Trump: "Fund the wall or the border gets shut completely!"

You're 100% correct about the false outrage. I looked up the topics from 1/1/2015 and few if any threads were concerned with the "invasion". I remember a Gallup poll that put II at something like 3%. Now? Its almost as if their minuscule manhood is wrapped up in getting a wall built for zero reason.

As for enforcing the law, Arrest the enablers, arrest the illegals, find a way to tie federal funding to the arrest of illegals at the local level. If you can hold a perpetrator on a federal warrant for one offense, you should be happy (and able) to do it on every federal offense and illegal entry is a federal offense. I don't see the opposition to this. I do recognize that illegals are much more hesitant to call the police if their status will be investigated. I'm sorry but that is the problem with living outside the law; you no longer enjoy the protection of the law enforcement officials.

There are laws; they should be enforced. It's really just that simple. But do it humanely and display why America is a great place. Make them want to come back legally, responsibly....
Believe me, when the word gets out that we are arresting the enablers, arrests of illegals will go way down because they won't be crossing the border looking for work. The problem wouldn't even be a problem if the U.S. were to start locking up the enablers. It really is that simple, but we never do it, because it makes us look like we are responsible, and politically, the Right needs to keep making the illegals into the bad guys. And for the record, we are responsible.

The local meat packing plant may get raided. The local radish farm may get raided. The local construction company may get raided. There is plenty of work under the table and the police at their most cunning will never be able to eliminate the lure of getting paid $100 bucks to clean a pool or empty out a house someone bought is going to remodel and flip. You're living in fantasy land on this one.

It's simple; whoever breaks the law should be arrested. Simple.
If the violation is illegal entry, the punishment should be deportation.
Let me tell you something boss, when the local meat/farm/construction/yard company gets raided, that's a lot. You hit the big sites like that, these companies will stop hiring them, period.
And I'm so sure the guy wading through the Rio Grande is plugged into the myfarmjustgotbusted app on his cell phone and is told that all meat packing plants in the lower 48 are are closed. And guess what happens in the event the business is closed? Another one takes up the slack and they will need employees.

Really dude, we have a 20 Trillion dollar economy. The opportunities for cheap labor are going to be there regardless of what our law enforcement community does. Corporate America is just one place they could work and make more money than they could in Central America.
You can't possibly be this naive. When Jose is crossing the RioGrande and runs into Paco heading back in the opposite direction telling Jose to forget about it. My employer is in jail for hiring me, that will spread all along the Rio Grande. Stop kidding yourself.You lock up enough employers in the states, and there will be a draw down of illegal crossings never seen before. You can take it to the bank, because the employers won't be there to welcome them. They'll be in jail, remember?
You can't possibly be this naive. When Jose is crossing the RioGrande and runs into Paco heading back in the opposite direction telling Jose to forget about it. My employer is in jail for hiring me, that will spread all along the Rio Grande. Stop kidding yourself.You lock up enough employers in the states, and there will be a draw down of illegal crossings never seen before. You can take it to the bank, because the employers won't be there to welcome them. They'll be in jail, remember?
It is usually assumed that nearly all business owners are Republicans or leaning Republicans. So if you don't mind the cost of your fruits and veggies and chicken legs increasing significantly, I'm sure the employers of undocumented people will be glad to comply. But when you toss money into the mix the picture changes, because most of the Republicans here on this board use lucre, or the cheapness thereof, as the base of their decisions. They usually know the cost of everything and the value of nothing. So when we ship off all that coolie labor and costs of products and services ride up, the nature of posts on this issue will change.
Well the House of Lies...........Seems he said he shut it down..........Appears the Gov't is shut down.

On the Caravan............the Media during elections said it's all BS........Seems it wasn't BS.........And when the Gate of entry was closed to all traffic.........Mexico felt the heat...........Mexicans in Tijuana were demanding they be deported and were protesting in the street over it...........

Got so bad that Mexico had to remove them from the city............There are ways to make Mexico and the left to become even more unhinged............and the establishment businesses hiring illegals too............

America want the border secure..........Which is why they always talk tough.......aka LIE.......on border security during elections.

They are full of it.
Hey, hey, Donald J
How many kids have you killed today?

Wonder where those old protesters are today? Oh, wait! At the voting booth, of course, as evidenced by the mid-terms. Schlonging, as my friend Polishprince would say!
Well the House of Lies...........Seems he said he shut it down..........Appears the Gov't is shut down.

