Trump finally comes out and says the US will pay for 100% of the Mexican Wall.

Trump made funding for the wall, and Mexico paying for it a major talking point of his, now his talking point has been walked back to the point it goes on our books bla bla bla ..

no worries, Trump will never see the Oval office unless he buys a postard

You're pretty confident for someone supporting such a shitty candidate

I'm not supporting any candidate,I voting against Trump.

Voting for Hillary is voting for Hillary no matter how you try to justify it. I oppose them both, I'm not voting for either

Then you are throwing your vote away, which is STUPID!

Gosh, using my vote how I think I should use it, what a waste

The problem is you are thinking with a compromised thought process.
You're pretty confident for someone supporting such a shitty candidate

I'm not supporting any candidate,I voting against Trump.

Voting for Hillary is voting for Hillary no matter how you try to justify it. I oppose them both, I'm not voting for either

Then you are throwing your vote away, which is STUPID!

Gosh, using my vote how I think I should use it, what a waste

The problem is you are thinking with a compromised thought process.

Say what? That's you, picking between the non-choice of Hitlary and Trump, pick your compromise. I'm doing the complete reverse, I won't pick that loser choice. WTF is wrong with you? You're delusional
That's good enough for me. Whay don't hypocrite democrats think it's O.K.?
1. More Mexicans are leaving the country than coming into the country.

2. Spending money on something that doesn't generate revenue is just throwing the money away. Road, bridges, sewers and so on generate revenue. Building a pyramid doesn't. It just leaves a pile of bricks.

3. We have a lot of jobs here old and overweight right wingers refuse to do. Like picking cotton.

4. What would it do to the environment?

5. The wall would compete with business driving up the cost of resources.

Don't be so ignorant. Learn to "think".
But I'm not downing the other education either. Plumbing, which is what my father was. Carpentry. Electrician and so on. An apprenticeship is a great start.
So what does a part time server of burnt coffee, such as yourself make?
That's good enough for me. Whay don't hypocrite democrats think it's O.K.?
1. More Mexicans are leaving the country than coming into the country.

2. Spending money on something that doesn't generate revenue is just throwing the money away. Road, bridges, sewers and so on generate revenue. Building a pyramid doesn't. It just leaves a pile of bricks.

3. We have a lot of jobs here old and overweight right wingers refuse to do. Like picking cotton.

4. What would it do to the environment?

5. The wall would compete with business driving up the cost of resources.

Don't be so ignorant. Learn to "think".
Apparently you are so fucking ignorant you don't know that 'hand-picking' cotton doesn't exist on cotton farms anymore.

How many 'young negro men' are working manually on farms?
You're a dummy.
The engineering would be a nightmare.

One problem would he what to about the streams that flow into the the Rio Grande.

Curing the concrete properly would be impossible and that means pre built slabs would have to be trucked in.

The amount of rebar would be huge and it would cause a huge hike in the price of steel.

By the time the wall gets built the mexican economy might be thriving on its own and the wall will be worthless.
One of the most ignorant posts I have ever read.
Anyone who would use the words "thriving economy" and"Mexico" in the same sentence is mentally insane. Permanent Ignore.
Trump will not be paying a cent towards his wall
You know, I have a solution that is better than building a wall.................

Every 50 miles of border, build a barracks that is capable of housing at least 10 people. Those are the people who are on watch for 3 days to a week at a time, when they are rotated out for 3 days to a week while another rotation takes over.

Those are the people who respond to border breaches. And, because they are only 50 miles apart, the response will only be 25 miles on either side.

To find out when and who is coming over the border? Simple...........put those recently discharged veterans who have experience with drones to work and have recon drones patrolling the sky above the border. Not only can they see just about anything during the day, but they also have infrared for seeing things at night.

Would be a hell of a lot cheaper, as well as a whole lot more secure than just a simple wall. Less impact on the environment as well.
You left out the actual solution. You order these border guards to kill anyone on sight who enters the no-go zones.
You put up warning signs warning that trespassers are shot on site. NO EXCEPTIONS!
Who is going to pay for the illuminated signs every fifty feet that say TRUMPS WALL?
That's good enough for me. Whay don't hypocrite democrats think it's O.K.?
1. More Mexicans are leaving the country than coming into the country.

