Trump fires Berman

So Trump has now fired Berman, the republican AG that has been investigating some of Trumps crew for wrong doing... note that Berman has donated to Trump and worked for Rudy, so you trolls loading up the overused TDS libtard retorts can shelf those lame arguments.... Trump was just on TV saying he has nothing to do with it except for the fact that he fired the guy!! Haha, WTF

Actually, he said he didn't. Bill Barr said he did.

Since the are both well known as prolific liars how are we gonna decide who to believe?
Well then why didn’t he get replaced within 120 days and why is he getting pushed out now without a confirmed nominee in place? Please explain how this isn’t the smelly swamp BS that y’all think Trump is supposed to be fighting against
Trump has been filling a lot of positions with these interim appointments--no need to go through the hassle of getting Senate approval. And the appointments are automatically extended when the President does not supply the name of an appointee to fill the spot.
Thread on this already...a long time ago.
Slade be late!
Yup I’m late, didn’t see the other thread, wouldnt be interested I reading through pages of old discussion, just saw breaking news of trump saying he had nothing to do with it. Started a fresh thread to discuss. Don’t know why I need to explain that to you... your free to not engage of you don’t want to talk about it here.
Actually, he said he didn't. Bill Barr said he did.

Since the are both well known as prolific liars how are we gonna decide who to believe?
If there is a letter from Trump firing Bermen then Trump is lying. If there isn’t then Barr is. Case closed.
Yup I’m late, didn’t see the other thread, wouldnt be interested I reading through pages of old discussion, just saw breaking news of trump saying he had nothing to do with it. Started a fresh thread to discuss. Don’t know why I need to explain that to you... your free to not engage of you don’t want to talk about it here.

FAKE NEWS sucks, doesn't it?
Too bad the Dimms set this as the standard.
How this shit goes down is quite simple really. I'll demonstrate.
Barr to Trump: "Hey boss we have a cancerous piece of shit we need to fire"
Trump: "Well send the piece of shit in my office"
Barr: "Okay boss, you are a badass"
Trump to Berman: "I hear you are a cancerous piece of're fired"

See how that works? Simple shit.

Trump claims he had nothing to do with it while Barr says Trump told him to. They can't both be right.
So Trump has now fired Berman, the republican AG that has been investigating some of Trumps crew for wrong doing... note that Berman has donated to Trump and worked for Rudy, so you trolls loading up the overused TDS libtard retorts can shelf those lame arguments.... Trump was just on TV saying he has nothing to do with it except for the fact that he fired the guy!! Haha, WTF

Tell me you aren't the least bit surprised. Please.

Ignoring Congress and this institution's investigative powers. Firing two Inspectors General. Now an Attorney General in a position he refused to fill in the first place, overseeing an office that would control investigations into Trump's Mob empire. Add a GOP-controlled Senate so cowed as to make a mockery out of "the greatest deliberative body". If that doesn't look like a pattern indicating the elimination of checks & balances, I don't know what could.

President Spectacle, I have Absolute Authority, only I can Fix it, I take no Responsibility at all, Governing is a lot easier if you are a Dictator. Well, the last one was a different goof, but Trump stands in the tradition he established.
Fired the guy who was investigating himself and his friends

Color me shocked

You're just finding out that power begets power, and any given President has alot of power?
Color me shocked!
What the hell are you doing on a political board displaying your political ignorance, fer' Chrissakes?
If the man was fucking up big time, and he refused to resign, what else would you expect?

By forcing Trump to fire him, its going to be a lot harder for this guy to get another job. The next employer is going to see "fired for cause" and think that they don't want that kind of problem.

Q. And the cause is?

A. He is investigating Trump's family, friends and the would-be-despot himself.
You're just finding out that power begets power, and any given President has alot of power?
Color me shocked!
What the hell are you doing on a political board displaying your political ignorance, fer' Chrissakes?

The United States Constitution was build on a foundation of a Separation of Powers. It seems McConnell&Co, Barr and the White House have decided Trump is King.
I understand that’s how it works in your warped little mind... probably followed by a puff on trumps cigar in the White House but I’ll leave that to you and your fantasies. In reality there are many other factors. Such as why this guy was considered a “cancerous piece of shit” as you put it. Why do you think he was that?

Don't expect a coherent answer.
I understand that’s how it works in your warped little mind... probably followed by a puff on trumps cigar in the White House but I’ll leave that to you and your fantasies. In reality there are many other factors. Such as why this guy was considered a “cancerous piece of shit” as you put it. Why do you think he was that?

I'm not stupid enough to think I'm privy to enough information to come to any reasonable conclusion on how, why or where. I like to leave that up to the megalomaniacs and dreamers like yourself.

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