Trump fires Berman

Trump is never wrong in your book, that's a cultist mentality. Wake up man.
Point out how President a Trump is “wrong” to appoint someone for this position? He never appointed this guy, and he was never confirmed by the Senate. Yet he’s been there for two years. It’s your opinion that now the President doesn’t get to fill this positions as they always have in the past, simply because it’s Donald Trump? You’re the one with a delusional mentality.
Point out how President a Trump is “wrong” to appoint someone for this position? He never appointed this guy, and he was never confirmed by the Senate. Yet he’s been there for two years. It’s your opinion that now the President doesn’t get to fill this positions as they always have in the past, simply because it’s Donald Trump? You’re the one with a delusional mentality.
I'm talking about you always been the devil's advocate...always out here making excuses for trump...that's a cultist please wake up and use your brain sometimes.
We don't care about how the guy was hired or how he should is very evident that trump's camp wanted him out because he is getting close to something they don't like.
"While U.S. attorneys are typically nominated by the president and confirmed by the Senate, Berman was appointed to his job by the federal court in New York because the Trump administration had left the job without a Senate-confirmed appointee for so long. Some legal experts believe that, as a result, only the court can replace Berman until an nominee is confirmed."

WTF is right. Barr wants a US Attorney fired and Trump pretends it has nothing to do with him!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He's the fucking POTUS for christ sake. It all has to do with him. He's everybody's boss in the government so he ultimately is responsible for what his subordinates do.

“That’s his department, not my department,” the president said.

Wrong, asshole.
WAPO doesn't identify those legal experts no surprise there
I'm talking about you always been the devil's advocate...always out here making excuses for trump...that's a cultist please wake up and use your brain sometimes.
We don't care about how the guy was hired or how he should is very evident that trump's camp wanted him out because he is getting close to something they don't like.
Berman himself isn’t investigating anything. He already stated that all investigations will continue after he leaves. Was lying?
He agreed to resign.
Just reported on ABC

Why would you agree to something if it isn't justified?
He refused to resign when Barr asked him and then Trump fired him. What’s the justification. Please enlighten us
He’s been there for two years when he was never appointed by the President or confirmed by the Senate. He has no say in anything.
So what?! That has nothing to do with this discussion. Are you that much out of ammo you have to argue points that are completely irrelevant?
What Obama firings did the left cry about?


I thought so.

Suck a baguette, disingenuous lefty assholes.
He planned on leaving when a replacement was found, not that he has a choice in the matter. He’s just grandstanding to make a name for himself.
Maybe so but why is all this happening now right in the middle of a campaign. You don’t smell the stink?
I listen to ABC radio in my bathroom and while in the shower just an hour or so ago ABC was reporting that he has agreed to step down.

Take it up with ABC
You’re fighting a strawman. Yesterday he refused to step down. Today he agrees. Doesn’t have anything to do with the subject
Trump has high expectations. PROGS live below standard, so why would anyone expect them to get it?
LOL, as if it matters when it happens. No matter when it happens you TDS folk throw a fit.
Of course it matters. The guy was a temp supposed to be there for 120 days, stays for 2 years and then gets cut in the middle of an election while investigating trumps buddy’s. Come on dude. At least try and sound a little objective.
So Trump has now fired Berman, the republican AG that has been investigating some of Trumps crew for wrong doing... note that Berman has donated to Trump and worked for Rudy, so you trolls loading up the overused TDS libtard retorts can shelf those lame arguments.... Trump was just on TV saying he has nothing to do with it except for the fact that he fired the guy!! Haha, WTF

I just logged in to say this...


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