Trump fires off late night tweet calls democrats open border policies " treasonous"


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Trump Fires Off Late Night Tweet - Calls Democrats' Open Border Policies "TREASONOUS"
President Trump fired off a late night tweet Wednesday, calling the actions taken by Democrats to keep the borders wide open, “TREASONOUS.”

Thank you, President Trump for calling it what it is!

“I think what the Democrats are doing with the Border is TREASONOUS. Their Open Border mindset is putting our Country at risk. Will not let this happen!” Trump said in a tweet..................
Since the Republicans have been in charge of the house since 2013 and in charge of the Senate since 2015, what a crock. Obviously they do not want border control.
Since the Republicans have been in charge of the house since 2013 and in charge of the Senate since 2015, what a crock. Obviously they do not want border control.
Trump does. The party was filled with open borders shills pretending otherwise. Now they have to stand up and be identified as either open borders monkeys, like the democrats are, or for secure borders.

With thousands swarming across the border every day it's time to stop the invasion.
Trump Fires Off Late Night Tweet - Calls Democrats' Open Border Policies "TREASONOUS"
President Trump fired off a late night tweet Wednesday, calling the actions taken by Democrats to keep the borders wide open, “TREASONOUS.”
Thank you, President Trump for calling it what it is!
“I think what the Democrats are doing with the Border is TREASONOUS. Their Open Border mindset is putting our Country at risk. Will not let this happen!” Trump said in a tweet..................

TREASON: Aiding and abetting the enemy.

  • NULLIFY 2016 election by hook or crook.
  • Wide Open Borders, no idea who comes in or why.
  • Freedom of the Press, to print unchecked, unrestricted libel freely against their opponents to damage them with total impunity.
  • Leave all schools WIDE OPEN to student murder, then blame the NRA and guns.
  • Send Obama to meet clandestinely with hostile foreign leaders against the sitting president's agenda.
  • Set up Carbon Credits to funnel money into Europe.
  • Aide the takeover of government by non-citizens and hostile minorities like muslims, gays and transgenders with special interests.
  • Strengthen hold of ACA act over American people.
  • Raise taxes on the rich, thereby forcing them to cut back on jobs for the middle class.
Gee, is there ONE THING in there for the average American taxpayer?
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He's 100% right. This has been going on for decades under several Presidents.

The last President who solved the problem was Ike.

Border security is high priority yet the Dem led House isn't doing its job. Being over run by an invasion of illegals and fake asylum seekers is a National Emergency and should be treated as such. Its an invasion and should be treated as a National Emergency.

The shit show that is the Dem led House sure isn't providing for the needs of the nation.
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Trump Fires Off Late Night Tweet - Calls Democrats' Open Border Policies "TREASONOUS"
President Trump fired off a late night tweet Wednesday, calling the actions taken by Democrats to keep the borders wide open, “TREASONOUS.”
Thank you, President Trump for calling it what it is!
“I think what the Democrats are doing with the Border is TREASONOUS. Their Open Border mindset is putting our Country at risk. Will not let this happen!” Trump said in a tweet..................

TREASON: Aiding and abetting the enemy.

  • Wide Open Borders, no idea who comes in or why.
  • Freedom of the Press, to print unchecked, unrestricted libel freely against their opponents to damage them with total impunity.
  • Leave all schools WIDE OPEN to student murder, then blame the NRA and guns.
  • Send Obama to meet clandestinely with hostile foreign leaders against the sitting president's agenda.
  • Set up Carbon Credits to funnel money into Europe.
  • Aide the takeover of government by non-citizens and hostile minorities like muslims, gays and transgenders with special interests.
  • Strengthen hold of ACA act over American people.
  • Raise taxes on the rich, thereby forcing them to cut back on jobs for the middle class.
Gee, is there ONE THING in there for the average American taxpayer?
Straw man:
A straw man is a form of argument and an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while actually refuting an argument that was not presented by that opponent. One who engages in this fallacy is said to be "attacking a straw man."

Which Democrats have advocated open borders?
Since the Republicans have been in charge of the house since 2013 and in charge of the Senate since 2015, what a crock. Obviously they do not want border control.

Really? Isn't it funny how every time the Democrats are in charge, you instantly start complaining about "obstructionist Republicans".

