Trump gives another gift to V. Putin

How did that work out in World War I and World War II. Not very well. You need the United States in Europe to prevent World War from happening again. That is the clear lesson of history.

The day Trump got elected the American left became war mongering chickenhawks.
We have way too many troops in way too many places around the world. Bring them home. Germany is a big boy now, they can take care of themselves.
Nah, the troops have kept the peace. NATO wants them there. This is Trump doing favors for our adversaries to the detriment of our allies. Putin is breaking out the good Vodka today.

Well then NATO can pay for them or put their own. The USA isn't the only damn country with troops. Bring our boys home.
The withdrawal of U.S. troops from Germany is being called a gift for Putin. Here’s why

The Trump administration just announced the upcoming withdrawal of nearly 12,000 U.S. troops from bases in Germany. Experts say this damages America’s alliances with Germany and with Europe as a whole, and advances one of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s key objectives - to weaken NATO and dim U.S. influence in the region.

Of the 12,000 troops being withdrawn from Germany, half will be going home to the United States. Most of the rest will be going to Italy and some will go to Belgium. If the troops were being deployed to countries like Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, then the the move would make some sense. But their not. The troops are being sent further away from the potential conflict zone with Russia in countries like Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland. This action weakens NATO, increased the possibility of Russian military action against NATO members like Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland, which increases the possibility of World War III.

If Joe Biden is elected President in November, he will stop this move move and instead reinforce U.S. and NATO defenses in northeastern Europe!
Oh, NOW you fucktards suddenly want military bases in other countries. How fucking dumb are you people?

None as dumb as Trumpers that bend over for Putin at every opportunity.
Well we all know that isnt true. Democrats are the ones who love communism, not republicans.
We know that Trump did not give a damn enough about American lives in Afghanistan to confront Putin about GRU bounties on American lives. Not content to disregard American lives, his administration has given Putin another gift: withdrawal of 12,000 troops from Germany. Putin has sought this for years. The decision by Trump is so fucked up, Administration officials can‘t even come up for a rationale for the withdrawal.

It may be that Trump is just repaying past favors to Putin or does not like Merkel or NATO or all of the above, but there can be no doubt that Trump is the gift that keeps on giving to one of our greatest adversaries and all to our detriment.
So what does this "gift" of Trump to Putin mean for Germany? Can we expect to see long lines of Russian tanks rumbling through Ukraine and Poland into Germany now?

Can it possibly be true that 12,000 US troops are all that is keeping Russia from running wild like the post WWII Soviet Union reconstituted all over again?

If there is some valid reason to be concerned over drawing down troops from Germany you haven't come
remotely close to naming it. You're a partisan moron who couldn't explain how V. Putin is being rewarded
by this Trump move if his life depended on it. This is pure bullshit.
Germany should have paid us to be their standing army like they promised to do. It looks like the Germans weren't all that afraid of Russia.

Putin is STILL a better human being and national leader than any democrat. We would be better off if we had the Russian army and marines cracking heads in our anti American nightly riots.
The withdrawal of U.S. troops from Germany is being called a gift for Putin. Here’s why

The Trump administration just announced the upcoming withdrawal of nearly 12,000 U.S. troops from bases in Germany. Experts say this damages America’s alliances with Germany and with Europe as a whole, and advances one of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s key objectives - to weaken NATO and dim U.S. influence in the region.

Of the 12,000 troops being withdrawn from Germany, half will be going home to the United States. Most of the rest will be going to Italy and some will go to Belgium. If the troops were being deployed to countries like Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, then the the move would make some sense. But their not. The troops are being sent further away from the potential conflict zone with Russia in countries like Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland. This action weakens NATO, increased the possibility of Russian military action against NATO members like Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland, which increases the possibility of World War III.

If Joe Biden is elected President in November, he will stop this move move and instead reinforce U.S. and NATO defenses in northeastern Europe!
Oh, NOW you fucktards suddenly want military bases in other countries. How fucking dumb are you people?

None as dumb as Trumpers that bend over for Putin at every opportunity.
Well we all know that isnt true. Democrats are the ones who love communism, not republicans.
Russia is no longer communist. That's why democrats hate the Caucasian Russian non communists and love the Chinese communists.
It's time to pull our soldiers out of Europe and leave NATO. It's high time that the NATO Nations paid their way on Defense and take care of themselves instead of using the United States! I would trust Vladimir Putin over anyone in the EU.

