Trump: "Fund the wall or the border gets shut completely!"

In California you get a drivers license you can vote. California gives drivers license to illegals.


To vote in California, you have to register to vote.

View attachment 237251

You do not get to cast a ballot by simply showing up with a driver’s license.
Lol, liberals on here state why shouldn't illegals be able to vote. They live here too. That's okay, there is a forum says illegals are getting guns. So they want to be able to purchase guns. Thanks for the future votes, oh and alot of mexicans are against abortion. So thanks again, maybe you should do some research before you import voters.

Who states that? Name please.
Pelosi and California, they break the law being a sanctuary state. You don't think they would'nt violate voter laws? They won't give up the voter rolls, so yes they are guilty.

Well, Pelosi is a federal congressional officer; not involved in internal California politics.

As for voter laws, they are what they are.

I'm with you on the Sanctuary City/State thing; if you're breaking the law, you should be deported.

As for voter rolls...really?

View attachment 237301
Yes, you break the law for being a sanctuary city for a reason. I mean liberals ain't doing nothing for free.
In California you get a drivers license you can vote. California gives drivers license to illegals.

You lie.
How so? It's a sanctuary state. Why wouldn't they let them vote?

You’re a moron. They cannot vote.
Then why won't California give up the voter rolls? They won't do it. I mean they hide killers, why wouldn't they break voter laws? They break the law as being a sancuary state.

You’ve been duped. Please try harder to use your critical thinking skills.
Well then lets cancel California's vote in federal elections, till you get rid of the illegals.

To vote in California, you have to register to vote.

View attachment 237251

You do not get to cast a ballot by simply showing up with a driver’s license.
Lol, liberals on here state why shouldn't illegals be able to vote. They live here too. That's okay, there is a forum says illegals are getting guns. So they want to be able to purchase guns. Thanks for the future votes, oh and alot of mexicans are against abortion. So thanks again, maybe you should do some research before you import voters.

Who states that? Name please.
Pelosi and California, they break the law being a sanctuary state. You don't think they would'nt violate voter laws? They won't give up the voter rolls, so yes they are guilty.

Well, Pelosi is a federal congressional officer; not involved in internal California politics.

As for voter laws, they are what they are.

I'm with you on the Sanctuary City/State thing; if you're breaking the law, you should be deported.

As for voter rolls...really?

View attachment 237301
Yes, you break the law for being a sanctuary city for a reason. I mean liberals ain't doing nothing for free.
Maps: Sanctuary Cities, Counties, and States

Updated May 30, 2018
The sanctuary jurisdictions are listed below. These cities, counties, and states have laws, ordinances, regulations, resolutions, policies, or other practices that obstruct immigration enforcement and shield criminals from ICE — either by refusing to or prohibiting agencies from complying with ICE detainers, imposing unreasonable conditions on detainer acceptance, denying ICE access to interview incarcerated aliens, or otherwise impeding communication or information exchanges between their personnel and federal immigration officers.

A detainer is the primary tool used by ICE to gain custody of criminal aliens for deportation. It is a notice to another law enforcement agency that ICE intends to assume custody of an alien and includes information on the alien's previous criminal history, immigration violations, and potential threat to public safety or security.
If Democrat socialists don't want the economic disruption of a closed border they can fund the wall.

Start taxing remittances too.
Look at all these Right-wing cowards talking shit about a wall Mexico was going to pay for, and now they retreat to the tax payer. No thanks! Fund your own stupid wall. Do you know how much fun Mexico would have going over the wall? They would have so much fun; This much fun.
In California you get a drivers license you can vote. California gives drivers license to illegals.


To vote in California, you have to register to vote.

View attachment 237251

You do not get to cast a ballot by simply showing up with a driver’s license.
Lol, liberals on here state why shouldn't illegals be able to vote. They live here too. That's okay, there is a forum says illegals are getting guns. So they want to be able to purchase guns. Thanks for the future votes, oh and alot of mexicans are against abortion. So thanks again, maybe you should do some research before you import voters.

That's not Donald Trump's wall. If we tax remittances there is more than enough money to pay for the wall.

