Trump gave me the biggest laugh today!

I heard on the radio Donald Trump saying he was the most transparent president!!
:) :) :)

Do you agree? If so, why?

If so, why did he not release his tax returns like other presudents did? Did he not promise to do so BEFORE he became president?

Why did he want to get rid of the special investigative prosecutor (Mueller) if he had nothing to hide?

We can go on and on about his lies.
NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Taxes and transparency are not the same. He did NOT get rid of him, did he? He does want this new investigation to go forward even though it could be a risk for him if he WAS guilty of something. Transparent enough. By the way, if you are from Denmark, I understand you not liking Trump because he is making you pay your fair SHARE into NATO.
I heard on the radio Donald Trump saying he was the most transparent president!!
:) :) :)

Do you agree? If so, why?

If so, why did he not release his tax returns like other presudents did? Did he not promise to do so BEFORE he became president?

Why did he want to get rid of the special investigative prosecutor (Mueller) if he had nothing to hide?

We can go on and on about his lies.
NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Taxes and transparency are not the same. He did NOT get rid of him, did he? He does want this new investigation to go forward even though it could be a risk for him if he WAS guilty of something. Transparent enough. By the way, if you are from Denmark, I understand you not liking Trump because he is making you pay your fair SHARE into NATO.

Isn't it ironic how the people who voted for Hillary--the woman that had her server bleach bitted, the woman who smashed her government cell phons with hammers, are now questioning Trump's transparency?
We had to get out of a recession and that that whole war thing to pay for. Thanks for reminding me who was really responsible for that.

That had nothing to do with it. Very little of that spending went to the economy. And if you want to say DumBama only had to spend because of Bush's wars, then I'll say Trump has to spend because of the 10 trillion DumBama spent.

How do you like them apples?

Obama didn't leave the economy trashed. Bush did, how soon you guys forget. Then again you all voted for McCain to carry on Bush's policies.
And Obama did nothing to improve it.
I bet you serve food.
WTF is that diagram? Obie fucking selfies or mentions of me and I during speeches? WTF is that?
How much money Obama made.
We had to get out of a recession and that that whole war thing to pay for. Thanks for reminding me who was really responsible for that.

That had nothing to do with it. Very little of that spending went to the economy. And if you want to say DumBama only had to spend because of Bush's wars, then I'll say Trump has to spend because of the 10 trillion DumBama spent.

How do you like them apples?

Obama didn't leave the economy trashed. Bush did, how soon you guys forget. Then again you all voted for McCain to carry on Bush's policies.
And Obama did nothing to improve it.
I bet you serve food.
WTF is that diagram? Obie fucking selfies or mentions of me and I during speeches? WTF is that?
It's the number of food stamps he passed out every 15 minutes.
That had nothing to do with it. Very little of that spending went to the economy. And if you want to say DumBama only had to spend because of Bush's wars, then I'll say Trump has to spend because of the 10 trillion DumBama spent.

How do you like them apples?

Obama didn't leave the economy trashed. Bush did, how soon you guys forget. Then again you all voted for McCain to carry on Bush's policies.
And Obama did nothing to improve it.
I bet you serve food.
WTF is that diagram? Obie fucking selfies or mentions of me and I during speeches? WTF is that?
It's the number of food stamps he passed out every 15 minutes.

During the Obama era, one out of every seven Americans were on food stamps. That meant if you were in a room with 13 other people, 12 of you there were feeding the other two.

If not for Republican Governors who put in requirements to receive food stamps in their states, that trend could have continued to sky rocket.
I heard on the radio Donald Trump saying he was the most transparent president!!
:) :) :)

Do you agree? If so, why?

If so, why did he not release his tax returns like other presudents did? Did he not promise to do so BEFORE he became president?

Why did he want to get rid of the special investigative prosecutor (Mueller) if he had nothing to hide?

We can go on and on about his lies.
NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Would you release your tax returns to anyone?? I sure as hell wouldn't.

Other presidents have but they did so because they wanted to. No one forced them to like the Dems are trying to do to Trump.