Nobody “used” the United States. Nobody asked you to waste you money on weapons and war. YOU did that yourselves.

YOU cheered the military buildup, and are still screaming about “commies” thirty years after communism ended.
Washington (CNN) President Donald Trump's decision to pull nearly 12,000 US troops from Germany triggered an onslaught of disapproval from Republicans, Democrats and former senior military officials, who said the move will benefit Russia, degrade US national security and military readiness, cost US taxpayers billions and undermine US relations with Germany, NATO and Europe.

Trump's explanation to reporters about the withdrawal, announced Wednesday morning by Defense Secretary Mark Esper, misrepresented how NATO works and contradicted his own military officials, raising questions about what strategy -- if any -- drove the decision.


We know that Trump did not give a damn enough about American lives in Afghanistan to confront Putin about GRU bounties on American lives. Not content to disregard American lives, his administration has given Putin another gift: withdrawal of 12,000 troops from Germany. Putin has sought this for years. The decision by Trump is so fucked up, Administration officials can‘t even come up for a rationale for the withdrawal.

It may be that Trump is just repaying past favors to Putin or does not like Merkel or NATO or all of the above, but there can be no doubt that Trump is the gift that keeps on giving to one of our greatest adversaries and all to our detriment.

LMAO How is that going to benefit Russia. See any soldiers or tanks lining up to invade Germany??

Personally I think we should pull all of our soldiers out of Germany and close down the air bases we have there. Save some tax money.

If Russia invades, LOL, let them take care of themselves.

What you “think” is irrelevant since it’s based on false information and a belief in every lie out of Trump’s mouth. Your ignorance in regard to NATO and European politics is hardly surprising given your ignorance in regard to American politics and your devotion to Trump.

Trump just gave a press conference wherein he lied about Covid in other countries, and lied about voter fraud, and lied about his ability to postpone the election.

Given the state of the country, why is Trump spending 3 days a week golfing? Oh yeah, so he can he can bill the taxpayers for rooms and meals for his Secret Service and staff @ $650 per night per room.

18 million Americans are facing eviction and Trump is too busy lining his own pockets to do anything about it.
Germany and russia are friends. Hek germans are mad at us because we dropped sanctions on a russia/Germany pipeline. Even europe sided with the ruskies.
But yeah Trump sucks putin dick

Germany and Rusdia are not and have never been “friends”. Far from it.

Germany buys gas from Russia. That doesn’t make the friends. It makes them business associates.

Putin doesn’t have “friends”. He has useful idiots like Donald Trump that he dies favours for so he can fracture NATO and build influence in the Middle East.

Fools like you cheer on Trump.
I hope he brings home more troops.

Close to 70,000 posts since 2012 - of course you do.
Germany and russia are friends. Hek germans are mad at us because we dropped sanctions on a russia/Germany pipeline. Even europe sided with the ruskies.
But yeah Trump sucks putin dick

Germany and Rusdia are not and have never been “friends”. Far from it.

Germany buys gas from Russia. That doesn’t make the friends. It makes them business associates.

Putin doesn’t have “friends”. He has useful idiots like Donald Trump that he dies favours for so he can fracture NATO and build influence in the Middle East.

Fools like you cheer on Trump.
I hope he brings home more troops.

Close to 70,000 posts since 2012 - of course you do.
I totally see the relevance.
The withdrawal of U.S. troops from Germany is being called a gift for Putin. Here’s why

The Trump administration just announced the upcoming withdrawal of nearly 12,000 U.S. troops from bases in Germany. Experts say this damages America’s alliances with Germany and with Europe as a whole, and advances one of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s key objectives - to weaken NATO and dim U.S. influence in the region.

Of the 12,000 troops being withdrawn from Germany, half will be going home to the United States. Most of the rest will be going to Italy and some will go to Belgium. If the troops were being deployed to countries like Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, then the the move would make some sense. But their not. The troops are being sent further away from the potential conflict zone with Russia in countries like Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland. This action weakens NATO, increased the possibility of Russian military action against NATO members like Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland, which increases the possibility of World War III.

