Trump feels threatened by John Bolton

If anyone thinks that Bolton's book is going to change any votes.....forget it.
Russian collusion didn't change any votes.
The Mueller Investigation didn't change any votes
The Barr/Durham investigation might help Trump
The "bogus impeachment" didn't affect Trump

Bolton's book is just one more straw to grasp before Biden steps in it on stage.
Tara Reade anyone?
Indeed. The conservatives voting for Trump are no longer reachable by any rational conversation.

It’s a cult.

I can see where the left might look at Trump supporters as a "cult". None of the BS tripe that the Left and MSM slings at Trump sticks. Trump was treated unfairly from the day he announced, to the point where the Obama admin used the FBI, CIA, DOJ and foreign assets to illegally spy on the Trump campaign, ignoring that the DNC and Hillary campaign colluded with Russians to write the Steele Dossier.

So we know for a fact that Never-Trumpers, the "deep state" as well as "globalists" have teamed up to oppose Trump. Bolton is just a "deep state hack" war monger that is taking "pot shots" at Trump to sell a book. Nothing more.
You’ve demonstrated the levels of protection you’ve created around Trump.

There’s built in, ready accessible excuses to justifying ignoring any criticism of him. In this case, it’s because Bolton is a “globalists” and a “deep state hack”. Therefore he can be ignored.

Does that make Bolton’s statements about Trump untrue? Doesn’t matter. Don’t think about it.

At the end of the day, you’re not supposed to think.

1. True, we've developed a very efficient "bullshit filter" regarding Trump
2. I didn't see any proof by Bolton that Trump is inept or incompetent, just "opinions".
When Trump moved US troops out of the way of Turkey's invasion of Syria against everyone's objections, were the Kurds slaughtered? No, that worked out well.
No one else ever had the balls to take on China, except Trump.
You know the list of Trump's policy wins.
3. Look at Gate's opinion of Joe Biden...."hasn't been right about anything in 40-years". So opinions are all over.
4. Prove Bolton's "opinions", they are untrue until proven.
5. Using your brain first...tell me "senile" Biden would be a better president than Trump.
Bolton will provide inside information on what Trump actually says and does
Why Trump is so scared
You're taking Bolton at his word? Uncritically?

Trump is working awfully hard to keep us from hearing what Bolton has to say

What is he hiding?
If someone was releasing a book that said bad things about you, whether true or not, would you encourage or discourage the release of that book? IOW, expand your horizons.
Depends if you value freedom of speech or not.
No it doesn't. Again, would you tell people to read a book that said bad things about you or would you tell them not to read it?

You could do what you want. It wouldn't matter. You can't prevent people from writing bad shit about you. Cult45 loves to cry about things they can't do anything about. After the book is published, then you have the option of a defamation suit.
Bolton will provide inside information on what Trump actually says and does
Why Trump is so scared
You're taking Bolton at his word? Uncritically?

Trump is working awfully hard to keep us from hearing what Bolton has to say

What is he hiding?
If someone was releasing a book that said bad things about you, whether true or not, would you encourage or discourage the release of that book? IOW, expand your horizons.
Depends if you value freedom of speech or not.
No it doesn't. Again, would you tell people to read a book that said bad things about you or would you tell them not to read it?
Trump is threatening criminal action against Bolton. It’s censorship.

Actual censorship, not the “Twitter took down my tweet” BS censorship.
You do realize, don't you, that the first amendment applies to congress writing laws preventing free speech, right? Now, please cite what "criminal action" Trump is threatening. Suing someone? Not criminal. Saying the book is a lie? Not criminal. While you're at it, cite the law Trump is supposedly going to break.

Happy to.

I think you may be jumping the gun a bit here by claiming "censorship" when that's not been shown at all. If conversations with the president are classified, and if Bolton spilled classified information, publication can legally be prevented.
Is every conversation with Trump classified? Obviously not. You cannot use classification to suppress speech. That would be a violation of first amendment rights.
Depends on the conversation, correct? If Bolton didn't complete the WH review of what he wrote, how do we know unless it's reviewed? IOW, holding up publication until the review is complete is legal. Obviously, if nothing classified is found, there's no further reason to delay publication. Also obviously, Bolton is timing the release of his book for maximum profits. Why not have him cool his jets for a few months until no one cares except for the haters desperate for new red meat to scream about as they leap around the campfire?
Indeed it would depend on the conversation. However Trump had this to say:

“I will consider every conversation with me as president highly classified,” Trump told reporters on Monday.

