Trump gets China to free UCLA basketball players

China understood obama.

They ignored that weak faggot and did what we wanted.
China respected The Great Obama

They mock Donnie Dotard

LOL, you’re really stretching. When Obama went there they humiliated him by making him wait on the tarmac, no reception at all.

Keep spinning though, it’s entertaining.

President Obama did not require Chinese approval, his head was high, spine straight,

and he, as always, made the US look good. Cite:

Consider that one day before Obama's arrival, Brazil's President Michel Temer, who only recently shed the word "interim" from his title, got the red-carpet treatment when he landed at the same airport in Hangzhou, China, using a carpeted mobile staircase to disembark from this plane. And just months ago, Obama was provided with a red-carpeted staircase when he arrived for a state visit last fall.
The Great Obama was a humble man who avoided pomp and splendor. He felt embarrassed by the fuss

Crooked Donnie lives for attention and giggles like a little girl when he gets it

Yet, Fmr. President Obama stood tall around the world, Putin didn't like him, which is a testimony to his Presidency.
The Great Obama was loved around the world...except for Russia

With Fat Donnie, it is the complete opposite
These guys got preferential treatment because they play basketball. I personally don’t think trump should have intervened, but he did.

UCLA Basketball Players FREED By China After Trump Intervenes

I dont think he intervened at all. No proof of it and even when Trump was asked about it before they were released he only said "we'll see".

Then when they came home he was like "Hey, look what I did!" just like he did with the factories that Pence negotiated
Trump made a call and cashed in a personal favor
These guys got preferential treatment because they play basketball. I personally don’t think trump should have intervened, but he did.

UCLA Basketball Players FREED By China After Trump Intervenes

I dont think he intervened at all. No proof of it and even when Trump was asked about it before they were released he only said "we'll see".

Then when they came home he was like "Hey, look what I did!" just like he did with the factories that Pence negotiated
Trump made a call and cashed in a personal favor

In China, college "pranks", (what Bush II termed his conviction for THEFT) are punishable by years inside. No thanks for China needed, a cursory 'thank you' to Trump was perhaps much more than he deserved. The players have been punished, let go from teams....because of one prank. The cost? If colleges paid for this, remember the young men were part of those colleges.
These guys got preferential treatment because they play basketball. I personally don’t think trump should have intervened, but he did.

UCLA Basketball Players FREED By China After Trump Intervenes

I dont think he intervened at all. No proof of it and even when Trump was asked about it before they were released he only said "we'll see".

Then when they came home he was like "Hey, look what I did!" just like he did with the factories that Pence negotiated

From 'Huh' to "Look what I did"................
These guys got preferential treatment because they play basketball. I personally don’t think trump should have intervened, but he did.

UCLA Basketball Players FREED By China After Trump Intervenes

I dont think he intervened at all. No proof of it and even when Trump was asked about it before they were released he only said "we'll see".

Then when they came home he was like "Hey, look what I did!" just like he did with the factories that Pence negotiated
Trump made a call and cashed in a personal favor

In China, college "pranks", (what Bush II termed his conviction for THEFT) are punishable by years inside. No thanks for China needed, a cursory 'thank you' to Trump was perhaps much more than he deserved. The players have been punished, let go from teams....because of one prank. The cost? If colleges paid for this, remember the young men were part of those colleges.
The players are currently on "indefinite suspension"
Which means suspended until important games start
These guys got preferential treatment because they play basketball. I personally don’t think trump should have intervened, but he did.

UCLA Basketball Players FREED By China After Trump Intervenes

I dont think he intervened at all. No proof of it and even when Trump was asked about it before they were released he only said "we'll see".

Then when they came home he was like "Hey, look what I did!" just like he did with the factories that Pence negotiated
Trump made a call and cashed in a personal favor

In China, college "pranks", (what Bush II termed his conviction for THEFT) are punishable by years inside. No thanks for China needed, a cursory 'thank you' to Trump was perhaps much more than he deserved. The players have been punished, let go from teams....because of one prank. The cost? If colleges paid for this, remember the young men were part of those colleges.
The players are currently on "indefinite suspension"
Which means suspended until important games start

For petty theft, after serving time in China, a nation wherein 'due process' is unknown. There are posters who called them "thugs". Disgusting.
These guys got preferential treatment because they play basketball. I personally don’t think trump should have intervened, but he did.