2. Spending money on something that doesn't generate revenue is just throwing the money away. Road, bridges, sewers and so on generate revenue. Building a pyramid doesn't. It just leaves a pile of bricks.

3. We have a lot of jobs here old and overweight right wingers refuse to do. Like picking cotton.

4. What would it do to the environment?

5. The wall would compete with business driving up the cost of resources.

Don't be so ignorant. Learn to "think".
Apparently you are so fucking ignorant you don't know that 'hand-picking' cotton doesn't exist on cotton farms anymore.

How many 'young negro men' are working manually on farms?
You're a dummy.
Who said "hand picking" cotton. In fact, I said "LIKE picking cotton".

Some product that still needs to be picked by hand:

-Strawberries (most varieties)
-Black Raspberries
-Grapes (intended for eating or raisins and not for wine)
-Cashew apple
-Apricots (there are attempts to harvest apricots and peaches mechanically, though it's debatable whether its more cost efficient or not, yet, due to the amount of damage that occurs to the produce and plants)
-Ripe olives
-Sweet Cherries

The Law Of Unintended Consequences: Georgia's Immigration Law Backfires

Alabama Illegal Immigrant Crackdown Destroys Farm Business

Why do you think so many states lost millions of dollars chasing away workers with draconian anti immigrant laws.

Gawd you're dumb.
You know, I have a solution that is better than building a wall.................

Every 50 miles of border, build a barracks that is capable of housing at least 10 people. Those are the people who are on watch for 3 days to a week at a time, when they are rotated out for 3 days to a week while another rotation takes over.

Those are the people who respond to border breaches. And, because they are only 50 miles apart, the response will only be 25 miles on either side.

To find out when and who is coming over the border? Simple...........put those recently discharged veterans who have experience with drones to work and have recon drones patrolling the sky above the border. Not only can they see just about anything during the day, but they also have infrared for seeing things at night.

Would be a hell of a lot cheaper, as well as a whole lot more secure than just a simple wall. Less impact on the environment as well.
You left out the actual solution. You order these border guards to kill anyone on sight who enters the no-go zones.
You put up warning signs warning that trespassers are shot on site. NO EXCEPTIONS!
Yea, let's turn Americans into murderers. Republicans see them as heroes.
Trump Basically Admits That The United States, Not Mexico, Would Pay For His Wall

The plan is that after we insult Mexico by building the wall, after it's finished, we ask them for reimbursement.

Only Trump morn minions would believe that congress is going to spend $200billion for s stupid wall that the Mexicans would just dig under.
You know, I have a solution that is better than building a wall.................

Every 50 miles of border, build a barracks that is capable of housing at least 10 people. Those are the people who are on watch for 3 days to a week at a time, when they are rotated out for 3 days to a week while another rotation takes over.

Those are the people who respond to border breaches. And, because they are only 50 miles apart, the response will only be 25 miles on either side.

To find out when and who is coming over the border? Simple...........put those recently discharged veterans who have experience with drones to work and have recon drones patrolling the sky above the border. Not only can they see just about anything during the day, but they also have infrared for seeing things at night.

Would be a hell of a lot cheaper, as well as a whole lot more secure than just a simple wall. Less impact on the environment as well.
You left out the actual solution. You order these border guards to kill anyone on sight who enters the no-go zones.
You put up warning signs warning that trespassers are shot on site. NO EXCEPTIONS!
Yea, let's turn Americans into murderers. Republicans see them as heroes.
So what you really meant was fat REPs sitting on cotton picking machines right?
Suuuure that's what you meant asshole!
You got your face bitch-slapped and then you have to spend an hour Googling all the crops that are hand picked. You're pathetic.
So what else is new? HAAAA HAAAA!
I hope Trump makes a formal declaration of war against any foreign invader entering the US illegally.
Shoot to kill!
I bet there are thousands of patriotic Americans who have been the victims of illegals who will be more than willing to be border patrol warriors.
Try entering China illegally and then committing crimes against innocent Chinese.
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You know, I have a solution that is better than building a wall.................

