Trump Force One: Trump fundraising for new jet

I resigned after 35 years as a Republican just before Bush invaded Iraq. That was the most stupid blunder in modern history. He was talking about Gog and Magog and following clean break strategy.
When are you going to resign from lying about Trump's weight?
Oh, lots of things

when Mac1958 writes “ It's not about him. It's about us.” Mac is off script since he’s usually all about trump and nothing else

but as they say, even a blind hog can find an acorn sometimes

and in this case he’s right

its trump voters that libs hate even more than trump himself
You're shitting right? This is what we don't get? Here's what Libs hate: they hate stupid, ignorant, dishonest, lying, people who support criminals like Trump.

They hate the fact that Trump supporters are not real Americans, self-serving, could give two shits about the Constitution, and use religion as a vehicle to declare themselves righteous, when nothing could be further from the truth.

It's not the voters Libs hate, it's what the voters stand for that they hate. You want to vote for something, great. But at least stand for something worthy of country, and not yourself.
Nope. Not everyone is out to gouge Americans. That Trump paranoia was an aberration.
I'm not talking about everyone, I'm talking about oil companies. Read the link. It explains it perfectly.
He definitely m
Horrible. Americans should be more discriminating when it comes to character and intelligence. We can do much better.
Americans should be more discriminating about not lying. So, why don't you prove you're not a liar and prove what you said about Trump's weight?
The last time I voted for a Republican for president was 2004. The Bush era convinced me the GOP had parted ways with their stated principles. The Republican president and Republican Congress doubled the federal debt.

So I stopped voting at the national level from then on. I stayed a registered Republican in the hope that the body of the party would eject the retards, psychopaths, liars, bigots, and hypocrites who had hijacked the party.

I continued to vote on local measures so I could vote down tax hikes and so forth. I left the top of the ballot blank.

Then a few years ago, a Republican poll worker in my state was arrested for having filled in blank ballots with Republican votes during several elections! And incredibly, Voter ID had not stopped her!

So I started writing in names. I voted for Snoopy for President one year. Pat Paulson another time. In 2016, I wrote in Ted Cruz to honor my mother who had just died.

Then I changed my voter registration to Independent after Trump was elected. I realized the organization formerly known as the Republican Party was dead and gone. Extinct.

In 2020, I voted for Jo Jorgensen.
Better a fallen republican who votes for nobody than a fake Tweener who votes for biden
surly you arent telling us you supported 100% of their policies

or that you opposed 100% of trump policies
I am opposed to Trump adding $8 trillion to the debt in half the time it took Obama. I am opposed to the dead silence of his tard herd when he did that.

I am opposed to Trump lying about replacing Obamacare. I am opposed to the dead silence of his tard herd for never holding him accountable for that.

I am opposed to Trump telling willful lies to the American people and his tard herd twisting their brains into full-on schizophrenia defending his bullshit.

I am opposed to Trump's thoroughly corrupt character, and his tard herd throwing out every last one of their avowed principles to bow down to him like submissive cucks.

However...there are two things to which I am grateful to Trump.

1. He appointed conservative judges the Federalist Society told him to appoint. All up and down the justice system, not just the Supreme Court. But he only gets half credit for this since any GOP president would have done the same.

2. He exposed just how rotten to the core the Republican Party is. Everyone calling themselves a Republican, from the voters all the way up to the US Senate, all bowed down and supplicated themselves to this fat worm. They drink his piss no matter how fetid it is. They eat his manufactured bullshit by the bucketful and ask for more.

Even Ted Cruz, who Trump insulted repeatedly, and libeled his father and called his wife ugly, turned into an obsequious, spineless pile of dung.

Mike Pence hooked his evangelical wagon to a hellbound horse, forgetting the wisdom behind Mark 8:36.

Anyone who has a spine and stands up to Trump is labeled a RINO and ejected from the cult, which I consider a terrific badge of honor.
You're shitting right? This is what we don't get? Here's what Libs hate: they hate stupid, ignorant, dishonest, lying, people who support criminals like Trump.

They hate the fact that Trump supporters are not real Americans, self-serving, could give two shits about the Constitution, and use religion as a vehicle to declare themselves righteous, when nothing could be further from the truth.

It's not the voters Libs hate, it's what the voters stand for that they hate. You want to vote for something, great. But at least stand for something worthy of country, and not yourself.
You are saying what I already said

you hate trump voters the way Pol Pot hated city people

and would probably give them the same treatment if you could
Better a fallen republican who votes for nobody than a fake Tweener who votes for biden
You are backing dumb, profane man. Did you think he would clean up his act because you elected him?
I am opposed to Trump adding $8 trillion to the debt in half the time it took Obama. I am opposed to the dead silence of his tard herd when he did that.

I am opposed to Trump lying about replacing Obamacare. I am opposed to the dead silence of his tard herd for never holding him accountable for that.

I am opposed to Trump telling willful lies to the American people and his tard herd twisting their brains into full-on schizophrenia defending his bullshit.

I am opposed to Trump's thoroughly corrupt character, and his tard herd throwing out every last one of their avowed principles to bow down to him like submissive cucks.

However...there are two things to which I am grateful to Trump.

1. He appointed conservative judges the Federalist Society told him to appoint. All up and down the justice system, not just the Supreme Court. But he only gets half credit for this since any GOP president would have done the same.

2. He exposed just how rotten to the core the Republican Party is. Everyone calling themselves a Republican, from the voters all the way up to the US Senate, all bowed down and supplicated themselves to this fat worm. They drink his piss no matter how fetid it is. They eat his manufactured bullshit by the bucketful and ask for more.

Even Ted Cruz, who Trump insulted repeatedly, and libeled his father and called his wife ugly, turned into an obsequious, spineless pile of dung.

Mike Pence hooked his evangelical wagon to a hellbound horse, forgetting the wisdom behind Mark 8:36.
Trump tried to replace obamacare

and would have if there were fewer swamp rats in washington

and fewer fallen republicans sitting on their hands instead of voting
Better a fallen republican who votes for nobody than a fake Tweener who votes for biden
I would rather die than vote Democrat.

However, I voted for one Democrat in 1988. Bill Buckley asked all of us conservatives in Connecticut to vote out liberal Republican Senator Lowell Weicker. He asked us to vote for Weicker's Democratic opponent, and we did. This was enough of a swing vote to unseat the long term Senator Weicker.

Unfortunately, the dumbasses of Connecticut turned around and elected Weicker governor in the next election. And he enacted the first state income tax in our state's history.
Again how does a former President normally travel? Private jets may not be unusual, given the money they take in on speaking tours and books.

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