How is this supposed to work, this funding repayment from Mexico. If Mexico sends us a truckload of tacos and sombreros, we deduct the wholesale amount from the "Wall/Slats/Curtain" account? So if Mexico sends us products for which we do not pay, but keep the value as payment, and Mexican vendors go broke and emigrate to the USA for this how it works?

No, the billions we would save through welfare. Will pay for the wall in a couple of years.
We didn't have 12,000 kids in a concentration camp under Obama. Obama did effectively and for the most part humanely deport a record number of illegal aliens.

He inflated the numbers with Catch and Release............and the MSM used pictures of Children in cages........problem is the pictures were from Obama time frame.

Later.........the MSM came up with the Trump lost the children campaign...........only later to find out that they were released to relatives under Obama......

MSM is a joke are your numbers.

So what it boils down to is you don't believe what is being reported. Ok, thanks.
Here's the deal. The Right wings false outrage over illegal immigration is on full display, when these cowards are incapable of addressing the easy fix to a problem they themselves know isn't one. Arrest the enablers who hire them, and Mexicans go home. It's that simple, and costs a whole lot cheaper than a wall. But they won't address it because they are cowards and would rather blame a symptom that isn't even a problem on others. That's how they avoid the blame, while demonizing the illegals.

You're 100% correct about the false outrage. I looked up the topics from 1/1/2015 and few if any threads were concerned with the "invasion". I remember a Gallup poll that put II at something like 3%. Now? Its almost as if their minuscule manhood is wrapped up in getting a wall built for zero reason.

As for enforcing the law, Arrest the enablers, arrest the illegals, find a way to tie federal funding to the arrest of illegals at the local level. If you can hold a perpetrator on a federal warrant for one offense, you should be happy (and able) to do it on every federal offense and illegal entry is a federal offense. I don't see the opposition to this. I do recognize that illegals are much more hesitant to call the police if their status will be investigated. I'm sorry but that is the problem with living outside the law; you no longer enjoy the protection of the law enforcement officials.

There are laws; they should be enforced. It's really just that simple. But do it humanely and display why America is a great place. Make them want to come back legally, responsibly....
I appreciate the civil discourse on that.

Here is what the CBP is asking for.......and their report....including about 100 miles of border walls, levees, gates, and security high tech equipment including towers...........more radio/communication equipment.........and their vehicles are getting old.......breaking down if you read between the lines.

Written testimony of CBP for a House Appropriations Subcommittee on Homeland Security hearing titled “Immigration and Customs Enforcement & Customs and Border Protection FY18 Budget Request”
This is a video of the explanation from the CBP. if you are interested.

10, post: 21482023, member: 43857"]This is a video of the explanation from the CBP. if you are interested.
[/QUOTE] Stupid people doing stupid things. Arrest their employers and they go home on their own. It doesn't get any simpler than that.

What you are posting about is just plain stupid and an unnecessary cost on the taxpayer who wasn't supposed to pay for the wall in the first place. Again, the wall was/is retarded. Arrest their enablers and they have zero interest in being in the U.S. But we won't do that, because we want to direct the blame towards the illegals, for whom we draw into this country, because we need them working here. Thus, we create the false narrative impression through false outrage, that the illegals are the enemy, when in fact, the only enemy is ourselves. .

That's odd..........Texas released more violent illegal criminals than others.........
A local school board? In any state? Really? You do know that, by law, all kids can attend school, whether they are legal or not right? And they also pay taxes when they buy goods right? So why is it inappropriate for them to vote in school board elections when they are permitted to attend school? Can Undocumented Immigrants Attend Public School? By virtue of the law, it wouldn't make sense to isolate them from a school board vote.
By virtue of literally being criminals (illegal immigrants) it would seem hypocritical and self defeating if we allowed parents of illegals to vote. What sort of Bizarro universe do you inhabit?
And of course once one bridge has been crossed it's much easier to use that to justify the next step that would blur or erase the lines between citizens and criminals.
Sorry, you want to normalize illegals in this nation. I heartily disagree and suggest illegals go back home if they find the atmosphere inhospitable here.
The kids are not criminals dumb ass. Why are you going to take the blame out on them?

And by the way, your enabler buddy down the street who hires illegals for yard work or farm work, or construction work, or cleaning work, and should I go on, doesn't seem to have a problem with them being here.