That man has been audited personally and professionally for years. If there were anything to find it would have been found long ago. The IRS is pretty good at that shit.

As for transparency?? I thought Barry's administration, the most hidden in the country, told everyone how transparent they would be. Lie? You bet.

Trump is pretty transparent. Just read his tweets.
Yes, he is very open about his lying.
Is that what he meant when he responded to attempts to obtain testimony from his advisors on Trump’s presidential behavior?
Nothing to hide? LOL

He is more open than the prior Presidents have been. He is visibly frustrated that post Mueller report, where there scope was conspiracy with Russia that the Democrats continue to try to get him. He is also frustrated that the whole investigation was based on FISA warrant, which was attained by a Dossier paid for by his opposition. The reason this debate is so vigorous is because he has been so open and defensive. IMO.

Don’t hijack your own thread. You have to admit that he pretty much puts his feelings, strategies and thought process out there more than he needs to or maybe even should.
He is also frustrated that the whole investigation was based on FISA warrant, which was attained by a Dossier paid for by his opposition.

The investigation began three months before the warrant was approved, dope.

Ad Hominem. So you don’t want to debate. Fine. You’re a fat loser and the world is better off without you. Next... and your statement is utterly false.

I don't debate lies, dope.

The investigation began in July of 16. The warrant was approved in Oct of 16.

Barr: Would Be "Very Unusual" If FBI Used Steele Dossier To Conduct Counterintelligence Probe

Investigation into hacking not that Trump was conspiring. And you’re a fat loser with no life and a parasite.

Barr is feeding you a dopey narrative, retard.
You suck it up without question. He's counting on you to be incompetent of the basic facts. You don't disappoint.

The FBI's counterintelligence investigation into Russian meddling and whether or not members of the Trump campaign were involved began in July of 2016.

Comey has testified to this on a number of occasions.

The Mueller probe began as a result of Trump firing of Comey.
There was no FISA warrant or dossier involved in that decision. It was Trump's own actions that precipitated the appointment of Mueller by Trump's own appointee, Rosenstein.
He is more open than the prior Presidents have been. He is visibly frustrated that post Mueller report, where there scope was conspiracy with Russia that the Democrats continue to try to get him. He is also frustrated that the whole investigation was based on FISA warrant, which was attained by a Dossier paid for by his opposition. The reason this debate is so vigorous is because he has been so open and defensive. IMO.

Don’t hijack your own thread. You have to admit that he pretty much puts his feelings, strategies and thought process out there more than he needs to or maybe even should.
He is also frustrated that the whole investigation was based on FISA warrant, which was attained by a Dossier paid for by his opposition.

The investigation began three months before the warrant was approved, dope.

Ad Hominem. So you don’t want to debate. Fine. You’re a fat loser and the world is better off without you. Next... and your statement is utterly false.

I don't debate lies, dope.

The investigation began in July of 16. The warrant was approved in Oct of 16.

Barr: Would Be "Very Unusual" If FBI Used Steele Dossier To Conduct Counterintelligence Probe

Investigation into hacking not that Trump was conspiring. And you’re a fat loser with no life and a parasite.

Barr is feeding you a dopey narrative, retard.
You suck it up without question. He's counting on you to be incompetent of the basic facts. You don't disappoint.

The FBI's counterintelligence investigation into Russian meddling and whether or not members of the Trump campaign were involved began in July of 2016.

Comey has testified to this on a number of occasions.

The Mueller probe began as a result of Trump firing of Comey.
There was no FISA warrant or dossier involved in that decision. It was Trump's own actions that precipitated the appointment of Mueller by Trump's own appointee, Rosenstein.

Nope. Dossier to FISA warrant to investigation. Problem was they were so focused on Trump they got to HRC too late. Strzok and Page. So then they discovered ooops HRC did all these things so we have to investigate. Comey comes out several weeks before the election and states that they are reopening the investigation on HRC. LOL. They were already spying on the Trump campaign. They thought HRC would win so who cares? She lost. Now the details are coming out. No conspiracy. But how they got the warrant to spy is being questioned.