Seems Trump has a problem with your statement.

The review was completed in April by the career national security officers who do these sorts of things. Trump appointees ordered additional reviews in what is most likely (in my opinion) an attempt to suppress speech as opposed to protecting national security.
Is that reason to ignore the additional reviews? Not in my opinion.
Bolton will provide inside information on what Trump actually says and does
Why Trump is so scared
You're taking Bolton at his word? Uncritically?

Trump is working awfully hard to keep us from hearing what Bolton has to say

What is he hiding?
If someone was releasing a book that said bad things about you, whether true or not, would you encourage or discourage the release of that book? IOW, expand your horizons.
Depends if you value freedom of speech or not.
No it doesn't. Again, would you tell people to read a book that said bad things about you or would you tell them not to read it?

You could do what you want. It wouldn't matter. You can't prevent people from writing bad shit about you. Cult45 loves to cry about things they can't do anything about. After the book is published, then you have the option of a defamation suit.
Exactly. It's not a freedom of speech issue. Trump can say whatever he wants, but as long as there's no classified information in the book, it can be published. He is free, however, to express whatever opinion he wants to about it.
Bolton will provide inside information on what Trump actually says and does
Why Trump is so scared
You're taking Bolton at his word? Uncritically?

Trump is working awfully hard to keep us from hearing what Bolton has to say

What is he hiding?
If someone was releasing a book that said bad things about you, whether true or not, would you encourage or discourage the release of that book? IOW, expand your horizons.
Depends if you value freedom of speech or not.
No it doesn't. Again, would you tell people to read a book that said bad things about you or would you tell them not to read it?

You could do what you want. It wouldn't matter. You can't prevent people from writing bad shit about you. Cult45 loves to cry about things they can't do anything about. After the book is published, then you have the option of a defamation suit.
Exactly. It's not a freedom of speech issue. Trump can say whatever he wants, but as long as there's no classified information in the book, it can be published. He is free, however, to express whatever opinion he wants to about it.

Bolton will provide inside information on what Trump actually says and does
Why Trump is so scared
/-----/ We got him this time #67,987
Bolton will provide inside information on what Trump actually says and does
Why Trump is so scared
You're taking Bolton at his word? Uncritically?

Trump is working awfully hard to keep us from hearing what Bolton has to say

What is he hiding?
If someone was releasing a book that said bad things about you, whether true or not, would you encourage or discourage the release of that book? IOW, expand your horizons.
Depends if you value freedom of speech or not.
No it doesn't. Again, would you tell people to read a book that said bad things about you or would you tell them not to read it?
Trump is threatening criminal action against Bolton. It’s censorship.

Actual censorship, not the “Twitter took down my tweet” BS censorship.
You do realize, don't you, that the first amendment applies to congress writing laws preventing free speech, right? Now, please cite what "criminal action" Trump is threatening. Suing someone? Not criminal. Saying the book is a lie? Not criminal. While you're at it, cite the law Trump is supposedly going to break.

Happy to.

I think you may be jumping the gun a bit here by claiming "censorship" when that's not been shown at all. If conversations with the president are classified, and if Bolton spilled classified information, publication can legally be prevented.
Is every conversation with Trump classified? Obviously not. You cannot use classification to suppress speech. That would be a violation of first amendment rights.
Depends on the conversation, correct? If Bolton didn't complete the WH review of what he wrote, how do we know unless it's reviewed? IOW, holding up publication until the review is complete is legal. Obviously, if nothing classified is found, there's no further reason to delay publication. Also obviously, Bolton is timing the release of his book for maximum profits. Why not have him cool his jets for a few months until no one cares except for the haters desperate for new red meat to scream about as they leap around the campfire?
Indeed it would depend on the conversation. However Trump had this to say:

“I will consider every conversation with me as president highly classified,” Trump told reporters on Monday.

Seems Trump has a problem with your statement.

The review was completed in April by the career national security officers who do these sorts of things. Trump appointees ordered additional reviews in what is most likely (in my opinion) an attempt to suppress speech as opposed to protecting national security.
Is that reason to ignore the additional reviews? Not in my opinion.
It’s awfully suspicious. The additional reviews didn’t come from career authorities, but from political appointees, some with dodgy track records of being involved in some previous scandals.

Would this surprise you if it were true?
Bolton will provide inside information on what Trump actually says and does
Why Trump is so scared
You're taking Bolton at his word? Uncritically?

