Trump flip flops on waterboarding. Add another lie to the list

I don't care who uses the term, but - the vast majority of the time - anyone who uses it is partisan as hell and are trying to make a partisan attack / point. That term is 'Flip-Flop'. There ARE valid times / circumstances to use the term, but the vast majority of the time it is just a BS partisan attack.

Case in point - this ATTACK on Trump for 'Flip-Flopping' is one of those times it is just partisan.

Trump, as accurately pointed out by the Liberals, is extremely arrogant and opinionated, as shown by his declaring he knew / knows more about military operations than the Generals. He was obviously very opinionated about Waterboarding as well.

His changing his mind on the issue, however, is exactly what I was HOPING would be the case with him - once he sat down and began to talking to the experts he began LISTENING, LEARNING, and EVOLVING...which is what you want.

Politicians 'flip-flop', based on the political winds and what benefit to them there is to changing their stance on issues. Trump has never been a politician. Sitting down talking to the experts on this issue for him was all about LEARNING and educating himself.

That is an extremely GOOD thing. It proves he is also not going to roar into the WH like a bull in a China shop but will actually LISTEN and will be open to accept the counsel that is given to him.

And the funny thing is about Trump changing his mind and rejecting water-boarding is that it's the Liberals that seem the most pissed that he has changed his view on this technique. WHY? Because it means there is one less thing to criticize him about.

Trump-Hating Liberals:
'You suck because you believe in waterboarding'

'Actually, no I don't - not anymore.'

Trump-Hating Liberals:
'You suck because you just flip-flopped. How dare you see the light and change your mind about torture?! You're not allowed to do that!'


No matter what Trump does, Snowflakes are going to constantly attack him for the next 4 years.
Actually, we are laughing at you Trumpsters. You voted for torture and you aren't going to get it.
Huh? Are you on drugs?

It was not that difficulty. You voted for Trump based on what he said he was going to do.

I will laugh at you every time he backs away from these things.

He isn't even in office & he is running away from his promises and you don't get how bad you were duped..
I don't care who uses the term, but - the vast majority of the time - anyone who uses it is partisan as hell and are trying to make a partisan attack / point. That term is 'Flip-Flop'. There ARE valid times / circumstances to use the term, but the vast majority of the time it is just a BS partisan attack.

Case in point - this ATTACK on Trump for 'Flip-Flopping' is one of those times it is just partisan.

Trump, as accurately pointed out by the Liberals, is extremely arrogant and opinionated, as shown by his declaring he knew / knows more about military operations than the Generals. He was obviously very opinionated about Waterboarding as well.

His changing his mind on the issue, however, is exactly what I was HOPING would be the case with him - once he sat down and began to talking to the experts he began LISTENING, LEARNING, and EVOLVING...which is what you want.

Politicians 'flip-flop', based on the political winds and what benefit to them there is to changing their stance on issues. Trump has never been a politician. Sitting down talking to the experts on this issue for him was all about LEARNING and educating himself.

That is an extremely GOOD thing. It proves he is also not going to roar into the WH like a bull in a China shop but will actually LISTEN and will be open to accept the counsel that is given to him.

And the funny thing is about Trump changing his mind and rejecting water-boarding is that it's the Liberals that seem the most pissed that he has changed his view on this technique. WHY? Because it means there is one less thing to criticize him about.

Trump-Hating Liberals:
'You suck because you believe in waterboarding'

'Actually, no I don't - not anymore.'

Trump-Hating Liberals:
'You suck because you just flip-flopped. How dare you see the light and change your mind about torture?! You're not allowed to do that!'


No matter what Trump does, Snowflakes are going to constantly attack him for the next 4 years.
Actually, we are laughing at you Trumpsters. You voted for torture and you aren't going to get it.
Huh? Are you on drugs?

It was not that difficulty. You voted for Trump based on what he said he was going to do.

I will laugh at you every time he backs away from these things.

