Trump Force One: Trump fundraising for new jet

If you knew how shit worked you'd understand that's the direct approach on what the DNC does on Biden's Facebook page and the Yahoo front page for instance, each and every day, they solicit money for their party. It writes off the same. Difference is Trump's a lone wolf, he could give a flying fuck about the Rep. party unless they can help him.

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China has just ordered all their refineries to stop all exports. Russia usually exports 5 million bpd.. they can't eat that oil. I'm wondering how the Stans are feeling about their natural gas. Do you think they will go back to flaring it off?
Also, Saudi Arabia is exporting less oil than they did during the pandemic.
I hate reading anything about this guy because it's always just the dumbest and most angering shit ever. There's war in Ukraine and people are suffering and it's like

"Hey remember me!? That fat fuck who lost!? Well I need money for a jet plane! Help!"
He was ranting about windmills again too when asked about Putin and Ukraine.
No you don't. You love reading about him because he gives you someone to feel superior to.

Hell, you're better than a former President of the United States! That makes you pretty fucking special.

I'm willing to bet that's just about the only special thing about you.
Actually, it's easy to feel superior to the fat former guy....and his crime family...and especially his trump trash followers.
Damn, you're my new hero.

Did I say hero? I meant SAINT!
There are evangelicals who actually bleev Trump was sent by God!

Nothing with these assholes is ever actually about Trump. It's about the fact that they themselves are brainless, heartless and soulless and desperately need to have someone they think they can look down on, to try to convince themselves they are better than someone and thus still human. They're trying and maybe even convincing a few of themselves. They stopped convincing those of us with discernment long, long ago.
Well, you have to admit Trump makes it way too easy to feel better than him.
Also, Saudi Arabia is exporting less oil than they did during the pandemic.
Biden screwed up. He called KSA a pariah. He also apparently believes the Saudis did 9/11 and Prince Salman is a murderer. I was very disappointed. Saudi Arabia has been a staunch Ally since the 1930s. He also doesn't know anything about Yemen. He's got a blind spot or maybe he actually believes they like Trump.
In corporate America I had exclusive use of golden eagle and the pilot was well known for strict maintenance. Other private pilots not so much and they had troubles. I really don't know anything about the FAA vigilance with regard to maintenance. Engine failure seems pretty bad to me. He put his whole crew at risk.
So you got nothing. You hatred for one man is proving just how stupid you are. Sad.
Biden screwed up. He called KSA a pariah. He also apparently believes the Saudis did 9/11 and Prince Salman is a murderer. I was very disappointed. Saudi Arabia has been a staunch Ally since the 1930s. He also doesn't know anything about Yemen. He's got a blind spot or maybe he actually believes they like Trump.
Still waiting. What was that you said.......... 350 pounds? Come on, cough it up!

Once you lie, everything you say forever will be taken as a lie. We're giving you a chance to show us you can be trusted to know what you're talking about.

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