Let's cut out the bs shall we. At the end of the day, employers across this country want them in the chicken farms, dairy farms, produce fields, you name it. If illegal immigration were that much of an emergency, the enablers would have put a stop to it decades ago. That's the truth, and that's reality. You can bellyache about it all day, but the illegals aren't the problem, the enablers are. They aren't going to be here if the enablers just stop hiring them. You don't need a wall for that. They will go back on their own.

This has been a symptom in search of a problem, mainly because of hate, and nothing more.

You want to solve problems that don't exist? Fine! Arrest the enablers hot shot, because that is where your problem is.

But remember, the enablers don't see it as a problem, because the illegals are doing the work we won't do, while the enablers see profits. Stick that in your sock the next time you think you need to complain.

Bravo I can't agree more.

I've been saying for decades that we don't have an illegal immigrant problem. We have an illegal employer problem.

Every employer who hires those undocumented workers are criminals. They are breaking the law by hiring an undocumented worker yet no one has a problem with it. Those criminals get to become even more filthy rich at the expense of the undocumented worker and the nation.

We don't need a wall. In fact we already have a wall on that border.

What we need are very harsh consequences for employers who hire undocumented workers. Bankrupt them. Go after what is most important to them. Their money. Destroy their business and put them in prison for a decade or so. Do that to just a few businesses and the problem of undocumented workers goes away. No employer will ever hire an undocumented worker again.

They come for the jobs. If there's no jobs they won't come and those who are here will probably leave.

It's cheap and best of all it will work. Which is one of the reasons why it's not done. If the problem is solved, the issue is no longer used as a weapon or a campaign issue to raise money.
We didn't have 12,000 kids in a concentration camp under Obama. Obama did effectively and for the most part humanely deport a record number of illegal aliens.

He inflated the numbers with Catch and Release............and the MSM used pictures of Children in cages........problem is the pictures were from Obama time frame.

Later.........the MSM came up with the Trump lost the children campaign...........only later to find out that they were released to relatives under Obama......

MSM is a joke are your numbers.

So what it boils down to is you don't believe what is being reported. Ok, thanks.
Here's the deal. The Right wings false outrage over illegal immigration is on full display, when these cowards are incapable of addressing the easy fix to a problem they themselves know isn't one. Arrest the enablers who hire them, and Mexicans go home. It's that simple, and costs a whole lot cheaper than a wall. But they won't address it because they are cowards and would rather blame a symptom that isn't even a problem on others. That's how they avoid the blame, while demonizing the illegals.

You're 100% correct about the false outrage. I looked up the topics from 1/1/2015 and few if any threads were concerned with the "invasion". I remember a Gallup poll that put II at something like 3%. Now? Its almost as if their minuscule manhood is wrapped up in getting a wall built for zero reason.

As for enforcing the law, Arrest the enablers, arrest the illegals, find a way to tie federal funding to the arrest of illegals at the local level. If you can hold a perpetrator on a federal warrant for one offense, you should be happy (and able) to do it on every federal offense and illegal entry is a federal offense. I don't see the opposition to this. I do recognize that illegals are much more hesitant to call the police if their status will be investigated. I'm sorry but that is the problem with living outside the law; you no longer enjoy the protection of the law enforcement officials.

There are laws; they should be enforced. It's really just that simple. But do it humanely and display why America is a great place. Make them want to come back legally, responsibly....
Believe me, when the word gets out that we are arresting the enablers, arrests of illegals will go way down because they won't be crossing the border looking for work. The problem wouldn't even be a problem if the U.S. were to start locking up the enablers. It really is that simple, but we never do it, because it makes us look like we are responsible, and politically, the Right needs to keep making the illegals into the bad guys. And for the record, we are responsible.

The local meat packing plant may get raided. The local radish farm may get raided. The local construction company may get raided. There is plenty of work under the table and the police at their most cunning will never be able to eliminate the lure of getting paid $100 bucks to clean a pool or empty out a house someone bought is going to remodel and flip. You're living in fantasy land on this one.