If Joe Biden is elected President in November, he will stop this move move and instead reinforce U.S. and NATO defenses in northeastern Europe!
Oh, NOW you fucktards suddenly want military bases in other countries. How fucking dumb are you people?

None as dumb as Trumpers that bend over for Putin at every opportunity.
Well we all know that isnt true. Democrats are the ones who love communism, not republicans.
Russia is no longer communist. That's why democrats hate the Caucasian Russian non communists and love the Chinese communists.

Hey Tipsy - China isn't communist either.

So why do YOU love Russia so much? Hmmm. Putin is messing with American elections, and out to subvert the government of the Ukraine, our NATO ally. Putin is putting bounties on the lives of American soldiers.

What exactly makes Russia such a great friend to the USA? Putin opposes freedom, equality and individual rights. He's murdered hundreds of reporters, and he's publically said he WANTED Trump to be President. Why are you voting for a guy who Putin LIKES?
Germany and russia are friends. Hek germans are mad at us because we dropped sanctions on a russia/Germany pipeline. Even europe sided with the ruskies.
But yeah Trump sucks putin dick

Germany and Rusdia are not and have never been “friends”. Far from it.

Germany buys gas from Russia. That doesn’t make the friends. It makes them business associates.

Putin doesn’t have “friends”. He has useful idiots like Donald Trump that he dies favours for so he can fracture NATO and build influence in the Middle East.

Fools like you cheer on Trump.
I hope he brings home more troops.

Close to 70,000 posts since 2012 - of course you do.
I totally see the relevance.

Anti-American notions such as yours, should always be questioned. Especially those which are HUGE benefits to an enemy like Russia. Trump is doing Putin's bidding in removing troops from Europe. Why are YOU cheering this move?
Germany and russia are friends. Hek germans are mad at us because we dropped sanctions on a russia/Germany pipeline. Even europe sided with the ruskies.
But yeah Trump sucks putin dick

Germany and Rusdia are not and have never been “friends”. Far from it.

Germany buys gas from Russia. That doesn’t make the friends. It makes them business associates.

Putin doesn’t have “friends”. He has useful idiots like Donald Trump that he dies favours for so he can fracture NATO and build influence in the Middle East.

Fools like you cheer on Trump.
I hope he brings home more troops.

Close to 70,000 posts since 2012 - of course you do.
I totally see the relevance.

Anti-American notions such as yours, should always be questioned. Especially those which are HUGE benefits to an enemy like Russia. Trump is doing Putin's bidding in removing troops from Europe. Why are YOU cheering this move?
Im all cheers if just one soldier comes home.
I dont think your statist canadian ass gets to determine whats "american" or not.
You foreign assholes are like "americans are war mongers" then when we bring home a couple thousand soldiers its "trump sucks putins dick"
There is a reason americans arent hoping the border to Canada.. Thanks for laying it out.
And you still didnt explain how my post count has any relevance to the subject at hand. Of course, you probably cant.
I try not to pick on retards so i will leave it at that.
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We have way too many troops in way too many places around the world. Bring them home. Germany is a big boy now, they can take care of themselves.
Nah, the troops have kept the peace. NATO wants them there. This is Trump doing favors for our adversaries to the detriment of our allies. Putin is breaking out the good Vodka today.

You have fantastical delusions that go completely against reality.
We have way too many troops in way too many places around the world. Bring them home. Germany is a big boy now, they can take care of themselves.
Nah, the troops have kept the peace. NATO wants them there. This is Trump doing favors for our adversaries to the detriment of our allies. Putin is breaking out the good Vodka today.
We had over 40,000 troops in Germany. Pulling 12k is meaningless.
That is 30% of all troops. Does not look meaningless to me. Trump’s message is clear.

Because you are stupid.
Germany and russia are friends. Hek germans are mad at us because we dropped sanctions on a russia/Germany pipeline. Even europe sided with the ruskies.
But yeah Trump sucks putin dick

The left has devolved completely into moronic lunacy.
In a time where more information is available than any other time in history, they know and understand less.
Russia is not the enemy of this country that democrats are.
Russia is the enemy of every nation not called Russia.
Even accepting this to be true. Democrats are STILL more of an enemy to this country than Russia. Who is bombing our police stations, democrats or Russians? Who just stabbed a reporter, a Democrat or a Russian? How many Russians burned down Minneapolis, Portland, Seattle?

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