TRUMP gets A+ for his handling of the China Virus, aka COVID 19

And so instead of locking down, using the Defense Production Act and establishing a national face mask mandate , we have a third wave.
This has cost the economy lots more, yet Trumpettes refuse to believe it.
A+ my ass

26,648.46 −814.73 (2.97%)
Oct 28, 12:56 PM EDT
Most Americans are already wearing masks when entering places of business and a national mandate would not have made much difference.
Human lives are more important than money.

Funny that you don't count all the human lives lost due to suicide, lack of food, deaths due to delayed diagnostic tests and deaths due to delayed or unavailable operations. Odd that you don't realize that IT TAKES MONEY TO LIVE, or that education and futures have been delayed or destroyed.

Suicide is up 100% among the young. Where is that in your calculus, Billy? Last Spring, an expert published a report that if we did nothing, a million could die but with effective measures, deaths could be limited to 100,000 - 200,000 people. Seems we are pretty much right in line pretty close to what was considered an efficacious outcome.

Strange that you don't notice that tabulated world-wide, the USA Covid deaths are 53rd in the world! 52 countries have a greater death rate per population than us! Yet you call it a failure.

Most unfortunate is that you seem unable to understand that while Covid has killed 200K, the shutdowns, etc., have severely injured 300 million. No, ideally, human life IS more important than money, but likewise, a person's job, income, business or the economy is much like a plant-- -- starve it of water for TOO LONG and the PLANT DIES, Billy.

After that, you have no plant, no economy to come back to. Infrastructure falls apart. Its a domino effect. And then you are going to have a whole lot more people dying.
I do agree that if TRUMP had imposed a lock-down, with no schools open, no sports, no restaurants, no churches, no large gatherings, etc., then their would have been fewer Covid 19 cases.

BUT, think about the consequences;

Small Businesses wiped out, MASSIVE Unemployment, Government revenues from working Americans vanish, mental anguish, suicides, millions unable to afford meals, burglaries increase, more gangs form, bye-bye middle class. a depression inevitable, etc.

TRUMP had to make a decision that was a LOSE/LOSE proposition and he had the guts and leadership to make that decision.
Much like a Commanding Officer in wartime having to send his troops into battle knowing there would be casualties.

Can you cite ANY sources with data that support your claim of A+ for Trump?
You are obviously very partisan.
New Zealand, among others, did MUCH MUCH better than Trump & his non-plan policy!
Here are top-5 countries who did the best in handling the COVID-19 pandemic, according to one source ...

5 Countries That Are Getting COVID-19 Responses Right
And so instead of locking down, using the Defense Production Act and establishing a national face mask mandate , we have a third wave.
This has cost the economy lots more, yet Trumpettes refuse to believe it.
A+ my ass

26,648.46 −814.73 (2.97%)
Oct 28, 12:56 PM EDT
Most Americans are already wearing masks when entering places of business and a national mandate would not have made much difference.
most americans are mindless drones,,,
I never wear a mask when entering,,,
I do agree that if TRUMP had imposed a lock-down, with no schools open, no sports, no restaurants, no churches, no large gatherings, etc., then their would have been fewer Covid 19 cases.

BUT, think about the consequences;

Small Businesses wiped out, MASSIVE Unemployment, Government revenues from working Americans vanish, mental anguish, suicides, millions unable to afford meals, burglaries increase, more gangs form, bye-bye middle class. a depression inevitable, etc.

TRUMP had to make a decision that was a LOSE/LOSE proposition and he had the guts and leadership to make that decision.
Much like a Commanding Officer in wartime having to send his troops into battle knowing there would be casualties.


Only A+ for saving two million Americans?

Considering Trump had to fight both the China virus and the even more dangerous far left mind virus, I would give him at least an extra + there.
He lied. He mocked. He spread.

He is a disgrace.
look in the mirror and where the 3 fingers on your pointing hand are pointing- then, with all the wisdom you can muster, tell everyone precisely how you (or Hillary for that matter) would have done better- or even differently
lets face it,, the TDSers would have complained no matter what he did,,,

if he locked down he would be a fascist,,
BIDEN proposal was a lockdown and to reopen the country WHEN the virus was defeated. His view is diametrically opposed to TRUMP and would require government enforcement.
nice dodge there,, but understandable you would dodge it,,,
No dodge at all.
Fact: Abortion is legal.
Fact: I will never have one.
Fact: A woman's right to choose is none of my business.
if they need an abortion they have already chose to be pregnant,,,

an abortion ends a human life,,,

so my question still stands,,,

are you OK with ending a human life for economic reasons???
He lied. He mocked. He spread.

He is a disgrace.
look in the mirror and where the 3 fingers on your pointing hand are pointing- then, with all the wisdom you can muster, tell everyone precisely how you (or Hillary for that matter) would have done better- or even differently
lets face it,, the TDSers would have complained no matter what he did,,,

if he locked down he would be a fascist,,
BIDEN proposal was a lockdown and to reopen the country WHEN the virus was defeated. His view is diametrically opposed to TRUMP and would require government enforcement.
the virus will never be defeated,,,
He lied. He mocked. He spread.

He is a disgrace.
look in the mirror and where the 3 fingers on your pointing hand are pointing- then, with all the wisdom you can muster, tell everyone precisely how you (or Hillary for that matter) would have done better- or even differently
lets face it,, the TDSers would have complained no matter what he did,,,

if he locked down he would be a fascist,,
BIDEN proposal was a lockdown and to reopen the country WHEN the virus was defeated. His view is diametrically opposed to TRUMP and would require government enforcement.
the virus will never be defeated,,,
Never say never.
And so instead of locking down, using the Defense Production Act and establishing a national face mask mandate , we have a third wave.
This has cost the economy lots more, yet Trumpettes refuse to believe it.
A+ my ass

26,648.46 −814.73 (2.97%)
Oct 28, 12:56 PM EDT

Each State can mandate masks and if your State and Local Government has not done so then you need to demand them to take action and stop demanding more overreach by the Federal Government!
He lied. He mocked. He spread.

He is a disgrace.
look in the mirror and where the 3 fingers on your pointing hand are pointing- then, with all the wisdom you can muster, tell everyone precisely how you (or Hillary for that matter) would have done better- or even differently
lets face it,, the TDSers would have complained no matter what he did,,,

if he locked down he would be a fascist,,
BIDEN proposal was a lockdown and to reopen the country WHEN the virus was defeated. His view is diametrically opposed to TRUMP and would require government enforcement.
the virus will never be defeated,,,
Never say never.
I would never do that,,,
It's seems to me that everyone, including the so called "experts" went over a steep learning curve at the beginning of the year when Covid arrived. Does anyone really think Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden would have done a significantly better job than Trump in late January, February and March? Many people that hate Trump of course are going to say YES, but that is only speculation. It is easy to be captain hindsight; not so easy to make the right decisions at the right time in real time.

The problem with mitigation with social distancing and wearing masks is that it only slows down the spread of the virus. There will be lots of dry wood left to burn whenever the mitigation is rolled back.

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