Trump Gave us the Lowest Unemployment in 50 Years

Trump Gave us the Lowest Unemployment in 50 Years

That's right folks. While leftists are busy re-writing history and lying about Trump, good old NPR and a few other site still have the stories of the day posted.

Remember this, from May 3, 2019:

Unemployment Drops To 3.6%, 263,000 Jobs Added, Showing Economy Remains Strong

This alone should have gotten Trump re-elected. Well, it actually did since Trump actually won.

But what happened? The China Virus happened. And ten, like the good Marxist pieces of shit they are, Democrat officials began using Nazi lockdowns and shutdowns to destroy the economy and destroy this wonderful unemployment rate, all in their blood lust to defeat Trump.

There is a thread in here titled "Why the Hate", why Republicans hate Democrats so much. Well, here is a good place to start.

This alone should have gotten Trump re-elected. Well, it actually did since Trump actually won.

Well not really. He lost by a landslide.
You can't be still belting away about election fraud.
He was votes out because he was a lying incompetent narcissistic sociopath.
But I'm so thankful for republicans who actually think with their heads and voted him out. The likes of you don't think at all.

He won by a landslide, because he was the most accomplished president in US history. He's not in the White House because of widespread fraud, AND YOU KNOW IT.

You are going to take it hard when you hit reality....

Everyday you are on here being a gimp for the alt-right.... You know they consider you a useful fool...

There is just no line of bullshit they could sell you that you wouldn't believe...
Trump Gave us the Lowest Unemployment in 50 Years

That's right folks. While leftists are busy re-writing history and lying about Trump, good old NPR and a few other site still have the stories of the day posted.

Remember this, from May 3, 2019:

Unemployment Drops To 3.6%, 263,000 Jobs Added, Showing Economy Remains Strong

This alone should have gotten Trump re-elected. Well, it actually did since Trump actually won.

But what happened? The China Virus happened. And ten, like the good Marxist pieces of shit they are, Democrat officials began using Nazi lockdowns and shutdowns to destroy the economy and destroy this wonderful unemployment rate, all in their blood lust to defeat Trump.

There is a thread in here titled "Why the Hate", why Republicans hate Democrats so much. Well, here is a good place to start.

That's a whopping 1.1 point lower than he inherited. And the rate was already trending downwards when he started. That's like giving him credit for hitting a home run when he's put in on third base as a pinch runner and the next batter hits a home run.
He botched the response to the virus and the nation has been paying ever since. Under Biden and his intelligent speedy roll out of the vaccines developed by our experts....we're getting back to some semblance of normality. Thank goodness.
HA HA HA. Reading liberals' posts is like being in a dream - one of the wackiest ones.

1. Trumps did many things regarding the virus - ALL GOOD. A s a result of his actions, the death rate plummeted from 17,000/week in April 2020, to 2000/week in June 2020, and stayed relatively low all year long. HUGE SUCCESS.

As for the vaccine, it came from Trump's amazingly fast and efficient Operation Warp Speed, with Biden inherited, and laughably tries to take the credit for. Airhead (or lying) liberals go along with that - another reason to never listed to a word they say.
You left out the 400K deaths.
Trump did kill anyone, moron.
It is about taking responsibility for your job... Trump didn't... He blatantly incompetent and the people knew it... He got fired... He was rejected...
They saw him for what he is, a bullshit artist.... But some people will never wise up to the con...
Low unemployment ....
A Communist Shill's worst nightmare.
Watch them squeal in this thread.

Or just ignore it. Thats what the first responder did. Or just lie like rightwinger did.

Trump economy is the worst since Hoover

That is a 100% lie.
Move along folks. Typical fake news. Nothing to see here.
Nope, not a lie. Both Hoover and Trump are the only presidents on record to leave office with fewer people working than when they started. They're both the only presidents on record to never have real GDP grow more than 3% in any year while they were in office. And Trump's anemic 1.2% GDP growth under his watch is the worst since Hoover.

Another fun stat.... in the history of BLS statistics not a single Democrat left office with the unemployment rate higher than when they started; and Reagan was the only Republican to leave office with the unemployment rate lower than when he started.
After only a few months of idiot Biden policies and umpteen tax increase threats from Dems unemployment rose today and the jobs report misses HUGE. Dumb ass Dems in charge and the economy goes to shit as usual.
UE rose because over 300,000 workers who had given up looking for work under the SHITTY Tramp economy reentered the work force!!!!
You blithering idiot. Trump's handling of the pandemic was terrific. The death rate dropped from 17,000/week in April to 2000/week in June, and remained low all year, all due to Trump's actions.
Tramp was murdering 4,000 Americans per DAY when he left office.
HUGH SUCCESS, only if you HATE America.
Trump inherited an economy which had employment going real low... Obama had set up that trend...
Reagan is the only Republican president on record to leave office with the unemployment rate lower than when he started. And he's a god to them.