He isn't even in office & he is running away from his promises and you don't get how bad you were duped..
How do you know why I voted or what I expect? You're just a little boy trying to make people regret Hillary not being in office. You have a ways to go .....
Next up, the Mexicans won't be paying for the wall!
he already has the plan on how the money will be made. holding onto One dollar of every barrel of oil purchased from Mexico. It's fking genius.

They are also planning on pushing for cutting one cent off of every entitlement accept SS Medicare and One other, (don't recall the last one) this year, another penny next year and so on, and after five years he's cut 3 trillion. WOW!!!!

Look out and watch how a business man can balance a budget baby.
I don't care who uses the term, but - the vast majority of the time - anyone who uses it is partisan as hell and are trying to make a partisan attack / point. That term is 'Flip-Flop'. There ARE valid times / circumstances to use the term, but the vast majority of the time it is just a BS partisan attack.

Case in point - this ATTACK on Trump for 'Flip-Flopping' is one of those times it is just partisan.

Trump, as accurately pointed out by the Liberals, is extremely arrogant and opinionated, as shown by his declaring he knew / knows more about military operations than the Generals. He was obviously very opinionated about Waterboarding as well.

His changing his mind on the issue, however, is exactly what I was HOPING would be the case with him - once he sat down and began to talking to the experts he began LISTENING, LEARNING, and EVOLVING...which is what you want.

Politicians 'flip-flop', based on the political winds and what benefit to them there is to changing their stance on issues. Trump has never been a politician. Sitting down talking to the experts on this issue for him was all about LEARNING and educating himself.

That is an extremely GOOD thing. It proves he is also not going to roar into the WH like a bull in a China shop but will actually LISTEN and will be open to accept the counsel that is given to him.

And the funny thing is about Trump changing his mind and rejecting water-boarding is that it's the Liberals that seem the most pissed that he has changed his view on this technique. WHY? Because it means there is one less thing to criticize him about.

Trump-Hating Liberals:
'You suck because you believe in waterboarding'

'Actually, no I don't - not anymore.'

Trump-Hating Liberals:
'You suck because you just flip-flopped. How dare you see the light and change your mind about torture?! You're not allowed to do that!'


No matter what Trump does, Snowflakes are going to constantly attack him for the next 4 years.
Actually, we are laughing at you Trumpsters. You voted for torture and you aren't going to get it.
Huh? Are you on drugs?

It was not that difficulty. You voted for Trump based on what he said he was going to do.

I will laugh at you every time he backs away from these things.

He isn't even in office & he is running away from his promises and you don't get how bad you were duped..
This is not a good approach, I think. "Running away from his promises" is a very, very good thing in my mind. Don't be critical of it, or get the Trumpsters all upset. Encourage, admire and tell ol' Trump how great he is for acting like a reasonable human.
I don't care who uses the term, but - the vast majority of the time - anyone who uses it is partisan as hell and are trying to make a partisan attack / point. That term is 'Flip-Flop'. There ARE valid times / circumstances to use the term, but the vast majority of the time it is just a BS partisan attack.

Case in point - this ATTACK on Trump for 'Flip-Flopping' is one of those times it is just partisan.

Trump, as accurately pointed out by the Liberals, is extremely arrogant and opinionated, as shown by his declaring he knew / knows more about military operations than the Generals. He was obviously very opinionated about Waterboarding as well.

His changing his mind on the issue, however, is exactly what I was HOPING would be the case with him - once he sat down and began to talking to the experts he began LISTENING, LEARNING, and EVOLVING...which is what you want.

Politicians 'flip-flop', based on the political winds and what benefit to them there is to changing their stance on issues. Trump has never been a politician. Sitting down talking to the experts on this issue for him was all about LEARNING and educating himself.

That is an extremely GOOD thing. It proves he is also not going to roar into the WH like a bull in a China shop but will actually LISTEN and will be open to accept the counsel that is given to him.

And the funny thing is about Trump changing his mind and rejecting water-boarding is that it's the Liberals that seem the most pissed that he has changed his view on this technique. WHY? Because it means there is one less thing to criticize him about.

