Trump Force One: Trump fundraising for new jet

The con going on right now with gasoline, energy costs in our bills, food costs, massive increases in living with a roof over our heads, comforts being weened more and more, vacations being reduced, and everything else. A small family or a couple earning 50 thousand dollars is now worth several thousand dollars less. Let them eat cake!
You'd rather bow to Putin, eh?
Marjorie Taylor Gazpacho says Stacey Abrams is fat.

Marjorie is such a crude, ignorant little mental case.
Green made a good point---FAT abrams should be wearing masks leaving everyone else alone that she is harassing to get the killer shots and the worthless masks if her fat ass thinks the masks work.

Trump being fat has nothing to do with anything--he's been vaccinated, he's a germaphobe so he washes his hands----

Pervert libs and communists OBSESSING with his body is bizarre and very telling about them.
Green made a good point---FAT abrams should be wearing masks leaving everyone else alone that she is harassing to get the killer shots and the worthless masks if her fat ass thinks the masks work.

Trump being fat has nothing to do with anything--he's been vaccinated, he's a germaphobe so he washes his hands----

Pervert libs and communists OBSESSING with his body is bizarre and very telling about them.
I love how trump trash get all up in body shaming................except when it comes to their fat god.....
You quit because of Trump?

why didnt you walk away when mccain or romney grabbed the GOP by the balls?

surly you arent telling us you supported 100% of their policies

or that you opposed 100% of trump policies
The last time I voted for a Republican for president was 2004. The Bush era convinced me the GOP had parted ways with their stated principles. The Republican president and Republican Congress doubled the federal debt.

So I stopped voting at the national level from then on. I stayed a registered Republican in the hope that the body of the party would eject the retards, psychopaths, liars, bigots, and hypocrites who had hijacked the party.

I continued to vote on local measures so I could vote down tax hikes and so forth. I left the top of the ballot blank.

Then a few years ago, a Republican poll worker in my state was arrested for having filled in blank ballots with Republican votes during several elections! And incredibly, Voter ID had not stopped her!

So I started writing in names. I voted for Snoopy for President one year. Pat Paulson another time. In 2016, I wrote in Ted Cruz to honor my mother who had just died.

Then I changed my voter registration to Independent after Trump was elected. I realized the organization formerly known as the Republican Party was dead and gone. Extinct.

In 2020, I voted for Jo Jorgensen.
Green made a good point---FAT abrams should be wearing masks leaving everyone else alone that she is harassing to get the killer shots and the worthless masks if her fat ass thinks the masks work.

Trump being fat has nothing to do with anything--he's been vaccinated, he's a germaphobe so he washes his hands----

Pervert libs and communists OBSESSING with his body is bizarre and very telling about them.
Making fun of someone's obesity has nothing to do with vaccines, dipshit.

Nice try.
The last time I voted for a Republican for president was 2004. The Bush era convinced me the GOP had parted ways with their stated principles. The Republican president and Republican Congress doubled the federal debt.

So I stopped voting at the national level from then on. I stayed a registered Republican in the hope that the body of the party would eject the retards, psychopaths, liars, bigots, and hypocrites who had hijacked the party.

I continued to vote on local measures so I could vote down tax hikes and so forth. I left the top of the ballot blank.

Then a few years ago, a Republican poll worker in my state was arrested for having filled in blank ballots with Republican votes over several elections! And incredibly, Voter ID had not stopped her!

So I started writing in names. I voted for Snoopy for President one year. Pat Paulson another time. In 2016, I wrote in Ted Cruz to honor my mother who had just died.

Then I changed my voter registration to Independent after Trump was elected. I realized the organization formerly known as the Republican Party was dead and gone. Extinct.

In 2020, I voted for Jo Jorgensen.
I resigned after 35 years as a Republican just before Bush invaded Iraq. That was the most stupid blunder in modern history. He was talking about Gog and Magog and following clean break strategy.

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