On the Caravan............the Media during elections said it's all BS........Seems it wasn't BS.........And when the Gate of entry was closed to all traffic.........Mexico felt the heat...........Mexicans in Tijuana were demanding they be deported and were protesting in the street over it...........

Got so bad that Mexico had to remove them from the city............There are ways to make Mexico and the left to become even more unhinged............and the establishment businesses hiring illegals too............

America want the border secure..........Which is why they always talk tough.......aka LIE.......on border security during elections.

They are full of it.
Hey, hey, Donald J
How many kids have you killed today?

Wonder where those old protesters are today? Oh, wait! At the voting booth, of course, as evidenced by the mid-terms. Schlonging, as my friend Polishprince would say!
Riddle me this..........with the GOP having an incumbent President in the midterms..........when was the last time the GOP won seats in the Senate.............

Check it out..............LOL
We have a President who is the greatest Dealmaker of all time

He was elected on the promise that his skills would end Washington gridlock

What we have is a president who creates gridlock and doesn’t know how to get out of it

You are posting like a child now

What's up with this

yeah----BABY--shut it down
should've been done years ago
We have a Commerce Clause not a wall building clause.
I wonder how this bot shit works..........sees key words and generates an automated reply.......certain words generate a one liner response..............hmmmm
the right wing has nothing but fallacy; bots would be more cost effective.

You have nothing but being a dumbass..

. sorry..
We have a President who is the greatest Dealmaker of all time

He was elected on the promise that his skills would end Washington gridlock

What we have is a president who creates gridlock and doesn’t know how to get out of it
Add 3.4 Billion to the CR........there you go.......that ends it.........and pass that bill I showed you yesterday which fines businesses and sends them to jail for knowingly hiring illegal aliens.......

You've stated that you wanted that many times.......tell your Democrat Congressman and Senator that you demand that businesses be punished for hiring illegals.

Thanks in advance.

I agree

If we throw some employers in jail, those jobs will dry up immediately
No need for a wall
We have a President who is the greatest Dealmaker of all time

He was elected on the promise that his skills would end Washington gridlock

What we have is a president who creates gridlock and doesn’t know how to get out of it
Add 3.4 Billion to the CR........there you go.......that ends it.........and pass that bill I showed you yesterday which fines businesses and sends them to jail for knowingly hiring illegal aliens.......

You've stated that you wanted that many times.......tell your Democrat Congressman and Senator that you demand that businesses be punished for hiring illegals.

Thanks in advance.

I agree

If we throw some employers in jail, those jobs will dry up immediately
No need for a wall
It's stuck in the house........round up the votes from Dems in the House and Senate..........
We have a President who is the greatest Dealmaker of all time

He was elected on the promise that his skills would end Washington gridlock

What we have is a president who creates gridlock and doesn’t know how to get out of it

You are posting like a child now

What's up with this

Where are the deals?

All I see are threats and temper tantrums
We have a President who is the greatest Dealmaker of all time

He was elected on the promise that his skills would end Washington gridlock

What we have is a president who creates gridlock and doesn’t know how to get out of it
Add 3.4 Billion to the CR........there you go.......that ends it.........and pass that bill I showed you yesterday which fines businesses and sends them to jail for knowingly hiring illegal aliens.......

You've stated that you wanted that many times.......tell your Democrat Congressman and Senator that you demand that businesses be punished for hiring illegals.

Thanks in advance.

I agree

If we throw some employers in jail, those jobs will dry up immediately
No need for a wall
It's stuck in the house........round up the votes from Dems in the House and Senate..........
It is DOA if it reaches Trump

I have never heard him mention punishing employers once
yeah----BABY--shut it down
should've been done years ago
We have a Commerce Clause not a wall building clause.
I wonder how this bot shit works..........sees key words and generates an automated reply.......certain words generate a one liner response..............hmmmm
the right wing has nothing but fallacy; bots would be more cost effective.

You have nothing but being a dumbass..

. sorry..
ad hominems are even dumber. fallacy is worthless under Capitalism.
We have a President who is the greatest Dealmaker of all time

He was elected on the promise that his skills would end Washington gridlock

What we have is a president who creates gridlock and doesn’t know how to get out of it
Add 3.4 Billion to the CR........there you go.......that ends it.........and pass that bill I showed you yesterday which fines businesses and sends them to jail for knowingly hiring illegal aliens.......

You've stated that you wanted that many times.......tell your Democrat Congressman and Senator that you demand that businesses be punished for hiring illegals.

Thanks in advance.

