Trump First Year: Lots of Accomplishment

He tried to stop the LGBT community from serving in our military but he was slapped down by the courts on that one.
Sanity prevailed .
There has been so many accomplishments ( none) that the GOP’s donors told them they HAVE to pass this tax bill to benefit them or else don’t expect a penny going into the midterms.
If one listens to or reads the drivel of the left-wing media, they might be inclined to think President Trump hasn't accomplished anything in his first 11 months of office. That's a perfect confirmation of Trump's charges about fake news from the MSM.

Good article from Byron York in the Washington Examiner exposes their silliness, with a list of Trump 2017 accomplishments. Only problem with the list is it's much too short (7 items), and lots of accomplishments could have been added. The real list is much longer.

list of Trump 2017 accomplishments.

  1. Cut corporate and individual taxes.
  2. Repeal the Obamacare individual mandate.
  3. Appoint a highly-respected conservative to the Supreme Court.
  4. Appoint a one-year record number of judges to the circuit courts.
  5. Get rid of reams of unnecessary regulations.
  6. Destroy ISIS.
  7. Approve pipeline projects and new oil drilling.
Byron York: Amid firestorms, Trump has year of solid policy accomplishments. Can he keep going?
You tards bought a repeal and replacement of ObamaCare that would give you "such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost".

Trump sold you a massive hoax.

How's that working out for you? :lol:
Trump needs to stop coasting on Obama's momentum and get his shit together and start growing jobs.

Cut corporate and individual taxes.
Gave himself and more rich people a tax break
Repeal the Obamacare individual mandate.
Didn’t repeal and replace Obamacare within his first 100 days as promised. Everybody is not insured as promised.
Appoint a highly-respected conservative to the Supreme Court.
Only after the GOP made an unprecedented move in denying Obama a nominee, and leaving the court one justice short for a year. By all rights, that seat was Obama’s to fill, and the GOP is scum for running the clock out like it’s a game.
Appoint a one-year record number of judges to the circuit courts.
Again, only after the GOP refused to confirm a record number of nominees during Obama’s tenure.
Get rid of reams of unnecessary regulations.
Cool, let’s bring standards back to the 1960s. I don’t remember hearing that on the campaign trail.
Destroy ISIS.
ISIS is still around.
Approve pipeline projects and new oil drilling.
Like the pipeline that just spilled in the Midwest? Drilling in pristine land untouched by humans? Selling off our nations land to corporations?
If one listens to or reads the drivel of the left-wing media, they might be inclined to think President Trump hasn't accomplished anything in his first 11 months of office. That's a perfect confirmation of Trump's charges about fake news from the MSM.

Good article from Byron York in the Washington Examiner exposes their silliness, with a list of Trump 2017 accomplishments. Only problem with the list is it's much too short (7 items), and lots of accomplishments could have been added. The real list is much longer.

list of Trump 2017 accomplishments.

  1. Cut corporate and individual taxes.
  2. Repeal the Obamacare individual mandate.
  3. Appoint a highly-respected conservative to the Supreme Court.
  4. Appoint a one-year record number of judges to the circuit courts.
  5. Get rid of reams of unnecessary regulations.
  6. Destroy ISIS.
  7. Approve pipeline projects and new oil drilling.
Byron York: Amid firestorms, Trump has year of solid policy accomplishments. Can he keep going?
Byron York, Washington examiner? You're kidding.
I thought he was going to destroy ISIS his first week.
McConnell put the supreme in
See the latest "judge" who had to withdraw?
New oil is a plus? Enjoy your water
Thrown 13 mm off healthcare and raised the rates for everybody.
I guess you are sucking off your socialist VA SS Medicare benefits?
Cut corporate and individual taxes.
Gave himself and more rich people a tax break
Repeal the Obamacare individual mandate.
Didn’t repeal and replace Obamacare within his first 100 days as promised. Everybody is not insured as promised.
Appoint a highly-respected conservative to the Supreme Court.
Only after the GOP made an unprecedented move in denying Obama a nominee, and leaving the court one justice short for a year. By all rights, that seat was Obama’s to fill, and the GOP is scum for running the clock out like it’s a game.
Appoint a one-year record number of judges to the circuit courts.
Again, only after the GOP refused to confirm a record number of nominees during Obama’s tenure.
Get rid of reams of unnecessary regulations.
Cool, let’s bring standards back to the 1960s. I don’t remember hearing that on the campaign trail.
Destroy ISIS.
ISIS is still around.
Approve pipeline projects and new oil drilling.
Like the pipeline that just spilled in the Midwest? Drilling in pristine land untouched by humans? Selling off our nations land to corporations?

At least we have no record of the C grabber grabbing any new women.
Too old maybe. Viagra not working?
As he's known in the rest of the world "a big mouth with small fingers"
Cut corporate and individual taxes.
Gave himself and more rich people a tax break
Repeal the Obamacare individual mandate.
Didn’t repeal and replace Obamacare within his first 100 days as promised. Everybody is not insured as promised.
Appoint a highly-respected conservative to the Supreme Court.
Only after the GOP made an unprecedented move in denying Obama a nominee, and leaving the court one justice short for a year. By all rights, that seat was Obama’s to fill, and the GOP is scum for running the clock out like it’s a game.
Appoint a one-year record number of judges to the circuit courts.
Again, only after the GOP refused to confirm a record number of nominees during Obama’s tenure.
Get rid of reams of unnecessary regulations.
Cool, let’s bring standards back to the 1960s. I don’t remember hearing that on the campaign trail.
Destroy ISIS.
ISIS is still around.
Approve pipeline projects and new oil drilling.
Like the pipeline that just spilled in the Midwest? Drilling in pristine land untouched by humans? Selling off our nations land to corporations?