But now when Republicans are in charge, you say.... oh well they were in charge! Where's the "obstructionist Democrats" cry?

oh that's right, you all are scum sucking hypocrites.

Practice what you preach, or stop preaching.
Trump Fires Off Late Night Tweet - Calls Democrats' Open Border Policies "TREASONOUS"
President Trump fired off a late night tweet Wednesday, calling the actions taken by Democrats to keep the borders wide open, “TREASONOUS.”
Thank you, President Trump for calling it what it is!
“I think what the Democrats are doing with the Border is TREASONOUS. Their Open Border mindset is putting our Country at risk. Will not let this happen!” Trump said in a tweet..................

TREASON: Aiding and abetting the enemy.

  • Wide Open Borders, no idea who comes in or why.
  • Freedom of the Press, to print unchecked, unrestricted libel freely against their opponents to damage them with total impunity.
  • Leave all schools WIDE OPEN to student murder, then blame the NRA and guns.
  • Send Obama to meet clandestinely with hostile foreign leaders against the sitting president's agenda.
  • Set up Carbon Credits to funnel money into Europe.
  • Aide the takeover of government by non-citizens and hostile minorities like muslims, gays and transgenders with special interests.
  • Strengthen hold of ACA act over American people.
  • Raise taxes on the rich, thereby forcing them to cut back on jobs for the middle class.
Gee, is there ONE THING in there for the average American taxpayer?
Straw man:
A straw man is a form of argument and an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while actually refuting an argument that was not presented by that opponent. One who engages in this fallacy is said to be "attacking a straw man."

Which Democrats have advocated open borders?

How bout the ones in the Dem led House??

They sure aren't worried about National Security.

They aren't worried about the thousands of illegals who cross the border every day. They don't see anything wrong with it.

And they sure aren't worried about the fake asylum seekers who are at our border right now. They don't see anything wrong at all.

They aren't worried about the invasion the illegals practice every day. They sure as shit don't see a problem with the illegal invasion at all.

Sound like they want open borders to me.
Trump Fires Off Late Night Tweet - Calls Democrats' Open Border Policies "TREASONOUS"
President Trump fired off a late night tweet Wednesday, calling the actions taken by Democrats to keep the borders wide open, “TREASONOUS.”
Thank you, President Trump for calling it what it is!
“I think what the Democrats are doing with the Border is TREASONOUS. Their Open Border mindset is putting our Country at risk. Will not let this happen!” Trump said in a tweet..................

TREASON: Aiding and abetting the enemy.

  • Wide Open Borders, no idea who comes in or why.
  • Freedom of the Press, to print unchecked, unrestricted libel freely against their opponents to damage them with total impunity.
  • Leave all schools WIDE OPEN to student murder, then blame the NRA and guns.
  • Send Obama to meet clandestinely with hostile foreign leaders against the sitting president's agenda.
  • Set up Carbon Credits to funnel money into Europe.
  • Aide the takeover of government by non-citizens and hostile minorities like muslims, gays and transgenders with special interests.
  • Strengthen hold of ACA act over American people.
  • Raise taxes on the rich, thereby forcing them to cut back on jobs for the middle class.
Gee, is there ONE THING in there for the average American taxpayer?
Straw man:
A straw man is a form of argument and an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while actually refuting an argument that was not presented by that opponent. One who engages in this fallacy is said to be "attacking a straw man."

Which Democrats have advocated open borders?

Trump Fires Off Late Night Tweet - Calls Democrats' Open Border Policies "TREASONOUS"
President Trump fired off a late night tweet Wednesday, calling the actions taken by Democrats to keep the borders wide open, “TREASONOUS.”
Thank you, President Trump for calling it what it is!
“I think what the Democrats are doing with the Border is TREASONOUS. Their Open Border mindset is putting our Country at risk. Will not let this happen!” Trump said in a tweet..................

TREASON: Aiding and abetting the enemy.

