Trump goes after Fauci, tries to buck up his campaign team

Fake News always describes the DNC operative and failed AIDS vaccine clown as "the government’s top infectious disease expert" when they know he is not an expert but bureaucrat making a lot of cash off taxpayers, not unlike Hidin' Biden, Crooked Hillary, most all democrats, actually who are also scumbags "top" in their field of lying to the American public. Fauci is a fraud and it is great President Trump is going to dump that idiot after he wins re-election in a landslide.
‘Seeking to shore up the morale of his staff, Trump blasted his government’s own scientific experts as too negative, even as his handling of the pandemic that has killed nearly 220,000 Americans remains a central issue to voters.

“People are tired of hearing Fauci and all these idiots,” Trump said of the government’s top infectious disease expert. “Every time he goes on television, there’s always a bomb. But there’s a bigger bomb if you fire him. But Fauci’s a disaster.”’

No, Trump and his dishonest supporters are tired of hearing Fauci relate facts that they don’t like, confirming Trump’s incompetence and his mishandling of the pandemic.

A campaign of lies, baseless attacks, and ignoring the truth in an effort to turn out the base is clearly Trump’s ‘strategy’ for the next two weeks.

And the truth is “too negative” – Trump the authoritarian wants those who speak the truth silenced; it’s like something from a rightwing dictatorship.
This is going to hurt Trump electorally.
Continue talking Don. Keep talking.
He literally doesn't know how to communicate with anyone outside of his base.

He's so limited that all he can muster is a finite set of behaviors. I've never seen anything like this, inside or outside of politics.
I have just voted for President Trump, but I acknowledge that he is going to lose -- BIG TIME.

I also acknowledge that his big mouth is only hurting him.

Yes, the Dem media have used Dr. Fauci to make Mr. Trump look worse. And it has worked. Some people absolutely worship Dr. Fauci, who is only human and makes his share of mistakes.

I am very sad that President Trump is going to pieces over his impending defeat.

I wish him the best. Many of his policies were good, but his abrasive personality got in the way of actually implementing them.
let's see...Fauci believes in SCIENCE and is PUBLIC HEALTH official

here's what Trump believes in...

He believes witches can summon up storms that sink ships at sea. . . .

He believes in werewolves, although there happen not to be any in America—he knows they are to be found in Mexico. . . .

He believes Circe really did turn Odysseus’s crew into pigs.

He believes mice are spontaneously generated in piles of straw. He believes in contemporary magicians. . . .

He has seen a unicorn’s horn, but not a unicorn.

He believes that a murdered body will bleed in the presence of the murderer.

He believes that there is an ointment which, if rubbed on a dagger which has caused a wound, will cure the wound.

He believes that the shape, colour and texture of a plant can be a clue to how it will work as a medicine because God designed nature to be interpreted by mankind.

He believes that it is possible to turn base metal into gold, although he doubts that anyone knows how to do it.

He believes that nature abhors a vacuum.

He believes the rainbow is a sign from God and that comets portend evil.

He believes that dreams predict the future, if we know how to interpret them.

He believes, of course, that the earth stands still and the sun and stars turn around the earth once every twenty-four hours

i think i'll side with Fauci, and kick out Trump and his beliefs on Nov 3!
I have just voted for President Trump, but I acknowledge that he is going to lose -- BIG TIME.

I also acknowledge that his big mouth is only hurting him.

Yes, the Dem media have used Dr. Fauci to make Mr. Trump look worse. And it has worked. Some people absolutely worship Dr. Fauci, who is only human and makes his share of mistakes.

I am very sad that President Trump is going to pieces over his impending defeat.

I wish him the best. Many of his policies were good, but his abrasive personality got in the way of actually implementing them.
Don't give up hope. More people care about policy than you would think. In Indiana, a Hispanic man led a Trump rally in a town near me. Nobody buys the racism bullcrap, and I'm pretty sure they know democrats wouldn't have done any better against a virus that affected the whole world. They democrats are loud, but I'm fairly certain we have the numbers. How sad is it that individual liberty is unpopular to so many?
Westchester County just tested 10,000 school kids, 18 tested positive....for a disease that kids survive 99.7% of the time.

Tell Benito Cuomo let's get back to normal!
You must mean when Fauci lied to the country and told us in March not to wear masks, they were a waste of time, when he of all people knew better.
That was in reference to N95 masks, no? The knowledge has changed in regard to fabric masks and Fauci has moved with it. Like scientists do, as opposed to deplorables who assume fixed positions.
And never mind that 85% of all people getting Covid have worn the masks and done all the right bullshit.
Have worn a mask at some time. Jesus, you're desperate aren't you? Especially considering fabric masks are mainly to protect others. What anti science trope will you trot out next?
When Don said, ‘Don’t let the virus dominate your life,’ I heard a million epidemiologists cry out in terror

The fact that when Trump recovered, it was all about him beating the virus and not about, ‘I went through this ordeal and here is what we can do to stay safe’

That is a terrible lie. As a president, you have the opportunity to educate people every day
Fauci refused to tell homos to stop engaging in unusual anal sex situations and claimed all normal people would get AIDS in the 80's. Fauci is a fraud DNC operative who made millions scamming US taxpayers and is apparently involved in financing the Kung Flu. That ugly retard should be in prison!
let's see...Fauci believes in SCIENCE and is PUBLIC HEALTH official

here's what Trump believes in...