Trump-Hating Liberals:
'You suck because you believe in waterboarding'

'Actually, no I don't - not anymore.'

Trump-Hating Liberals:
'You suck because you just flip-flopped. How dare you see the light and change your mind about torture?! You're not allowed to do that!'


No matter what Trump does, Snowflakes are going to constantly attack him for the next 4 years.
Actually, we are laughing at you Trumpsters. You voted for torture and you aren't going to get it.
Huh? Are you on drugs?

It was not that difficulty. You voted for Trump based on what he said he was going to do.

I will laugh at you every time he backs away from these things.

He isn't even in office & he is running away from his promises and you don't get how bad you were duped..
too funny, you have no idea why people voted him into office. I'll say you ain't close.
I don't care who uses the term, but - the vast majority of the time - anyone who uses it is partisan as hell and are trying to make a partisan attack / point. That term is 'Flip-Flop'. There ARE valid times / circumstances to use the term, but the vast majority of the time it is just a BS partisan attack.

Case in point - this ATTACK on Trump for 'Flip-Flopping' is one of those times it is just partisan.

Trump, as accurately pointed out by the Liberals, is extremely arrogant and opinionated, as shown by his declaring he knew / knows more about military operations than the Generals. He was obviously very opinionated about Waterboarding as well.

His changing his mind on the issue, however, is exactly what I was HOPING would be the case with him - once he sat down and began to talking to the experts he began LISTENING, LEARNING, and EVOLVING...which is what you want.

Politicians 'flip-flop', based on the political winds and what benefit to them there is to changing their stance on issues. Trump has never been a politician. Sitting down talking to the experts on this issue for him was all about LEARNING and educating himself.

That is an extremely GOOD thing. It proves he is also not going to roar into the WH like a bull in a China shop but will actually LISTEN and will be open to accept the counsel that is given to him.

And the funny thing is about Trump changing his mind and rejecting water-boarding is that it's the Liberals that seem the most pissed that he has changed his view on this technique. WHY? Because it means there is one less thing to criticize him about.

Trump-Hating Liberals:
'You suck because you believe in waterboarding'

'Actually, no I don't - not anymore.'

Trump-Hating Liberals:
'You suck because you just flip-flopped. How dare you see the light and change your mind about torture?! You're not allowed to do that!'


No matter what Trump does, Snowflakes are going to constantly attack him for the next 4 years.
Actually, we are laughing at you Trumpsters. You voted for torture and you aren't going to get it.
Huh? Are you on drugs?

It was not that difficulty. You voted for Trump based on what he said he was going to do.

I will laugh at you every time he backs away from these things.

He isn't even in office & he is running away from his promises and you don't get how bad you were duped..
This is not a good approach, I think. "Running away from his promises" is a very, very good thing in my mind. Don't be critical of it, or get the Trumpsters all upset. Encourage, admire and tell ol' Trump how great he is for acting like a reasonable human.

Well that's the thing. No one who voted for or against Trump could possibly have any clue as to what he'd actually do. I think it's very likely that he honestly thinks the US has not acted in it's own best interests and the white working class has suffered. But what he'd do about it? Who the hell knows. Supposedly he wants the min wage raised. Well, the Sanders supporters may have that in common. LOL

However, the thing is, Trump's history is not a level field of choices made by a reasonable human.

We can hope for the best, and hope that he gets sound advise.
This thread is a perfect illustration of why you should never assume that accommodating the desires of democrats will please them and they will stop hating you. They don't really mean what they complain about, because if they did, they would be happy when Trump listens to an expert and changes a stance to one they support instead of dogmatically adhering to a previous position they supposedly hated. Note that not only are they are not happy, but In fact are complaining that he's changing positions.

The only logical conclusion to draw from this behavior is that democrats value only one thing, partisanship. Thus, when a Republican says something they don't like, he's a homophobe, a bigot, a racist, a misogynist, wears white after Labor Day, eats puppies and doesn't listen to advice. But when he modifies that statement based on input from an expert, he's now a liar too.

