Trump fires Berman

I've just never seen anything like this. It's like a fucking science fiction movie. They've been wired, and the wiring is not reality.

They're certainly brainwashed fucking idiots. I'm enjoying the heck out of these deplorable black holes of logic and reason. :biggrin: I'm getting the best material for future use.
You're just finding out that power begets power, and any given President has alot of power?
Color me shocked!
What the hell are you doing on a political board displaying your political ignorance, fer' Chrissakes?

Let’s see......

Fire someone who is investigating you. Sounds like Nixon
If the man was fucking up big time, and he refused to resign, what else would you expect?

By forcing Trump to fire him, its going to be a lot harder for this guy to get another job. The next employer is going to see "fired for cause" and think that they don't want that kind of problem.

I'm not sure Berman was directly investigating Trump. Maybe he got a little too close, though.
You have a bad analysis. He will be know and respected for standing up to Trump who yet again seems to be injecting political into the justice system.

Why do you say he was fucking up big time? Why do you think he was asked to resign?
He will only be respected by other criminal leftwing globalists and republicrat establishment sociopaths. Just like Bolton.

Funny thing, just like Bolton, you bed wetters despised him when he worked for Bush now he's dumping loads on your face and you can't lick it up fast enough.

We aren't talking about a burger flipper at McDonalds. Berman's job is to investigate and prosecute crime. The fact that he has investigated and prosecuted crimes that are closely connected to Trump sure looks like the reason he was fired. No other reason has been given. No, he doesn't need one, but it sure doesn't look good when Trump does this.

An employer has the right to fire anyone at any time for any reason. You either deal with the boss or you leave the job. Simple as that.

BTW - You’re hires to do whatever your boss tells you to do. Period.
It’s politics to nominate a judge to be confirmed by the Senate?

Berman was never confirmed by the Senate. He’s a temp appointment who was only supposed to stay 120 days. Something you retards like to omit because the facts don’t fit your narrative that President Trump is doing something “wrong”.
Trump is never wrong in your book, that's a cultist mentality. Wake up man.
I'm not stupid enough to think I'm privy to enough information to come to any reasonable conclusion on how, why or where. I like to leave that up to the megalomaniacs and dreamers like yourself.
I’m asking questions and not getting answers. You couldn’t care less because it isn’t a dem doing it. Rather pathetic.
Trump is never wrong in your book, that's a cultist mentality. Wake up man.

Dems must realize...Trump's 'base' (30 states and 2,623 counties) have given him full carte blanche to destroy the Left by any means necessary.
We expect him to display his extreme hatred for the Left in EVERYTHING he says and in everything he does...He will not be re-elected if he doesn't.
What I'm getting at here...we view TDS levels as a metric, the more TDS behavior we see/hear the happier we are...we know he's doing exactly what he was hired to do...NOTHING he says or does angers us if it angers the Left....NOTHING!
PLEASE NOTE: This thread is not intended to 'flame', I wanted to explain what I believe to be the dynamic between "Trumpsters" and Trump. So keep in mind; when Trump says or does something that we would normally view as stupid, immature or even destructive...we wait for your response, if you hate it we learn to love it.
Dems must realize...Trump's 'base' (30 states and 2,623 counties) have given him full carte blanche to destroy the Left by any means necessary.
We expect him to display his extreme hatred for the Left in EVERYTHING he says and in everything he does...He will not be re-elected if he doesn't.
What I'm getting at here...we view TDS levels as a metric, the more TDS behavior we see/hear the happier we are...we know he's doing exactly what he was hired to do...NOTHING he says or does angers us if it angers the Left....NOTHING!
PLEASE NOTE: This thread is not intended to 'flame', I wanted to explain what I believe to be the dynamic between "Trumpsters" and Trump. So keep in mind; when Trump says or does something that we would normally view as stupid, immature or even destructive...we wait for your response, if you hate it we learn to love it.
Trust me I could care less about the left...but I feel sorry that such a great country ends up with a stupid president like also saddens me that everyday Americans still vote against their interest even while voting for Trump who is here to protect people like him and the average Joe.
Remember he still didn't build the wall, no best health care in the world yet, he could've slowed down the pandemic early, the country is up in flames, 40 millions or more Americans this point I think even Elmo can defeat him.
You have a bad analysis. He will be know and respected for standing up to Trump who yet again seems to be injecting political into the justice system.

Why do you say he was fucking up big time? Why do you think he was asked to resign?
He agreed to resign.
Just reported on ABC

Why would you agree to something if it isn't justified?
Not going away, Dumpster will be in the Clinker by the end of 2021...BWAHAHAHAHAHAH...What an Idiot....
Well then why didn’t he get replaced within 120 days and why is he getting pushed out now without a confirmed nominee in place? Please explain how this isn’t the smelly swamp BS that y’all think Trump is supposed to be fighting against
He planned on leaving when a replacement was found, not that he has a choice in the matter. He’s just grandstanding to make a name for himself.
No shit... yet he has been there for 2 years and is now being pushed out just before an election without a new nominee in place. Hmmm, doesn’t get much more swampy than that
He’s been there for two years when he was never appointed by the President or confirmed by the Senate. He has no say in anything.

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