apparently after working there for several years, he had a conflict with management about a pre-approved vacation. He already had his vacation planned out, when someone quit the job, and another employee had vacation too. So they simply canceled his vacation time.

He contacted his union rep, who told him effectively 'work it out yourself' and hung up on him.

He's paid into this union for years, and they take his money, and tell him to figure out his own problems?

And then when people want 'right to work' laws, so they can't be coerced into a union, the mindless bastard children of the left, claim we're against the working man?

Unions today, are garbage. Few if any.... if ANY... have a value.

One data point with one angry person about one union rep. who probably violated the MOU.

I had to intervene in a similar situation when a Supervisor denied a vacation when the worker had already paid for a cruise. The supervisor told me that he didn't cancel the vacation, he never received a request for the weeks off.

We have "Write it don't Say it" forms where the original is signed off by the supervisor who keeps one copy, and the other copy is returned to the worker.

Neither of them had the evidence that the form was ever submitted.

Still, in an effort to keep calm I approved the workers vacation, and used a light duty officer to cover the paper work which satisfied all. However, I had a written correction notice placed in the officers personal folder, admonishing his failure to follow the vacation policy.

I suspect management was not part of the decision made by the union rep. or the organization. Good managers seek win-win solutions in such matters. After one year the correction memo was removed, as no further policy violations occurred.
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And why did Strom Thurmond switch parties?

Can you name five more racists Democrats who did the same?

Yes, Thurmond switch the parties, but the others did not. All the hard core racists remained Democrats.
Jesse Helms and Mills Godwin.

The majority of the realignment was due to Lee Atwater's southern strategy. Barry Goldwater's "go hunting where the ducks are". This eventually lead to the coded language of "States Rights" which was a wink and a nod to racism in the south and how the southern states should have the right to keep segregation, refuse busing, etc.

Trump is the culmination of the Southern strategy.

because it went much longer and further than we think.

Nice try, but no.

Jesse Helms became senator in 1972, almost decade after claimed "party switch".
Mills Godwin was one southern Democrat who actually supported CRA of 1964, so it's not really example of racist you wish him to be.
In 1957, Helms won his first election as a Democrat- for a Raleigh City Council seat
Jesse Helms advocated the movement of conservatives from the Democratic Party – which they deemed too liberal – to the Republican Party.

Mills Godwin was adamantly opposed to school desegregation. Why else did he become a republican.

But that all loses the most relevant point: Trump is the culmination of the Southern strategy.

Helms had City council seat in 1957. WOW.
Godwin opposed desegregation in 1950's. WOW.

So were all Democrats at the time.

And two of them left Democrat party to join racist Republican party. That's it? Two?
Helms was a republican senator, who started out as a democrat, and was the main advocate of conservatives moving from democrat to republican.

There are more than two: 30 instances are listed here, and this book on the subject.
Can you name five more racists Democrats who did the same?

Yes, Thurmond switch the parties, but the others did not. All the hard core racists remained Democrats.
Jesse Helms and Mills Godwin.

The majority of the realignment was due to Lee Atwater's southern strategy. Barry Goldwater's "go hunting where the ducks are". This eventually lead to the coded language of "States Rights" which was a wink and a nod to racism in the south and how the southern states should have the right to keep segregation, refuse busing, etc.

Trump is the culmination of the Southern strategy.

because it went much longer and further than we think.

Nice try, but no.

Jesse Helms became senator in 1972, almost decade after claimed "party switch".
Mills Godwin was one southern Democrat who actually supported CRA of 1964, so it's not really example of racist you wish him to be.
In 1957, Helms won his first election as a Democrat- for a Raleigh City Council seat
Jesse Helms advocated the movement of conservatives from the Democratic Party – which they deemed too liberal – to the Republican Party.

Mills Godwin was adamantly opposed to school desegregation. Why else did he become a republican.

But that all loses the most relevant point: Trump is the culmination of the Southern strategy.

Helms had City council seat in 1957. WOW.
Godwin opposed desegregation in 1950's. WOW.

So were all Democrats at the time.

And two of them left Democrat party to join racist Republican party. That's it? Two?
Helms was a republican senator, who started out as a democrat, and was the main advocate of conservatives moving from democrat to republican.

There are more than two: 30 instances are listed here, and this book on the subject.