UCLA Basketball Players FREED By China After Trump Intervenes

I dont think he intervened at all. No proof of it and even when Trump was asked about it before they were released he only said "we'll see".

Then when they came home he was like "Hey, look what I did!" just like he did with the factories that Pence negotiated
Trump made a call and cashed in a personal favor

In China, college "pranks", (what Bush II termed his conviction for THEFT) are punishable by years inside. No thanks for China needed, a cursory 'thank you' to Trump was perhaps much more than he deserved. The players have been punished, let go from teams....because of one prank. The cost? If colleges paid for this, remember the young men were part of those colleges.
The players are currently on "indefinite suspension"
Which means suspended until important games start

For petty theft, after serving time in China, a nation wherein 'due process' is unknown. There are posters who called them "thugs". Disgusting.
Thugs? No
Spoiled athletes who believe the rules do not apply to them
I dont think he intervened at all. No proof of it and even when Trump was asked about it before they were released he only said "we'll see".

Then when they came home he was like "Hey, look what I did!" just like he did with the factories that Pence negotiated
Trump made a call and cashed in a personal favor

In China, college "pranks", (what Bush II termed his conviction for THEFT) are punishable by years inside. No thanks for China needed, a cursory 'thank you' to Trump was perhaps much more than he deserved. The players have been punished, let go from teams....because of one prank. The cost? If colleges paid for this, remember the young men were part of those colleges.
The players are currently on "indefinite suspension"
Which means suspended until important games start

For petty theft, after serving time in China, a nation wherein 'due process' is unknown. There are posters who called them "thugs". Disgusting.
Thugs? No
Spoiled athletes who believe the rules do not apply to them

They may have learned. DUI in another nation? I would not feel they had been punished enough. Petty theft? The teams they let down, parents, schools, yes. But felons who could rot in prison? I cannot agree.
Trump made a call and cashed in a personal favor

In China, college "pranks", (what Bush II termed his conviction for THEFT) are punishable by years inside. No thanks for China needed, a cursory 'thank you' to Trump was perhaps much more than he deserved. The players have been punished, let go from teams....because of one prank. The cost? If colleges paid for this, remember the young men were part of those colleges.
The players are currently on "indefinite suspension"
Which means suspended until important games start

For petty theft, after serving time in China, a nation wherein 'due process' is unknown. There are posters who called them "thugs". Disgusting.
Thugs? No
Spoiled athletes who believe the rules do not apply to them

They may have learned. DUI in another nation? I would not feel they had been punished enough. Petty theft? The teams they let down, parents, schools, yes. But felons who could rot in prison? I cannot agree.
The theft was not exactly petty
Designer sunglasses can cost quite a bit

If they were any other American who was tempted to shoplift, they would be doing time

Because they were known athletes.......they got the President to make a call
The only reason Trump had anything to do with the players is that he happened to be in China at the time.

Do you really think that he would have interrupted his golf time to free them?
Trump obviously commands the respect of world leaders, something Obama never did.
In China, college "pranks", (what Bush II termed his conviction for THEFT) are punishable by years inside. No thanks for China needed, a cursory 'thank you' to Trump was perhaps much more than he deserved. The players have been punished, let go from teams....because of one prank. The cost? If colleges paid for this, remember the young men were part of those colleges.
The players are currently on "indefinite suspension"
Which means suspended until important games start

For petty theft, after serving time in China, a nation wherein 'due process' is unknown. There are posters who called them "thugs". Disgusting.
Thugs? No
Spoiled athletes who believe the rules do not apply to them

They may have learned. DUI in another nation? I would not feel they had been punished enough. Petty theft? The teams they let down, parents, schools, yes. But felons who could rot in prison? I cannot agree.
The theft was not exactly petty
Designer sunglasses can cost quite a bit

If they were any other American who was tempted to shoplift, they would be doing time