Obama knew Comey was going to 'blackmail' Trump, Joe diGenova says

You are a fat loser and a parasite.
I heard on the radio Donald Trump saying he was the most transparent president!!
:) :) :)

Do you agree? If so, why?

If so, why did he not release his tax returns like other presudents did? Did he not promise to do so BEFORE he became president?

Why did he want to get rid of the special investigative prosecutor (Mueller) if he had nothing to hide?

We can go on and on about his lies.
NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Would you release your tax returns to anyone?? I sure as hell wouldn't.

Other presidents have but they did so because they wanted to. No one forced them to like the Dems are trying to do to Trump.

That man has been audited personally and professionally for years. If there were anything to find it would have been found long ago. The IRS is pretty good at that shit.

As for transparency?? I thought Barry's administration, the most hidden in the country, told everyone how transparent they would be. Lie? You bet.

Trump is pretty transparent. Just read his tweets.

Who says Trump has been "audited personally and professionally for years"? Trump? Is to laugh. Ha!
I heard on the radio Donald Trump saying he was the most transparent president!!
:) :) :)

Do you agree? If so, why?

If so, why did he not release his tax returns like other presudents did? Did he not promise to do so BEFORE he became president?

Why did he want to get rid of the special investigative prosecutor (Mueller) if he had nothing to hide?

We can go on and on about his lies.
NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Would you release your tax returns to anyone?? I sure as hell wouldn't.

Other presidents have but they did so because they wanted to. No one forced them to like the Dems are trying to do to Trump.

That man has been audited personally and professionally for years. If there were anything to find it would have been found long ago. The IRS is pretty good at that shit.

As for transparency?? I thought Barry's administration, the most hidden in the country, told everyone how transparent they would be. Lie? You bet.

Trump is pretty transparent. Just read his tweets.

Who says Trump has been "audited personally and professionally for years"? Trump? Is to laugh. Ha!

LMAO The man runs a multibillion dollar company. You honestly don't think both he and his companies haven't been audited more than once??

If you do they you are one dumb fuck.
Nothing says transparent like hush money.

Yep. But Pretzeldunce Spectacle spectacularly proclaimed, before running cameras, "I don't do cover-ups!"

Not that this would be important, or anything, other than to demonstrate the super-human discipline among the listening journalists, namely their demonstrated strength suppressing the uncontrollable belly-laugh that ought to have erupted after that proclamation.

The investigation began three months before the warrant was approved, dope.

Ad Hominem. So you don’t want to debate. Fine. You’re a fat loser and the world is better off without you. Next... and your statement is utterly false.

I don't debate lies, dope.

The investigation began in July of 16. The warrant was approved in Oct of 16.

Barr: Would Be "Very Unusual" If FBI Used Steele Dossier To Conduct Counterintelligence Probe

Investigation into hacking not that Trump was conspiring. And you’re a fat loser with no life and a parasite.

Barr is feeding you a dopey narrative, retard.
You suck it up without question. He's counting on you to be incompetent of the basic facts. You don't disappoint.

The FBI's counterintelligence investigation into Russian meddling and whether or not members of the Trump campaign were involved began in July of 2016.

Comey has testified to this on a number of occasions.

The Mueller probe began as a result of Trump firing of Comey.
There was no FISA warrant or dossier involved in that decision. It was Trump's own actions that precipitated the appointment of Mueller by Trump's own appointee, Rosenstein.

Nope. Dossier to FISA warrant to investigation. Problem was they were so focused on Trump they got to HRC too late. Strzok and Page. So then they discovered ooops HRC did all these things so we have to investigate. Comey comes out several weeks before the election and states that they are reopening the investigation on HRC. LOL. They were already spying on the Trump campaign. They thought HRC would win so who cares? She lost. Now the details are coming out. No conspiracy. But how they got the warrant to spy is being questioned.

Obama knew Comey was going to 'blackmail' Trump, Joe diGenova says

You are a fat loser and a parasite.

You have yet to post a start date for the FBI investigation in your timeline.

