Trump feels threatened by John Bolton

Like most things Trump feels threatened by, he threatens to sue. Trump does not want the public to hear the truth about his Presidency, so he runs to the courts to block it.

You are confusing "feeling threatened" with "a strong dislike" for the man
Bolton is a grade A bullshit artist who has been trained to lie, exaggerate and twist facts during his time as an ambassador. Any sensible person would be concerned if that rat bastard turned his vicious tongue against them.
Trump told us he is a fine person
Like most things Trump feels threatened by, he threatens to sue. Trump does not want the public to hear the truth about his Presidency, so he runs to the courts to block it.

You are confusing "feeling threatened" with "a strong dislike" for the man
You can dislike someone without trying to block the public from hearing him
Yea, yea
Same dance, rinse/repeat

Everyone is lying, only Trump can be trusted
You have everything expect everyone to take the neocon Bolton's word for something no one
else will confirm. No surprise there.

Well, let’s hear what he has to say and decide for ourselves who is credible
Well, let’s hear what he has to say and decide for ourselves who is credible
Based on the fact no one is backing what Bolton said I've already decided who is credible in this matter
.....NOT Bolton!

Like most things Trump feels threatened by, he threatens to sue. Trump does not want the public to hear the truth about his Presidency, so he runs to the courts to block it.

OMG.....a sitting president doesn't like people repeating in public things that were said in confidence that had to do with Executive Privilege?

Why..... Trump obviously has something to hide from the public (private conversations) and this must stop. Every president must assume that everything he discusses with advisors will be warped and shown in a bad light in a Bombshell book right before an election. Executive Privilege is just a fantasy created by some schmuck who wants to keep people from making a profit once they fired by the POTUS.
It is funny to watch them go nuts complaining that there has to be something nefarious to hide just because somebody doesn't want a private conversation aired in public. Don't want to let us paw through your taxes? Something to hide! Don't want to let us hear all your private conversations? Something to hide! Don't want to let us know how many scoops of ice cream you had at lunch? Something to hide! And on it goes.
Something to hide?
Why was Bolton and other top staff blocked from testifying to Congress?
Why wouldnt they release documents?
Why block Bolton’s book?
Because Congress had no basis to go on a fishing expedition
Lefties don't even have an official candidate yet although it seems that they might let Biden out of the basement long enough to accept the nomination. The strategy is to attack the President of the United States any way they can. CNN might love it but Bolton's book is just another pile of shit thrown at the President.

Much of what the press has released from Bolton's book has been corroborated by the Goon's own public statements, if you care to THINK for once in your life.
Bolton claims Trump asked Xi for help in his re-election..
Trump said this LIVE, ON AIR:

OPEN YOUR EYES, dumbass.
Bolton will provide inside information on what Trump actually says and does
Why Trump is so scared
You're taking Bolton at his word? Uncritically?

Trump is working awfully hard to keep us from hearing what Bolton has to say

What is he hiding?
If someone was releasing a book that said bad things about you, whether true or not, would you encourage or discourage the release of that book? IOW, expand your horizons.
Depends if you value freedom of speech or not.
No it doesn't. Again, would you tell people to read a book that said bad things about you or would you tell them not to read it?

You could do what you want. It wouldn't matter. You can't prevent people from writing bad shit about you. Cult45 loves to cry about things they can't do anything about. After the book is published, then you have the option of a defamation suit.
Exactly. It's not a freedom of speech issue. Trump can say whatever he wants, but as long as there's no classified information in the book, it can be published. He is free, however, to express whatever opinion he wants to about it.
Because this may not really be about classification.
Then all that happens is a delay in publication, not censorship. It comes down to who has the authority. It is interesting, moreover, to watch the usual suspects practically peeing their pants for this to hit their favorite hate merchants so they have something to complain about and twist beyond all recognition. Funny, most of them aren't even going to read the book.
No big deal. Just a delay until, maybe November or so.

Yeah, nothing strange about that.
It's not censorship. Nothing strange about Bolton releasing his book right now either, right? Just happened to get it all done right now, right? It sounds like playing politics is approved on one side of the argument but not the other.
He could have dropped his book a month before the election.
Nobody cares about his book once Trump leaves office
He could have, but not very many hate merchants would have had the chance to read parts of it for the hate mill, and few would have bothered to buy it.
Bolton will provide inside information on what Trump actually says and does
Why Trump is so scared

So the war mongering neo-con John Bolton whom you people absolutely despised 15 years ago is now suddenly a reliable source of information? I don't believe anything he says any more than I believe what Trump says.
Bolton is a grade A bullshit artist who has been trained to lie, exaggerate and twist facts during his time as an ambassador. Any sensible person would be concerned if that rat bastard turned his vicious tongue against them.

Jesus, you just described Trump.
You fuckers are lost and probably never going to find your way back.
Bolton will provide inside information on what Trump actually says and does
Why Trump is so scared

So the war mongering neo-con John Bolton whom you people absolutely despised 15 years ago is now suddenly a reliable source of information? I don't believe anything he says any more than I believe what Trump says.

It is almost like you're saying tribal politics are a bad thing. How dare you, commie.
Bolton will provide inside information on what Trump actually says and does
Why Trump is so scared

So the war mongering neo-con John Bolton whom you people absolutely despised 15 years ago is now suddenly a reliable source of information? I don't believe anything he says any more than I believe what Trump says.

