Trump flip flops on waterboarding. Add another lie to the list

I don't care who uses the term, but - the vast majority of the time - anyone who uses it is partisan as hell and are trying to make a partisan attack / point. That term is 'Flip-Flop'. There ARE valid times / circumstances to use the term, but the vast majority of the time it is just a BS partisan attack.

Case in point - this ATTACK on Trump for 'Flip-Flopping' is one of those times it is just partisan.

Trump, as accurately pointed out by the Liberals, is extremely arrogant and opinionated, as shown by his declaring he knew / knows more about military operations than the Generals. He was obviously very opinionated about Waterboarding as well.

His changing his mind on the issue, however, is exactly what I was HOPING would be the case with him - once he sat down and began to talking to the experts he began LISTENING, LEARNING, and EVOLVING...which is what you want.

Politicians 'flip-flop', based on the political winds and what benefit to them there is to changing their stance on issues. Trump has never been a politician. Sitting down talking to the experts on this issue for him was all about LEARNING and educating himself.

That is an extremely GOOD thing. It proves he is also not going to roar into the WH like a bull in a China shop but will actually LISTEN and will be open to accept the counsel that is given to him.

And the funny thing is about Trump changing his mind and rejecting water-boarding is that it's the Liberals that seem the most pissed that he has changed his view on this technique. WHY? Because it means there is one less thing to criticize him about.

Trump-Hating Liberals:
'You suck because you believe in waterboarding'

'Actually, no I don't - not anymore.'

Trump-Hating Liberals:
'You suck because you just flip-flopped. How dare you see the light and change your mind about torture?! You're not allowed to do that!'


No matter what Trump does, Snowflakes are going to constantly attack him for the next 4 years.
I'm kinda relieved about two things --
1) we won't be breaking international law, and
2) Trump has found someone he will listen to.
That is an extremely GOOD thing. It proves he is also not going to roar into the WH like a bull in a China shop but will actually LISTEN and will be open to accept the counsel that is given to him.

You make a very good point
Winning is Oh so very sweet.
I love it when you whiners defend that Trump lied to you. No he's not going to lock up Hillary. No he isn't going to torture. No he isn't going to pull out of the Paris Climate Change pledge. He already is backing away from the wall in Mexico. He fired up the Alt right & now tells them to STFU & calls them idiots.

You think you won? All those things Trump said are not happening.
By the time Trump has meetings with experts about everything he ran on...he will be the all time blue ribbon winner of the un-kept campaign promises contest.

Of course, those who elected Trump will make excuses for the un-kept promises, much like Obama supporters did for Obama, when he failed to close Gitmo or completely draw down in Iraq.

As I remember, they made flip flopping a saying Obama made a good decision to not keep that promise, after further analysis.....oh wait.....that was me who said that....
WASHINGTON, Nov 23 — US president-elect Donald Trump said today that advice from a Marine general renowned for his frank talk had convinced him to think again about authorising the torture of detainees.

The Republican tycoon had previously made bloodcurdling pledges to restore waterboarding and “far, far worse” in US detention centres, scorning President Barack Obama’s ban on the practice.

But last weekend Trump sat down with James Mattis, a retired general respected across Washington and the US military for his no-nonsense approach, to discuss naming him defence secretary.

Yesterday, in an interview with the New York Times, Trump said he’d been surprised to discover that such an uncompromising commander was opposed to allowing US personnel to torture suspects.

“He said: ‘I’ve never found it to be useful’,” he said, adding that Mattis advised building a rapport with detainees: “Give me a pack of cigarettes and a couple of beers and I’ll do better.”

“I was very impressed by that answer,” Trump told the Times, in a marked U-turn from his campaign mantra: “Torture works, OK? Believe me, it works.”

- See more at: Tough general convinces Trump to backtrack on torture

Looks like you Trumpbots finally got John McCain elected. lol
Waterboarding wasn't/isn't classified as torture. Navy SEALs are trained with it and it's against the UCMJ to torture the troops. Where does it say he says waterboarding will not be permitted in his administration?

It is torture. We prosecuted others for torture when they waterboarded US troops.

And you are sofa king dense, you think the Marines waterboarding a trainee is the same as when an enemy does it.
I don't care who uses the term, but - the vast majority of the time - anyone who uses it is partisan as hell and are trying to make a partisan attack / point. That term is 'Flip-Flop'. There ARE valid times / circumstances to use the term, but the vast majority of the time it is just a BS partisan attack.

Case in point - this ATTACK on Trump for 'Flip-Flopping' is one of those times it is just partisan.

Trump, as accurately pointed out by the Liberals, is extremely arrogant and opinionated, as shown by his declaring he knew / knows more about military operations than the Generals. He was obviously very opinionated about Waterboarding as well.