It's simple; whoever breaks the law should be arrested. Simple.
If the violation is illegal entry, the punishment should be deportation.
A local school board? In any state? Really? You do know that, by law, all kids can attend school, whether they are legal or not right? And they also pay taxes when they buy goods right? So why is it inappropriate for them to vote in school board elections when they are permitted to attend school? Can Undocumented Immigrants Attend Public School? By virtue of the law, it wouldn't make sense to isolate them from a school board vote.
By virtue of literally being criminals (illegal immigrants) it would seem hypocritical and self defeating if we allowed parents of illegals to vote. What sort of Bizarro universe do you inhabit?
And of course once one bridge has been crossed it's much easier to use that to justify the next step that would blur or erase the lines between citizens and criminals.
Sorry, you want to normalize illegals in this nation. I heartily disagree and suggest illegals go back home if they find the atmosphere inhospitable here.
The kids are not criminals dumb ass. Why are you going to take the blame out on them?

And by the way, your enabler buddy down the street who hires illegals for yard work or farm work, or construction work, or cleaning work, and should I go on, doesn't seem to have a problem with them being here.

Let's cut out the bs shall we. At the end of the day, employers across this country want them in the chicken farms, dairy farms, produce fields, you name it. If illegal immigration were that much of an emergency, the enablers would have put a stop to it decades ago. That's the truth, and that's reality. You can bellyache about it all day, but the illegals aren't the problem, the enablers are. They aren't going to be here if the enablers just stop hiring them. You don't need a wall for that. They will go back on their own.

This has been a symptom in search of a problem, mainly because of hate, and nothing more.

You want to solve problems that don't exist? Fine! Arrest the enablers hot shot, because that is where your problem is.

But remember, the enablers don't see it as a problem, because the illegals are doing the work we won't do, while the enablers see profits. Stick that in your sock the next time you think you need to complain.

Bravo I can't agree more.

I've been saying for decades that we don't have an illegal immigrant problem. We have an illegal employer problem.

Every employer who hires those undocumented workers are criminals. They are breaking the law by hiring an undocumented worker yet no one has a problem with it. Those criminals get to become even more filthy rich at the expense of the undocumented worker and the nation.

We don't need a wall. In fact we already have a wall on that border.

What we need are very harsh consequences for employers who hire undocumented workers. Bankrupt them. Go after what is most important to them. Their money. Destroy their business and put them in prison for a decade or so. Do that to just a few businesses and the problem of undocumented workers goes away. No employer will ever hire an undocumented worker again.

They come for the jobs. If there's no jobs they won't come and those who are here will probably leave.

It's cheap and best of all it will work. Which is one of the reasons why it's not done. If the problem is solved, the issue is no longer used as a weapon or a campaign issue to raise money.
Legal Workforce Act (H.R. 3711)

If Democrat socialists don't want the economic disruption of a closed border they can fund the wall.

Start taxing remittances too.
Look at all these Right-wing cowards talking shit about a wall Mexico was going to pay for, and now they retreat to the tax payer. No thanks! Fund your own stupid wall. Do you know how much fun Mexico would have going over the wall? They would have so much fun; This much fun.

To vote in California, you have to register to vote.

View attachment 237251

You do not get to cast a ballot by simply showing up with a driver’s license.
Lol, liberals on here state why shouldn't illegals be able to vote. They live here too. That's okay, there is a forum says illegals are getting guns. So they want to be able to purchase guns. Thanks for the future votes, oh and alot of mexicans are against abortion. So thanks again, maybe you should do some research before you import voters.

That's not Donald Trump's wall. If we tax remittances there is more than enough money to pay for the wall.

How is this supposed to work, this funding repayment from Mexico. If Mexico sends us a truckload of tacos and sombreros, we deduct the wholesale amount from the "Wall/Slats/Curtain" account? So if Mexico sends us products for which we do not pay, but keep the value as payment, and Mexican vendors go broke and emigrate to the USA for this how it works?

No, the billions we would save through welfare. Will pay for the wall in a couple of years.


He inflated the numbers with Catch and Release............and the MSM used pictures of Children in cages........problem is the pictures were from Obama time frame.

Later.........the MSM came up with the Trump lost the children campaign...........only later to find out that they were released to relatives under Obama......

MSM is a joke are your numbers.

