Trump feels threatened by John Bolton

Lefties don't even have an official candidate yet although it seems that they might let Biden out of the basement long enough to accept the nomination. The strategy is to attack the President of the United States any way they can. CNN might love it but Bolton's book is just another pile of shit thrown at the President.

Much of what the press has released from Bolton's book has been corroborated by the Goon's own public statements, if you care to THINK for once in your life.
Bolton claims Trump asked Xi for help in his re-election..
Trump said this LIVE, ON AIR:

OPEN YOUR EYES, dumbass.

Trump didn't say that.
He felt China should help with a corruption investigation. Biden is running for president to stay out of jail. If he wins....all of the shit he did will be swept under the rug.
Like most things Trump feels threatened by, he threatens to sue. Trump does not want the public to hear the truth about his Presidency, so he runs to the courts to block it.

OMG.....a sitting president doesn't like people repeating in public things that were said in confidence that had to do with Executive Privilege?

Why..... Trump obviously has something to hide from the public (private conversations) and this must stop. Every president must assume that everything he discusses with advisors will be warped and shown in a bad light in a Bombshell book right before an election. Executive Privilege is just a fantasy created by some schmuck who wants to keep people from making a profit once they fired by the POTUS.
It is funny to watch them go nuts complaining that there has to be something nefarious to hide just because somebody doesn't want a private conversation aired in public. Don't want to let us paw through your taxes? Something to hide! Don't want to let us hear all your private conversations? Something to hide! Don't want to let us know how many scoops of ice cream you had at lunch? Something to hide! And on it goes.
Something to hide?
Why was Bolton and other top staff blocked from testifying to Congress?
Why wouldnt they release documents?
Why block Bolton’s book?
Because Congress had no basis to go on a fishing expedition
Congressional oversight is a legitimate function.
It's apparent that's not what they were doing, because they didn't bother to compel testimony. They demanded, Trump told them to pound sand, and they said, "Okay, send the truck in so we can get started".
They shouldn’t have to.
They don't have total power, and there are limits to what they can successfully demand. Did you forget that?
I'll say it again for the Peanut Gallery: Bolton is a lawyer himself, summa cum laude from Yale. He and his attorneys thoroughly vetted everything in that book prior to publication so that he would be lawsuit-proof from Trump.

Just because Trump is an erratic, impulsive, compulsive, over-indulgent malignant narcissist doesn't mean that Bolton is, too. Bolton is a malignant narcissistic asshole who is fully in control of himself.

You're a partisan TDS sufferer so your opinion means very little. You'll believe what ever makes the president look bad regardless of who it comes from or how credible it is or is not.
Like most things Trump feels threatened by, he threatens to sue. Trump does not want the public to hear the truth about his Presidency, so he runs to the courts to block it.

OMG.....a sitting president doesn't like people repeating in public things that were said in confidence that had to do with Executive Privilege?

Why..... Trump obviously has something to hide from the public (private conversations) and this must stop. Every president must assume that everything he discusses with advisors will be warped and shown in a bad light in a Bombshell book right before an election. Executive Privilege is just a fantasy created by some schmuck who wants to keep people from making a profit once they fired by the POTUS.
It is funny to watch them go nuts complaining that there has to be something nefarious to hide just because somebody doesn't want a private conversation aired in public. Don't want to let us paw through your taxes? Something to hide! Don't want to let us hear all your private conversations? Something to hide! Don't want to let us know how many scoops of ice cream you had at lunch? Something to hide! And on it goes.
Something to hide?
Why was Bolton and other top staff blocked from testifying to Congress?
Why wouldnt they release documents?
Why block Bolton’s book?
Because Congress had no basis to go on a fishing expedition
Congressional oversight is a legitimate function.
It's apparent that's not what they were doing, because they didn't bother to compel testimony. They demanded, Trump told them to pound sand, and they said, "Okay, send the truck in so we can get started".
They shouldn’t have to.
They don't have total power, and there are limits to what they can successfully demand. Did you forget that?
Trump’s administration acts like they have zero power to demand anything.
Like most things Trump feels threatened by, he threatens to sue. Trump does not want the public to hear the truth about his Presidency, so he runs to the courts to block it.

Another classic example of "we hated this guy until he said something bad about Trump and now he's a hero" you leftists are dipshits.

Why Trump ever hired the war monger Bolton to begin with is beyond my understanding.
Bolton has never been a hero to me

But why are you afraid to hear what he has to say??

Where did I say I was afraid to hear what anyone had to say?

The fact of the matter is , neither your nor I have any idea whether Bolton's book contains classified material. You're merely jumping to the conclusion that it doesn't and this is just a ruse to keep Botlon from saying mean things about Trump.

You're seeing what you want to see.
Trump is playing the game that EVERYTHING he says is Classified, therefore, Bolton can’t say anything.

The courts heard a similar argument from Nixon and shot it down.

That isn't true either.
Afraid it is
IT isn't , Trump isn't even the one reviewing the book. The government has people that do that and they say they haven't completed their work yet, so............
And what do we have here?

"The lawsuit states Ellen Knight, a National Security Council official who has original classification authority over such publications, worked with Bolton for months and finished her work in late April.
“On or around April 27, 2020, Ms. Knight had completed her review and was of the judgment that the manuscript draft did not contain classified information,” the lawsuit states."