He believes witches can summon up storms that sink ships at sea. . . .

He believes in werewolves, although there happen not to be any in America—he knows they are to be found in Mexico. . . .

He believes Circe really did turn Odysseus’s crew into pigs.

He believes mice are spontaneously generated in piles of straw. He believes in contemporary magicians. . . .

He has seen a unicorn’s horn, but not a unicorn.

He believes that a murdered body will bleed in the presence of the murderer.

He believes that there is an ointment which, if rubbed on a dagger which has caused a wound, will cure the wound.

He believes that the shape, colour and texture of a plant can be a clue to how it will work as a medicine because God designed nature to be interpreted by mankind.

He believes that it is possible to turn base metal into gold, although he doubts that anyone knows how to do it.

He believes that nature abhors a vacuum.

He believes the rainbow is a sign from God and that comets portend evil.

He believes that dreams predict the future, if we know how to interpret them.

He believes, of course, that the earth stands still and the sun and stars turn around the earth once every twenty-four hours

i think i'll side with Fauci, and kick out Trump and his beliefs on Nov 3!

Fauci has questionable connections to Eco-Health Alliance and his investments depend on the paradigm he is spouting, he is not a disinterested financial party in all this, you are being propagandized.
Once the election is over, if Trump wins, he should fire and arrest Fauci for the fraud he has perpetrated.
let's see...Fauci believes in SCIENCE and is PUBLIC HEALTH official

here's what Trump believes in...

He believes witches can summon up storms that sink ships at sea. . . .

He believes in werewolves, although there happen not to be any in America—he knows they are to be found in Mexico. . . .

He believes Circe really did turn Odysseus’s crew into pigs.

He believes mice are spontaneously generated in piles of straw. He believes in contemporary magicians. . . .

He has seen a unicorn’s horn, but not a unicorn.

He believes that a murdered body will bleed in the presence of the murderer.

He believes that there is an ointment which, if rubbed on a dagger which has caused a wound, will cure the wound.

He believes that the shape, colour and texture of a plant can be a clue to how it will work as a medicine because God designed nature to be interpreted by mankind.

He believes that it is possible to turn base metal into gold, although he doubts that anyone knows how to do it.

He believes that nature abhors a vacuum.

He believes the rainbow is a sign from God and that comets portend evil.

He believes that dreams predict the future, if we know how to interpret them.

He believes, of course, that the earth stands still and the sun and stars turn around the earth once every twenty-four hours

i think i'll side with Fauci, and kick out Trump and his beliefs on Nov 3!
You are posting nonsense

as I said, fauchi wants to shut down the economy which will hurt more people than the chinese disease
let's see...Fauci believes in SCIENCE and is PUBLIC HEALTH official

here's what Trump believes in...

He believes witches can summon up storms that sink ships at sea. . . .

He believes in werewolves, although there happen not to be any in America—he knows they are to be found in Mexico. . . .

He believes Circe really did turn Odysseus’s crew into pigs.

He believes mice are spontaneously generated in piles of straw. He believes in contemporary magicians. . . .

He has seen a unicorn’s horn, but not a unicorn.

He believes that a murdered body will bleed in the presence of the murderer.

He believes that there is an ointment which, if rubbed on a dagger which has caused a wound, will cure the wound.

He believes that the shape, colour and texture of a plant can be a clue to how it will work as a medicine because God designed nature to be interpreted by mankind.

He believes that it is possible to turn base metal into gold, although he doubts that anyone knows how to do it.

He believes that nature abhors a vacuum.

He believes the rainbow is a sign from God and that comets portend evil.

He believes that dreams predict the future, if we know how to interpret them.

He believes, of course, that the earth stands still and the sun and stars turn around the earth once every twenty-four hours

i think i'll side with Fauci, and kick out Trump and his beliefs on Nov 3!
You are posting nonsense

as I said, fauchi wants to shut down the economy which will hurt more people than the chinese disease
NO NONSENSE, no nonsense, you're the nonsense!
NO NONSENSE, no nonsense, you're the nonsense!

you are lost in fantasy land

trump never said this as you claim:

“He believes in werewolves, although there happen not to be any in America—he knows they are to be found in Mexico. . . .“

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