Trump flips-flops AND takes credit for it.....

Again, the point that was missed regarding my O/P is that not only does Trump flip-flops, but then the narcissistic bastard demands "credit" for the 180 degree turn-around...This man is NOT sane.

meh, look on the bright side, at least Hillary isn't President.

I mean, she would be pursuing all the same policies, but then, nobody would be giving a shit.
The only difference would be that it would be the Republican "base" going all foaming-at-the-mouth apoplectic every time the President opened it's mouth instead of the Democrat "base" doing it.

Democrat base, Republican base... different labels same empty head. ;)
No, but see now that Trump has flipped flopped, everybody is pissed.

Well, except maybe the neo-cons. Nobody takes Mcpain and Flimsey Graham seriously anyhow.

If Hillary was Pres, only half the nation would be pissed, not the whole nation.

Remember what he said about the jobs report.

And constantly referring to CNN as "fake news" while he tweeted about Judge Napolitano's accurate reporting of British intelligence agency wiretapping Trump
It won't be long that Orange Tiny hands will be tweeting “I dropped the biggest conventional bomb in the history of war.” Bomb was bigger than anything Obama dropped .....I was eating beautiful chocolate cake the biggest most beautiful chocolate cake when I dropped the biggest non-Nuke Bomb in the History of the US ....Oh what a Good Boy Am I ....

That bomb was tremendous. It was YUGE! A tremdously yuge bomb.
It won't be long that Orange Tiny hands will be tweeting “I dropped the biggest conventional bomb in the history of war.” Bomb was bigger than anything Obama dropped .....I was eating beautiful chocolate cake the biggest most beautiful chocolate cake when I dropped the biggest non-Nuke Bomb in the History of the US ....Oh what a Good Boy Am I ....

That bomb was tremendous. It was YUGE! A tremdously yuge bomb.
The Best Bomb evahhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Did Trump Drop The Mother Of All Bombs To Distract From Russia Scandal Bombshell?

It is not a coincidence that US forces used the biggest non-nuclear bomb in US history on the same day that a bombshell revelation took the president's Russia scandal to the level of an impeachable offense.…

Investigators now have ‘concrete evidence’ of collusion between Trump camp and Russian govt: source
A source close to the investigation into President Donald Trump’s campaign and its ties to Russia says that there is now “specific concrete and corroborative evidence” that individuals within Trump’s immediate orbit coordinated with Russian intelligence operatives.
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THIS should send Trump WH into full panic mode: US intelligence has been monitoring Erik Prince
Did Trump Drop The Mother Of All Bombs To Distract From Russia Scandal Bombshell?

Erik Prince in the Hot Seat
Blackwater’s Founder Is Under Investigation for Money Laundering, Ties to Chinese Intel, and Brokering Mercenary Services

Matthew Cole, Jeremy Scahill

March 24 2016, 6:00 a.m.

ERIK PRINCE, founder of the now-defunct mercenary firm Blackwater and current chairman of Frontier Services Group, is under investigation by the U.S. Department of Justice and other federal agencies for attempting to broker military services to foreign governments and possible money laundering, according to multiple sources with knowledge of the case.

What began as an investigation into Prince’s attempts to sell defense services in Libya and other countries in Africa has widened to a probe of allegations that Prince received assistance from Chinese intelligence to set up an account for his Libya operations through the Bank of China. The Justice Department, which declined to comment for this article, is also seeking to uncover the precise nature of Prince’s relationship with Chinese intelligence.

Prince, through his lawyer, Victoria Toensing, said he has not been informed of a federal investigation and had not offered any defense services in Libya. Toensing called the money-laundering allegations “total bullshit.”

The Intercept interviewed more than a half dozen of Prince’s associates, including current and former business partners; four former U.S. intelligence officers; and other sources familiar with the Justice Department investigation. All of them requested anonymity to discuss these matters because there is an ongoing investigation. The Intercept also reviewed several secret proposals drafted by Prince and his closest advisers and partners offering paramilitary services to foreign entities.

For more than a year, U.S. intelligence has been monitoring Prince’s communications and movements, according to a former senior U.S. intelligence officer and a second former intelligence official briefed on the investigation. Multiple sources, including two people with business ties to Prince, told The Intercept that current government and intelligence personnel informed them of this surveillance. Those with business ties were cautioned to sever their dealings with Prince.

Link: Blackwater Founder Erik Prince Faces Multi-Agency Federal Investigation

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