  • Wide Open Borders, no idea who comes in or why.
  • Freedom of the Press, to print unchecked, unrestricted libel freely against their opponents to damage them with total impunity.
  • Leave all schools WIDE OPEN to student murder, then blame the NRA and guns.
  • Send Obama to meet clandestinely with hostile foreign leaders against the sitting president's agenda.
  • Set up Carbon Credits to funnel money into Europe.
  • Aide the takeover of government by non-citizens and hostile minorities like muslims, gays and transgenders with special interests.
  • Strengthen hold of ACA act over American people.
  • Raise taxes on the rich, thereby forcing them to cut back on jobs for the middle class.
Gee, is there ONE THING in there for the average American taxpayer?
Straw man:
A straw man is a form of argument and an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while actually refuting an argument that was not presented by that opponent. One who engages in this fallacy is said to be "attacking a straw man."

Which Democrats have advocated open borders?

Even worse when an idiot like you mistakes a post SUPPORTING the OP as a strawman argument. Meantime, GIVE US THE LIST of Democrats defending Trump's call for a border wall! :auiqs.jpg: (oh that was just too easy)
Trump Fires Off Late Night Tweet - Calls Democrats' Open Border Policies "TREASONOUS"
President Trump fired off a late night tweet Wednesday, calling the actions taken by Democrats to keep the borders wide open, “TREASONOUS.”
Thank you, President Trump for calling it what it is!
“I think what the Democrats are doing with the Border is TREASONOUS. Their Open Border mindset is putting our Country at risk. Will not let this happen!” Trump said in a tweet..................

TREASON: Aiding and abetting the enemy.

  • Wide Open Borders, no idea who comes in or why.
  • Freedom of the Press, to print unchecked, unrestricted libel freely against their opponents to damage them with total impunity.
  • Leave all schools WIDE OPEN to student murder, then blame the NRA and guns.
  • Send Obama to meet clandestinely with hostile foreign leaders against the sitting president's agenda.
  • Set up Carbon Credits to funnel money into Europe.
  • Aide the takeover of government by non-citizens and hostile minorities like muslims, gays and transgenders with special interests.
  • Strengthen hold of ACA act over American people.
  • Raise taxes on the rich, thereby forcing them to cut back on jobs for the middle class.
Gee, is there ONE THING in there for the average American taxpayer?
Straw man:
A straw man is a form of argument and an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while actually refuting an argument that was not presented by that opponent. One who engages in this fallacy is said to be "attacking a straw man."

Which Democrats have advocated open borders?

How bout the ones in the Dem led House??

They sure aren't worried about National Security.

They aren't worried about the thousands of illegals who cross the border every day. They don't see anything wrong with it.

And they sure aren't worried about the fake asylum seekers who are at our border right now. They don't see anything wrong at all.

They aren't worried about the invasion the illegals practice every day. They sure as shit don't see a problem with the illegal invasion at all.

Sound like they want open borders to me.
Please re-read the definition of "Straw Man" or provide some links to back up your accusations. Dems may not want a wall but that is not the same as open borders any more than the GOP wanting to repeal ACA means they don't want Americans to have health care.
Trump Fires Off Late Night Tweet - Calls Democrats' Open Border Policies "TREASONOUS"
President Trump fired off a late night tweet Wednesday, calling the actions taken by Democrats to keep the borders wide open, “TREASONOUS.”
Thank you, President Trump for calling it what it is!
“I think what the Democrats are doing with the Border is TREASONOUS. Their Open Border mindset is putting our Country at risk. Will not let this happen!” Trump said in a tweet..................

TREASON: Aiding and abetting the enemy.

  • Wide Open Borders, no idea who comes in or why.
  • Freedom of the Press, to print unchecked, unrestricted libel freely against their opponents to damage them with total impunity.
  • Leave all schools WIDE OPEN to student murder, then blame the NRA and guns.
  • Send Obama to meet clandestinely with hostile foreign leaders against the sitting president's agenda.
  • Set up Carbon Credits to funnel money into Europe.
  • Aide the takeover of government by non-citizens and hostile minorities like muslims, gays and transgenders with special interests.
  • Strengthen hold of ACA act over American people.
  • Raise taxes on the rich, thereby forcing them to cut back on jobs for the middle class.
Gee, is there ONE THING in there for the average American taxpayer?
Straw man:
A straw man is a form of argument and an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while actually refuting an argument that was not presented by that opponent. One who engages in this fallacy is said to be "attacking a straw man."