Can you imagine the gloating from them had unemployment dropped for 7 of 8 years for Trump like it did for Obama, along with consistent job growth for an unparalleled 76 consecutive months? They would have insisted all four presidents on Mount Rushmore be replaced with 4 poses of Trump's bust.
Trump Gave us the Lowest Unemployment in 50 Years

That's right folks. While leftists are busy re-writing history and lying about Trump, good old NPR and a few other site still have the stories of the day posted.

Remember this, from May 3, 2019:

Unemployment Drops To 3.6%, 263,000 Jobs Added, Showing Economy Remains Strong

This alone should have gotten Trump re-elected. Well, it actually did since Trump actually won.

But what happened? The China Virus happened. And ten, like the good Marxist pieces of shit they are, Democrat officials began using Nazi lockdowns and shutdowns to destroy the economy and destroy this wonderful unemployment rate, all in their blood lust to defeat Trump.

There is a thread in here titled "Why the Hate", why Republicans hate Democrats so much. Well, here is a good place to start.

This alone should have gotten Trump re-elected. Well, it actually did since Trump actually won.

Well not really. He lost by a landslide.
You can't be still belting away about election fraud.
He was votes out because he was a lying incompetent narcissistic sociopath.
But I'm so thankful for republicans who actually think with their heads and voted him out. The likes of you don't think at all.

He won by a landslide, because he was the most accomplished president in US history. He's not in the White House because of widespread fraud, AND YOU KNOW IT.

There's some clarification needed here.
His accomplishments were not recognized or displayed. His peers judged him a fool and rightly so.
He was ousted democratically and I challenge you to provide the evidence of anything different. He had Every opportunity to prove it and could not prove one challenge. He should have been impeached again for trying to billy the governor of Georgia to falsify votes.
If a Democrat did that you would want him tried but no, it's ok for a repig to do it and with the blessings of so mne God also.

Your opinion is irrelevant, as with hearsay or trump propaganda. Your were sucked in by him expanding on your hatreds which existed before he came. He said all the things you were afraid of saying.
Add into that your bitter and twisted hatred for democrats and that's why you are a rusted on trumpoid with a nasty attitude.
its because people were unemployed for so long that they fell off the unemployment rolls as they stopped looking for work.
That's what Tramp did, he broke the 100 million mark for workers who gave up looking for work!!!!! When Obama left office it was 94.4 million.
Trump Gave us the Lowest Unemployment in 50 Years

That's right folks. While leftists are busy re-writing history and lying about Trump, good old NPR and a few other site still have the stories of the day posted.

Remember this, from May 3, 2019:

Unemployment Drops To 3.6%, 263,000 Jobs Added, Showing Economy Remains Strong

This alone should have gotten Trump re-elected. Well, it actually did since Trump actually won.

But what happened? The China Virus happened. And ten, like the good Marxist pieces of shit they are, Democrat officials began using Nazi lockdowns and shutdowns to destroy the economy and destroy this wonderful unemployment rate, all in their blood lust to defeat Trump.

There is a thread in here titled "Why the Hate", why Republicans hate Democrats so much. Well, here is a good place to start.

Obama gave us the low unemployment.
Trump gave us the HIGHEST unemployment since the Great Depression.
And he did it all by his lonesome!
FALSE! Obama added 8.9 million jobs. I didn't bother reading the rest of this. Credibility went down with the first notation.

Also, Trump added more jobs in his first 3 years, than Obama did in 8.

Jobs and Unemployment​

Jobs — Over Obama’s eight years in office, the economy added a net total of nearly 11.6 million jobs — a gain in total nonfarm employment of 8.6 percent, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Obama's Final Numbers -
Trump Gave us the Lowest Unemployment in 50 Years

That's right folks. While leftists are busy re-writing history and lying about Trump, good old NPR and a few other site still have the stories of the day posted.

Remember this, from May 3, 2019:

Unemployment Drops To 3.6%, 263,000 Jobs Added, Showing Economy Remains Strong

This alone should have gotten Trump re-elected. Well, it actually did since Trump actually won.

But what happened? The China Virus happened. And ten, like the good Marxist pieces of shit they are, Democrat officials began using Nazi lockdowns and shutdowns to destroy the economy and destroy this wonderful unemployment rate, all in their blood lust to defeat Trump.

There is a thread in here titled "Why the Hate", why Republicans hate Democrats so much. Well, here is a good place to start.

When? And for how long?

What was it when he took office and what was it when his term ended?

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