His changing his mind on the issue, however, is exactly what I was HOPING would be the case with him - once he sat down and began to talking to the experts he began LISTENING, LEARNING, and EVOLVING...which is what you want.

Politicians 'flip-flop', based on the political winds and what benefit to them there is to changing their stance on issues. Trump has never been a politician. Sitting down talking to the experts on this issue for him was all about LEARNING and educating himself.

That is an extremely GOOD thing. It proves he is also not going to roar into the WH like a bull in a China shop but will actually LISTEN and will be open to accept the counsel that is given to him.

And the funny thing is about Trump changing his mind and rejecting water-boarding is that it's the Liberals that seem the most pissed that he has changed his view on this technique. WHY? Because it means there is one less thing to criticize him about.

Trump-Hating Liberals:
'You suck because you believe in waterboarding'

'Actually, no I don't - not anymore.'

Trump-Hating Liberals:
'You suck because you just flip-flopped. How dare you see the light and change your mind about torture?! You're not allowed to do that!'


No matter what Trump does, Snowflakes are going to constantly attack him for the next 4 years.
Actually, we are laughing at you Trumpsters. You voted for torture and you aren't going to get it.
WASHINGTON, Nov 23 — US president-elect Donald Trump said today that advice from a Marine general renowned for his frank talk had convinced him to think again about authorising the torture of detainees.

The Republican tycoon had previously made bloodcurdling pledges to restore waterboarding and “far, far worse” in US detention centres, scorning President Barack Obama’s ban on the practice.

But last weekend Trump sat down with James Mattis, a retired general respected across Washington and the US military for his no-nonsense approach, to discuss naming him defence secretary.

Yesterday, in an interview with the New York Times, Trump said he’d been surprised to discover that such an uncompromising commander was opposed to allowing US personnel to torture suspects.

“He said: ‘I’ve never found it to be useful’,” he said, adding that Mattis advised building a rapport with detainees: “Give me a pack of cigarettes and a couple of beers and I’ll do better.”

“I was very impressed by that answer,” Trump told the Times, in a marked U-turn from his campaign mantra: “Torture works, OK? Believe me, it works.”

- See more at: Tough general convinces Trump to backtrack on torture

Looks like you Trumpbots finally got John McCain elected. lol
Add another lie? How many have you told to date?

You tell me, big mouth.
There are a lot or prognosticators - mainly Trump Haters - who are declaring positively what Trump will and will not do. Most of their prognostications are the result of hatred and anger at losing.

In the end, time will tell...not Liberals.
WASHINGTON, Nov 23 — US president-elect Donald Trump said today that advice from a Marine general renowned for his frank talk had convinced him to think again about authorising the torture of detainees.

The Republican tycoon had previously made bloodcurdling pledges to restore waterboarding and “far, far worse” in US detention centres, scorning President Barack Obama’s ban on the practice.

But last weekend Trump sat down with James Mattis, a retired general respected across Washington and the US military for his no-nonsense approach, to discuss naming him defence secretary.

Yesterday, in an interview with the New York Times, Trump said he’d been surprised to discover that such an uncompromising commander was opposed to allowing US personnel to torture suspects.

“He said: ‘I’ve never found it to be useful’,” he said, adding that Mattis advised building a rapport with detainees: “Give me a pack of cigarettes and a couple of beers and I’ll do better.”

“I was very impressed by that answer,” Trump told the Times, in a marked U-turn from his campaign mantra: “Torture works, OK? Believe me, it works.”

- See more at: Tough general convinces Trump to backtrack on torture

Looks like you Trumpbots finally got John McCain elected. lol
Waterboarding wasn't/isn't classified as torture. Navy SEALs are trained with it and it's against the UCMJ to torture the troops. Where does it say he says waterboarding will not be permitted in his administration?

It is torture. We prosecuted others for torture when they waterboarded US troops.

And you are sofa king dense, you think the Marines waterboarding a trainee is the same as when an enemy does it.
If they don't drown then yes. You need to back up your claims though, and try to answer the questions this time.
His changing his mind on the issue, however, is exactly what I was HOPING would be the case with him - once he sat down and began to talking to the experts he began LISTENING, LEARNING, and EVOLVING...which is what you want.

EXACTLY as I predicted yesterday. Every time Trump flip flops, the Trumptards are obediently going to flip flop with him, simply abandoning their previous belief, and like good cult members,

following the Master. A classic example of people devoid of principles and devoid of the ability to think for themselves.
Actually, we are laughing at you Trumpsters. You voted for torture and you aren't going to get it.
Actually, Snowflake, we voted for 'NOT Hillary', and we ARE going to get that - NOT Hillary. Anything else is just 'gravy'. :p
I don't care who uses the term, but - the vast majority of the time - anyone who uses it is partisan as hell and are trying to make a partisan attack / point. That term is 'Flip-Flop'. There ARE valid times / circumstances to use the term, but the vast majority of the time it is just a BS partisan attack.