It must be very depressing being a democrat. Maybe, though, they're just not accustomed to their leaders ever modifying positions and don't know how to handle it. I mean, Obama hasn't changed a single position in all the years he's been president. Oh, wait, he DID change on one thing. He used to be opposed to gay marriage. I don't recall any democrats saying he lied when he flipped on that one, so obviously they don't care about changing positions and are just ranting uselessly about Trump. Heck, Hillary even flipflopped on that issue and they didn't say she was lying.

Oh, well, they're never going to have anything but irrational hatred for you, so you just have to beat them.
Waterboarding is not torture. It's about like going through a football or fraternity initiation.

Trump promises much worse than water boarding...torture?

See the thing with bootlickers is they like the taste of the boot itself and not the brand. The Human Being was for waterboarding and against it depending on what side Trump is on.

This one's for you, Rdean. Nate, Jim, Lakota, Jake Starkey, and all you other LOSERS out there.

This thread is a perfect illustration of why you should never assume that accommodating the desires of democrats will please them and they will stop hating you. They don't really mean what they complain about, because if they did, they would be happy when Trump listens to an expert and changes a stance to one they support instead of dogmatically adhering to a previous position they supposedly hated. Note that not only are they are not happy, but In fact are complaining that he's changing positions.

The only logical conclusion to draw from this behavior is that democrats value only one thing, partisanship. Thus, when a Republican says something they don't like, he's a homophobe, a bigot, a racist, a misogynist, wears white after Labor Day, eats puppies and doesn't listen to advice. But when he modifies that statement based on input from an expert, he's now a liar too.

It must be very depressing being a democrat. Maybe, though, they're just not accustomed to their leaders ever modifying positions and don't know how to handle it. I mean, Obama hasn't changed a single position in all the years he's been president. Oh, wait, he DID change on one thing. He used to be opposed to gay marriage. I don't recall any democrats saying he lied when he flipped on that one, so obviously they don't care about changing positions and are just ranting uselessly about Trump. Heck, Hillary even flipflopped on that issue and they didn't say she was lying.

Oh, well, they're never going to have anything but irrational hatred for you, so you just have to beat them.
Or it could be people were right in saying Trump had no fucking clue as to the fucked up shit he was saying.
Winning is Oh so very sweet.
I love it when you whiners defend that Trump lied to you. No he's not going to lock up Hillary. No he isn't going to torture. No he isn't going to pull out of the Paris Climate Change pledge. He already is backing away from the wall in Mexico. He fired up the Alt right & now tells them to STFU & calls them idiots.

You think you won? All those things Trump said are not happening.
what's funny is that you have no fking clue as to what he is or isn't going to do. He ain't in office yet. So factually speaking he hasn't backed down from anything. D'OH!!!!!! And I voted for him for jobs and the Supreme Court, everything else is gravy. And he is demonstrating the business man in himself and listening to what experts have to say and adjusting. That is how business is done. Adjusting. So, have your self righteous fun making up stories and we who voted for him will stand tall and prosper.
It was not that difficulty. You voted for Trump based on...
Therein lies the problem, Snowflake - you have no idea WHO I voted for or WHY.

Liberals such as yourself REPEATEDLY demonstrate how you love to try to speak FOR other people even though you don't know what the hell you're talking about.

You love to declare people / Trump believes this or that, that he will or won't do that....when - again - you don't know what the hell you're talking about!

You continue to try to tell the rest of us what WILL happen....when you are the same people who told us for months Hillary was going to kick Trump's ass in the election...and in the end you were PROVEN not to know what the hell you were talking about.

So NOW every time you declare 'this' or declare 'that' you have NO CREDIBILITY.

Hillary LOST.
You Libs were WRONG.
You're ANGRY.
You're BITTER.
You have HATE oozing out of your eyes.

I get it. Obviously you Snowflakes haven't 'gotten it' yet. Trump is your new President.
I don't care who uses the term, but - the vast majority of the time - anyone who uses it is partisan as hell and are trying to make a partisan attack / point. That term is 'Flip-Flop'. There ARE valid times / circumstances to use the term, but the vast majority of the time it is just a BS partisan attack.