So what happened next?

"But a few days later, on May 2, another official launched an “an additional review,” according to the lawsuit. The official was Michael Ellis, the senior director for intelligence on the National Security Council. Interestingly, the lawsuit says the additional review was conducted “at the request of” Bolton’s replacement as White House national security adviser, Robert O’Brien."

So political appointees loyal to Trump have been holding up the book.

The guy used to work for.......

devin nunes.
Like most things Trump feels threatened by, he threatens to sue. Trump does not want the public to hear the truth about his Presidency, so he runs to the courts to block it.

OMG.....a sitting president doesn't like people repeating in public things that were said in confidence that had to do with Executive Privilege?

Why..... Trump obviously has something to hide from the public (private conversations) and this must stop. Every president must assume that everything he discusses with advisors will be warped and shown in a bad light in a Bombshell book right before an election. Executive Privilege is just a fantasy created by some schmuck who wants to keep people from making a profit once they fired by the POTUS.
It is funny to watch them go nuts complaining that there has to be something nefarious to hide just because somebody doesn't want a private conversation aired in public. Don't want to let us paw through your taxes? Something to hide! Don't want to let us hear all your private conversations? Something to hide! Don't want to let us know how many scoops of ice cream you had at lunch? Something to hide! And on it goes.
Something to hide?
Why was Bolton and other top staff blocked from testifying to Congress?
Why wouldnt they release documents?
Why block Bolton’s book?
Because Congress had no basis to go on a fishing expedition
Congressional oversight is a legitimate function.
It's apparent that's not what they were doing, because they didn't bother to compel testimony. They demanded, Trump told them to pound sand, and they said, "Okay, send the truck in so we can get started".
They shouldn’t have to.
They don't have total power, and there are limits to what they can successfully demand. Did you forget that?
Trump’s administration acts like they have zero power to demand anything.
Now that you've wandered far off the beaten path, let me guide you back to it. It simply doesn't matter how you think the current administration acts, Congress doesn't have unlimited power to demand anything from the executive branch, no matter what they wrap the demand in. You need to face that reality, because apparently the haters in the House either realized they would not be able to compel testimony or they wanted more to get impeachment rolling under any conditions whatsoever than they did about ensuring that justice was done. Either way, Trump ends up winning due to their lack of diligence. It was interesting to watch them shriek about how imminent was the disaster unfolding, then sit on the darn thing for a month while they made demands of the Senate, that rightfully laughed in their faces.
Lefties don't even have an official candidate yet although it seems that they might let Biden out of the basement long enough to accept the nomination. The strategy is to attack the President of the United States any way they can. CNN might love it but Bolton's book is just another pile of shit thrown at the President.

Much of what the press has released from Bolton's book has been corroborated by the Goon's own public statements, if you care to THINK for once in your life.
Bolton claims Trump asked Xi for help in his re-election..
Trump said this LIVE, ON AIR:

OPEN YOUR EYES, dumbass.

Trump didn't say that.
He felt China should help with a corruption investigation. Biden is running for president to stay out of jail. If he wins....all of the shit he did will be swept under the rug.

It's beyond obvious that what Trump actually says and does means nothing when the narrative must be pushed forward. They'll simply add what they want to add, subtract what they want to subtract, and substitute what they want to substitute. He could say, "Nice morning we're having today, I think I'll have waffles", and they would scream, "Trump orders the military to eat newborn puppies!". And believe it.
Like most things Trump feels threatened by, he threatens to sue. Trump does not want the public to hear the truth about his Presidency, so he runs to the courts to block it.

Acheson’s famous remark when asked why he and President Truman had such an excellent working relationship: “I never forgot who was President, and who was Secretary of State. And neither did he.”

if only Bolton did that, he might be the new Secretary Of State
Bolton will provide inside information on what Trump actually says and does
Why Trump is so scared
Trump should not have had him there in the first place. Deep swamper. War monger. But yo like war mongers don't you? What the hell do you think neo cons are?
Dont look at me

It is radical Conservatives who love Bolton. I always thought he was dangerous. Trump is finding out how dangerous.

IMPOTUS added him to his team as a troll move. Now he is getting trolled. :D
"Secretary of State is the best job in government, and National Security Adviser is the hardest" - Condi Rice
Bolton was the one who told Trump to pardon Supercilious Scooter Libby

that tells ya all ya need to know!
Like most things Trump feels threatened by, he threatens to sue. Trump does not want the public to hear the truth about his Presidency, so he runs to the courts to block it.

Who? You mean John "we got him this time" Bolton?

Bolton and Omarosa should form a duet
Trump told Bolton he didnt want to negotiate with the EU

too bad he didnt feel the same about North Korea
Like most things Trump feels threatened by, he threatens to sue. Trump does not want the public to hear the truth about his Presidency, so he runs to the courts to block it.

Who? You mean John "we got him this time" Bolton?

Bolton and Omarosa should form a duet
Long list of writers who “tell it like it is”

I thought Republicans like that
Trump said Venezuela's Guaido was the "Beto O'Rourke of Venezuela", according to Bolton. that's a compliment, right?

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