Trump: "Fund the wall or the border gets shut completely!"

Looks like Manchild Trump is stomping his little feet again to get what he wants.

Are his base really so ignorant/gullible to actually buy this nonsense?

Sadly...I fear they are.
Here's the deal. The Right wings false outrage over illegal immigration is on full display, when these cowards are incapable of addressing the easy fix to a problem they themselves know isn't one. Arrest the enablers who hire them, and Mexicans go home. It's that simple, and costs a whole lot cheaper than a wall. But they won't address it because they are cowards and would rather blame a symptom that isn't even a problem on others. That's how they avoid the blame, while demonizing the illegals.

You're 100% correct about the false outrage. I looked up the topics from 1/1/2015 and few if any threads were concerned with the "invasion". I remember a Gallup poll that put II at something like 3%. Now? Its almost as if their minuscule manhood is wrapped up in getting a wall built for zero reason.

As for enforcing the law, Arrest the enablers, arrest the illegals, find a way to tie federal funding to the arrest of illegals at the local level. If you can hold a perpetrator on a federal warrant for one offense, you should be happy (and able) to do it on every federal offense and illegal entry is a federal offense. I don't see the opposition to this. I do recognize that illegals are much more hesitant to call the police if their status will be investigated. I'm sorry but that is the problem with living outside the law; you no longer enjoy the protection of the law enforcement officials.

There are laws; they should be enforced. It's really just that simple. But do it humanely and display why America is a great place. Make them want to come back legally, responsibly....
Believe me, when the word gets out that we are arresting the enablers, arrests of illegals will go way down because they won't be crossing the border looking for work. The problem wouldn't even be a problem if the U.S. were to start locking up the enablers. It really is that simple, but we never do it, because it makes us look like we are responsible, and politically, the Right needs to keep making the illegals into the bad guys. And for the record, we are responsible.

The local meat packing plant may get raided. The local radish farm may get raided. The local construction company may get raided. There is plenty of work under the table and the police at their most cunning will never be able to eliminate the lure of getting paid $100 bucks to clean a pool or empty out a house someone bought is going to remodel and flip. You're living in fantasy land on this one.

It's simple; whoever breaks the law should be arrested. Simple.
If the violation is illegal entry, the punishment should be deportation.
Let me tell you something boss, when the local meat/farm/construction/yard company gets raided, that's a lot. You hit the big sites like that, these companies will stop hiring them, period.
And I'm so sure the guy wading through the Rio Grande is plugged into the myfarmjustgotbusted app on his cell phone and is told that all meat packing plants in the lower 48 are are closed. And guess what happens in the event the business is closed? Another one takes up the slack and they will need employees.

Really dude, we have a 20 Trillion dollar economy. The opportunities for cheap labor are going to be there regardless of what our law enforcement community does. Corporate America is just one place they could work and make more money than they could in Central America.
You can't possibly be this naive. When Jose is crossing the RioGrande and runs into Paco heading back in the opposite direction telling Jose to forget about it. My employer is in jail for hiring me, that will spread all along the Rio Grande. Stop kidding yourself.You lock up enough employers in the states, and there will be a draw down of illegal crossings never seen before. You can take it to the bank, because the employers won't be there to welcome them. They'll be in jail, remember?
Why do so many love this President?

It's all about the size of the balls s0ns!:113::113::113:

Trump says he will 'be forced to close' the border if doesn't get his wall and immigration overhaul | Daily Mail Online

Top story on DRUDGE right now!

The winning.....its killing me!:abgg2q.jpg:

If you think trump is going to close the border then you're not thinking clearly.

If you don't believe that he will be taken to court over it if he does you aren't thinking clearly.

If you think that any judge in America is going to allow him to shut down the border for a wall, you aren't thinking clearly.

None of what you think is rational or realistic.
Trump is an idiot if he thinks he can shut the border for any length of time

It would cause bedlam

Yes and we have a legal trade agreement with Mexico that requires a boarder to not be closed.