The FISA warrant wasn't approved until October, dope. - Transcripts

COMEY: It's hard to say because I don't how much longer it will take. But we've been doing this -- this investigation began in late July, so for counterintelligence investigation that's a fairly short period of time.

HIMES: So, you used the word coordination which to me suggests that you are in fact investigating whether there was coordination between U.S. persons and the Russians.


Is it fair for me to assume that we shouldn't simply dismiss the possibility that there was coordination or collusion between the Russian efforts and U.S. persons as an investigatory body?

COMEY: Well all I can tell you is what we're investigating which includes whether there was any coordination between people associated with the Trump campaign and the Russians.
Last edited:
I heard on the radio Donald Trump saying he was the most transparent president!!
:) :) :)

Do you agree? If so, why?

If so, why did he not release his tax returns like other presudents did? Did he not promise to do so BEFORE he became president?

Why did he want to get rid of the special investigative prosecutor (Mueller) if he had nothing to hide?

We can go on and on about his lies.
NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Would you release your tax returns to anyone?? I sure as hell wouldn't.

Other presidents have but they did so because they wanted to. No one forced them to like the Dems are trying to do to Trump.

That man has been audited personally and professionally for years. If there were anything to find it would have been found long ago. The IRS is pretty good at that shit.

As for transparency?? I thought Barry's administration, the most hidden in the country, told everyone how transparent they would be. Lie? You bet.

Trump is pretty transparent. Just read his tweets.

Who says Trump has been "audited personally and professionally for years"? Trump? Is to laugh. Ha!
The IRS is automated enough to audit everyone.
Most of my friends and I have been electronically audited and we’re microscopic potatoes compared to Trump.
I heard on the radio Donald Trump saying he was the most transparent president!!
:) :) :)

Do you agree? If so, why?

If so, why did he not release his tax returns like other presudents did? Did he not promise to do so BEFORE he became president?

Why did he want to get rid of the special investigative prosecutor (Mueller) if he had nothing to hide?

We can go on and on about his lies.
NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Would you release your tax returns to anyone?? I sure as hell wouldn't.

Other presidents have but they did so because they wanted to. No one forced them to like the Dems are trying to do to Trump.

That man has been audited personally and professionally for years. If there were anything to find it would have been found long ago. The IRS is pretty good at that shit.

As for transparency?? I thought Barry's administration, the most hidden in the country, told everyone how transparent they would be. Lie? You bet.

Trump is pretty transparent. Just read his tweets.

Who says Trump has been "audited personally and professionally for years"? Trump? Is to laugh. Ha!
The IRS is automated enough to audit everyone.
Most of my friends and I have been electronically audited and we’re microscopic potatoes compared to Trump.

I heard on the radio Donald Trump saying he was the most transparent president!!
:) :) :)

Do you agree? If so, why?

If so, why did he not release his tax returns like other presudents did? Did he not promise to do so BEFORE he became president?

Why did he want to get rid of the special investigative prosecutor (Mueller) if he had nothing to hide?

We can go on and on about his lies.
NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Would you release your tax returns to anyone?? I sure as hell wouldn't.

Other presidents have but they did so because they wanted to. No one forced them to like the Dems are trying to do to Trump.

That man has been audited personally and professionally for years. If there were anything to find it would have been found long ago. The IRS is pretty good at that shit.

As for transparency?? I thought Barry's administration, the most hidden in the country, told everyone how transparent they would be. Lie? You bet.

Trump is pretty transparent. Just read his tweets.

Who says Trump has been "audited personally and professionally for years"? Trump? Is to laugh. Ha!
The IRS is automated enough to audit everyone.
Most of my friends and I have been electronically audited and we’re microscopic potatoes compared to Trump.

You’ve never received a detailed letter from the IRS contesting Stock Transactions?
Perhaps you don’t have investments.
I heard on the radio Donald Trump saying he was the most transparent president!!
:) :) :)

Do you agree? If so, why?

If so, why did he not release his tax returns like other presudents did? Did he not promise to do so BEFORE he became president?

Why did he want to get rid of the special investigative prosecutor (Mueller) if he had nothing to hide?