Which Democrats have advocated open borders?

How bout the ones in the Dem led House??

They sure aren't worried about National Security.

They aren't worried about the thousands of illegals who cross the border every day. They don't see anything wrong with it.

And they sure aren't worried about the fake asylum seekers who are at our border right now. They don't see anything wrong at all.

They aren't worried about the invasion the illegals practice every day. They sure as shit don't see a problem with the illegal invasion at all.

Sound like they want open borders to me.
Please re-read the definition of "Straw Man" or provide some links to back up your accusations. Dems may not want a wall but that is not the same as open borders any more than the GOP wanting to repeal ACA means they don't want Americans to have health care.

Well for folks who don't want open borders they are doing their best to allow every illegal and fake asylum seeker to get into the US.

Oh and the Dem House isn't doing a damned thing to stem the tide of illegals invading our country.

Maybe they like spending billions of tax payers dollars to support the illegals. That what these assholes cost us each year. Billions.

They also must like seeing Americans robbed, raped and murder every year by illegal.

For people you say don't want open borders they are doing their best to make a liar out of you.
Trump Fires Off Late Night Tweet - Calls Democrats' Open Border Policies "TREASONOUS"
President Trump fired off a late night tweet Wednesday, calling the actions taken by Democrats to keep the borders wide open, “TREASONOUS.”
Thank you, President Trump for calling it what it is!
“I think what the Democrats are doing with the Border is TREASONOUS. Their Open Border mindset is putting our Country at risk. Will not let this happen!” Trump said in a tweet..................

TREASON: Aiding and abetting the enemy.

  • Wide Open Borders, no idea who comes in or why.
  • Freedom of the Press, to print unchecked, unrestricted libel freely against their opponents to damage them with total impunity.
  • Leave all schools WIDE OPEN to student murder, then blame the NRA and guns.
  • Send Obama to meet clandestinely with hostile foreign leaders against the sitting president's agenda.
  • Set up Carbon Credits to funnel money into Europe.
  • Aide the takeover of government by non-citizens and hostile minorities like muslims, gays and transgenders with special interests.
  • Strengthen hold of ACA act over American people.
  • Raise taxes on the rich, thereby forcing them to cut back on jobs for the middle class.
Gee, is there ONE THING in there for the average American taxpayer?
Straw man:
A straw man is a form of argument and an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while actually refuting an argument that was not presented by that opponent. One who engages in this fallacy is said to be "attacking a straw man."

Which Democrats have advocated open borders?

Got anything from a credible source? This man is too dishonest for me to believe a word he says.
Trump Fires Off Late Night Tweet - Calls Democrats' Open Border Policies "TREASONOUS"
President Trump fired off a late night tweet Wednesday, calling the actions taken by Democrats to keep the borders wide open, “TREASONOUS.”
Thank you, President Trump for calling it what it is!
“I think what the Democrats are doing with the Border is TREASONOUS. Their Open Border mindset is putting our Country at risk. Will not let this happen!” Trump said in a tweet..................

TREASON: Aiding and abetting the enemy.

  • Wide Open Borders, no idea who comes in or why.
  • Freedom of the Press, to print unchecked, unrestricted libel freely against their opponents to damage them with total impunity.
  • Leave all schools WIDE OPEN to student murder, then blame the NRA and guns.
  • Send Obama to meet clandestinely with hostile foreign leaders against the sitting president's agenda.
  • Set up Carbon Credits to funnel money into Europe.
  • Aide the takeover of government by non-citizens and hostile minorities like muslims, gays and transgenders with special interests.
  • Strengthen hold of ACA act over American people.
  • Raise taxes on the rich, thereby forcing them to cut back on jobs for the middle class.
Gee, is there ONE THING in there for the average American taxpayer?
Straw man:
A straw man is a form of argument and an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while actually refuting an argument that was not presented by that opponent. One who engages in this fallacy is said to be "attacking a straw man."

Which Democrats have advocated open borders?

