Trump Force One: Trump fundraising for new jet

There will be many theses written about Trump and the credulousness and submissiveness of the rube herd for many years to come.
The rube herd?

Libs pretending they are elites looking down on everyone else

how typical of the breed
The rube herd?

Libs pretending they are elites looking down on everyone else

how typical of the breed
Just to catch you up, I'm a Never Trumper. If Trump lives to be 100, I will still have been a Republican longer than him.

I quit the organization formerly known as the Republican Party because of this New York limousine liberal Democrat who decided the best way to destroy the GOP was from the inside.
when Mac1958 writes “ It's not about him. It's about us.” Mac is off script since he’s usually all about trump and nothing else
I've only said that a hundred times, rube.

Your rabbit hole is deep.

There will be many theses written about Trump and the credulousness and submissiveness of the rube herd for many years to come.
Actually, much will be written about the downfall of the US and the rise of Russia and China due to the incompetence of the Biden administration. There is also a huge opportunity for a psychological case study for those suffering from TDS who completely lost any sense of practicality and voted for a compromised and demented man for President.
I've only said that a hundred times, rube.

Your rabbit hole is deep.

And you exhibit yet again your inability to be pragmatic. You deserve what you're going to get with Biden, but unfortunately, we will all have to deal with the consequences..
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Just to catch you up, I'm a Never Trumper. If Trump lives to be 100, I will still have been a Republican longer than him.

I quit the organization formerly known as the Republican Party because of this New York limousine liberal Democrat who decided the best way to destroy the GOP was from the inside.
You quit because of Trump?

why didnt you walk away when mccain or romney grabbed the GOP by the balls?

surly you arent telling us you supported 100% of their policies

or that you opposed 100% of trump policies
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So you're telling me Biden's FAA isn't requiring paperwork on the maintenance of the aircraft flying over our heads. Damn Biden is worse than I thought. You're an idiot if you think a big jet like that can just fly around without proper maintenance. Lol, you took that one hook, line, and sinker. My gosh some states require a yearly inspection on vehicles.
In corporate America I had exclusive use of golden eagle and the pilot was well known for strict maintenance. Other private pilots not so much and they had troubles. I really don't know anything about the FAA vigilance with regard to maintenance. Engine failure seems pretty bad to me. He put his whole crew at risk.
In corporate America I had exclusive use of golden eagle and the pilot was well known for strict maintenance. Other private pilots not so much and they had troubles. I really don't know anything about the FAA vigilance with regard to maintenance. Engine failure seems pretty bad to me. He put his whole crew at risk.
So we're still waiting for you to prove that statement you made about Trump's weight. Got an ETA on that little gem of wisdom?

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