Trump First Year: Lots of Accomplishment

Repeal and Replace Obamacare? Ummm...Nope
Build a wall and have Mexico pay for it? Ummmm...Nope
Bring back manufacturing jobs from China? Ummmm....Nope
Balance the budget? Ummmm....Nope
Pay down $20 trillion debt? Ummm.....Nope
Make America Great? Ummm....Nope

Mandate gone
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Let's compare to Obama's "accomplishments" during long 8 years.

View attachment 166770

Oh, sorry, there was one more accomplishment: he made bathrooms available for all kids of jerks.

Almost everything on that list is a terrible accomplishment or a lie. Obama was a failure. The worst President this country ever had.

The stupid list forgot to mention:

Increased poverty
Decreased family income
Tremendous debt
Increased income disparity
Dismal economic growth
Weaken military
Racial division
Weak foreign policy
Health care destroyed
Increased taxes
Flood of Muslims and Mexicans into the country
Increased Black unemployment
Creation of ISIS
Empowerment of militant Iran
Proliferation of nuclear weapons in Iran and North Korea
Obama strengthened the safety net because of the Bush-induced growth in poverty
Obama generated increased family income after the Bush-induced Great Recession
Obama and Trump followed the Bush created tremendous debt
Obama decreased income disparity and now Trump is increasing it
Obama's economic recovery produced more jobs in each of his last two years than in Trump's first year
Obama strengthened military
Obama fought Alt Right induced racial division
Obama improved Bush's weakened foreign policy
Obama greatly improved health care, now Trump is destroying it
Obama decreased taxes now Trump is Increasing middle class debt to pay off the 1%
Obama had the greatest deportation rate of illegal aliens in our history
Obama saw the decreasing of the Black unemployment in his last three years
Trump is the founder of ISIS
Obama defanged a militant Iran
Bush and Obama and Trump have done nothing to stop Proliferation of nuclear weapons in Iran and North Korea

BrokeLoser hates the truth above
If one listens to or reads the drivel of the left-wing media, they might be inclined to think President Trump hasn't accomplished anything in his first 11 months of office. That's a perfect confirmation of Trump's charges about fake news from the MSM.

Good article from Byron York in the Washington Examiner exposes their silliness, with a list of Trump 2017 accomplishments. Only problem with the list is it's much too short (7 items), and lots of accomplishments could have been added. The real list is much longer.

list of Trump 2017 accomplishments.

  1. Cut corporate and individual taxes.
  2. Repeal the Obamacare individual mandate.
  3. Appoint a highly-respected conservative to the Supreme Court.
  4. Appoint a one-year record number of judges to the circuit courts.
  5. Get rid of reams of unnecessary regulations.
  6. Destroy ISIS.
  7. Approve pipeline projects and new oil drilling.
Byron York: Amid firestorms, Trump has year of solid policy accomplishments. Can he keep going?
You tards bought a repeal and replacement of ObamaCare that would give you "such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost".

Trump sold you a massive hoax.

How's that working out for you? :lol:

Mandate gone, by by Obama care

View attachment 166840
The employer mandate isn't gone.

The health insurance exchanges aren't gone.

The subsidies aren't gone.

If you wanted to keep ObamaCare around, you could have hired Hillary, dumbass.

You hired Trump to REPEAL and REPLACE Obamacare.


You are a classic rube. You were sold a repeal and replace, and have accepted a forgery.

When you open your record high insurance and medical bills, try to tell yourself Trump didn't rape and sell your dumb idiot ass down the river.
The flakes, fools, and rubes of the far right think that ACA which is not gone is going to be gone which it is not.

The tax bill only removes the mandate. McCaskill has commitment from the Republican leadership that they will pass bills to ensure that the government absorbs the rising costs on the poor as prices rise.

Such rubes.
If one listens to or reads the drivel of the left-wing media, they might be inclined to think President Trump hasn't accomplished anything in his first 11 months of office. That's a perfect confirmation of Trump's charges about fake news from the MSM.

Good article from Byron York in the Washington Examiner exposes their silliness, with a list of Trump 2017 accomplishments. Only problem with the list is it's much too short (7 items), and lots of accomplishments could have been added. The real list is much longer.

list of Trump 2017 accomplishments.

  1. Cut corporate and individual taxes.
  2. Repeal the Obamacare individual mandate.
  3. Appoint a highly-respected conservative to the Supreme Court.
  4. Appoint a one-year record number of judges to the circuit courts.
  5. Get rid of reams of unnecessary regulations.
  6. Destroy ISIS.
  7. Approve pipeline projects and new oil drilling.
Byron York: Amid firestorms, Trump has year of solid policy accomplishments. Can he keep going?
You tards bought a repeal and replacement of ObamaCare that would give you "such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost".

Trump sold you a massive hoax.