So what it boils down to is you don't believe what is being reported. Ok, thanks.
Here's the deal. The Right wings false outrage over illegal immigration is on full display, when these cowards are incapable of addressing the easy fix to a problem they themselves know isn't one. Arrest the enablers who hire them, and Mexicans go home. It's that simple, and costs a whole lot cheaper than a wall. But they won't address it because they are cowards and would rather blame a symptom that isn't even a problem on others. That's how they avoid the blame, while demonizing the illegals.

You're 100% correct about the false outrage. I looked up the topics from 1/1/2015 and few if any threads were concerned with the "invasion". I remember a Gallup poll that put II at something like 3%. Now? Its almost as if their minuscule manhood is wrapped up in getting a wall built for zero reason.

As for enforcing the law, Arrest the enablers, arrest the illegals, find a way to tie federal funding to the arrest of illegals at the local level. If you can hold a perpetrator on a federal warrant for one offense, you should be happy (and able) to do it on every federal offense and illegal entry is a federal offense. I don't see the opposition to this. I do recognize that illegals are much more hesitant to call the police if their status will be investigated. I'm sorry but that is the problem with living outside the law; you no longer enjoy the protection of the law enforcement officials.

There are laws; they should be enforced. It's really just that simple. But do it humanely and display why America is a great place. Make them want to come back legally, responsibly....
Believe me, when the word gets out that we are arresting the enablers, arrests of illegals will go way down because they won't be crossing the border looking for work. The problem wouldn't even be a problem if the U.S. were to start locking up the enablers. It really is that simple, but we never do it, because it makes us look like we are responsible, and politically, the Right needs to keep making the illegals into the bad guys. And for the record, we are responsible.

The local meat packing plant may get raided. The local radish farm may get raided. The local construction company may get raided. There is plenty of work under the table and the police at their most cunning will never be able to eliminate the lure of getting paid $100 bucks to clean a pool or empty out a house someone bought is going to remodel and flip. You're living in fantasy land on this one.

It's simple; whoever breaks the law should be arrested. Simple.
If the violation is illegal entry, the punishment should be deportation.
The bill that is going no where in the House...........that I have posted as an example......there are more..........$5000 per illegal and up to 18 months jail time for every offense .........sooo..............let's say 100 illegals...........5 million dollar fine.............up to 1800 months in jail.........if charged with all 100 counts and max penalty applied. That is 150 years if you don't like the months number.
If Democrat socialists don't want the economic disruption of a closed border they can fund the wall.

Start taxing remittances too.
Look at all these Right-wing cowards talking shit about a wall Mexico was going to pay for, and now they retreat to the tax payer. No thanks! Fund your own stupid wall. Do you know how much fun Mexico would have going over the wall? They would have so much fun; This much fun.
Lol, liberals on here state why shouldn't illegals be able to vote. They live here too. That's okay, there is a forum says illegals are getting guns. So they want to be able to purchase guns. Thanks for the future votes, oh and alot of mexicans are against abortion. So thanks again, maybe you should do some research before you import voters.

That's not Donald Trump's wall. If we tax remittances there is more than enough money to pay for the wall.

How is this supposed to work, this funding repayment from Mexico. If Mexico sends us a truckload of tacos and sombreros, we deduct the wholesale amount from the "Wall/Slats/Curtain" account? So if Mexico sends us products for which we do not pay, but keep the value as payment, and Mexican vendors go broke and emigrate to the USA for this how it works?

No, the billions we would save through welfare. Will pay for the wall in a couple of years.


No it's not........the more caught the more get processed.......the more get deported......CBP wants these improved walls in high traffic areas........and they want the new tech to help catch them.
If Democrat socialists don't want the economic disruption of a closed border they can fund the wall.

Start taxing remittances too.
Look at all these Right-wing cowards talking shit about a wall Mexico was going to pay for, and now they retreat to the tax payer. No thanks! Fund your own stupid wall. Do you know how much fun Mexico would have going over the wall? They would have so much fun; This much fun.
Lol, liberals on here state why shouldn't illegals be able to vote. They live here too. That's okay, there is a forum says illegals are getting guns. So they want to be able to purchase guns. Thanks for the future votes, oh and alot of mexicans are against abortion. So thanks again, maybe you should do some research before you import voters.