Even worse when an idiot like you mistakes a post SUPPORTING the OP as a strawman argument. Meantime, GIVE US THE LIST of Democrats defending Trump's call for a border wall! :auiqs.jpg: (oh that was just too easy)
Supporting the OP by making up his own '2020 DEMOCRATIC AGENDA' is the very definition of a straw man argument.
Trump Fires Off Late Night Tweet - Calls Democrats' Open Border Policies "TREASONOUS"
President Trump fired off a late night tweet Wednesday, calling the actions taken by Democrats to keep the borders wide open, “TREASONOUS.”
Thank you, President Trump for calling it what it is!
“I think what the Democrats are doing with the Border is TREASONOUS. Their Open Border mindset is putting our Country at risk. Will not let this happen!” Trump said in a tweet..................

TREASON: Aiding and abetting the enemy.

  • Wide Open Borders, no idea who comes in or why.
  • Freedom of the Press, to print unchecked, unrestricted libel freely against their opponents to damage them with total impunity.
  • Leave all schools WIDE OPEN to student murder, then blame the NRA and guns.
  • Send Obama to meet clandestinely with hostile foreign leaders against the sitting president's agenda.
  • Set up Carbon Credits to funnel money into Europe.
  • Aide the takeover of government by non-citizens and hostile minorities like muslims, gays and transgenders with special interests.
  • Strengthen hold of ACA act over American people.
  • Raise taxes on the rich, thereby forcing them to cut back on jobs for the middle class.
Gee, is there ONE THING in there for the average American taxpayer?
Straw man:
A straw man is a form of argument and an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while actually refuting an argument that was not presented by that opponent. One who engages in this fallacy is said to be "attacking a straw man."

Which Democrats have advocated open borders?

How bout the ones in the Dem led House??

They sure aren't worried about National Security.

They aren't worried about the thousands of illegals who cross the border every day. They don't see anything wrong with it.

And they sure aren't worried about the fake asylum seekers who are at our border right now. They don't see anything wrong at all.

They aren't worried about the invasion the illegals practice every day. They sure as shit don't see a problem with the illegal invasion at all.

Sound like they want open borders to me.
Please re-read the definition of "Straw Man" or provide some links to back up your accusations. Dems may not want a wall but that is not the same as open borders any more than the GOP wanting to repeal ACA means they don't want Americans to have health care.

Well for folks who don't want open borders they are doing their best to allow every illegal and fake asylum seeker to get into the US.

Oh and the Dem House isn't doing a damned thing to stem the tide of illegals invading our country.

Maybe they like spending billions of tax payers dollars to support the illegals. That what these assholes cost us each year. Billions.

They also must like seeing Americans robbed, raped and murder every year by illegal.

For people you say don't want open borders they are doing their best to make a liar out of you.
Which laws have the Dems tried to repeal that would make entry into the US easier than it is now?
TREASON: Aiding and abetting the enemy.

  • Wide Open Borders, no idea who comes in or why.
  • Freedom of the Press, to print unchecked, unrestricted libel freely against their opponents to damage them with total impunity.
  • Leave all schools WIDE OPEN to student murder, then blame the NRA and guns.
  • Send Obama to meet clandestinely with hostile foreign leaders against the sitting president's agenda.
  • Set up Carbon Credits to funnel money into Europe.
  • Aide the takeover of government by non-citizens and hostile minorities like muslims, gays and transgenders with special interests.
  • Strengthen hold of ACA act over American people.
  • Raise taxes on the rich, thereby forcing them to cut back on jobs for the middle class.
Gee, is there ONE THING in there for the average American taxpayer?
Straw man:
A straw man is a form of argument and an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while actually refuting an argument that was not presented by that opponent. One who engages in this fallacy is said to be "attacking a straw man."

Which Democrats have advocated open borders?

How bout the ones in the Dem led House??

They sure aren't worried about National Security.

They aren't worried about the thousands of illegals who cross the border every day. They don't see anything wrong with it.

And they sure aren't worried about the fake asylum seekers who are at our border right now. They don't see anything wrong at all.

They aren't worried about the invasion the illegals practice every day. They sure as shit don't see a problem with the illegal invasion at all.

Sound like they want open borders to me.
Please re-read the definition of "Straw Man" or provide some links to back up your accusations. Dems may not want a wall but that is not the same as open borders any more than the GOP wanting to repeal ACA means they don't want Americans to have health care.

Well for folks who don't want open borders they are doing their best to allow every illegal and fake asylum seeker to get into the US.