Case in point - this ATTACK on Trump for 'Flip-Flopping' is one of those times it is just partisan.

Trump, as accurately pointed out by the Liberals, is extremely arrogant and opinionated, as shown by his declaring he knew / knows more about military operations than the Generals. He was obviously very opinionated about Waterboarding as well.

His changing his mind on the issue, however, is exactly what I was HOPING would be the case with him - once he sat down and began to talking to the experts he began LISTENING, LEARNING, and EVOLVING...which is what you want.

Politicians 'flip-flop', based on the political winds and what benefit to them there is to changing their stance on issues. Trump has never been a politician. Sitting down talking to the experts on this issue for him was all about LEARNING and educating himself.

That is an extremely GOOD thing. It proves he is also not going to roar into the WH like a bull in a China shop but will actually LISTEN and will be open to accept the counsel that is given to him.

And the funny thing is about Trump changing his mind and rejecting water-boarding is that it's the Liberals that seem the most pissed that he has changed his view on this technique. WHY? Because it means there is one less thing to criticize him about.

Trump-Hating Liberals:
'You suck because you believe in waterboarding'

'Actually, no I don't - not anymore.'

Trump-Hating Liberals:
'You suck because you just flip-flopped. How dare you see the light and change your mind about torture?! You're not allowed to do that!'


No matter what Trump does, Snowflakes are going to constantly attack him for the next 4 years.
Actually, we are laughing at you Trumpsters. You voted for torture and you aren't going to get it.
Huh? Are you on drugs?
His changing his mind on the issue, however, is exactly what I was HOPING would be the case with him - once he sat down and began to talking to the experts he began LISTENING, LEARNING, and EVOLVING...which is what you want.

EXACTLY as I predicted yesterday. Every time Trump flip flops, the Trumptards are obediently going to flip flop with him, simply abandoning their previous belief, and like good cult members,

following the Master. A classic example of people devoid of principles and devoid of the ability to think for themselves.
Well think about supporting the allegations for a change.
There are a lot or prognosticators - mainly Trump Haters - who are declaring positively what Trump will and will not do. Most of their prognostications are the result of hatred and anger at losing.

In the end, time will tell...not Liberals.

You people claimed a big victory for conservatism. I claimed this is just a pause in the advance of progressivism. I'm being proven more and more right every day.
EXACTLY as I predicted yesterday. Every time Trump flip flops, the Trumptards are obediently going to flip flop with him, simply abandoning their previous belief, and like good cult members,
You mad, brau? looking forward to a little bit of torture and now you're not going to get it you're pissed? Thought you libs would be happy the President changed his mind about torture...but all of a sudden you're all pissed.

There's just no pleasing you Snowflakes. :p
His changing his mind on the issue, however, is exactly what I was HOPING would be the case with him - once he sat down and began to talking to the experts he began LISTENING, LEARNING, and EVOLVING...which is what you want.

EXACTLY as I predicted yesterday. Every time Trump flip flops, the Trumptards are obediently going to flip flop with him, simply abandoning their previous belief, and like good cult members,

following the Master. A classic example of people devoid of principles and devoid of the ability to think for themselves.
Well think about supporting the allegations for a change.

The other poster proves me right. Trump flip flops, and he flip flops in monkey see monkey do fashion.
EXACTLY as I predicted yesterday. Every time Trump flip flops, the Trumptards are obediently going to flip flop with him, simply abandoning their previous belief, and like good cult members,
You mad, brau? looking forward to a little bit of torture and now you're not going to get it you're pissed? Thought you libs would be happy the President changed his mind about torture...but al lof a sudden you're all pissed.

There's just no pleasing you Snowflakes. :p

I am happy. Every time Trump moves to the left I'm happy. Where do you see anger?
why would he follow through on the horseshit he fed the dumbass RW's that kept them foaming at the mouth for over a year? now that the trumpbots elected him he no longer has any use for them. Trump is a fraud, and duping simple minded slobs is his claim to success, always has been, always will be. Stay tuned, 99% of walking back his vapid mouth has just begun.

no butthurt to it, just the facts.

There are a lot or prognosticators - mainly Trump Haters - who are declaring positively what Trump will and will not do. Most of their prognostications are the result of hatred and anger at losing.

In the end, time will tell...not Liberals.

You people claimed a big victory for conservatism. I claimed this is just a pause in the advance of progressivism. I'm being proven more and more right every day.
How so? You keep slinging shit but ....

"Well think about supporting the allegations for a change."

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