No judge is going to allow trump to close down the border. I don't believe that trump will close the border. I see this as the same thing he did in the election when he realized that he was going to lose the House and possibly the Senate. He pulls out the immigration garbage and says he's going to write an EO that removes the natural citizen birth right to everyone born here in America.

Where is that EO? He said he would write it in October.
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Given that the Trump caves 100% of the time when challenged, we can be sure Trump will cave on his latest promise.

Remember, Pelosi has far bigger balls than Trump does. She's going to bitch-slap him and leave him whimpering. Again.

Yeah, I remember a week ago the filthy lying fucks of the fascist press reported that Trump had caved on shutting down the government.

Turns out you Marxist scum were lying, as always.

The faux government shutdown is a farce, it impacts only 3% of federal sloths, mostly ticket booth operators at national parks. But shutting down the border will impact even Borg Queen Pelosi.

How far are you traitor motherfuckers willing to go with your war on America? What will you do to keep us from having secure borders?
Trump is closing down the border, not Pelosi. Trump already admitted to owning the shutdown on video.

How far will you traitors go with your war on America? When your pool boy can't get back from Tijuana after New Years, what will you do? :dunno:

Maybe someone else will cuck their wives.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You're 100% correct about the false outrage. I looked up the topics from 1/1/2015 and few if any threads were concerned with the "invasion". I remember a Gallup poll that put II at something like 3%. Now? Its almost as if their minuscule manhood is wrapped up in getting a wall built for zero reason.

As for enforcing the law, Arrest the enablers, arrest the illegals, find a way to tie federal funding to the arrest of illegals at the local level. If you can hold a perpetrator on a federal warrant for one offense, you should be happy (and able) to do it on every federal offense and illegal entry is a federal offense. I don't see the opposition to this. I do recognize that illegals are much more hesitant to call the police if their status will be investigated. I'm sorry but that is the problem with living outside the law; you no longer enjoy the protection of the law enforcement officials.

There are laws; they should be enforced. It's really just that simple. But do it humanely and display why America is a great place. Make them want to come back legally, responsibly....
Believe me, when the word gets out that we are arresting the enablers, arrests of illegals will go way down because they won't be crossing the border looking for work. The problem wouldn't even be a problem if the U.S. were to start locking up the enablers. It really is that simple, but we never do it, because it makes us look like we are responsible, and politically, the Right needs to keep making the illegals into the bad guys. And for the record, we are responsible.

The local meat packing plant may get raided. The local radish farm may get raided. The local construction company may get raided. There is plenty of work under the table and the police at their most cunning will never be able to eliminate the lure of getting paid $100 bucks to clean a pool or empty out a house someone bought is going to remodel and flip. You're living in fantasy land on this one.

It's simple; whoever breaks the law should be arrested. Simple.
If the violation is illegal entry, the punishment should be deportation.
Let me tell you something boss, when the local meat/farm/construction/yard company gets raided, that's a lot. You hit the big sites like that, these companies will stop hiring them, period.
And I'm so sure the guy wading through the Rio Grande is plugged into the myfarmjustgotbusted app on his cell phone and is told that all meat packing plants in the lower 48 are are closed. And guess what happens in the event the business is closed? Another one takes up the slack and they will need employees.

Really dude, we have a 20 Trillion dollar economy. The opportunities for cheap labor are going to be there regardless of what our law enforcement community does. Corporate America is just one place they could work and make more money than they could in Central America.
You can't possibly be this naive. When Jose is crossing the RioGrande and runs into Paco heading back in the opposite direction telling Jose to forget about it. My employer is in jail for hiring me, that will spread all along the Rio Grande. Stop kidding yourself.You lock up enough employers in the states, and there will be a draw down of illegal crossings never seen before. You can take it to the bank, because the employers won't be there to welcome them. They'll be in jail, remember?

