Trump feels threatened by John Bolton

Like most things Trump feels threatened by, he threatens to sue. Trump does not want the public to hear the truth about his Presidency, so he runs to the courts to block it.

Bolton isn't the only one.

Did his niece sign a non disclosure agreement?
Or does Trump not believe in the First Amendment?
"President Trump asked Chinese President Xi Jinping to help him win the 2020 U.S. election, telling Xi during a summit dinner last year that increased agricultural purchases by Beijing from American farmers would aid his electoral prospects, according to a damning new account of life inside the Trump administration by former national security adviser John Bolton.

During a one-on-one meeting at the June 2019 Group of 20 summit in Japan, Xi complained to Trump about China critics in the United States. But Bolton writes in a book scheduled to be released next week that “Trump immediately assumed Xi meant the Democrats. Trump said approvingly that there was great hostility among the Democrats."

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Like most things Trump feels threatened by, he threatens to sue. Trump does not want the public to hear the truth about his Presidency, so he runs to the courts to block it.

Another classic example of "we hated this guy until he said something bad about Trump and now he's a hero" you leftists are dipshits.

Why Trump ever hired the war monger Bolton to begin with is beyond my understanding.

Bolton is a reckless, irresponsible warmonger – a danger to America’s national security.

But Trump’s ignorance, incompetence, and stupidity concerning foreign policy was shocking even to the likes of Bolton.
Like most things Trump feels threatened by, he threatens to sue. Trump does not want the public to hear the truth about his Presidency, so he runs to the courts to block it.

Another classic example of "we hated this guy until he said something bad about Trump and now he's a hero" you leftists are dipshits.

Why Trump ever hired the war monger Bolton to begin with is beyond my understanding.
Bolton has never been a hero to me

But why are you afraid to hear what he has to say??

Where did I say I was afraid to hear what anyone had to say?

The fact of the matter is , neither your nor I have any idea whether Bolton's book contains classified material. You're merely jumping to the conclusion that it doesn't and this is just a ruse to keep Botlon from saying mean things about Trump.

You're seeing what you want to see.
Trump is playing the game that EVERYTHING he says is Classified, therefore, Bolton can’t say anything.

The courts heard a similar argument from Nixon and shot it down.

That isn't true either.
Afraid it is
IT isn't , Trump isn't even the one reviewing the book. The government has people that do that and they say they haven't completed their work yet, so............
And what do we have here?

"The lawsuit states Ellen Knight, a National Security Council official who has original classification authority over such publications, worked with Bolton for months and finished her work in late April.
“On or around April 27, 2020, Ms. Knight had completed her review and was of the judgment that the manuscript draft did not contain classified information,” the lawsuit states."

So what happened next?

"But a few days later, on May 2, another official launched an “an additional review,” according to the lawsuit. The official was Michael Ellis, the senior director for intelligence on the National Security Council. Interestingly, the lawsuit says the additional review was conducted “at the request of” Bolton’s replacement as White House national security adviser, Robert O’Brien."

So political appointees loyal to Trump have been holding up the book.
Like most things Trump feels threatened by, he threatens to sue. Trump does not want the public to hear the truth about his Presidency, so he runs to the courts to block it.

Another classic example of "we hated this guy until he said something bad about Trump and now he's a hero" you leftists are dipshits.

Why Trump ever hired the war monger Bolton to begin with is beyond my understanding.
Bolton has never been a hero to me

But why are you afraid to hear what he has to say??

Where did I say I was afraid to hear what anyone had to say?

The fact of the matter is , neither your nor I have any idea whether Bolton's book contains classified material. You're merely jumping to the conclusion that it doesn't and this is just a ruse to keep Botlon from saying mean things about Trump.

You're seeing what you want to see.
Trump is playing the game that EVERYTHING he says is Classified, therefore, Bolton can’t say anything.

The courts heard a similar argument from Nixon and shot it down.

That isn't true either.
Afraid it is
IT isn't , Trump isn't even the one reviewing the book. The government has people that do that and they say they haven't completed their work yet, so............
And what do we have here?

"The lawsuit states Ellen Knight, a National Security Council official who has original classification authority over such publications, worked with Bolton for months and finished her work in late April.
“On or around April 27, 2020, Ms. Knight had completed her review and was of the judgment that the manuscript draft did not contain classified information,” the lawsuit states."

So what happened next?

"But a few days later, on May 2, another official launched an “an additional review,” according to the lawsuit. The official was Michael Ellis, the senior director for intelligence on the National Security Council. Interestingly, the lawsuit says the additional review was conducted “at the request of” Bolton’s replacement as White House national security adviser, Robert O’Brien."

So political appointees loyal to Trump have been holding up the book.
Trump blocked Bolton from testifying to Congress
Now, he doesn’t want us to see his book

What is Trump afraid of us to know?
Another classic example of "we hated this guy until he said something bad about Trump and now he's a hero" you leftists are dipshits.

He's not a hero to us, he is, however, someone who is not drinking the orange dipshit's Kool Aide like you are, and he is willing to tell the truth about what goes on behind the curtain, and his opinion has weight, because he is a neoconservative douchebag who has no dog in the fight.

Your boy is scared.
Trump is a known liar and his Administration lies and shades the truth.
Bolton is just another liar from an Administration known for lying.
So it is the Battle of the Liars, and who's lying the best/most?

Bolton is doing it for his retirement money.
Trump is doing it to keep his hands on the ultimate power of the United States for 4 more years.
Which one would you trust, if you HAD to trust one of them?
Like most things Trump feels threatened by, he threatens to sue. Trump does not want the public to hear the truth about his Presidency, so he runs to the courts to block it.

I think you are Threatened by Trump
“Bolton is a moral abomination in every way. It's also the case that basically everyone in government who comes close to Trump comes away thinking he's even worse than they realized."

If anyone thinks that Bolton's book is going to change any votes.....forget it.
Russian collusion didn't change any votes.
The Mueller Investigation didn't change any votes
The Barr/Durham investigation might help Trump
The "bogus impeachment" didn't affect Trump

Bolton's book is just one more straw to grasp before Biden steps in it on stage.
Tara Reade anyone?
Like most things Trump feels threatened by, he threatens to sue. Trump does not want the public to hear the truth about his Presidency, so he runs to the courts to block it.


a pathetic loser with a base of pathetic losers
Bolton will provide inside information on what Trump actually says and does
Why Trump is so scared
You're taking Bolton at his word? Uncritically?

Trump is working awfully hard to keep us from hearing what Bolton has to say

What is he hiding?
If someone was releasing a book that said bad things about you, whether true or not, would you encourage or discourage the release of that book? IOW, expand your horizons.
If anyone thinks that Bolton's book is going to change any votes.....forget it.
Russian collusion didn't change any votes.
The Mueller Investigation didn't change any votes
The Barr/Durham investigation might help Trump
The "bogus impeachment" didn't affect Trump

Bolton's book is just one more straw to grasp before Biden steps in it on stage.
Tara Reade anyone?
Indeed. The conservatives voting for Trump are no longer reachable by any rational conversation.

It’s a cult.

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