Trump finally comes out and says the US will pay for 100% of the Mexican Wall.

Okay, since Germany is gone and the point about their borders and wall is moot, I've got another example for you if you want to put up land mines, a wall and shoot people with machine guns if they get too close.

North Korea.

They keep their borders secure with landmines, fences and machine guns. Part of it is to keep the people out, but the main reason is to keep people in.

I think just to keep people in. WTF would want to go there besides Bernie Sanders?
Okay, since Germany is gone and the point about their borders and wall is moot, I've got another example for you if you want to put up land mines, a wall and shoot people with machine guns if they get too close.

North Korea.

They keep their borders secure with landmines, fences and machine guns. Part of it is to keep the people out, but the main reason is to keep people in.

I think just to keep people in. WTF would want to go there besides Bernie Sanders?

If you've ever seen what the border between N. and S. Korea looks like, you would see that not only does it keep people in, but one of the primary purposes is to keep people OUT. I've seen a few documentaries concerning this, and the N. Koreans even get bent out of shape if you're on the wrong side, or even reach across, the line drawn on the table and down the middle of the meeting room on the border.
Trump's whole plan was to build the wall on credit and then point at the awful Mexicans when they dont pay shit. As long as he can point at someone else his supporters wont notice he constantly fails
You know, I have a solution that is better than building a wall.................

Every 50 miles of border, build a barracks that is capable of housing at least 10 people. Those are the people who are on watch for 3 days to a week at a time, when they are rotated out for 3 days to a week while another rotation takes over.

2,000 miles of border. You need 40 of those posts. 10 people at a time means 30 people per station to have proper coverage. that's 1,200 people. At $50K that's $60,000,000 in salaries alone.

A lot of those people could be taken from existing BP officers, with the remainder of the jobs being filled by returning veterans who have experience with police actions (most do), and flying recon drones.

And, not only would having a "virtual" wall be cheaper than building a real one 30 ft. high, but it would also be more secure because you don't build a tunnel unless there's a wall, and you can't hide from infrared cameras.

Doesn't matter where they come from, you still have to pay them. You re-assign existing BP officers. What do you do with the job they just left?
You know, I have a solution that is better than building a wall.................

Every 50 miles of border, build a barracks that is capable of housing at least 10 people. Those are the people who are on watch for 3 days to a week at a time, when they are rotated out for 3 days to a week while another rotation takes over.

2,000 miles of border. You need 40 of those posts. 10 people at a time means 30 people per station to have proper coverage. that's 1,200 people. At $50K that's $60,000,000 in salaries alone.

A lot of those people could be taken from existing BP officers, with the remainder of the jobs being filled by returning veterans who have experience with police actions (most do), and flying recon drones.

And, not only would having a "virtual" wall be cheaper than building a real one 30 ft. high, but it would also be more secure because you don't build a tunnel unless there's a wall, and you can't hide from infrared cameras.

Doesn't matter where they come from, you still have to pay them. You re-assign existing BP officers. What do you do with the job they just left?

Yeah, you still have to pay them, but if you get them from existing BP officers, their paycheck is already in the budget. As far as the job they might leave? Chances are if they are in an office, the slack could be divided among the remaining officers.

Besides..............there are already 20,000 BP officers on the rolls for 2016. Are you telling me that out of 20,000 agents, they can't come up with 1,200?
I'm not supporting any candidate,I voting against Trump.

Voting for Hillary is voting for Hillary no matter how you try to justify it. I oppose them both, I'm not voting for either

Then you are throwing your vote away, which is STUPID!

Gosh, using my vote how I think I should use it, what a waste

The problem is you are thinking with a compromised thought process.

Say what? That's you, picking between the non-choice of Hitlary and Trump, pick your compromise. I'm doing the complete reverse, I won't pick that loser choice. WTF is wrong with you? You're delusional

I see voting as a responsibility by a responsible citizen. I see not voting as a slap in the face to those that died to give you that responsibility. Thus, I've voted in every election since I was 18.

Be a REAL American......VOTE!
Voting for Hillary is voting for Hillary no matter how you try to justify it. I oppose them both, I'm not voting for either

Then you are throwing your vote away, which is STUPID!

Gosh, using my vote how I think I should use it, what a waste

The problem is you are thinking with a compromised thought process.