That's not Donald Trump's wall. If we tax remittances there is more than enough money to pay for the wall.

How is this supposed to work, this funding repayment from Mexico. If Mexico sends us a truckload of tacos and sombreros, we deduct the wholesale amount from the "Wall/Slats/Curtain" account? So if Mexico sends us products for which we do not pay, but keep the value as payment, and Mexican vendors go broke and emigrate to the USA for this how it works?

No, the billions we would save through welfare. Will pay for the wall in a couple of years.


Stopping illegal's would pay for the wall. Also stop federal funding to planned parenthood would pay for it in a year.
Trump is hurting American business and costing jobs

If a business relies on key components of his product to be shipped from Mexico and the border is shut down.......the production line stops

Trump does not care

What gets shipped from Mexico? Illegals and drugs.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

He inflated the numbers with Catch and Release............and the MSM used pictures of Children in cages........problem is the pictures were from Obama time frame.

Later.........the MSM came up with the Trump lost the children campaign...........only later to find out that they were released to relatives under Obama......

MSM is a joke are your numbers.

So what it boils down to is you don't believe what is being reported. Ok, thanks.
Here's the deal. The Right wings false outrage over illegal immigration is on full display, when these cowards are incapable of addressing the easy fix to a problem they themselves know isn't one. Arrest the enablers who hire them, and Mexicans go home. It's that simple, and costs a whole lot cheaper than a wall. But they won't address it because they are cowards and would rather blame a symptom that isn't even a problem on others. That's how they avoid the blame, while demonizing the illegals.

You're 100% correct about the false outrage. I looked up the topics from 1/1/2015 and few if any threads were concerned with the "invasion". I remember a Gallup poll that put II at something like 3%. Now? Its almost as if their minuscule manhood is wrapped up in getting a wall built for zero reason.

As for enforcing the law, Arrest the enablers, arrest the illegals, find a way to tie federal funding to the arrest of illegals at the local level. If you can hold a perpetrator on a federal warrant for one offense, you should be happy (and able) to do it on every federal offense and illegal entry is a federal offense. I don't see the opposition to this. I do recognize that illegals are much more hesitant to call the police if their status will be investigated. I'm sorry but that is the problem with living outside the law; you no longer enjoy the protection of the law enforcement officials.

There are laws; they should be enforced. It's really just that simple. But do it humanely and display why America is a great place. Make them want to come back legally, responsibly....
Believe me, when the word gets out that we are arresting the enablers, arrests of illegals will go way down because they won't be crossing the border looking for work. The problem wouldn't even be a problem if the U.S. were to start locking up the enablers. It really is that simple, but we never do it, because it makes us look like we are responsible, and politically, the Right needs to keep making the illegals into the bad guys. And for the record, we are responsible.

The local meat packing plant may get raided. The local radish farm may get raided. The local construction company may get raided. There is plenty of work under the table and the police at their most cunning will never be able to eliminate the lure of getting paid $100 bucks to clean a pool or empty out a house someone bought is going to remodel and flip. You're living in fantasy land on this one.

It's simple; whoever breaks the law should be arrested. Simple.
If the violation is illegal entry, the punishment should be deportation.
Let me tell you something boss, when the local meat/farm/construction/yard company gets raided, that's a lot. You hit the big sites like that, these companies will stop hiring them, period. You won't have to worry about border crossings once the word is out when companies are not hiring because arrests are being made of their employers. Don't doubt the power of that persuasion for a second.
A local school board? In any state? Really? You do know that, by law, all kids can attend school, whether they are legal or not right? And they also pay taxes when they buy goods right? So why is it inappropriate for them to vote in school board elections when they are permitted to attend school? Can Undocumented Immigrants Attend Public School? By virtue of the law, it wouldn't make sense to isolate them from a school board vote.
By virtue of literally being criminals (illegal immigrants) it would seem hypocritical and self defeating if we allowed parents of illegals to vote. What sort of Bizarro universe do you inhabit?
And of course once one bridge has been crossed it's much easier to use that to justify the next step that would blur or erase the lines between citizens and criminals.
Sorry, you want to normalize illegals in this nation. I heartily disagree and suggest illegals go back home if they find the atmosphere inhospitable here.
The kids are not criminals dumb ass. Why are you going to take the blame out on them?