At least we have no record of the C grabber grabbing any new women.
Too old maybe. Viagra not working?
As he's known in the rest of the world "a big mouth with small fingers"
^ When children post in adult places.
Repeal and Replace Obamacare? Ummm...Nope
Build a wall and have Mexico pay for it? Ummmm...Nope
Bring back manufacturing jobs from China? Ummmm....Nope
Balance the budget? Ummmm....Nope
Pay down $20 trillion debt? Ummm.....Nope
Make America Great? Ummm....Nope
More successes.

Wants to give workers tips to employers.

Expose a million acres around the Grand Canyon for uranium mining.
MAGA! Best media fed post of the day!
Thanks again for proving you have no idea what’s going on. I’d send you links proving you’re dead wrong but you’ll just blow it off claiming fake news.
You’re an obedient tool.
The Dump: Don’t believe anything until you hear it from me.
More successes.

Wants to give workers tips to employers.

Expose a million acres around the Grand Canyon for uranium mining.
MAGA! Best media fed post of the day!
Thanks again for proving you have no idea what’s going on. I’d send you links proving you’re dead wrong but you’ll just blow it off claiming fake news.
You’re an obedient tool.
The Dump: Don’t believe anything until you hear it from me.
You should calm down before Trump sends out a tweet that makes you pee the bed.
Repeal and Replace Obamacare? Ummm...Nope
Build a wall and have Mexico pay for it? Ummmm...Nope
Bring back manufacturing jobs from China? Ummmm....Nope
Balance the budget? Ummmm....Nope
Pay down $20 trillion debt? Ummm.....Nope
Make America Great? Ummm....Nope
Infrastructure bill: nope
Lowering the cost of pharmaceuticals: nope
Making our air and water cleaner: what a laugh
Bringing respect back to America: bigger laugh. Many British officials don’t even want the pussygrabber in their country.
On and on.
This fake prez has been the absolute worst we’ve ever had and it’s great America thinks the same which is why he’s the lowest rated prez in history after one year.
More successes.

Wants to give workers tips to employers.

Expose a million acres around the Grand Canyon for uranium mining.
MAGA! Best media fed post of the day!
Thanks again for proving you have no idea what’s going on. I’d send you links proving you’re dead wrong but you’ll just blow it off claiming fake news.
You’re an obedient tool.
The Dump: Don’t believe anything until you hear it from me.
You should calm down before Trump sends out a tweet that makes you pee the bed.
His tweets embarrasses himself and the USA. Even DEPLORABLES admit that.
Funny you missed the boat on that one too.
Repeal and Replace Obamacare? Ummm...Nope
Build a wall and have Mexico pay for it? Ummmm...Nope
Bring back manufacturing jobs from China? Ummmm....Nope
Balance the budget? Ummmm....Nope
Pay down $20 trillion debt? Ummm.....Nope
Make America Great? Ummm....Nope
Infrastructure bill: nope
Lowering the cost of pharmaceuticals: nope
Making our air and water cleaner: what a laugh
Bringing respect back to America: bigger laugh. Many British officials don’t even want the pussygrabber in their country.
On and on.
This fake prez has been the absolute worst we’ve ever had and it’s great America thinks the same which is why he’s the lowest rated prez in history after one year.
You sure lie a lot. Besides no one cares what the surrender punks in Britain care about, nor does anyone care what you think since you only parrot what the media tells you. Got a link? lol! :cuckoo::laugh2:
View attachment 166814
More successes.

Wants to give workers tips to employers.

Expose a million acres around the Grand Canyon for uranium mining.
MAGA! Best media fed post of the day!
Thanks again for proving you have no idea what’s going on. I’d send you links proving you’re dead wrong but you’ll just blow it off claiming fake news.
You’re an obedient tool.
The Dump: Don’t believe anything until you hear it from me.
You should calm down before Trump sends out a tweet that makes you pee the bed.
His tweets embarrasses himself and the USA. Even DEPLORABLES admit that.
Funny you missed the boat on that one too.

We don't know Donald Trump

Obama is against Trump
The Media is against Trump
The establishment Democrats are against Trump
The establishment Republicans are against Trump
The Pope is against Trump
The UN is against Trump
The EU is against Trump
China is against Trump
Mexico is against Trump
Soros is against Trump
Black Lives Matter is against Trump
MoveOn.Org is against Trump
Koch Bro's are against Trump
Hateful, racist, violent Liberals are against Trump

Bonus points

Cher says she will leave the country
Mylie Cyrus says she will leave the country
Whoopi says she will leave the country
Rosie says she will leave the country
Al Sharpton says he will leave the country
Jennifer Lawrence says she will leave the country.
Gov. Brown says California will build a wall

Sounds like the kinda president the US needs!

No. Most of us do not know Donald Trump. We are only exposed to him by what we have read in newspapers or "seen on TV". We have been told and have been able to observe that he is a very successful business man and that now he wants to be President of the United States of America. Most of the politicians and media tell a story of a man who will stop at nothing to achieve his goals, and a lot of people say that he is only running interference to enable the Clinton's to get back in the Whitehouse.

They say he can't be bought, he needs nothing, he can get anything he wants and is running with his own money. He says there are lots of things wrong with our country and that the media are liars. I agree. I saw an interview with Trump back in the 80's where he says in a nutshell what he is saying today. He says that America is always last and I agree. We pay for a lot of stuff for the world and get nothing in return. Our trade imbalance is criminal, and the politicians listen to no one but their biggest donors. Businesses are fleeing our country like rats from a sinking ship.


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