Whatever. I do know this very well... There are very few winners in the lottery. There are 8-15 losers for every one winner if I recall a stat correctly? By the time you finish reading this, there may be 50,000 powerball tickets sold; most likely to 49,999 people who have lost more than they have won playing the lottery.

Anecdotal news that "they closed the plant" is not going to stop hardly anyone from coming across the border.
Trump is hurting American business and costing jobs

If a business relies on key components of his product to be shipped from Mexico and the border is shut down.......the production line stops

Trump does not care

Airmail is a part of completely shutting down the border. The border includes all normal points of entry too.
Not really. Anyone airlifted has to undergo a screening process. Otherwise they’d have to hijack a plane to equate with an illegal ground border crossing.

Are you kidding me? You think every airplane has it's cargo and all people aboard closely inspected every time it takes off or lands? What a silly thought.
Way better that people are inspected while crossing the border illegally.

Right, cause only 2 to 10% of those 8x8x40 ft shipping containers are checked now, but it's better to stop Juan with an oz. of weed in his pocket walking across the desert than it is to stop several tons in just one of those containers. The average ship has hundreds of those containers.
You're 100% correct about the false outrage. I looked up the topics from 1/1/2015 and few if any threads were concerned with the "invasion". I remember a Gallup poll that put II at something like 3%. Now? Its almost as if their minuscule manhood is wrapped up in getting a wall built for zero reason.

As for enforcing the law, Arrest the enablers, arrest the illegals, find a way to tie federal funding to the arrest of illegals at the local level. If you can hold a perpetrator on a federal warrant for one offense, you should be happy (and able) to do it on every federal offense and illegal entry is a federal offense. I don't see the opposition to this. I do recognize that illegals are much more hesitant to call the police if their status will be investigated. I'm sorry but that is the problem with living outside the law; you no longer enjoy the protection of the law enforcement officials.

There are laws; they should be enforced. It's really just that simple. But do it humanely and display why America is a great place. Make them want to come back legally, responsibly....
Believe me, when the word gets out that we are arresting the enablers, arrests of illegals will go way down because they won't be crossing the border looking for work. The problem wouldn't even be a problem if the U.S. were to start locking up the enablers. It really is that simple, but we never do it, because it makes us look like we are responsible, and politically, the Right needs to keep making the illegals into the bad guys. And for the record, we are responsible.

The local meat packing plant may get raided. The local radish farm may get raided. The local construction company may get raided. There is plenty of work under the table and the police at their most cunning will never be able to eliminate the lure of getting paid $100 bucks to clean a pool or empty out a house someone bought is going to remodel and flip. You're living in fantasy land on this one.

It's simple; whoever breaks the law should be arrested. Simple.
If the violation is illegal entry, the punishment should be deportation.
Let me tell you something boss, when the local meat/farm/construction/yard company gets raided, that's a lot. You hit the big sites like that, these companies will stop hiring them, period.
And I'm so sure the guy wading through the Rio Grande is plugged into the myfarmjustgotbusted app on his cell phone and is told that all meat packing plants in the lower 48 are are closed. And guess what happens in the event the business is closed? Another one takes up the slack and they will need employees.

Really dude, we have a 20 Trillion dollar economy. The opportunities for cheap labor are going to be there regardless of what our law enforcement community does. Corporate America is just one place they could work and make more money than they could in Central America.
You can't possibly be this naive. When Jose is crossing the RioGrande and runs into Paco heading back in the opposite direction telling Jose to forget about it. My employer is in jail for hiring me, that will spread all along the Rio Grande. Stop kidding yourself.You lock up enough employers in the states, and there will be a draw down of illegal crossings never seen before. You can take it to the bank, because the employers won't be there to welcome them. They'll be in jail, remember?

ICE raids, Lefty's like you throw a tantrum..
So what it boils down to is you don't believe what is being reported. Ok, thanks.
Here's the deal. The Right wings false outrage over illegal immigration is on full display, when these cowards are incapable of addressing the easy fix to a problem they themselves know isn't one. Arrest the enablers who hire them, and Mexicans go home. It's that simple, and costs a whole lot cheaper than a wall. But they won't address it because they are cowards and would rather blame a symptom that isn't even a problem on others. That's how they avoid the blame, while demonizing the illegals.

