Trump Gave us the Lowest Unemployment in 50 Years

Democrat officials began using Nazi lockdowns and shutdowns to destroy the economy and destroy this wonderful unemployment rate, all in their blood lust to defeat Trump.

I find it odd that Democrats were in control of so many state governments where these lock/shut downs were instituted. Somebody must be lying to me about the number of Republican governors we have in this country.

Trump inherited an economy which had employment going real low... Obama had set up that trend...
Reagan is the only Republican president on record to leave office with the unemployment rate lower than when he started. And he's a god to them.

Can you imagine the gloating from them had unemployment dropped for 7 of 8 years for Trump like it did for Obama, along with consistent job growth for an unparalleled 76 consecutive months? They would have insisted all four presidents on Mount Rushmore be replaced with 4 poses of Trump's bust.
Problem is, they still do.

This is a freakin' madness.
He botched the response to the virus and the nation has been paying ever since. Under Biden and his intelligent speedy roll out of the vaccines developed by our experts....we're getting back to some semblance of normality. Thank goodness.
HA HA HA. Reading liberals' posts is like being in a dream - one of the wackiest ones.

1. Trumps did many things regarding the virus - ALL GOOD. A s a result of his actions, the death rate plummeted from 17,000/week in April 2020, to 2000/week in June 2020, and stayed relatively low all year long. HUGE SUCCESS.

As for the vaccine, it came from Trump's amazingly fast and efficient Operation Warp Speed, with Biden inherited, and laughably tries to take the credit for. Airhead (or lying) liberals go along with that - another reason to never listed to a word they say.
You left out the 400K deaths.
Trump did kill anyone, moron.
It is about taking responsibility for your job... Trump didn't... He blatantly incompetent and the people knew it... He got fired... He was rejected...
They saw him for what he is, a bullshit artist.... But some people will never wise up to the con...
Another load of horseshit from a dumbass SJW snowflake. Biden staged a swindle. That's why all you NAZI turds are pissing your pants about the AZ audit.
Dummy, your graph (with most of Obama presidency and Trump's last years missing) shows nothing but economic growth.
That's what I meant it to show, DUMMY.

You meant to show nothing but growth during Obama years to support your assertion that the "economy was sinking"?

Damn, you are one stupid nutter.

Here is what GDP growth looks like. You see those negative growth spikes in 2008(Bush) and 2020 (Trump)? Thats what a sinking economy ACTUALLY looks like.
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After only a few months of idiot Biden policies and umpteen tax increase threats from Dems unemployment rose today and the jobs report misses HUGE. Dumb ass Dems in charge and the economy goes to shit as usual.
UE rose because over 300,000 workers who had given up looking for work under the SHITTY Tramp economy reentered the work force!!!!
When Tramp left office there were 100,690,000 not in labor force and 10,130,000 unemployed, under Biden those numbers are down to 100,115,000 NILF and 9,812,000 unemployed.
After only a few months of idiot Biden policies and umpteen tax increase threats from Dems unemployment rose today and the jobs report misses HUGE. Dumb ass Dems in charge and the economy goes to shit as usual.
UE rose because over 300,000 workers who had given up looking for work under the SHITTY Tramp economy reentered the work force!!!!
When Tramp left office there were 100,690,000 not in labor force and 10,130,000 unemployed, under Biden those numbers are down to 100,115,000 NILF and 9,812,000 unemployed.

Yes DEMOCRATS shut down their states, killed off their businesses, made it illegal to work a job. We are all well aware of the FACTS.
After only a few months of idiot Biden policies and umpteen tax increase threats from Dems unemployment rose today and the jobs report misses HUGE. Dumb ass Dems in charge and the economy goes to shit as usual.
UE rose because over 300,000 workers who had given up looking for work under the SHITTY Tramp economy reentered the work force!!!!
When Tramp left office there were 100,690,000 not in labor force and 10,130,000 unemployed, under Biden those numbers are down to 100,115,000 NILF and 9,812,000 unemployed.

Yes DEMOCRATS shut down their states, killed off their businesses, made it illegal to work a job. We are all well aware of the FACTS.