And by the way, your enabler buddy down the street who hires illegals for yard work or farm work, or construction work, or cleaning work, and should I go on, doesn't seem to have a problem with them being here.

Let's cut out the bs shall we. At the end of the day, employers across this country want them in the chicken farms, dairy farms, produce fields, you name it. If illegal immigration were that much of an emergency, the enablers would have put a stop to it decades ago. That's the truth, and that's reality. You can bellyache about it all day, but the illegals aren't the problem, the enablers are. They aren't going to be here if the enablers just stop hiring them. You don't need a wall for that. They will go back on their own.

This has been a symptom in search of a problem, mainly because of hate, and nothing more.

You want to solve problems that don't exist? Fine! Arrest the enablers hot shot, because that is where your problem is.

But remember, the enablers don't see it as a problem, because the illegals are doing the work we won't do, while the enablers see profits. Stick that in your sock the next time you think you need to complain.

Bravo I can't agree more.

I've been saying for decades that we don't have an illegal immigrant problem. We have an illegal employer problem.

Every employer who hires those undocumented workers are criminals. They are breaking the law by hiring an undocumented worker yet no one has a problem with it. Those criminals get to become even more filthy rich at the expense of the undocumented worker and the nation.

We don't need a wall. In fact we already have a wall on that border.

What we need are very harsh consequences for employers who hire undocumented workers. Bankrupt them. Go after what is most important to them. Their money. Destroy their business and put them in prison for a decade or so. Do that to just a few businesses and the problem of undocumented workers goes away. No employer will ever hire an undocumented worker again.

They come for the jobs. If there's no jobs they won't come and those who are here will probably leave.

It's cheap and best of all it will work. Which is one of the reasons why it's not done. If the problem is solved, the issue is no longer used as a weapon or a campaign issue to raise money.
But Trump supporters don't want to hear about it, because the blame shifts from the illegals to the enablers. As it should.
So what it boils down to is you don't believe what is being reported. Ok, thanks.
Here's the deal. The Right wings false outrage over illegal immigration is on full display, when these cowards are incapable of addressing the easy fix to a problem they themselves know isn't one. Arrest the enablers who hire them, and Mexicans go home. It's that simple, and costs a whole lot cheaper than a wall. But they won't address it because they are cowards and would rather blame a symptom that isn't even a problem on others. That's how they avoid the blame, while demonizing the illegals.

You're 100% correct about the false outrage. I looked up the topics from 1/1/2015 and few if any threads were concerned with the "invasion". I remember a Gallup poll that put II at something like 3%. Now? Its almost as if their minuscule manhood is wrapped up in getting a wall built for zero reason.

As for enforcing the law, Arrest the enablers, arrest the illegals, find a way to tie federal funding to the arrest of illegals at the local level. If you can hold a perpetrator on a federal warrant for one offense, you should be happy (and able) to do it on every federal offense and illegal entry is a federal offense. I don't see the opposition to this. I do recognize that illegals are much more hesitant to call the police if their status will be investigated. I'm sorry but that is the problem with living outside the law; you no longer enjoy the protection of the law enforcement officials.

There are laws; they should be enforced. It's really just that simple. But do it humanely and display why America is a great place. Make them want to come back legally, responsibly....
Believe me, when the word gets out that we are arresting the enablers, arrests of illegals will go way down because they won't be crossing the border looking for work. The problem wouldn't even be a problem if the U.S. were to start locking up the enablers. It really is that simple, but we never do it, because it makes us look like we are responsible, and politically, the Right needs to keep making the illegals into the bad guys. And for the record, we are responsible.

The local meat packing plant may get raided. The local radish farm may get raided. The local construction company may get raided. There is plenty of work under the table and the police at their most cunning will never be able to eliminate the lure of getting paid $100 bucks to clean a pool or empty out a house someone bought is going to remodel and flip. You're living in fantasy land on this one.