Because they were known athletes.......they got the President to make a call

Unless they were released because the cameras were there. I do not approve of China's system nor is stamping his feet and demanding an apology increasing respect for the office of President.
The players are currently on "indefinite suspension"
Which means suspended until important games start

For petty theft, after serving time in China, a nation wherein 'due process' is unknown. There are posters who called them "thugs". Disgusting.
Thugs? No
Spoiled athletes who believe the rules do not apply to them

They may have learned. DUI in another nation? I would not feel they had been punished enough. Petty theft? The teams they let down, parents, schools, yes. But felons who could rot in prison? I cannot agree.
The theft was not exactly petty
Designer sunglasses can cost quite a bit

If they were any other American who was tempted to shoplift, they would be doing time

Because they were known athletes.......they got the President to make a call

Unless they were released because the cameras were there. I do not approve of China's system nor is stamping his feet and demanding an apology increasing respect for the office of President.

They were dumb kids who made a mistake that could have cost them prison time
I'm glad they didn't get prison but would have liked to see 30 days in jail so they get the message

My problem is that if it was any other college student, they wouldn't have had the President making calls on behalf of a shoplifter. But because one of the kids had Basketball Nazi Lavar Ball as his father and lots of media attention because of it....Trump made the call
For petty theft, after serving time in China, a nation wherein 'due process' is unknown. There are posters who called them "thugs". Disgusting.
Thugs? No
Spoiled athletes who believe the rules do not apply to them

They may have learned. DUI in another nation? I would not feel they had been punished enough. Petty theft? The teams they let down, parents, schools, yes. But felons who could rot in prison? I cannot agree.
The theft was not exactly petty
Designer sunglasses can cost quite a bit

If they were any other American who was tempted to shoplift, they would be doing time

Because they were known athletes.......they got the President to make a call

Unless they were released because the cameras were there. I do not approve of China's system nor is stamping his feet and demanding an apology increasing respect for the office of President.

They were dumb kids who made a mistake that could have cost them prison time
I'm glad they didn't get prison but would have liked to see 30 days in jail so they get the message

My problem is that if it was any other college student, they wouldn't have had the President making calls on behalf of a shoplifter. But because one of the kids had Basketball Nazi Lavar Ball as his father and lots of media attention because of it....Trump made the call

A belated phone call is nothing to cheer about, Trump also demanded thanks, openly, and above the seriousness of the event. Playing footsie with China was not a greater good.
Thugs? No
Spoiled athletes who believe the rules do not apply to them

They may have learned. DUI in another nation? I would not feel they had been punished enough. Petty theft? The teams they let down, parents, schools, yes. But felons who could rot in prison? I cannot agree.
The theft was not exactly petty
Designer sunglasses can cost quite a bit

If they were any other American who was tempted to shoplift, they would be doing time

Because they were known athletes.......they got the President to make a call

Unless they were released because the cameras were there. I do not approve of China's system nor is stamping his feet and demanding an apology increasing respect for the office of President.

They were dumb kids who made a mistake that could have cost them prison time
I'm glad they didn't get prison but would have liked to see 30 days in jail so they get the message

My problem is that if it was any other college student, they wouldn't have had the President making calls on behalf of a shoplifter. But because one of the kids had Basketball Nazi Lavar Ball as his father and lots of media attention because of it....Trump made the call

A belated phone call is nothing to cheer about, Trump also demanded thanks, openly, and above the seriousness of the event. Playing footsie with China was not a greater good.

I can see Trump suggesting that they apologize to China and thank their leader for being lenient

But demanding that they thank him is just creepy
They may have learned. DUI in another nation? I would not feel they had been punished enough. Petty theft? The teams they let down, parents, schools, yes. But felons who could rot in prison? I cannot agree.
The theft was not exactly petty
Designer sunglasses can cost quite a bit

If they were any other American who was tempted to shoplift, they would be doing time

Because they were known athletes.......they got the President to make a call

Unless they were released because the cameras were there. I do not approve of China's system nor is stamping his feet and demanding an apology increasing respect for the office of President.