Case in point - this ATTACK on Trump for 'Flip-Flopping' is one of those times it is just partisan.

Trump, as accurately pointed out by the Liberals, is extremely arrogant and opinionated, as shown by his declaring he knew / knows more about military operations than the Generals. He was obviously very opinionated about Waterboarding as well.

His changing his mind on the issue, however, is exactly what I was HOPING would be the case with him - once he sat down and began to talking to the experts he began LISTENING, LEARNING, and EVOLVING...which is what you want.

Politicians 'flip-flop', based on the political winds and what benefit to them there is to changing their stance on issues. Trump has never been a politician. Sitting down talking to the experts on this issue for him was all about LEARNING and educating himself.

That is an extremely GOOD thing. It proves he is also not going to roar into the WH like a bull in a China shop but will actually LISTEN and will be open to accept the counsel that is given to him.

And the funny thing is about Trump changing his mind and rejecting water-boarding is that it's the Liberals that seem the most pissed that he has changed his view on this technique. WHY? Because it means there is one less thing to criticize him about.

Trump-Hating Liberals:
'You suck because you believe in waterboarding'

'Actually, no I don't - not anymore.'

Trump-Hating Liberals:
'You suck because you just flip-flopped. How dare you see the light and change your mind about torture?! You're not allowed to do that!'


No matter what Trump does, Snowflakes are going to constantly attack him for the next 4 years.
Actually, we are laughing at you Trumpsters. You voted for torture and you aren't going to get it.
we did? How do you know this? post up one of our posts where that was the reason why. otherwise, you again demonstrate your own form of stupid.
WASHINGTON, Nov 23 — US president-elect Donald Trump said today that advice from a Marine general renowned for his frank talk had convinced him to think again about authorising the torture of detainees.

The Republican tycoon had previously made bloodcurdling pledges to restore waterboarding and “far, far worse” in US detention centres, scorning President Barack Obama’s ban on the practice.

But last weekend Trump sat down with James Mattis, a retired general respected across Washington and the US military for his no-nonsense approach, to discuss naming him defence secretary.

Yesterday, in an interview with the New York Times, Trump said he’d been surprised to discover that such an uncompromising commander was opposed to allowing US personnel to torture suspects.

“He said: ‘I’ve never found it to be useful’,” he said, adding that Mattis advised building a rapport with detainees: “Give me a pack of cigarettes and a couple of beers and I’ll do better.”

“I was very impressed by that answer,” Trump told the Times, in a marked U-turn from his campaign mantra: “Torture works, OK? Believe me, it works.”

- See more at: Tough general convinces Trump to backtrack on torture

Looks like you Trumpbots finally got John McCain elected. lol
Add another lie? How many have you told to date?

You tell me, big mouth.
too many to give a shit about.
Do Liberals REALLY think that every time someone changes their mind on an issue they are 'flip-flopping'...or is it only 'flip-flopping' when a Non-Liberal changes their mind?

Do Liberals REALLY think someone changing their mind is a bad thing - like in this case - and that they (those changing their minds) should be demonized for doing it, as they are doing with Trump now?
WASHINGTON, Nov 23 — US president-elect Donald Trump said today that advice from a Marine general renowned for his frank talk had convinced him to think again about authorising the torture of detainees.

The Republican tycoon had previously made bloodcurdling pledges to restore waterboarding and “far, far worse” in US detention centres, scorning President Barack Obama’s ban on the practice.

But last weekend Trump sat down with James Mattis, a retired general respected across Washington and the US military for his no-nonsense approach, to discuss naming him defence secretary.

Yesterday, in an interview with the New York Times, Trump said he’d been surprised to discover that such an uncompromising commander was opposed to allowing US personnel to torture suspects.

“He said: ‘I’ve never found it to be useful’,” he said, adding that Mattis advised building a rapport with detainees: “Give me a pack of cigarettes and a couple of beers and I’ll do better.”