Say what? That's you, picking between the non-choice of Hitlary and Trump, pick your compromise. I'm doing the complete reverse, I won't pick that loser choice. WTF is wrong with you? You're delusional

I see voting as a responsibility by a responsible citizen. I see not voting as a slap in the face to those that died to give you that responsibility. Thus, I've voted in every election since I was 18.

Be a REAL American......VOTE!

I am voting, Poindexter. There are more choices than the two crappy major party losers.

This just in, Kaz endorses ...
Then you are throwing your vote away, which is STUPID!

Gosh, using my vote how I think I should use it, what a waste

The problem is you are thinking with a compromised thought process.

Say what? That's you, picking between the non-choice of Hitlary and Trump, pick your compromise. I'm doing the complete reverse, I won't pick that loser choice. WTF is wrong with you? You're delusional

I see voting as a responsibility by a responsible citizen. I see not voting as a slap in the face to those that died to give you that responsibility. Thus, I've voted in every election since I was 18.

Be a REAL American......VOTE!

I am voting, Poindexter. There are more choices than the two crappy major party losers.

This just in, Kaz endorses ...

use the write in option and stfu
Trump's whole plan was to build the wall on credit and then point at the awful Mexicans when they dont pay shit. As long as he can point at someone else his supporters wont notice he constantly fails

Mexico loves the money their people are bringing back to their country. Billions of dollars every year. Trump doesn't need to do anything more than to cut that off, and the Mexicans will be glad to offer some financial help.
Trump's whole plan was to build the wall on credit and then point at the awful Mexicans when they dont pay shit. As long as he can point at someone else his supporters wont notice he constantly fails

Mexico loves the money their people are bringing back to their country. Billions of dollars every year. Trump doesn't need to do anything more than to cut that off, and the Mexicans will be glad to offer some financial help.
So how will Trump cut off the dollars being sent to Mexico?
Then you are throwing your vote away, which is STUPID!

Gosh, using my vote how I think I should use it, what a waste

The problem is you are thinking with a compromised thought process.

Say what? That's you, picking between the non-choice of Hitlary and Trump, pick your compromise. I'm doing the complete reverse, I won't pick that loser choice. WTF is wrong with you? You're delusional

I see voting as a responsibility by a responsible citizen. I see not voting as a slap in the face to those that died to give you that responsibility. Thus, I've voted in every election since I was 18.

Be a REAL American......VOTE!

I am voting, Poindexter. There are more choices than the two crappy major party losers.

This just in, Kaz endorses ...

So 'short bus' is throwing his vote away. I'm shocked!
Trump's whole plan was to build the wall on credit and then point at the awful Mexicans when they dont pay shit. As long as he can point at someone else his supporters wont notice he constantly fails

Mexico loves the money their people are bringing back to their country. Billions of dollars every year. Trump doesn't need to do anything more than to cut that off, and the Mexicans will be glad to offer some financial help.

What do you need Trump for, I've already told you how to do that.
So how will Trump cut off the dollars being sent to Mexico?

Enforcing the laws we already have which DumBama hasn't done. Enforce laws that restrict employers from hiring these people because today they do so with impunity.

By DumBama, do you mean Sheriff Joe?

Speaking of Sheriff Joe Arpaio (America's toughest Sheriff), have you heard that he is now up on criminal charges for profiling?
You know, I have a solution that is better than building a wall.................

Every 50 miles of border, build a barracks that is capable of housing at least 10 people. Those are the people who are on watch for 3 days to a week at a time, when they are rotated out for 3 days to a week while another rotation takes over.

Those are the people who respond to border breaches. And, because they are only 50 miles apart, the response will only be 25 miles on either side.

To find out when and who is coming over the border? Simple...........put those recently discharged veterans who have experience with drones to work and have recon drones patrolling the sky above the border. Not only can they see just about anything during the day, but they also have infrared for seeing things at night.

Would be a hell of a lot cheaper, as well as a whole lot more secure than just a simple wall. Less impact on the environment as well.

I have a much better idea. Pass a law that anybody caught here illegally faces a minimum of five years in prison. That will get rid of 10 out of the 11 million here at least.

Well, now, let's see.... it costs about $125 per day to keep someone in prison, so, $125 X 365 days X 5 years =$228,125 per person X 11,000,000 people =..... (sorry. my Calculator does not go that high).
You know, I have a solution that is better than building a wall.................