They were dumb kids who made a mistake that could have cost them prison time
I'm glad they didn't get prison but would have liked to see 30 days in jail so they get the message

My problem is that if it was any other college student, they wouldn't have had the President making calls on behalf of a shoplifter. But because one of the kids had Basketball Nazi Lavar Ball as his father and lots of media attention because of it....Trump made the call

A belated phone call is nothing to cheer about, Trump also demanded thanks, openly, and above the seriousness of the event. Playing footsie with China was not a greater good.

I can see Trump suggesting that they apologize to China and thank their leader for being lenient

But demanding that they thank him is just creepy

Stuck out like a sore thumb. So, are Ball's parents going to read him the riot act?
The theft was not exactly petty
Designer sunglasses can cost quite a bit

If they were any other American who was tempted to shoplift, they would be doing time

Because they were known athletes.......they got the President to make a call

Unless they were released because the cameras were there. I do not approve of China's system nor is stamping his feet and demanding an apology increasing respect for the office of President.

They were dumb kids who made a mistake that could have cost them prison time
I'm glad they didn't get prison but would have liked to see 30 days in jail so they get the message

My problem is that if it was any other college student, they wouldn't have had the President making calls on behalf of a shoplifter. But because one of the kids had Basketball Nazi Lavar Ball as his father and lots of media attention because of it....Trump made the call

A belated phone call is nothing to cheer about, Trump also demanded thanks, openly, and above the seriousness of the event. Playing footsie with China was not a greater good.

I can see Trump suggesting that they apologize to China and thank their leader for being lenient

But demanding that they thank him is just creepy

Stuck out like a sore thumb. So, are Ball's parents going to read him the riot act?

Only in the context that it cost them money

His father claims "It is no big deal"
Unless they were released because the cameras were there. I do not approve of China's system nor is stamping his feet and demanding an apology increasing respect for the office of President.

They were dumb kids who made a mistake that could have cost them prison time
I'm glad they didn't get prison but would have liked to see 30 days in jail so they get the message

My problem is that if it was any other college student, they wouldn't have had the President making calls on behalf of a shoplifter. But because one of the kids had Basketball Nazi Lavar Ball as his father and lots of media attention because of it....Trump made the call

A belated phone call is nothing to cheer about, Trump also demanded thanks, openly, and above the seriousness of the event. Playing footsie with China was not a greater good.

I can see Trump suggesting that they apologize to China and thank their leader for being lenient

But demanding that they thank him is just creepy

Stuck out like a sore thumb. So, are Ball's parents going to read him the riot act?

Only in the context that it cost them money

His father claims "It is no big deal"

Looks like losing the spots on teams should be permanent.
They were dumb kids who made a mistake that could have cost them prison time
I'm glad they didn't get prison but would have liked to see 30 days in jail so they get the message

My problem is that if it was any other college student, they wouldn't have had the President making calls on behalf of a shoplifter. But because one of the kids had Basketball Nazi Lavar Ball as his father and lots of media attention because of it....Trump made the call

A belated phone call is nothing to cheer about, Trump also demanded thanks, openly, and above the seriousness of the event. Playing footsie with China was not a greater good.

I can see Trump suggesting that they apologize to China and thank their leader for being lenient

But demanding that they thank him is just creepy

Stuck out like a sore thumb. So, are Ball's parents going to read him the riot act?

Only in the context that it cost them money

His father claims "It is no big deal"

Looks like losing the spots on teams should be permanent.

It won't be

UCLA is already looking for an excuse to bring them back. They have said they are sorry

Their scripted apologies in front of the cameras were laugable
A belated phone call is nothing to cheer about, Trump also demanded thanks, openly, and above the seriousness of the event. Playing footsie with China was not a greater good.

I can see Trump suggesting that they apologize to China and thank their leader for being lenient

But demanding that they thank him is just creepy

Stuck out like a sore thumb. So, are Ball's parents going to read him the riot act?

Only in the context that it cost them money

His father claims "It is no big deal"

Looks like losing the spots on teams should be permanent.

It won't be

UCLA is already looking for an excuse to bring them back. They have said they are sorry

Their scripted apologies in front of the cameras were laugable

Not acceptable. So, another NCAA investigation? Trump gets "world respect" in an ODD manner.

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