“I was very impressed by that answer,” Trump told the Times, in a marked U-turn from his campaign mantra: “Torture works, OK? Believe me, it works.”

- See more at: Tough general convinces Trump to backtrack on torture

Looks like you Trumpbots finally got John McCain elected. lol
What we do when a terrorist, who just killed 150 children at a kwanza party and is about to be interrogated to determine who organized the attack, should not be disclosed nor discussed in public.
WASHINGTON, Nov 23 — US president-elect Donald Trump said today that advice from a Marine general renowned for his frank talk had convinced him to think again about authorising the torture of detainees.

The Republican tycoon had previously made bloodcurdling pledges to restore waterboarding and “far, far worse” in US detention centres, scorning President Barack Obama’s ban on the practice.

But last weekend Trump sat down with James Mattis, a retired general respected across Washington and the US military for his no-nonsense approach, to discuss naming him defence secretary.

Yesterday, in an interview with the New York Times, Trump said he’d been surprised to discover that such an uncompromising commander was opposed to allowing US personnel to torture suspects.

“He said: ‘I’ve never found it to be useful’,” he said, adding that Mattis advised building a rapport with detainees: “Give me a pack of cigarettes and a couple of beers and I’ll do better.”

“I was very impressed by that answer,” Trump told the Times, in a marked U-turn from his campaign mantra: “Torture works, OK? Believe me, it works.”

- See more at: Tough general convinces Trump to backtrack on torture

Looks like you Trumpbots finally got John McCain elected. lol
What we do when a terrorist, who just killed 150 children at a kwanza party and is about to be interrogated to determine who organized the attack, should not be disclosed nor discussed in public.

Hook a generator up to his tecticles, he'll talk
Do Liberals REALLY think that every time someone changes their mind on an issue they are 'flip-flopping'...or is it only 'flip-flopping' when a Non-Liberal changes their mind?

Do Liberals REALLY think someone changing their mind is a bad thing - like in this case - and that they (those changing their minds) should be demonized for doing it, as they are doing with Trump now?

Trump is flip flopping faster than a Russian olympic gymnast going through a floor exercise.

I for one enjoy seeing you have to agree with ME on issues in order to remain a loyal Trumptard.
Do Liberals REALLY think that every time someone changes their mind on an issue they are 'flip-flopping'...or is it only 'flip-flopping' when a Non-Liberal changes their mind?

Do Liberals REALLY think someone changing their mind is a bad thing - like in this case - and that they (those changing their minds) should be demonized for doing it, as they are doing with Trump now?

Trump is flip flopping faster than a Russian olympic gymnast going through a floor exercise.

I for one enjoy seeing you have to agree with ME on issues in order to remain a loyal Trumptard.
It was not that difficulty. You voted for Trump based on...
Therein lies the problem, Snowflake - you have no idea WHO I voted for or WHY.

Liberals such as yourself REPEATEDLY demonstrate how you love to try to speak FOR other people even though you don't know what the hell you're talking about.

You love to declare people / Trump believes this or that, that he will or won't do that....when - again - you don't know what the hell you're talking about!

You continue to try to tell the rest of us what WILL happen....when you are the same people who told us for months Hillary was going to kick Trump's ass in the election...and in the end you were PROVEN not to know what the hell you were talking about.

So NOW every time you declare 'this' or declare 'that' you have NO CREDIBILITY.

Hillary LOST.
You Libs were WRONG.
You're ANGRY.
You're BITTER.
You have HATE oozing out of your eyes.

I get it. Obviously you Snowflakes haven't 'gotten it' yet. Trump is your new President.
It has not even been two weeks & the Trump supporters are already abandoning ship & claiming they did not vote for the oreange bigoted conman.

I know Clinton did not win.

I promise that I will post here as much as possible to point out what a group of ignorant people voted for Trump & laugh at you every time he backs away from a campaign promise.

And yes, pollsters & pundits underestimated the number of really stupid people there are in this country that vote. You know that is true when the largest demographic supporting your candidate is uneducated people.

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