Every 50 miles of border, build a barracks that is capable of housing at least 10 people. Those are the people who are on watch for 3 days to a week at a time, when they are rotated out for 3 days to a week while another rotation takes over.

Those are the people who respond to border breaches. And, because they are only 50 miles apart, the response will only be 25 miles on either side.

To find out when and who is coming over the border? Simple...........put those recently discharged veterans who have experience with drones to work and have recon drones patrolling the sky above the border. Not only can they see just about anything during the day, but they also have infrared for seeing things at night.

Would be a hell of a lot cheaper, as well as a whole lot more secure than just a simple wall. Less impact on the environment as well.
You left out the actual solution. You order these border guards to kill anyone on sight who enters the no-go zones.
You put up warning signs warning that trespassers are shot on site. NO EXCEPTIONS!
Yea, let's turn Americans into murderers. Republicans see them as heroes.

Nah. Lets turn Americans into people who will defend America.

Take a few shots at those coming across the border. The rest will catch a clue.
You know, I have a solution that is better than building a wall.................

Every 50 miles of border, build a barracks that is capable of housing at least 10 people. Those are the people who are on watch for 3 days to a week at a time, when they are rotated out for 3 days to a week while another rotation takes over.

Those are the people who respond to border breaches. And, because they are only 50 miles apart, the response will only be 25 miles on either side.

To find out when and who is coming over the border? Simple...........put those recently discharged veterans who have experience with drones to work and have recon drones patrolling the sky above the border. Not only can they see just about anything during the day, but they also have infrared for seeing things at night.

Would be a hell of a lot cheaper, as well as a whole lot more secure than just a simple wall. Less impact on the environment as well.
You left out the actual solution. You order these border guards to kill anyone on sight who enters the no-go zones.
You put up warning signs warning that trespassers are shot on site. NO EXCEPTIONS!
Yea, let's turn Americans into murderers. Republicans see them as heroes.
So what you really meant was fat REPs sitting on cotton picking machines right?
Suuuure that's what you meant asshole!
You got your face bitch-slapped and then you have to spend an hour Googling all the crops that are hand picked. You're pathetic.
So what else is new? HAAAA HAAAA!
I hope Trump makes a formal declaration of war against any foreign invader entering the US illegally.
Shoot to kill!
I bet there are thousands of patriotic Americans who have been the victims of illegals who will be more than willing to be border patrol warriors.
Try entering China illegally and then committing crimes against innocent Chinese.
An hour? Didn't take two minutes. And no comment about the farm economies your kind ruined? Figures.
So, if we have to pay for the wall, and Trump is going to cut taxes for the rich, how in the hell is this "good businessman" going to get us out of debt?

So far, all he's given us is his bait and switch methods. He got everyone excited about the wall and how Mexico is going to pay for it, and now he says that we're gonna pay for the wall but get Mexico to reimburse us. THAT'S gonna happen.............

Trump said awhile back that with interest rates this low this was a good time to ADD debt.
Trump Basically Admits That The United States, Not Mexico, Would Pay For His Wall

The plan is that after we insult Mexico by building the wall, after it's finished, we ask them for reimbursement.


No wall will be built whether trump is elected or not. trump never planned to build that wall. Just like he never planned to ban all muslims from coming to America. He just knows his audience and feeds them lies they gulp up like candy.

trump was just doing what he always does, lie and con.

This time he's coned a lot of people and it's frightening.

The republicans are just demanding what they always demand. Something they want and have someone else pay for it. The last thing any republican politician is going to raise taxes to pay for that wall.
Trump Basically Admits That The United States, Not Mexico, Would Pay For His Wall

The plan is that after we insult Mexico by building the wall, after it's finished, we ask them for reimbursement.


No wall will be built whether trump is elected or not. trump never planned to build that wall. Just like he never planned to ban all muslims from coming to America. He just knows his audience and feeds them lies they gulp up like candy.

trump was just doing what he always does, lie and con.

This time he's coned a lot of people and it's frightening.
lies, lies, that's all we ever get from you.........

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