Oh and the Dem House isn't doing a damned thing to stem the tide of illegals invading our country.

Maybe they like spending billions of tax payers dollars to support the illegals. That what these assholes cost us each year. Billions.

They also must like seeing Americans robbed, raped and murder every year by illegal.

For people you say don't want open borders they are doing their best to make a liar out of you.
Which laws have the Dems tried to repeal that would make entry into the US easier than it is now?

They don't have to repeal any laws. All they have to do is ignore the illegal invasion at the Southern border. They are doing that very well.
They don't have to repeal any laws. All they have to do is ignore the illegal invasion at the Southern border. They are doing that very well.
So the 'invasion' is illegal and the Dems have done nothing to change those laws? Doesn't sound to me like they want open borders.

Have they removed any of the existing border controls? Fences, entry points, etc.? No.
Have they offered any additional funding for border security? Yes, billions.
Have they given Trump everything he has asked for? Nope, thankfully.
They don't have to repeal any laws. All they have to do is ignore the illegal invasion at the Southern border. They are doing that very well.
So the 'invasion' is illegal and the Dems have done nothing to change those laws? Doesn't sound to me like they want open borders.

Have they removed any of the existing border controls? Fences, entry points, etc.? No.
Have they offered any additional funding for border security? Yes, billions.
Have they given Trump everything he has asked for? Nope, thankfully.

Well they don't want the wall. The same wall they wanted several years ago.

The wall would keep illegals from getting in. Once built we can boot the 20 million that are here back to Mexico. Save us billions.

Nah The Dems aren't interested in keeping illegals out. They would rather use tax money in the billions to support them.

They give lip service to border security but won't do anything that would really keep them out. The wall would do just that.
Treasonous - involving or guilty of the crime of betraying one's country.

There is no law requiring a wall

Since 1776 there has been no wall

So all of the sudden it is treasonous

Demos have supported fences in areas when they come to an agreement with repubs

People are apprehend when crossing
People present themselves to the border agents and seek asylum

There are alternatives such as drones, video surveillance, increase number of border personnel and border agents

Yet it is Trump who does not pursue other avenues, it like a horse wearing blinds

Democracy - a system of government by the whole population

I submit that it is Trump who is Treasonous because instead of looking at alternatives his only focus is on himself

he fires his own people who do not do as he says, they think that they work for the US government but it feels like they work for a dictator

if the Senate disagrees with him then he does an end around subverting the system to his own personal agenda

He feels a sense of accomplishment when they put a plaque on a fences with his name on it.
Trump Fires Off Late Night Tweet - Calls Democrats' Open Border Policies "TREASONOUS"
President Trump fired off a late night tweet Wednesday, calling the actions taken by Democrats to keep the borders wide open, “TREASONOUS.”
Thank you, President Trump for calling it what it is!
“I think what the Democrats are doing with the Border is TREASONOUS. Their Open Border mindset is putting our Country at risk. Will not let this happen!” Trump said in a tweet..................

TREASON: Aiding and abetting the enemy.

  • Wide Open Borders, no idea who comes in or why.
  • Freedom of the Press, to print unchecked, unrestricted libel freely against their opponents to damage them with total impunity.
  • Leave all schools WIDE OPEN to student murder, then blame the NRA and guns.
  • Send Obama to meet clandestinely with hostile foreign leaders against the sitting president's agenda.
  • Set up Carbon Credits to funnel money into Europe.
  • Aide the takeover of government by non-citizens and hostile minorities like muslims, gays and transgenders with special interests.
  • Strengthen hold of ACA act over American people.
  • Raise taxes on the rich, thereby forcing them to cut back on jobs for the middle class.
Gee, is there ONE THING in there for the average American taxpayer?
Straw man:
A straw man is a form of argument and an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while actually refuting an argument that was not presented by that opponent. One who engages in this fallacy is said to be "attacking a straw man."

Which Democrats have advocated open borders?

Got anything from a credible source? This man is too dishonest for me to believe a word he says.

The second reason Democrats will never fund the wall is their voter base – not unions or teachers, but illegal aliens, who broke our laws, crashed our border, and now infringe on American's sacred right to elect their government by illegally casting votes.


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