Trump: "Fund the wall or the border gets shut completely!"

That's not Donald Trump's wall. If we tax remittances there is more than enough money to pay for the wall.
How is this supposed to work, this funding repayment from Mexico. If Mexico sends us a truckload of tacos and sombreros, we deduct the wholesale amount from the "Wall/Slats/Curtain" account? So if Mexico sends us products for which we do not pay, but keep the value as payment, and Mexican vendors go broke and emigrate to the USA for this how it works?
No, the billions we would save through welfare. Will pay for the wall in a couple of years.

Stopping illegal's would pay for the wall. Also stop federal funding to planned parenthood would pay for it in a year.
You really think Planned Parenthood gets that much funding?

Of course they do .
How so? It's a sanctuary state. Why wouldn't they let them vote?

You’re a moron. They cannot vote.
Then why won't California give up the voter rolls? They won't do it. I mean they hide killers, why wouldn't they break voter laws? They break the law as being a sancuary state.

You’ve been duped. Please try harder to use your critical thinking skills.
Well then lets cancel California's vote in federal elections, till you get rid of the illegals.

Undocumented immigrants cannot and do not vote in our federal elections.

San Francisco

Not that bright are you?

How so? It's a sanctuary state. Why wouldn't they let them vote?

You’re a moron. They cannot vote.
Then why won't California give up the voter rolls? They won't do it. I mean they hide killers, why wouldn't they break voter laws? They break the law as being a sancuary state.

You’ve been duped. Please try harder to use your critical thinking skills.
Well then lets cancel California's vote in federal elections, till you get rid of the illegals.

Undocumented immigrants cannot and do not vote in our federal elections.

Liar Lia liar pants on fire..
You’re a moron. They cannot vote.
Then why won't California give up the voter rolls? They won't do it. I mean they hide killers, why wouldn't they break voter laws? They break the law as being a sancuary state.

You’ve been duped. Please try harder to use your critical thinking skills.
Well then lets cancel California's vote in federal elections, till you get rid of the illegals.

Undocumented immigrants cannot and do not vote in our federal elections.

San Francisco

Not that bright are you?


You’ve been lied to.
Then why won't California give up the voter rolls? They won't do it. I mean they hide killers, why wouldn't they break voter laws? They break the law as being a sancuary state.

You’ve been duped. Please try harder to use your critical thinking skills.
Well then lets cancel California's vote in federal elections, till you get rid of the illegals.

Undocumented immigrants cannot and do not vote in our federal elections.

San Francisco

Not that bright are you?


You’ve been lied to.

You have been lied too.

Well the House of Lies...........Seems he said he shut it down..........Appears the Gov't is shut down.

On the Caravan............the Media during elections said it's all BS........Seems it wasn't BS.........And when the Gate of entry was closed to all traffic.........Mexico felt the heat...........Mexicans in Tijuana were demanding they be deported and were protesting in the street over it...........

Got so bad that Mexico had to remove them from the city............There are ways to make Mexico and the left to become even more unhinged............and the establishment businesses hiring illegals too............

America want the border secure..........Which is why they always talk tough.......aka LIE.......on border security during elections.

They are full of it.
Going viral on YOUTUBE.....this is hysterical stuff.

Snowflake head exploding x10....

Hysterical....Trump guys gonna love this >>

I'm thinking....this is all not going to end well for one side!!:113::113:
Why do so many love this President?

It's all about the size of the balls s0ns!:113::113::113:

Trump says he will 'be forced to close' the border if doesn't get his wall and immigration overhaul | Daily Mail Online

Top story on DRUDGE right now!

The winning.....its killing me!:abgg2q.jpg:
YES! PLEASE DO IT! I would LOVE to see that! I hope he stands strong this more than ANYTHING else would be worth his 8 years in office!
nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics or Capitalism.


You libtards go to paul krugman for your Bull Shit:5_1_12024:
You’re a moron. They cannot vote.
Then why won't California give up the voter rolls? They won't do it. I mean they hide killers, why wouldn't they break voter laws? They break the law as being a sancuary state.

You’ve been duped. Please try harder to use your critical thinking skills.
Well then lets cancel California's vote in federal elections, till you get rid of the illegals.

Undocumented immigrants cannot and do not vote in our federal elections.

San Francisco

Not that bright are you?

RW Fantasy
We have a President who is the greatest Dealmaker of all time

He was elected on the promise that his skills would end Washington gridlock

What we have is a president who creates gridlock and doesn’t know how to get out of it
We have a President who is the greatest Dealmaker of all time

He was elected on the promise that his skills would end Washington gridlock

What we have is a president who creates gridlock and doesn’t know how to get out of it
Add 3.4 Billion to the CR........there you go.......that ends it.........and pass that bill I showed you yesterday which fines businesses and sends them to jail for knowingly hiring illegal aliens.......

You've stated that you wanted that many times.......tell your Democrat Congressman and Senator that you demand that businesses be punished for hiring illegals.

Thanks in advance.

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