Every 50 miles of border, build a barracks that is capable of housing at least 10 people. Those are the people who are on watch for 3 days to a week at a time, when they are rotated out for 3 days to a week while another rotation takes over.

Those are the people who respond to border breaches. And, because they are only 50 miles apart, the response will only be 25 miles on either side.

To find out when and who is coming over the border? Simple...........put those recently discharged veterans who have experience with drones to work and have recon drones patrolling the sky above the border. Not only can they see just about anything during the day, but they also have infrared for seeing things at night.

Would be a hell of a lot cheaper, as well as a whole lot more secure than just a simple wall. Less impact on the environment as well.

I have a much better idea. Pass a law that anybody caught here illegally faces a minimum of five years in prison. That will get rid of 10 out of the 11 million here at least.

The ideal solution would be to have landmines spread across the whole American Southern border and also every 100 yards Guard Towers with manned machine guns.

So the Invaders would have to negotiate a huge minefield and the ones that managed to do that would then face the manned machine guns, they'd be told to stay where they are and then they'd be arrested, if they refused that order to stay where they are then they'd be shot.

Any nation has a right to a border and a right to protect it's border from Invasion and Invaders.
So we should turn into East Germany?

Since there is no more East Germany your point is moot. But yes. We should do whatever it takes to protect our borders.

Carry on clueless.

Okay, since Germany is gone and the point about their borders and wall is moot, I've got another example for you if you want to put up land mines, a wall and shoot people with machine guns if they get too close.

North Korea.

They keep their borders secure with landmines, fences and machine guns. Part of it is to keep the people out, but the main reason is to keep people in.

LMAO You don't need to do all of that. Just shoot at a few coming across the border, the rest will catch a clue. You are a moron.
Well, now, let's see.... it costs about $125 per day to keep someone in prison, so, $125 X 365 days X 5 years =$228,125 per person X 11,000,000 people =..... (sorry. my Calculator does not go that high).

Neither does your logic. If we had such a law, there would be so many people rushing that border to get the hell out it would make your head spin. When Arizona made their new immigrant laws (that DumBama stopped) illegals got out of that state faster than you could say JAIL.

A strong enough deterrent works every time it's tried.
You know, I have a solution that is better than building a wall.................

Every 50 miles of border, build a barracks that is capable of housing at least 10 people. Those are the people who are on watch for 3 days to a week at a time, when they are rotated out for 3 days to a week while another rotation takes over.

Those are the people who respond to border breaches. And, because they are only 50 miles apart, the response will only be 25 miles on either side.

To find out when and who is coming over the border? Simple...........put those recently discharged veterans who have experience with drones to work and have recon drones patrolling the sky above the border. Not only can they see just about anything during the day, but they also have infrared for seeing things at night.

Would be a hell of a lot cheaper, as well as a whole lot more secure than just a simple wall. Less impact on the environment as well.

Most of those coming from the south are coming for a job.

Employers are breaking the law when they hire an undocumented worker. So far we don't see any employers being prosecuted or even held responsible for their crimes.

Change mandatory sentencing laws for employers who hire undocumented workers. Require at least a decade in prison and fines that bankrupt the company.

I guarantee that no employer will hire an undocumented worker.

If there's no job here for them, they won't come.

That's much less expensive than all of the so called solutions that have been tossed around.

It will also succeed.
Many of those that hire illegals are the good liberal looking for the cheapest lawn, painting, maintenance work possible. Those same laws need to be applied to them, there's no exemption for being hip.
Gosh, using my vote how I think I should use it, what a waste

The problem is you are thinking with a compromised thought process.

Say what? That's you, picking between the non-choice of Hitlary and Trump, pick your compromise. I'm doing the complete reverse, I won't pick that loser choice. WTF is wrong with you? You're delusional

I see voting as a responsibility by a responsible citizen. I see not voting as a slap in the face to those that died to give you that responsibility. Thus, I've voted in every election since I was 18.

Be a REAL American......VOTE!

I am voting, Poindexter. There are more choices than the two crappy major party losers.

This just in, Kaz endorses ...

So 'short bus' is throwing his vote away. I'm shocked!

Is that where you got the idea to be a one percenter, your short bus homies believed you, so you thought other people would too? We won't get another way until we start voting for one. Voting between Tweedledee and Tweedledum is throwing your vote away, it just tells the parties to put up the crappy candidates they do now
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