Trump is working awfully hard to keep us from hearing what Bolton has to say

What is he hiding?
If someone was releasing a book that said bad things about you, whether true or not, would you encourage or discourage the release of that book? IOW, expand your horizons.
Depends if you value freedom of speech or not.
No it doesn't. Again, would you tell people to read a book that said bad things about you or would you tell them not to read it?

You could do what you want. It wouldn't matter. You can't prevent people from writing bad shit about you. Cult45 loves to cry about things they can't do anything about. After the book is published, then you have the option of a defamation suit.
Exactly. It's not a freedom of speech issue. Trump can say whatever he wants, but as long as there's no classified information in the book, it can be published. He is free, however, to express whatever opinion he wants to about it.
Because this may not really be about classification.
The President of the United States has enough on his plate without worrying about an old swamp rat he fired. Don't these rats take an oath not to malign the President while he is in office? FDR would have had Bolton shot.
The President of the United States has enough on his plate without worrying about an old swamp rat he fired. Don't these rats take an oath not to malign the President while he is in office? FDR would have had Bolton shot.

FDR would likely have inoculated the Orange Virus for good.
Bolton will provide inside information on what Trump actually says and does
Why Trump is so scared
You're taking Bolton at his word? Uncritically?

Trump is working awfully hard to keep us from hearing what Bolton has to say

What is he hiding?
If someone was releasing a book that said bad things about you, whether true or not, would you encourage or discourage the release of that book? IOW, expand your horizons.
Depends if you value freedom of speech or not.
No it doesn't. Again, would you tell people to read a book that said bad things about you or would you tell them not to read it?
Trump is threatening criminal action against Bolton. It’s censorship.

Actual censorship, not the “Twitter took down my tweet” BS censorship.
You do realize, don't you, that the first amendment applies to congress writing laws preventing free speech, right? Now, please cite what "criminal action" Trump is threatening. Suing someone? Not criminal. Saying the book is a lie? Not criminal. While you're at it, cite the law Trump is supposedly going to break.

Happy to.

I think you may be jumping the gun a bit here by claiming "censorship" when that's not been shown at all. If conversations with the president are classified, and if Bolton spilled classified information, publication can legally be prevented.
Is every conversation with Trump classified? Obviously not. You cannot use classification to suppress speech. That would be a violation of first amendment rights.
Depends on the conversation, correct? If Bolton didn't complete the WH review of what he wrote, how do we know unless it's reviewed? IOW, holding up publication until the review is complete is legal. Obviously, if nothing classified is found, there's no further reason to delay publication. Also obviously, Bolton is timing the release of his book for maximum profits. Why not have him cool his jets for a few months until no one cares except for the haters desperate for new red meat to scream about as they leap around the campfire?
Indeed it would depend on the conversation. However Trump had this to say:

“I will consider every conversation with me as president highly classified,” Trump told reporters on Monday.

Seems Trump has a problem with your statement.

The review was completed in April by the career national security officers who do these sorts of things. Trump appointees ordered additional reviews in what is most likely (in my opinion) an attempt to suppress speech as opposed to protecting national security.
Is that reason to ignore the additional reviews? Not in my opinion.
It’s awfully suspicious. The additional reviews didn’t come from career authorities, but from political appointees, some with dodgy track records of being involved in some previous scandals.

Would this surprise you if it were true?
Whether it is or not, did they have the authority to order additional reviews? If so, let them happen. If there's nothing there, the book gets published. It might not be at the optimum time for Bolton to maximize his profit from it, but okay.
Like most things Trump feels threatened by, he threatens to sue. Trump does not want the public to hear the truth about his Presidency, so he runs to the courts to block it.

OMG.....a sitting president doesn't like people repeating in public things that were said in confidence that had to do with Executive Privilege?

Why..... Trump obviously has something to hide from the public (private conversations) and this must stop. Every president must assume that everything he discusses with advisors will be warped and shown in a bad light in a Bombshell book right before an election.....that way they can avoid testifying and being charged with perjury. Executive Privilege is just a fantasy created by some schmuck who wants to keep people from making a profit once they're fired by the POTUS.
Last edited:
Bolton will provide inside information on what Trump actually says and does
Why Trump is so scared
You're taking Bolton at his word? Uncritically?