We can go on and on about his lies.
NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Would you release your tax returns to anyone?? I sure as hell wouldn't.

Other presidents have but they did so because they wanted to. No one forced them to like the Dems are trying to do to Trump.

That man has been audited personally and professionally for years. If there were anything to find it would have been found long ago. The IRS is pretty good at that shit.

As for transparency?? I thought Barry's administration, the most hidden in the country, told everyone how transparent they would be. Lie? You bet.

Trump is pretty transparent. Just read his tweets.

Who says Trump has been "audited personally and professionally for years"? Trump? Is to laugh. Ha!
The IRS is automated enough to audit everyone.
Most of my friends and I have been electronically audited and we’re microscopic potatoes compared to Trump.

You’ve never received a detailed letter from the IRS contesting Stock Transactions?
Perhaps you don’t have investments.

Enforcement Examinations | Internal Revenue Service

Perhaps you're talking out your ass.
I heard on the radio Donald Trump saying he was the most transparent president!!
:) :) :)

Do you agree? If so, why?

If so, why did he not release his tax returns like other presudents did? Did he not promise to do so BEFORE he became president?

Why did he want to get rid of the special investigative prosecutor (Mueller) if he had nothing to hide?

We can go on and on about his lies.
NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Would you release your tax returns to anyone?? I sure as hell wouldn't.

Other presidents have but they did so because they wanted to. No one forced them to like the Dems are trying to do to Trump.

That man has been audited personally and professionally for years. If there were anything to find it would have been found long ago. The IRS is pretty good at that shit.

As for transparency?? I thought Barry's administration, the most hidden in the country, told everyone how transparent they would be. Lie? You bet.

Trump is pretty transparent. Just read his tweets.

Who says Trump has been "audited personally and professionally for years"? Trump? Is to laugh. Ha!

LMAO The man runs a multibillion dollar company. You honestly don't think both he and his companies haven't been audited more than once??

If you do they you are one dumb fuck.

He may have been audited. Your only source for the claim is Trump, and he's a notorious liar. Heck, he said he would release them. Fool you once?
I heard on the radio Donald Trump saying he was the most transparent president!!
:) :) :)

Do you agree? If so, why?

If so, why did he not release his tax returns like other presudents did? Did he not promise to do so BEFORE he became president?

Why did he want to get rid of the special investigative prosecutor (Mueller) if he had nothing to hide?

We can go on and on about his lies.
NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He is the most examined and vetted president in history.

And there is no close second.

Also, he is not like other presidents.

He actually ran a Multi-Billion Dollar Corporation, and has 100s of divisions and other businesses.

You should not expect someone to divulge all of their financials to their competition.

That's not only illegal and unconstitutional, bypasses 'presumption of innocence" "right to privacy" "due process" "probable cause"

There is no law that requires a president to make his business holdings and financials public. The IRS vets his financials and he files a financial disclosure and that is all that is required.
I heard on the radio Donald Trump saying he was the most transparent president!!

Do you agree? If so, why?

It's all a matter of PERSPECTIVE.

Case in point, Barry promised to run the most transparent administration 'evuh' and ended up setting a new presidential administration record for most illegal non-compliance with the FOIA and Federal Records Act.
Would you release your tax returns to anyone?? I sure as hell wouldn't.

Other presidents have but they did so because they wanted to. No one forced them to like the Dems are trying to do to Trump.

That man has been audited personally and professionally for years. If there were anything to find it would have been found long ago. The IRS is pretty good at that shit.

As for transparency?? I thought Barry's administration, the most hidden in the country, told everyone how transparent they would be. Lie? You bet.

Trump is pretty transparent. Just read his tweets.

Who says Trump has been "audited personally and professionally for years"? Trump? Is to laugh. Ha!
The IRS is automated enough to audit everyone.
Most of my friends and I have been electronically audited and we’re microscopic potatoes compared to Trump.

You’ve never received a detailed letter from the IRS contesting Stock Transactions?
Perhaps you don’t have investments.

Enforcement Examinations | Internal Revenue Service

Perhaps you're talking out your ass.
Perhaps you have no investments.

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