How's that working out for you? :lol:

Mandate gone, by by Obama care

View attachment 166840
The employer mandate isn't gone.

The health insurance exchanges aren't gone.

The subsidies aren't gone.

If you wanted to keep ObamaCare around, you could have hired Hillary, dumbass.

You hired Trump to REPEAL and REPLACE Obamacare.


You are a classic rube. You were sold a repeal and replace, and have accepted a forgery.

When you open your record high insurance and medical bills, try to tell yourself Trump didn't rape and sell your dumb idiot ass down the river.

10% premium increase? Obama care dead ..and the la times just had a hissy fit ... priceless.

GOP tax bill also manages to needlessly screw up the healthcare system

GOP tax bill also manages to needlessly screw up the healthcare system

are rushing to pass their cruel joke of a tax bill — legislation they claim will assist working families but in reality is an early Christmas present for corporations and the super-wealthy. Voting begins Tuesday.

It would be easy to devote an entire column to the vicious provisions of the bill, such as making corporate tax cuts permanent but relief for individuals only temporary, or running up well over a trillion dollars in debt to make the rich richer.

But the part that strikes me as most galling, and which has become almost an afterthought amid all the other damage the bill will do, is its incongruous and completely unnecessary repeal of the Affordable Care Act’s individual mandate.

That’s the aspect of Obamacare that basically makes the rest of the system work — and it does work, regardless of the lies conservative politicians tell to dupe followers into thinking the healthcare reform law is a “disaster” and a “catastrophe.”

recent report from the Commonwealth Fund found that “the Affordable Care Act has put access to healthcare in reach for millions of Americans.” It said fewer people are putting off doctor visits or struggling with medical bills.

In California alone, the percentage of uninsured working-age adults has plunged to 10% from 24%, according to the report. Nationwide, the uninsured rate fell to a record low 8.8% last year.

After President Trump took office and cast uncertainty over insurance markets, the uninsured rate rose this year to a three-year high. Which means the only disaster for Obamacare has been Trump calling it a disaster.

And now Republicans are all but ensuring failure of the law by eliminating the requirement that most people have health insurance. They say they’re protecting personal freedom, giving people the choice of whether or not to buy coverage.
If one listens to or reads the drivel of the left-wing media, they might be inclined to think President Trump hasn't accomplished anything in his first 11 months of office. That's a perfect confirmation of Trump's charges about fake news from the MSM.

Good article from Byron York in the Washington Examiner exposes their silliness, with a list of Trump 2017 accomplishments. Only problem with the list is it's much too short (7 items), and lots of accomplishments could have been added. The real list is much longer.

list of Trump 2017 accomplishments.

  1. Cut corporate and individual taxes.
  2. Repeal the Obamacare individual mandate.
  3. Appoint a highly-respected conservative to the Supreme Court.
  4. Appoint a one-year record number of judges to the circuit courts.
  5. Get rid of reams of unnecessary regulations.
  6. Destroy ISIS.
  7. Approve pipeline projects and new oil drilling.
Byron York: Amid firestorms, Trump has year of solid policy accomplishments. Can he keep going?
Smashing success. Year two will be even better.
The flakes, fools, and rubes of the far right think that ACA which is not gone is going to be gone which it is not.

The tax bill only removes the mandate. McCaskill has commitment from the Republican leadership that they will pass bills to ensure that the government absorbs the rising costs on the poor as prices rise.

Such rubes.

10% premimums increase take Obama care and shove it going to the Bahamas while you rubes pay for health insurance :)
Repeal and Replace Obamacare? Ummm...Nope
Build a wall and have Mexico pay for it? Ummmm...Nope
Bring back manufacturing jobs from China? Ummmm....Nope
Balance the budget? Ummmm....Nope
Pay down $20 trillion debt? Ummm.....Nope
Make America Great? Ummm....Nope

Mandate gone

All that does is raise ALL of our insurance rates
Not something to brag about
You tards bought a repeal and replacement of ObamaCare that would give you "such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost".

Trump sold you a massive hoax.

How's that working out for you? :lol:
I have 100% free medical care from the VA. Working out fine. :biggrin:
Like the pipeline that just spilled in the Midwest? Drilling in pristine land untouched by humans? Selling off our nations land to corporations?
Liberals love to pretend that nothing has been accomplished in 2017. Poor liberals. Living a lie must be tough .
You tards bought a repeal and replacement of ObamaCare that would give you "such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost".

Trump sold you a massive hoax.

How's that working out for you? :lol:
I have 100% free medical care from the VA. Working out fine. :biggrin:
Yet protectionist supports the far right that wants to eliminate VA and greatly modify SS and Medicare.
Yet protectionist supports the far right that wants to eliminate VA and greatly modify SS and Medicare.
I don't support anything that wants to eliminate or reduce VA or Social Security. And Trump and Republicans aren't doing that - they could if they wanted to. Ho hum.

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