Trump Foundation is actually being Investigated. Finally, a "REAL" Investigation.

Fitting because Trump is the one facing RICO charges lmao
The Clinton crime family foundation is a far worse money scam. Hillary has been bought and paid for. If she doesn't go down, neither does Trump.

Sounds good but the only problem is that there is proof of Trump bribing an AG and he's facing Fraud and RICO charges right now. The only thing Clinton is facing is your wall of dookey
All he has to do is plead the 5th and say I don't recall. Hillary has shown the word how to do it. So what difference does it make?
Evidence. It makes all the difference.
I see you only watch msn. Open your eyes, she pleaded the 5th multiple times. Also said I don't recall multiple times. Even the witnesses pleaded the 5th. She is the most corrupt politician in history. Makes Nixon look like a choir boy.
Fitting because Trump is the one facing RICO charges lmao
The Clinton crime family foundation is a far worse money scam. Hillary has been bought and paid for. If she doesn't go down, neither does Trump.

Sounds good but the only problem is that there is proof of Trump bribing an AG and he's facing Fraud and RICO charges right now. The only thing Clinton is facing is your wall of dookey
All he has to do is plead the 5th and say I don't recall. Hillary has shown the word how to do it. So what difference does it make?
Evidence. It makes all the difference.
I see you only watch msn. Open your eyes, she pleaded the 5th multiple times. Also said I don't recall multiple times. Even the witnesses pleaded the 5th. She is the most corrupt politician in history. Makes Nixon look like a choir boy.
And no charges resulted because there was no evidence of a crime.
The Clinton crime family foundation is a far worse money scam. Hillary has been bought and paid for. If she doesn't go down, neither does Trump.

Sounds good but the only problem is that there is proof of Trump bribing an AG and he's facing Fraud and RICO charges right now. The only thing Clinton is facing is your wall of dookey
All he has to do is plead the 5th and say I don't recall. Hillary has shown the word how to do it. So what difference does it make?
Evidence. It makes all the difference.
I see you only watch msn. Open your eyes, she pleaded the 5th multiple times. Also said I don't recall multiple times. Even the witnesses pleaded the 5th. She is the most corrupt politician in history. Makes Nixon look like a choir boy.
And no charges resulted because there was no evidence of a crime.
Comedy said that more than likely our enemies hacked her email and got classified information. Since she is a Democrat you could Care less.
Sounds good but the only problem is that there is proof of Trump bribing an AG and he's facing Fraud and RICO charges right now. The only thing Clinton is facing is your wall of dookey
All he has to do is plead the 5th and say I don't recall. Hillary has shown the word how to do it. So what difference does it make?
Evidence. It makes all the difference.
I see you only watch msn. Open your eyes, she pleaded the 5th multiple times. Also said I don't recall multiple times. Even the witnesses pleaded the 5th. She is the most corrupt politician in history. Makes Nixon look like a choir boy.
And no charges resulted because there was no evidence of a crime.
Comedy said that more than likely our enemies hacked her email and got classified information. Since she is a Democrat you could Care less.
Her server may have been hacked. Other servers we know were hacked. You gonna sue/charge/slander every victim or possible victim of hackers? You've got your work cut out for you.
So I guess every Director and CEO on Wall Street are going to jail.
Sounds good to me.
All he has to do is plead the 5th and say I don't recall. Hillary has shown the word how to do it. So what difference does it make?
Evidence. It makes all the difference.
I see you only watch msn. Open your eyes, she pleaded the 5th multiple times. Also said I don't recall multiple times. Even the witnesses pleaded the 5th. She is the most corrupt politician in history. Makes Nixon look like a choir boy.
And no charges resulted because there was no evidence of a crime.
Comedy said that more than likely our enemies hacked her email and got classified information. Since she is a Democrat you could Care less.
Her server may have been hacked. Other servers we know were hacked. You gonna sue/charge/slander every victim or possible victim of hackers? You've got your work cut out for you.
She was using a personal server, not a secure government email like she was suppose to. Keep looking ignorant.

Fitting because Trump is the one facing RICO charges lmao
The Clinton crime family foundation is a far worse money scam. Hillary has been bought and paid for. If she doesn't go down, neither does Trump.

Sounds good but the only problem is that there is proof of Trump bribing an AG and he's facing Fraud and RICO charges right now. The only thing Clinton is facing is your wall of dookey
All he has to do is plead the 5th and say I don't recall. Hillary has shown the word how to do it. So what difference does it make?