Yep, it's never ending tails-I-win, heads-you-lose games with Trumpsters.

If something is good, thats because Trump. If something is bad it's because Democrats.
He botched the response to the virus and the nation has been paying ever since. Under Biden and his intelligent speedy roll out of the vaccines developed by our experts....we're getting back to some semblance of normality. Thank goodness.
HA HA HA. Reading liberals' posts is like being in a dream - one of the wackiest ones.

1. Trumps did many things regarding the virus - ALL GOOD. A s a result of his actions, the death rate plummeted from 17,000/week in April 2020, to 2000/week in June 2020, and stayed relatively low all year long. HUGE SUCCESS.

As for the vaccine, it came from Trump's amazingly fast and efficient Operation Warp Speed, with Biden inherited, and laughably tries to take the credit for. Airhead (or lying) liberals go along with that - another reason to never listed to a word they say.
You left out the 400K deaths.
Trump did kill anyone, moron.
It is about taking responsibility for your job... Trump didn't... He blatantly incompetent and the people knew it... He got fired... He was rejected...
They saw him for what he is, a bullshit artist.... But some people will never wise up to the con...
Another load of horseshit from a dumbass SJW snowflake. Biden staged a swindle. That's why all you NAZI turds are pissing your pants about the AZ audit.
The recount is not a recount and possibly has broken federal law in regard to ballot security.

it’s a phishing expedition.

The charade is maga ignorance.

You meant to show nothing but growth during Obama years to support your assertion that the "economy was sinking"?

Damn, you are one stupid nutter.

Here is what GDP growth looks like. You see those negative growth spikes in 2008(Bush) and 2020 (Trump)? Thats what a sinking economy ACTUALLY looks like.

But I was talking about OBAMA, ...and the 2020 drop was caused by Democrats (Obama& Fauci funding Wuhan, Pelosi blocking Stimulus $$, and Democrat mayors and governors shutting down the economies in their jurisdictions. ), not Trump.

And it wasn't a sinking economy. It was a SABOTAGED economy. Now stop talking to yourself in the mirror, stupid nutter.
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After only a few months of idiot Biden policies and umpteen tax increase threats from Dems unemployment rose today and the jobs report misses HUGE. Dumb ass Dems in charge and the economy goes to shit as usual.
UE rose because over 300,000 workers who had given up looking for work under the SHITTY Tramp economy reentered the work force!!!!
When Tramp left office there were 100,690,000 not in labor force and 10,130,000 unemployed, under Biden those numbers are down to 100,115,000 NILF and 9,812,000 unemployed.

Yes DEMOCRATS shut down their states, killed off their businesses, made it illegal to work a job. We are all well aware of the FACTS.
democrats were not the president then and the GOPQ controlled most of the states, you need a better lie than that. And your lie has nothing to do with the fact that Tramp's UE rate was fake due to a record number of workers giving up looking for work. when you add the not in labor force to the unemployed you get a REAL UE rate of 69%
Before a liberal will answer any question, he needs to know:

1) Has Trump ever offered an opinion on this?
2) What is the 180-degree opposite position?
democrats were not the president then and the GOPQ controlled most of the states, you need a better lie than that. And your lie has nothing to do with the fact that Tramp's UE rate was fake due to a record number of workers giving up looking for work. when you add the not in labor force to the unemployed you get a REAL UE rate of 69%
BluesLegend got it right. You got it wrong. 2020 economic drop came from Obama, Fauci, Pelosi, and Democrat lockdown mayors & governors, all trying to take away Trump's top campaign issue - the economy.

They failed, as Trump outvoted Biden by a landslide. Dems had to go to fraud early Nov 4 morning, in order to win. Public got it right.
2020 drop was caused by Democrats (Obama, Dauci, Pelosi), not Trump.
neither Obama, Fauci or Pelosi were president in 2020, and the GOPQ controlled most of the states!
Go back and read my FULL post (# 152), that you incompletely quoted.
Your post is still a lie. Dems weren't president and the GOPQ controlled most of the states, so how could the Dems cause anything the superior numbers of GOPQ couldn't overcome? Unless you are claiming the GOPQ and Tramp combined are totally incompetent!!!!

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