Trump gains on Clinton, poll shows 'rigged' message resonates

Game over for the Alt and Far right, yes.
So what do you think comprises the GOP? If Trump voters stay home in 2020 and 2024 there are only 1/3 of GOP voters to go up against all the new Hillary voters from the Middle East and Mexico. Good luck with that math.
The Donald is currently ahead in the polls, but we must keep doing our best to convert the low info folks and remind them that Crooked Hillary is the most corrupt politicians in world history and she has a disease (Parkinson's) that not only impacts her physically, but mentally as well.
The size of crowds simply do not matter, you unsophisticated know-nothing rube. If they did, Bernie Sanders would be the Democratic nominee right now.
Speaking of proof elections are rigged.

Yes, because crowd size matters more than scientific polling. Not.

Go to college and take a statistics course, you imbecile.

"Scientific polling" according to whom?? How easy it is to manipulate the polling sample or flat out lie about the results?

I suspect that you are a troll since you just joined yesterday in order to push the Hitlery klunt.....good luck with all that (snicker)

It's not easy, dimwit. That's why it's considered scientific polling. Sigh.

You're a typical uneducated Repug goober who thinks he knows more than everyone else. This explains why simple-minded uneducated dipshits such as yourself vote for hopelessly unqualified demagogues like Trump in the first place.

I definitely know more than you, punkinpuss. I am a constitutionalist and all about the Bill of Rights and how those rights do not come from a "benevolent gubermint" that now calls them "privileges" and can take them away at their I do not have a political party because the big two are both one and the same at the top...bought and paid for by the ones that create the fiat currency debt notes that you believe to be "money". I am not convinced that Trump is legit at all...but I know for a fact that Hitlery is in the backpockets of the very same banking oligarchs that made us all debt slaves and that IS a fucking fact. She doesn't believe in American sovereignty nor does she believe we should have borders which just so happens to be the same position of George Soros, one of her biggest donors.

You just walked into an uppercut, leftard......rise off of the cyber canvas and come back at me...never mind those wobbly legs.


"I am not convinced that Trump is legit at all"

If you actually have to contemplate this after all of the idiotic things Trump has said and done in his life, then you are truly and hopelessly stupid.

Let me help you out, lightweight -- anybody who declares a $900 billion loss in a single year on his tax returns definitely ain't legit and is definitely not as financially successful as he claims. Guess that's too hard for a simpleton like you to figure out.
The size of crowds simply do not matter, you unsophisticated know-nothing rube. If they did, Bernie Sanders would be the Democratic nominee right now.
Speaking of proof elections are rigged.

Yes, because crowd size matters more than scientific polling. Not.

Go to college and take a statistics course, you imbecile.

"Scientific polling" according to whom?? How easy it is to manipulate the polling sample or flat out lie about the results?

I suspect that you are a troll since you just joined yesterday in order to push the Hitlery klunt.....good luck with all that (snicker)

It's not easy, dimwit. That's why it's considered scientific polling. Sigh.

You're a typical uneducated Repug goober who thinks he knows more than everyone else. This explains why simple-minded uneducated dipshits such as yourself vote for hopelessly unqualified demagogues like Trump in the first place.

I definitely know more than you, punkinpuss. I am a constitutionalist and all about the Bill of Rights and how those rights do not come from a "benevolent gubermint" that now calls them "privileges" and can take them away at their I do not have a political party because the big two are both one and the same at the top...bought and paid for by the ones that create the fiat currency debt notes that you believe to be "money". I am not convinced that Trump is legit at all...but I know for a fact that Hitlery is in the backpockets of the very same banking oligarchs that made us all debt slaves and that IS a fucking fact. She doesn't believe in American sovereignty nor does she believe we should have borders which just so happens to be the same position of George Soros, one of her biggest donors.

You just walked into an uppercut, leftard......rise off of the cyber canvas and come back at me...never mind those wobbly legs.


And what does any of your idiotic rant have to do with polling?? You know you lost that debate, so you changed the subject like the intellectually dishonest little Repug pussy that you are.
Speaking of proof elections are rigged.

Yes, because crowd size matters more than scientific polling. Not.

Go to college and take a statistics course, you imbecile.

"Scientific polling" according to whom?? How easy it is to manipulate the polling sample or flat out lie about the results?

I suspect that you are a troll since you just joined yesterday in order to push the Hitlery klunt.....good luck with all that (snicker)

It's not easy, dimwit. That's why it's considered scientific polling. Sigh.

You're a typical uneducated Repug goober who thinks he knows more than everyone else. This explains why simple-minded uneducated dipshits such as yourself vote for hopelessly unqualified demagogues like Trump in the first place.

I definitely know more than you, punkinpuss. I am a constitutionalist and all about the Bill of Rights and how those rights do not come from a "benevolent gubermint" that now calls them "privileges" and can take them away at their I do not have a political party because the big two are both one and the same at the top...bought and paid for by the ones that create the fiat currency debt notes that you believe to be "money". I am not convinced that Trump is legit at all...but I know for a fact that Hitlery is in the backpockets of the very same banking oligarchs that made us all debt slaves and that IS a fucking fact. She doesn't believe in American sovereignty nor does she believe we should have borders which just so happens to be the same position of George Soros, one of her biggest donors.

You just walked into an uppercut, leftard......rise off of the cyber canvas and come back at me...never mind those wobbly legs.