It's simple; whoever breaks the law should be arrested. Simple.
If the violation is illegal entry, the punishment should be deportation.
Let me tell you something boss, when the local meat/farm/construction/yard company gets raided, that's a lot. You hit the big sites like that, these companies will stop hiring them, period.
And I'm so sure the guy wading through the Rio Grande is plugged into the myfarmjustgotbusted app on his cell phone and is told that all meat packing plants in the lower 48 are are closed. And guess what happens in the event the business is closed? Another one takes up the slack and they will need employees.

Really dude, we have a 20 Trillion dollar economy. The opportunities for cheap labor are going to be there regardless of what our law enforcement community does. Corporate America is just one place they could work and make more money than they could in Central America.
Why do so many love this President?

It's all about the size of the balls s0ns!:113::113::113:

Trump says he will 'be forced to close' the border if doesn't get his wall and immigration overhaul | Daily Mail Online

Top story on DRUDGE right now!

The winning.....its killing me!:abgg2q.jpg:

The whining is killing me!

The worst part is that there is no hope that Trump's temperament will ever get past that of a 5th grader.

When all these foreign illegals come in and commit crimes, you pussies whine about that also. The streets were rumored to have been paved with gold. Check California, they are now paved with shit. [emoji90] No exaggeration! He’s standing up to your king and queen, chuckles and Nancy. Blame them for being assholes. They all agreed previously that border security was an issue. It’s on film. It’s just a way of them trying to assert power they don’t have.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Here's the deal. The Right wings false outrage over illegal immigration is on full display, when these cowards are incapable of addressing the easy fix to a problem they themselves know isn't one. Arrest the enablers who hire them, and Mexicans go home. It's that simple, and costs a whole lot cheaper than a wall. But they won't address it because they are cowards and would rather blame a symptom that isn't even a problem on others. That's how they avoid the blame, while demonizing the illegals.

You're 100% correct about the false outrage. I looked up the topics from 1/1/2015 and few if any threads were concerned with the "invasion". I remember a Gallup poll that put II at something like 3%. Now? Its almost as if their minuscule manhood is wrapped up in getting a wall built for zero reason.

As for enforcing the law, Arrest the enablers, arrest the illegals, find a way to tie federal funding to the arrest of illegals at the local level. If you can hold a perpetrator on a federal warrant for one offense, you should be happy (and able) to do it on every federal offense and illegal entry is a federal offense. I don't see the opposition to this. I do recognize that illegals are much more hesitant to call the police if their status will be investigated. I'm sorry but that is the problem with living outside the law; you no longer enjoy the protection of the law enforcement officials.

There are laws; they should be enforced. It's really just that simple. But do it humanely and display why America is a great place. Make them want to come back legally, responsibly....
Believe me, when the word gets out that we are arresting the enablers, arrests of illegals will go way down because they won't be crossing the border looking for work. The problem wouldn't even be a problem if the U.S. were to start locking up the enablers. It really is that simple, but we never do it, because it makes us look like we are responsible, and politically, the Right needs to keep making the illegals into the bad guys. And for the record, we are responsible.

The local meat packing plant may get raided. The local radish farm may get raided. The local construction company may get raided. There is plenty of work under the table and the police at their most cunning will never be able to eliminate the lure of getting paid $100 bucks to clean a pool or empty out a house someone bought is going to remodel and flip. You're living in fantasy land on this one.

It's simple; whoever breaks the law should be arrested. Simple.
If the violation is illegal entry, the punishment should be deportation.
Let me tell you something boss, when the local meat/farm/construction/yard company gets raided, that's a lot. You hit the big sites like that, these companies will stop hiring them, period.
And I'm so sure the guy wading through the Rio Grande is plugged into the myfarmjustgotbusted app on his cell phone and is told that all meat packing plants in the lower 48 are are closed. And guess what happens in the event the business is closed? Another one takes up the slack and they will need employees.

Really dude, we have a 20 Trillion dollar economy. The opportunities for cheap labor are going to be there regardless of what our law enforcement community does. Corporate America is just one place they could work and make more money than they could in Central America.
They skirt the small fines when caught.........when illegals get hurt.......quick medical if they are lucky.......then deport them...........

If ICE raids........they fire them all .......wait til the smoke clears and rehire them...........

Exploitation and Abuse at the Chicken Plant


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