Except Trump said he couldnt remember 40 times in his Fraud case. Trump is beating her on all levels.

Pay to Play...Check
I cant recall...Check
RICO case...Check
Fraud case...Check
Don't forget racketeering.
Evidence. It makes all the difference.
I see you only watch msn. Open your eyes, she pleaded the 5th multiple times. Also said I don't recall multiple times. Even the witnesses pleaded the 5th. She is the most corrupt politician in history. Makes Nixon look like a choir boy.
And no charges resulted because there was no evidence of a crime.
Comedy said that more than likely our enemies hacked her email and got classified information. Since she is a Democrat you could Care less.
Her server may have been hacked. Other servers we know were hacked. You gonna sue/charge/slander every victim or possible victim of hackers? You've got your work cut out for you.
She was using a personal server, not a secure government email like she was suppose to. Keep looking ignorant.
So what. Powell used an AOL account.
I see you only watch msn. Open your eyes, she pleaded the 5th multiple times. Also said I don't recall multiple times. Even the witnesses pleaded the 5th. She is the most corrupt politician in history. Makes Nixon look like a choir boy.
And no charges resulted because there was no evidence of a crime.
Comedy said that more than likely our enemies hacked her email and got classified information. Since she is a Democrat you could Care less.
Her server may have been hacked. Other servers we know were hacked. You gonna sue/charge/slander every victim or possible victim of hackers? You've got your work cut out for you.
She was using a personal server, not a secure government email like she was suppose to. Keep looking ignorant.
So what. Powell used an AOL account.
He didn't send or recieve classified information on it. Hillary did.
How Donald Trump retooled his charity to spend other people’s money

In tax records, the last gift from Trump was in 2008. Since then, all of the donations have been other people’s money — an arrangement that experts say is almost unheard of for a family foundation.

Trump then takes that money and generally does with it as he pleases.

In two cases, he has used money from his charity to buy himself a gift. In one of those cases — not previously reported — Trump spent $20,000 of money earmarked for charitable purposes to buy a six-foot-tall painting of himself.

Money from the Trump Foundation has also been used for political purposes, which is against the law. The Washington Post reported this month that Trump paid a penalty this year to the Internal Revenue Service for a 2013 donation in which the foundation gave $25,000 to a campaign group affiliated with Florida Attorney General Pamela Bondi (R).


New York attorney general opens 'inquiry' into Trump Foundation


Don't forget, Trump goes to court on Nov. 28th, 20 days after the election in a civil suit for Fraud and Racketeering. If he loses, he could open himself to criminal charges.
Socialism has the corner of the market on taking other peoples money and spending it…
That makes Trump a socialist.
Na, you to have a hard time proving that. There's no doubt Trump is a capitalist
I believe the word you are looking for is crook. That's what you'd call someone that ran a sham university, stiff small business owners, bribes state DA's, and launders money through charities.
So all universities should be required that the student will be successful?
You do know that's the direction the Department of Education is heading towards right?

But yes, as a parent, when the time comes for my kids to go to college I'll be looking at completion rates, expected employment after graduation, and where the alumni are. That's something a good consumer should be looking at and it is something folks should get angry about if they've been deceived about.

What we've seen recently is that for profit universities are scams. Look at ITT which shut down recently. Trump University is just as bad if not worse.
She was using a personal server, not a secure government email like she was suppose to. Keep looking ignorant.
According to the FBI, our government servers have been successfully hacked for years. Some people speculate that Hillary's server may have been hacked. Big difference.

Speaking of looking ignorant...

And unnecessarily rude.
I see you only watch msn. Open your eyes, she pleaded the 5th multiple times. Also said I don't recall multiple times. Even the witnesses pleaded the 5th. She is the most corrupt politician in history. Makes Nixon look like a choir boy.
And no charges resulted because there was no evidence of a crime.
Comedy said that more than likely our enemies hacked her email and got classified information. Since she is a Democrat you could Care less.
Her server may have been hacked. Other servers we know were hacked. You gonna sue/charge/slander every victim or possible victim of hackers? You've got your work cut out for you.
She was using a personal server, not a secure government email like she was suppose to. Keep looking ignorant.
So what. Powell used an AOL account.
All her predecessors used personal email accounts. Hillary kicked it up a notch by using her own server. There was also no rule against that.
Republicans have been investigating the Clinton Foundation for years.

So when they begin to investigate the Trump Foundation, right wingers are screaming, "Why don't you investigate the Clinton Foundation?"

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