Trump Godwins his entire campaign

'When pressed on whether these measures might include tracking Muslim Americans in a database or noting their religious affiliations on identification cards, Trump would not go into detail -- but did not reject the options.

“We’re going to have to — we’re going to have to look at a lot of things very closely,” Trump said. “We’re going to have to look at the mosques. We’re going to have to look very, very carefully.”'

Clearly Trump isn't a serious candidate – otherwise he wouldn't spout such garbage.

What's sad and telling is that many of his supporters are serious about their contempt for the First Amendment and the rule of law, willing to surrender their freedom and liberty for the illusion of 'security.'
Associating a person with the character of his position is not ad hom at all. To say you are characteristic of a far right reactionary ideology is not ad hom, it's accurate.

To accuse of Hitler being fascist is not ad hom.

And any Mormon that says identifying character is somehow wrong is not a good Mormon.

Trump continues to go full retard. Because Hitler is what this country needs.

Donald Trump won’t rule out warrantless searches, ID cards for American Muslims
The level of stupid displayed by Trump and his supporters is off the charts. I won't be surprised if he vows to make Muslims wear identifying tags on their clothing.

And what will the punishment be when they don't present their papers?
Trump and his supporters are now honest about their intentions ... sick as they are.
Can he be nominated saying this stuff?
I sincerely hope not. This may be the stupidity Bush and Rubio and Kasich have been waiting for. If it takes down Trump, Cruz will go down with him as well.
Yeah I suppose the Jeb and Marco BBF thing is gone. Kasich and Rubio should beat Hillary like a drum, but I really don't know if the gop turnout would be worse than in 2012.
At least he is honest about it. That's still one up on the current admin who spies on us while pretend doing not to.

Is he being honest though? How is it that last time and this time his message is different? He's playing the honest card. I've seen it been done before, where the person is being incredibly dishonest, but portrays themselves as being honest.

He's basically pandering to the right wing masses, giving them what they "know" already.

So you think He is going to lie about his desire to spy on people? Somehow I doubt it.

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