Trump footage from FL: On day 1, I will direct the DOJ to investigate every radical DA & AG for their illegal racist in reverse enforcement of the law

So, because he failed in accomplishing what he'd promised you rubes the first time, you think he needs a second chance with the Congress stacked in his favor?
Sure. He needs new people in Congress who will give him the money for the wall and help him get rid of the Deep State, and bring back morality to America.
Even worse for Republicans, the things he has accomplished of blown up in their faces completely.

The abortion debacle cost in Republicans the midterms.

The continuing shenanigans of Jim Jordan, and “Trump Protection Committee”, will hand Democrats the house in 2024.

The attempt to ban the abortion pill is going to cost them several state houses and Governor’s mansions in the 2024 election. Even pro life groups are coming out against the Republican anti-abortion agenda. Because women cannot get proper pregnancy care with abortions being banned past 15 weeks.

The most serious and life-threatening complications, for both the fetus, and the mother, happen after 20 weeks. The heart rending stories of these prolife women who were denied care and are now suing their States are not what lawmakers intended.

Banning books, banning life saving care for pregnant women, banning hormones, and counselling for trans children, whitewashing slavery, racism, and genocide from your history books.

Texas removed all references to race from the Rosa Parks story.

“Rosa Parks is a woman who was arrested because she refused to give up her seat to another woman on the bus. She is an American hero. “

Sure that makes a lot of sense, doesn't it?
That's what happens when idiots vote for an ex game show host who's also a crooked retard who thinks he's being persecuted or likes to bullshit his herd into believing that he is.

Bigly FAILS.
Ok wise one......

1. Explain why Trump Pushed for the killer vaccines (JUST LIKE THE LEFT) ?
2. Explain why he didn't fire Anthony Fauci?
3. Explain why the southern border wall was not completed?
4. Explain why he appointed Jeff Sessions?
5. Explain why he appointed Christopher Wray?
6. Explain why HIS SCOTUS appointments are supporting abortion and anti-2A actions?

I could go on for days. What excuses will you come up with? CULT LOYALTY.
Those deep into the Trump cult are imbeciles, They won't stop.
What I respond with will likely be ignored by the likes of people like you, however, you are wildly wrong about your assertions here, and display a real ignorance of what was transpiring at the time...

1. Trump pushed for vaccines like ANY President would have at the time...If you remember this virus was killing large amounts of people, are you suggesting that he shouldn't have pushed for development of them to save people?

2. Don't know, he was relying on those that were supposed to be the top experts in the field at the time. However, if you remember as time went on, he started to distance himself from the likes of Fauci...

3. Are you kidding me? The absolute obstruction from the entirety of the left, as well as the establishment of those on the right, I'd say he got a remarkable amount of it done...

4. You mean the Senator who the left went after to inhibit him from doing his job?

5. Wray had a strong legal background, as well as working in the Justice Dept during the Bush admin...There was no way to predict that he would be such a disaster in the job, allowing the leftist political machine to infiltrate the FBI....

6. Again, are you kidding me? SCOTUS returned abortion to the states where it belongs, and to date I am not aware of an anti 2A stance by this court...

One thing people like you have to consider is the absolute push to block ANYTHING Trump wanted regardless of whether or not it would have, or could have been agreed to by Congress to help the country...It was a real shit show....Despite that, Trump was able to get a remarkable amount of good things done....

You're not looking at this objectively....You hate the man, and anyone who voted for him, so to you there is nothing that could be said that would prompt any rational discussion about his term, especially when you add into your post a sentence like this...
Those deep into the Trump cult are imbeciles...
With that kind of mindset, and mischaracterization of supporters of a Trump Presidency nothing can be achieved with the likes of your ilk.
1. Trump has an Ivy League education, and until the last few years, spoke like one. The dumbed down vocabulary is all part of the Trump Show.

2. He exposed no but himself. Can we have a list of these people he exposed?

Trump destroyed himself. Nobody in history has worked harder at it.
74 million votes....
we need people with courage. Trump has courage. we need a president with courage

Trump eats pizza at the end! cool!

I like the sentiment and I agree that we need to prosecute corrupt politicians and DAs, etc. But the first time Trump ran for office, he promised to "drain the swamp" but ended up surrounding himself with Swamp Creatures. I wonder if this would be a promise he plans to keep, or if he's just seeking votes. Hard to say for sure.
That's why Trump needs a second term. This time with a different Congress.

It is true that his first Congress wasn’t as “loyal” is this Congress. They refused to break the law, obstruct justice, or lie to the American people anymore than they normally do.

They certainly weren’t the crazy corrupt Jim Jordan clown show that is currently running the House and attempting to obstruct Justice on his behalf.

Here’s a clue Lenny: the American people are not going to give the House back to Jim Jordan and the crazy corrupt clown show demanding to know why their Twitter accounts were cancelled and how much Covid money went to Drag Queen Story Hour.

The American people want to know why more than 1 million Americans died of Covid when you supposedly have the best healthcare system in the world. They want to know how they can prevent this level of disease and death, when, not if, another pandemic arrives on your shores.

And they wanna know what happened to the billions of dollars that disappeared from the PPP loan program with no accounting
74 million votes....

What’s your point Mac? 81,000,000 votes won the election, so what’s your point?

Since conservatives don’t even know their own history, I would remind you that more than 30% of American voters voted for Herbert Hoover in 1932, at the depths of the Great Depression.
Sure. He needs new people in Congress who will give him the money for the wall and help him get rid of the Deep State, and bring back morality to America.

They’ve already tunnelled over, under, around and through the sections of the wall that Trump wasted all your money on, and things are only worse than they were before.

You had the lowest illegal immigration when Obama was in office and prosecuted all of those employers, and they stopped hiring illegals. The moment Donald Trump ended all of the prosecutions, illegal border crossing, started spiking. Employers put out the “Now Hiring Illegals” signs and they came running.

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