I'll say it again for the Peanut Gallery: Bolton is a lawyer himself, summa cum laude from Yale. He and his attorneys thoroughly vetted everything in that book prior to publication so that he would be lawsuit-proof from Trump.

Just because Trump is an erratic, impulsive, compulsive, over-indulgent malignant narcissist doesn't mean that Bolton is, too. Bolton is a malignant narcissistic asshole who is fully in control of himself.
Bolton will provide inside information on what Trump actually says and does
Why Trump is so scared

So the war mongering neo-con John Bolton whom you people absolutely despised 15 years ago is now suddenly a reliable source of information? I don't believe anything he says any more than I believe what Trump says.
That's the funniest thing of all, watching them all clap in unison like trained seals and honk their little horns in approval as long as Bolton says something they like.
Like most things Trump feels threatened by, he threatens to sue. Trump does not want the public to hear the truth about his Presidency, so he runs to the courts to block it.

OMG.....a sitting president doesn't like people repeating in public things that were said in confidence that had to do with Executive Privilege?

Why..... Trump obviously has something to hide from the public (private conversations) and this must stop. Every president must assume that everything he discusses with advisors will be warped and shown in a bad light in a Bombshell book right before an election. Executive Privilege is just a fantasy created by some schmuck who wants to keep people from making a profit once they fired by the POTUS.
It is funny to watch them go nuts complaining that there has to be something nefarious to hide just because somebody doesn't want a private conversation aired in public. Don't want to let us paw through your taxes? Something to hide! Don't want to let us hear all your private conversations? Something to hide! Don't want to let us know how many scoops of ice cream you had at lunch? Something to hide! And on it goes.
Something to hide?
Why was Bolton and other top staff blocked from testifying to Congress?
Why wouldnt they release documents?
Why block Bolton’s book?
Because Congress had no basis to go on a fishing expedition
Congressional oversight is a legitimate function.
Like most things Trump feels threatened by, he threatens to sue. Trump does not want the public to hear the truth about his Presidency, so he runs to the courts to block it.

You are confusing "feeling threatened" with "a strong dislike" for the man

A strong dislike is not a viable reason for filing a lawsuit or going to court.
Bolton will provide inside information on what Trump actually says and does
Why Trump is so scared

So the war mongering neo-con John Bolton whom you people absolutely despised 15 years ago is now suddenly a reliable source of information? I don't believe anything he says any more than I believe what Trump says.

I'll say it again for the Peanut Gallery: Bolton is a lawyer himself, summa cum laude from Yale. He and his attorneys thoroughly vetted everything in that book prior to publication so that he would be lawsuit-proof from Trump.

Just because Trump is an erratic, impulsive, compulsive, over-indulgent malignant narcissist doesn't mean that Bolton is, too. Bolton is a malignant narcissistic asshole who is fully in control of himself.

Exactly. There's really no one to root for in this situation. It's 'The Apprentice' for malignant narcissists. Whoever wins, America loses.
Like most things Trump feels threatened by, he threatens to sue. Trump does not want the public to hear the truth about his Presidency, so he runs to the courts to block it.

OMG.....a sitting president doesn't like people repeating in public things that were said in confidence that had to do with Executive Privilege?

Why..... Trump obviously has something to hide from the public (private conversations) and this must stop. Every president must assume that everything he discusses with advisors will be warped and shown in a bad light in a Bombshell book right before an election. Executive Privilege is just a fantasy created by some schmuck who wants to keep people from making a profit once they fired by the POTUS.
It is funny to watch them go nuts complaining that there has to be something nefarious to hide just because somebody doesn't want a private conversation aired in public. Don't want to let us paw through your taxes? Something to hide! Don't want to let us hear all your private conversations? Something to hide! Don't want to let us know how many scoops of ice cream you had at lunch? Something to hide! And on it goes.
Something to hide?
Why was Bolton and other top staff blocked from testifying to Congress?
Why wouldnt they release documents?
Why block Bolton’s book?
Because Congress had no basis to go on a fishing expedition
Congressional oversight is a legitimate function.
It's apparent that's not what they were doing, because they didn't bother to compel testimony. They demanded, Trump told them to pound sand, and they said, "Okay, send the truck in so we can get started".
Like most things Trump feels threatened by, he threatens to sue. Trump does not want the public to hear the truth about his Presidency, so he runs to the courts to block it.

OMG.....a sitting president doesn't like people repeating in public things that were said in confidence that had to do with Executive Privilege?

Why..... Trump obviously has something to hide from the public (private conversations) and this must stop. Every president must assume that everything he discusses with advisors will be warped and shown in a bad light in a Bombshell book right before an election. Executive Privilege is just a fantasy created by some schmuck who wants to keep people from making a profit once they fired by the POTUS.
It is funny to watch them go nuts complaining that there has to be something nefarious to hide just because somebody doesn't want a private conversation aired in public. Don't want to let us paw through your taxes? Something to hide! Don't want to let us hear all your private conversations? Something to hide! Don't want to let us know how many scoops of ice cream you had at lunch? Something to hide! And on it goes.
Something to hide?
Why was Bolton and other top staff blocked from testifying to Congress?
Why wouldnt they release documents?
Why block Bolton’s book?
Because Congress had no basis to go on a fishing expedition
Congressional oversight is a legitimate function.
It's apparent that's not what they were doing, because they didn't bother to compel testimony. They demanded, Trump told them to pound sand, and they said, "Okay, send the truck in so we can get started".
They shouldn’t have to.

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