Trump flips-flops AND takes credit for it.....

Again...If I did not know better, I would think Cankles was in the White House.
Except that we would be keeping Social Security Medicare and Medicaid and we would not be paying hundreds of millions in security details for various and sundry Trumps
Again...If I did not know better, I would think Cankles was in the White House.
Except that we would be keeping Social Security Medicare and Medicaid and we would not be paying hundreds of millions in security details for various and sundry Trumps
Well there you go again...going stupid...and here I thought we were getting along famously.
Again, the point that was missed regarding my O/P is that not only does Trump flip-flops, but then the narcissistic bastard demands "credit" for the 180 degree turn-around...This man is NOT sane.
meh, Gipper has a point though. It doesn't really matter who rules though, the system will do what the system is going to do. Who you vote for makes no difference.
If Trump turns out to be just another bold faced lying warmongering politician like most of his predecessors, maybe we should conclude that the governing system used today, needs to be changed.
Some of us have already come to that conclusion .... :p

"I don't think we should be governing ourselves. What need is a king, and every now and then if the king’s not doing a good job, we kill him." -- George Carlin
If that wasn't a joke in support of a representative government, then Carlin is showing his idiocy in that line.

Once you have a King, he kills YOU.
It is as if Hillary won the election.

About time you faced reality, Gip

It only took one post for Trumpbots to deflect to Hillary. One post. It's their only defence for every embarassment perpetrated by this poor excuse of a human being. Trump continues to think that the general public is as easily duped as his voters.
Here are two examples of the egotistical clown not only blatantly flip-flopping, BUT making it sound that he should take "credit' for his evolution.

NATO.........First it was unquestionably obsolete......but NOW very valuable because Trump "convinced them to fight terrorism"......(Donald is either nuts or delusional.)

CHINA.......First the Chinese were "raping the U.S." and were currency "manipulators" .......but NOW, after 1 meeting with the charlatan, China will no longer manipulate its currency because of the Trumpster's great charm. (the moron in chief is only less insane than the nitwits who still NOT regret voting for him.)
How about him wanting stronger dollar when the big O was president now wants a weaker one and it seems his opinion on Yellen has changed too ONE THING I'll give him credit for He seems to be listening to the CEO's who are far smarter than he is
Here are two examples of the egotistical clown not only blatantly flip-flopping, BUT making it sound that he should take "credit' for his evolution.

NATO.........First it was unquestionably obsolete......but NOW very valuable because Trump "convinced them to fight terrorism"......(Donald is either nuts or delusional.)

CHINA.......First the Chinese were "raping the U.S." and were currency "manipulators" .......but NOW, after 1 meeting with the charlatan, China will no longer manipulate its currency because of the Trumpster's great charm. (the moron in chief is only less insane than the nitwits who still NOT regret voting for him.)
he didn't even know what NATO was... Trump has a long history of spewing BS as "facts" when he knows absolutely nothing on the topic. He should wait until people explain things to him before speaking out of his ars.
Here are two examples of the egotistical clown not only blatantly flip-flopping, BUT making it sound that he should take "credit' for his evolution.

NATO.........First it was unquestionably obsolete......but NOW very valuable because Trump "convinced them to fight terrorism"......(Donald is either nuts or delusional.)

CHINA.......First the Chinese were "raping the U.S." and were currency "manipulators" .......but NOW, after 1 meeting with the charlatan, China will no longer manipulate its currency because of the Trumpster's great charm. (the moron in chief is only less insane than the nitwits who still NOT regret voting for him.)
How about him wanting stronger dollar when the big O was president now wants a weaker one and it seems his opinion on Yellen has changed too ONE THING I'll give him credit for He seems to be listening to the CEO's who are far smarter than he is

Really? He's now changed his position on China. They're NOT raping the US. Trump now admits that relations with Russia are at an "all-time" low. So much for the "great negotiator" who makes the "best deals" for the US. He's not making any deals at all, he's blowing up all of the work that's been done before and replacing it with what?????

Is there a direction to all of these foreign policy reversals???? Any sort of coherent plan. US allies have already indicated that they will NOT back up Trump in any of his threats of military action. If he acts, he acts alone.
Here are two examples of the egotistical clown not only blatantly flip-flopping, BUT making it sound that he should take "credit' for his evolution.