Trump is working awfully hard to keep us from hearing what Bolton has to say

What is he hiding?
If someone was releasing a book that said bad things about you, whether true or not, would you encourage or discourage the release of that book? IOW, expand your horizons.
Depends if you value freedom of speech or not.
No it doesn't. Again, would you tell people to read a book that said bad things about you or would you tell them not to read it?

You could do what you want. It wouldn't matter. You can't prevent people from writing bad shit about you. Cult45 loves to cry about things they can't do anything about. After the book is published, then you have the option of a defamation suit.
Exactly. It's not a freedom of speech issue. Trump can say whatever he wants, but as long as there's no classified information in the book, it can be published. He is free, however, to express whatever opinion he wants to about it.
Because this may not really be about classification.
Then all that happens is a delay in publication, not censorship. It comes down to who has the authority. It is interesting, moreover, to watch the usual suspects practically peeing their pants for this to hit their favorite hate merchants so they have something to complain about and twist beyond all recognition. Funny, most of them aren't even going to read the book.
Like most things Trump feels threatened by, he threatens to sue. Trump does not want the public to hear the truth about his Presidency, so he runs to the courts to block it.

Trump must be breaking vases and smashing the china over the press getting copies and reading from them. LOL
Like most things Trump feels threatened by, he threatens to sue. Trump does not want the public to hear the truth about his Presidency, so he runs to the courts to block it.

OMG.....a sitting president doesn't like people repeating in public things that were said in confidence that had to do with Executive Privilege?

Why..... Trump obviously has something to hide from the public (private conversations) and this must stop. Every president must assume that everything he discusses with advisors will be warped and shown in a bad light in a Bombshell book right before an election. Executive Privilege is just a fantasy created by some schmuck who wants to keep people from making a profit once they fired by the POTUS.
It is funny to watch them go nuts complaining that there has to be something nefarious to hide just because somebody doesn't want a private conversation aired in public. Don't want to let us paw through your taxes? Something to hide! Don't want to let us hear all your private conversations? Something to hide! Don't want to let us know how many scoops of ice cream you had at lunch? Something to hide! And on it goes.
Like most things Trump feels threatened by, he threatens to sue. Trump does not want the public to hear the truth about his Presidency, so he runs to the courts to block it.

Trump must be breaking vases and smashing the china over the press getting copies and reading from them. LOL
Bolton is not a nice person, he is a liar, that is why I fired him
His book is not making good sales
Like most things Trump feels threatened by, he threatens to sue. Trump does not want the public to hear the truth about his Presidency, so he runs to the courts to block it.

If some miracle happens & trump wins that lawsuit, the damage is already done.

The media & the publisher Pentagon Papered the book already.

Which now makes that lawsuit meaningless.
Like most things Trump feels threatened by, he threatens to sue. Trump does not want the public to hear the truth about his Presidency, so he runs to the courts to block it.

OMG.....a sitting president doesn't like people repeating in public things that were said in confidence that had to do with Executive Privilege?

Why..... Trump obviously has something to hide from the public (private conversations) and this must stop. Every president must assume that everything he discusses with advisors will be warped and shown in a bad light in a Bombshell book right before an election. Executive Privilege is just a fantasy created by some schmuck who wants to keep people from making a profit once they're fired by the POTUS.

You can bet your fat bippy that Bolton's lawyers did a complete and thorough review of any classified or confidential information that could get Bolton in trouble.

If Bolton can publish this kind of shit from his 500+ days in the Trump admin, IMAGINE WHAT HE KNOWS THAT HE CAN'T PUT IN HIS BOOK!
Like most things Trump feels threatened by, he threatens to sue. Trump does not want the public to hear the truth about his Presidency, so he runs to the courts to block it.

OMG.....a sitting president doesn't like people repeating in public things that were said in confidence that had to do with Executive Privilege?

Why..... Trump obviously has something to hide from the public (private conversations) and this must stop. Every president must assume that everything he discusses with advisors will be warped and shown in a bad light in a Bombshell book right before an election. Executive Privilege is just a fantasy created by some schmuck who wants to keep people from making a profit once they fired by the POTUS.
It is funny to watch them go nuts complaining that there has to be something nefarious to hide just because somebody doesn't want a private conversation aired in public. Don't want to let us paw through your taxes? Something to hide! Don't want to let us hear all your private conversations? Something to hide! Don't want to let us know how many scoops of ice cream you had at lunch? Something to hide! And on it goes.
Something to hide?
Why was Bolton and other top staff blocked from testifying to Congress?
Why wouldnt they release documents?
Why block Bolton’s book?

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