I agree

If we throw some employers in jail, those jobs will dry up immediately
No need for a wall
It's stuck in the house........round up the votes from Dems in the House and Senate..........
It is DOA if it reaches Trump

I have never heard him mention punishing employers once
Prove it.............
They might have to

Shut down the border and American products can’t be sold down there

Oh my Allah...

Of course Chevy's and Fords won't come up here..

Say, you Communists scammed America for a trillion dollars for your UAW buddies, claiming it would save American jobs. WHERE are those jobs?
Loss of AMERICAN jobs with a big election coming up

I think building the wall is more important than re-election. Someone has to stand up for Americans, and if Trump has to burn election capital, then I think a real leader should do just that. It is amazing the career sobs won't even recognize our border.
Americans have made it clear they do not want a wall.
Border states are against a wall

Only Deplorable conservatives want a wall
Show me the GREAT DEMOCRATIC BILLS to fix immigration.......

That would get rid of the loop holes.
Force businesses to make sure they hire only those who can legally work here.

democrat plan for immigration.

Open the border. Give immigrants voting rights as they cross the border. Call it the "California Plan."
We have a President who is the greatest Dealmaker of all time

He was elected on the promise that his skills would end Washington gridlock

What we have is a president who creates gridlock and doesn’t know how to get out of it

You are posting like a child now

What's up with this

Where are the deals?

All I see are threats and temper tantrums


You are posting mental I have never seen this before..

yeah----BABY--shut it down
should've been done years ago
We have a Commerce Clause not a wall building clause.
I wonder how this bot shit works..........sees key words and generates an automated reply.......certain words generate a one liner response..............hmmmm
the right wing has nothing but fallacy; bots would be more cost effective.

You have nothing but being a dumbass..

. sorry..
ad hominems are even dumber. fallacy is worthless under Capitalism.

You soundling like Hitler. More and more you fucking idiot .

Oh my Allah...

Of course Chevy's and Fords won't come up here..

Say, you Communists scammed America for a trillion dollars for your UAW buddies, claiming it would save American jobs. WHERE are those jobs?
Loss of AMERICAN jobs with a big election coming up

I think building the wall is more important than re-election. Someone has to stand up for Americans, and if Trump has to burn election capital, then I think a real leader should do just that. It is amazing the career sobs won't even recognize our border.
Americans have made it clear they do not want a wall.
Border states are against a wall

Only Deplorable conservatives want a wall
Show me the GREAT DEMOCRATIC BILLS to fix immigration.......

That would get rid of the loop holes.
Force businesses to make sure they hire only those who can legally work here.
Easy Peasy
There was bipartisan support from the “Gang of 8” that developed comprehensive immigration reform with DACA, reparations and a path towards citizenship

When it hit the conservative media, they threw a fit and it was DOA

Gang of Eight (immigration) - Wikipedia

There is no such thing as conservative media.

When the open borders traitors were discovered by the public, Obama unconstitutionally declared law due to outrage by the public over being fucked by the ruling class.
We have a Commerce Clause not a wall building clause.
I wonder how this bot shit works..........sees key words and generates an automated reply.......certain words generate a one liner response..............hmmmm
the right wing has nothing but fallacy; bots would be more cost effective.

You have nothing but being a dumbass..

. sorry..
ad hominems are even dumber. fallacy is worthless under Capitalism.

You soundling like Hitler. More and more you fucking idiot .


Are you the really stupidest idiot I have met in my life?

We have a President who is the greatest Dealmaker of all time

He was elected on the promise that his skills would end Washington gridlock

What we have is a president who creates gridlock and doesn’t know how to get out of it
Add 3.4 Billion to the CR........there you go.......that ends it.........and pass that bill I showed you yesterday which fines businesses and sends them to jail for knowingly hiring illegal aliens.......

You've stated that you wanted that many times.......tell your Democrat Congressman and Senator that you demand that businesses be punished for hiring illegals.

Thanks in advance.

I agree

If we throw some employers in jail, those jobs will dry up immediately
No need for a wall
It's stuck in the house........round up the votes from Dems in the House and Senate..........
It is DOA if it reaches Trump

I have never heard him mention punishing employers once
Prove it.............
We have a President who is the greatest Dealmaker of all time

He was elected on the promise that his skills would end Washington gridlock

What we have is a president who creates gridlock and doesn’t know how to get out of it

You are posting like a child now

What's up with this

Where are the deals?

All I see are threats and temper tantrums


You are posting mental I have never seen this before..


What ever happened to Donnie Dealmaker?

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