NATO.........First it was unquestionably obsolete......but NOW very valuable because Trump "convinced them to fight terrorism"......(Donald is either nuts or delusional.)

CHINA.......First the Chinese were "raping the U.S." and were currency "manipulators" .......but NOW, after 1 meeting with the charlatan, China will no longer manipulate its currency because of the Trumpster's great charm. (the moron in chief is only less insane than the nitwits who still NOT regret voting for him.)
How about him wanting stronger dollar when the big O was president now wants a weaker one and it seems his opinion on Yellen has changed too ONE THING I'll give him credit for He seems to be listening to the CEO's who are far smarter than he is
What beats me is trump ran on 4 or 5 important issues of which hes changed his mind and the butt kissers in the Republican party still kiss his butt for them all you have to say, it's party not country
Here are two examples of the egotistical clown not only blatantly flip-flopping, BUT making it sound that he should take "credit' for his evolution.

NATO.........First it was unquestionably obsolete......but NOW very valuable because Trump "convinced them to fight terrorism"......(Donald is either nuts or delusional.)

CHINA.......First the Chinese were "raping the U.S." and were currency "manipulators" .......but NOW, after 1 meeting with the charlatan, China will no longer manipulate its currency because of the Trumpster's great charm. (the moron in chief is only less insane than the nitwits who still NOT regret voting for him.)
How about him wanting stronger dollar when the big O was president now wants a weaker one and it seems his opinion on Yellen has changed too ONE THING I'll give him credit for He seems to be listening to the CEO's who are far smarter than he is

Really? He's now changed his position on China. They're NOT raping the US. Trump now admits that relations with Russia are at an "all-time" low. So much for the "great negotiator" who makes the "best deals" for the US. He's not making any deals at all, he's blowing up all of the work that's been done before and replacing it with what?????

Is there a direction to all of these foreign policy reversals???? Any sort of coherent plan. US allies have already indicated that they will NOT back up Trump in any of his threats of military action. If he acts, he acts alone.
Just dropped the biggest non nuclear bomb ever on ISIS caves
Again, the point that was missed regarding my O/P is that not only does Trump flip-flops, but then the narcissistic bastard demands "credit" for the 180 degree turn-around...This man is NOT sane.

meh, look on the bright side, at least Hillary isn't President.

I mean, she would be pursuing all the same policies, but then, nobody would be giving a shit.

At least this way, folks are outraged, isn't it great!

Susan Sarandon was right! Genius of woman that girl.
Here are two examples of the egotistical clown not only blatantly flip-flopping, BUT making it sound that he should take "credit' for his evolution.

NATO.........First it was unquestionably obsolete......but NOW very valuable because Trump "convinced them to fight terrorism"......(Donald is either nuts or delusional.)

CHINA.......First the Chinese were "raping the U.S." and were currency "manipulators" .......but NOW, after 1 meeting with the charlatan, China will no longer manipulate its currency because of the Trumpster's great charm. (the moron in chief is only less insane than the nitwits who still NOT regret voting for him.)
They flip flop all the time. The difference this time is the Trumpbots really bought his isolationist bs. He's gonna try and throw them a wall and deportations and hope they don't notice he's fcking them over by flipping on war, healthcare, and taxes.

Again, the point that was missed regarding my O/P is that not only does Trump flip-flops, but then the narcissistic bastard demands "credit" for the 180 degree turn-around...This man is NOT sane.

meh, look on the bright side, at least Hillary isn't President.

I mean, she would be pursuing all the same policies, but then, nobody would be giving a shit.
The only difference would be that it would be the Republican "base" going all foaming-at-the-mouth apoplectic every time the President opened it's mouth instead of the Democrat "base" doing it.

Democrat base, Republican base... different labels same empty head. ;)
It won't be long that Orange Tiny hands will be tweeting “I dropped the biggest conventional bomb in the history of war.” Bomb was bigger than anything Obama dropped .....I was eating beautiful chocolate cake the biggest most beautiful chocolate cake when I dropped the biggest non-Nuke Bomb in the History of the US ....Oh what a Good Boy Am I ....

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