You're 100% correct about the false outrage. I looked up the topics from 1/1/2015 and few if any threads were concerned with the "invasion". I remember a Gallup poll that put II at something like 3%. Now? Its almost as if their minuscule manhood is wrapped up in getting a wall built for zero reason.

As for enforcing the law, Arrest the enablers, arrest the illegals, find a way to tie federal funding to the arrest of illegals at the local level. If you can hold a perpetrator on a federal warrant for one offense, you should be happy (and able) to do it on every federal offense and illegal entry is a federal offense. I don't see the opposition to this. I do recognize that illegals are much more hesitant to call the police if their status will be investigated. I'm sorry but that is the problem with living outside the law; you no longer enjoy the protection of the law enforcement officials.

There are laws; they should be enforced. It's really just that simple. But do it humanely and display why America is a great place. Make them want to come back legally, responsibly....
Believe me, when the word gets out that we are arresting the enablers, arrests of illegals will go way down because they won't be crossing the border looking for work. The problem wouldn't even be a problem if the U.S. were to start locking up the enablers. It really is that simple, but we never do it, because it makes us look like we are responsible, and politically, the Right needs to keep making the illegals into the bad guys. And for the record, we are responsible.

The local meat packing plant may get raided. The local radish farm may get raided. The local construction company may get raided. There is plenty of work under the table and the police at their most cunning will never be able to eliminate the lure of getting paid $100 bucks to clean a pool or empty out a house someone bought is going to remodel and flip. You're living in fantasy land on this one.

It's simple; whoever breaks the law should be arrested. Simple.
If the violation is illegal entry, the punishment should be deportation.
Let me tell you something boss, when the local meat/farm/construction/yard company gets raided, that's a lot. You hit the big sites like that, these companies will stop hiring them, period. You won't have to worry about border crossings once the word is out when companies are not hiring because arrests are being made of their employers. Don't doubt the power of that persuasion for a second.

Over 80% of US company's are small, we don't have the man power and the left once again wants to ban ICE.

Anecdotal news that "they closed the plant" is not going to stop hardly anyone from coming across the border.
No one is going to hire undocumented workers if being sent to prison is the consequence. Undocumented workers are not going to seek work where there is none.
Over 80% of US company's are small, we don't have the man power and the left once again wants to ban ICE.
Any excuse to absolve the employers of bearing responsibility, eh? Tends to shore up BWK's arguments.
Look at all these Right-wing cowards talking shit about a wall Mexico was going to pay for, and now they retreat to the tax payer. No thanks! Fund your own stupid wall. Do you know how much fun Mexico would have going over the wall? They would have so much fun; This much fun.

That's not Donald Trump's wall. If we tax remittances there is more than enough money to pay for the wall.

How is this supposed to work, this funding repayment from Mexico. If Mexico sends us a truckload of tacos and sombreros, we deduct the wholesale amount from the "Wall/Slats/Curtain" account? So if Mexico sends us products for which we do not pay, but keep the value as payment, and Mexican vendors go broke and emigrate to the USA for this how it works?

No, the billions we would save through welfare. Will pay for the wall in a couple of years.


Stopping illegal's would pay for the wall. Also stop federal funding to planned parenthood would pay for it in a year.

You really think Planned Parenthood gets that much funding?
How so? It's a sanctuary state. Why wouldn't they let them vote?

You’re a moron. They cannot vote.
Then why won't California give up the voter rolls? They won't do it. I mean they hide killers, why wouldn't they break voter laws? They break the law as being a sancuary state.

You’ve been duped. Please try harder to use your critical thinking skills.
Well then lets cancel California's vote in federal elections, till you get rid of the illegals.

Undocumented immigrants cannot and do not vote in our federal elections.

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