Great research. Too bad the Ministry of Truth (the Real Deep State) has been proved once again to be an effort to mislead the public. The Propaganda in the form of BIG LIES is once again exposed as Fake, notwithstanding the volume of BIG LIES which convince the biddable, i.e. the sheep who follow demagogues like trump and echo his lies.
what is the purpose of a labor union exactly?

I see you've never taken a course in history, that's sad but it proves why you are what you are.

so you don't have any reason to worry if someone doesn't want to join one. why do you wish to force individuals to join a union. They must pay money to them, perhaps you should learn some history. BTW, it looks like the auto union is in trouble in Detroit. Yeah, tell us the greatness of a union and I'll laugh at you.

Actually I was a manager and had many battles with labor union business agents. The unions I negotiated with (never on wages or benefits) dealt with personnel issues / violations of department policies.

Personnel did not need to join the union, but were represented anyway according to the Memos of Understanding. They were required to make a monthly donation taken from their paychecks to one of several NGO's in the same amount as dues paying members of the unions.

My undergraduate degrees were Poli Sci and History, primarily US History. Upper division history courses were specific, such as the History of Labor in the US; The Diplomatic History of the US, the Economic History of the US, etc.
and had to pay the union fees. people don't want to pay for something they don't agree with and that is the right to work mandate, fk the union dues.

Whatever. Scofflaws are mostly conservative; it's the old thinking of conservatives, "I've got mine, fuck the rest of you".

I see you've never taken a course in history, that's sad but it proves why you are what you are.

so you don't have any reason to worry if someone doesn't want to join one. why do you wish to force individuals to join a union. They must pay money to them, perhaps you should learn some history. BTW, it looks like the auto union is in trouble in Detroit. Yeah, tell us the greatness of a union and I'll laugh at you.

Actually I was a manager and had many battles with labor union business agents. The unions I negotiated with (never on wages or benefits) dealt with personnel issues / violations of department policies.

Personnel did not need to join the union, but were represented anyway according to the Memos of Understanding. They were required to make a monthly donation taken from their paychecks to one of several NGO's in the same amount as dues paying members of the unions.

My undergraduate degrees were Poli Sci and History, primarily US History. Upper division history courses were specific, such as the History of Labor in the US; The Diplomatic History of the US, the Economic History of the US, etc.

and had to pay the union fees. people don't want to pay for something they don't agree with and that is the right to work mandate, fk the union dues.

Whatever. Scofflaws are mostly conservative; it's the old thinking of conservatives, "I've got mine, fuck the rest of you".


A very real cartoon which fits your image 100%:


Actually I had an appointment at Kaiser this afternoon. However, I'm sick and tired of your efforts to defend trump, he's a disaster. I've posted accurate data from the DSM on why he is unfit to be POTUS; his flips and flops; his lies and total incompetence; and his childish behavior.

All of which are in the public domain.

Why not to defend him when your attacks are based on lies.

Unfit to be a president, says who?
why not ask him what qualifications did obammy have or Bush have or Clinton have? how about any of the demofk candidates? what makes them presidential exactly? I'm highly interested in that response from him.
Actually I had an appointment at Kaiser this afternoon. However, I'm sick and tired of your efforts to defend trump, he's a disaster. I've posted accurate data from the DSM on why he is unfit to be POTUS; his flips and flops; his lies and total incompetence; and his childish behavior.

All of which are in the public domain.

Why not to defend him when your attacks are based on lies.

Unfit to be a president, says who?
why not ask him what qualifications did obammy have or Bush have or Clinton have? how about any of the demofk candidates? what makes them presidential exactly? I'm highly interested in that response from him.

1. Clinton was a Rhode Scholar, and a State Governor.
2. Obama was a St. Senator, US Senator and a legal scholar.
3. GWB has a family name and ... that's about all.
4. Trump has a family name, + daddy's money.

For the record, Clinton, Obama and Bush weren't perfect, Trump is 100% imperfect.
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History proves Truman integrated the Military; Ike sent troops to Little Rock to support Brown v. Ed., LBJ pushed for and signed the Civil Rights Act, and Strom Thurman and other Dixiecrats joined the Republican Party, and these former Democrats have continued their bigotry to fight against Affirmative Action and the laws which were promulgated to protect women, gays and lesbians, people of color and those not WASP's.

Lies by omission are lies meant to mislead the biddable - you can't fool all of the people ever.

Trump is the new Truman. :04:

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