Trump First Year: Lots of Accomplishment

Repeal and Replace Obamacare? Ummm...Nope
Build a wall and have Mexico pay for it? Ummmm...Nope
Bring back manufacturing jobs from China? Ummmm....Nope
Balance the budget? Ummmm....Nope
Pay down $20 trillion debt? Ummm.....Nope
Make America Great? Ummm....Nope
Infrastructure bill: nope
Lowering the cost of pharmaceuticals: nope
Making our air and water cleaner: what a laugh
Bringing respect back to America: bigger laugh. Many British officials don’t even want the pussygrabber in their country.
On and on.
This fake prez has been the absolute worst we’ve ever had and it’s great America thinks the same which is why he’s the lowest rated prez in history after one year.
You sure lie a lot. Besides no one cares what the surrender punks in Britain care about, nor does anyone care what you think since you only parrot what the media tells you. Got a link? lol! :cuckoo::laugh2:

London Borough Votes To Ban 'Bigoted' Donald Trump | HuffPost
I’m always right.
Funny you don’t think the US needs Allies. Yes you are that dumb.
Poor dumb Mikey.... his ass looks like this.
More accomplishments: making the easily led dupes to turn in their NFL season tickets
No wall.

No Mexican money for a wall.

No long-term budget that reels in debt and deficit.

No tax bill that reels in debt and deficit.

No unlimited anti-immigration process.

No mass deportations.

No deportation of Dreamers.


He did get a justice I like and a good VA bill.

But he won't be in office for long, so all of this really does not matter.
Tax cuts for the rich but no Infrastructure plan or benefit plan for the poor.
No wall.

No Mexican money for a wall.

No long-term budget that reels in debt and deficit.

No tax bill that reels in debt and deficit.

No unlimited anti-immigration process.

No mass deportations.

No deportation of Dreamers.


He did get a justice I like and a good VA bill.

But he won't be in office for long, so all of this really does not matter.

3... no, 7 more years.

I hope you survive...
No wall.

No Mexican money for a wall.

No long-term budget that reels in debt and deficit.

No tax bill that reels in debt and deficit.

No unlimited anti-immigration process.

No mass deportations.

No deportation of Dreamers.


He did get a justice I like and a good VA bill.

But he won't be in office for long, so all of this really does not matter.
3... no, 7 more years. I hope you survive...
I survived Bush easily, and Trump is just a petty criminal. The impeachment will be foremost by summer of next year. It's tough, I know, Norman, for you Alt Right flakes, but you were warned.
No wall.

No Mexican money for a wall.

No long-term budget that reels in debt and deficit.

No tax bill that reels in debt and deficit.

No unlimited anti-immigration process.

No mass deportations.

No deportation of Dreamers.


He did get a justice I like and a good VA bill.

But he won't be in office for long, so all of this really does not matter.
3... no, 7 more years. I hope you survive...
I survived Bush easily, and Trump is just a petty criminal. The impeachment will be foremost by summer of next year. It's tough, I know, Norman, for you Alt Right flakes, but you were warned.

He won't? Who will?
No wall.

No Mexican money for a wall.

No long-term budget that reels in debt and deficit.

No tax bill that reels in debt and deficit.

No unlimited anti-immigration process.

No mass deportations.

No deportation of Dreamers.


He did get a justice I like and a good VA bill.

But he won't be in office for long, so all of this really does not matter.

Your list sure gets smaller and smaller..

If one listens to or reads the drivel of the left-wing media, they might be inclined to think President Trump hasn't accomplished anything in his first 11 months of office. That's a perfect confirmation of Trump's charges about fake news from the MSM.

Good article from Byron York in the Washington Examiner exposes their silliness, with a list of Trump 2017 accomplishments. Only problem with the list is it's much too short (7 items), and lots of accomplishments could have been added. The real list is much longer.

list of Trump 2017 accomplishments.

  1. Cut corporate and individual taxes.
  2. Repeal the Obamacare individual mandate.
  3. Appoint a highly-respected conservative to the Supreme Court.
  4. Appoint a one-year record number of judges to the circuit courts.
  5. Get rid of reams of unnecessary regulations.
  6. Destroy ISIS.
  7. Approve pipeline projects and new oil drilling.
Byron York: Amid firestorms, Trump has year of solid policy accomplishments. Can he keep going?
You tards bought a repeal and replacement of ObamaCare that would give you "such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost".

Trump sold you a massive hoax.

How's that working out for you? :lol:

Mandate gone, by by Obama care

happyday (1).gif

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