"I am not convinced that Trump is legit at all"

If you actually have to contemplate this after all of the idiotic things Trump has said and done in his life, then you are truly and hopelessly stupid.

Let me help you out, lightweight -- anybody who declares a $900 billion loss in a single year on his tax returns definitely ain't legit and is definitely not as financially successful as he claims. Guess that's too hard for a simpleton like you to figure out.

Maybe you should check your facts before posting you ignorant crap. His loss was like a thousand times less than you indicated. Now run along Jr. and enjoy your kool aid.

Oh, and welcome.
Speaking of proof elections are rigged.

Yes, because crowd size matters more than scientific polling. Not.

Go to college and take a statistics course, you imbecile.

"Scientific polling" according to whom?? How easy it is to manipulate the polling sample or flat out lie about the results?

I suspect that you are a troll since you just joined yesterday in order to push the Hitlery klunt.....good luck with all that (snicker)

It's not easy, dimwit. That's why it's considered scientific polling. Sigh.

You're a typical uneducated Repug goober who thinks he knows more than everyone else. This explains why simple-minded uneducated dipshits such as yourself vote for hopelessly unqualified demagogues like Trump in the first place.

I definitely know more than you, punkinpuss. I am a constitutionalist and all about the Bill of Rights and how those rights do not come from a "benevolent gubermint" that now calls them "privileges" and can take them away at their I do not have a political party because the big two are both one and the same at the top...bought and paid for by the ones that create the fiat currency debt notes that you believe to be "money". I am not convinced that Trump is legit at all...but I know for a fact that Hitlery is in the backpockets of the very same banking oligarchs that made us all debt slaves and that IS a fucking fact. She doesn't believe in American sovereignty nor does she believe we should have borders which just so happens to be the same position of George Soros, one of her biggest donors.

You just walked into an uppercut, leftard......rise off of the cyber canvas and come back at me...never mind those wobbly legs.


"I am not convinced that Trump is legit at all"

If you actually have to contemplate this after all of the idiotic things Trump has said and done in his life, then you are truly and hopelessly stupid.

Let me help you out, lightweight -- anybody who declares a $900 billion loss in a single year on his tax returns definitely ain't legit and is definitely not as financially successful as he claims. Guess that's too hard for a simpleton like you to figure out.

916 MILLION dollars, dumb ass. His financial prowess doesn't concern me because I know how this rigged fiat currency system works. Bankruptcy and foreclosures are built right into the system so the banks get hard assets created from an extension of "credit" where the banks risked nothing.When buying an asset and it goes underwater and the debt keeps growing, bankruptcy is declared to restructure debt or write it off. Your beloved "gubermint" is a corporation that has been bankrupt at least four times and it will be bankrupt again soon.BTW, 6 billion dollars cannot be accounted for when Hitlery was S of S. I wonder if that ended up in the Clinton Foundation slush fund like the money meant for Haitians after the earthquake?

My question about him being legit is whether he is just another shill for the banking interests just like Hitlery is. I know what that disgusting klunt is all about. I have read the leaked e-mails and I am disgusted to the point that I am fucking embarrassed to say that I live in this country. You are the "lightweight" that brought a pen-knife to a gun fight.
Speaking of proof elections are rigged.

Yes, because crowd size matters more than scientific polling. Not.

Go to college and take a statistics course, you imbecile.

"Scientific polling" according to whom?? How easy it is to manipulate the polling sample or flat out lie about the results?

I suspect that you are a troll since you just joined yesterday in order to push the Hitlery klunt.....good luck with all that (snicker)

It's not easy, dimwit. That's why it's considered scientific polling. Sigh.

You're a typical uneducated Repug goober who thinks he knows more than everyone else. This explains why simple-minded uneducated dipshits such as yourself vote for hopelessly unqualified demagogues like Trump in the first place.

I definitely know more than you, punkinpuss. I am a constitutionalist and all about the Bill of Rights and how those rights do not come from a "benevolent gubermint" that now calls them "privileges" and can take them away at their I do not have a political party because the big two are both one and the same at the top...bought and paid for by the ones that create the fiat currency debt notes that you believe to be "money". I am not convinced that Trump is legit at all...but I know for a fact that Hitlery is in the backpockets of the very same banking oligarchs that made us all debt slaves and that IS a fucking fact. She doesn't believe in American sovereignty nor does she believe we should have borders which just so happens to be the same position of George Soros, one of her biggest donors.

You just walked into an uppercut, leftard......rise off of the cyber canvas and come back at me...never mind those wobbly legs.


And what does any of your idiotic rant have to do with polling?? You know you lost that debate, so you changed the subject like the intellectually dishonest little Repug pussy that you are.

The integrity of the poll is only as good as the ones doing it combined with the data that is fed into it. I have seen polls that has Trump waaaay ahead. I go to different news sites like Yahoo that has political articles with a comment section and those supporting Hitlery are scarce. Those supporting Trump point out the same things I the noticeable lack of bumper stickers or Hitlery yard signs. We live in a banana republic that is ran by globalists and since Hitlery is a globalist with a lamestream media that is owned by globalists carrying her. Voting machines owned by the very globalists with back-doored software that want her to win. Now why is it that the very ones that leftards claim to be so against are backing Hitlery and dumb fucks like you are clamoring for people to cast a vote for her? We live in a banana with that very salient fact, dipshit.

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