Trump goes from silence to absurdity.


Gold Member
Jan 1, 2017

A few days ago, I asked, "Why has Trump been mum on Russia's expulsion of nearly 800 U.S. diplomats?" I thought it'd be interesting to see what USMB members thought might be the reason(s) Trump had been uncharacteristically quiescent about the first piece of major legislation that came his way and that was exclusive to the Trump presidency.

Now, Trump has signed the bill (S. 341 and the House equivalent) and issued the following statement about the bill and my thoughts follow his statements:

  • "This legislation is significantly flawed."
    • If that's indeed what he believes, why the hell did he sign it?
  • Although I share the policy views of sections 253 and 257, those provisions purport to displace the President's exclusive constitutional authority to recognize foreign governments, including their territorial bounds, in conflict with the Supreme Court's recent decision in Zivotofsky v. Kerry.
    • Constitutional authority of the POTUS re: foreign policy --- The framework of Presidential power was clearly articulated by Justice Robert Jackson in Youngstown Sheet & Tube Company v. Sawyer (1952):

      The Congress in 1977 passed the International Emergency Economic Powers Act which authorizes the POTUS "regulate commerce after declaring a national emergency in response to any unusual and extraordinary threat to the United States which has a foreign source." This is the legislation that grants the POTUS the authority to levy economic sanctions. Just as the Congress gave authority, it too can take it away, and that's exactly what it did in S. 341.
    • The Kerry decision is not in scope because it is about the POTUS' authority to recognize foreign nations and their represenatives. In Kerry:

      The Court held that, although the Constitution does not explicitly address the issue of recognition of foreign nations, the Reception Clause in Article II of the Constitution—which states that the President will receive foreign ambassadors—grants the President the power to recognize foreign states. The fact that Article II also vests the President with the power to make treaties and appoint ambassadors gives the President further control over recognition decisions.
  • "It encroaches on the executive branch’s authority to negotiate. [...] I can make far better deals with foreign countries than Congress."
    • Um....The self-declared "Great Negotiator" couldn't negotiate a positive or even passable (in every sense of the word) healthcare bill with the members of his own party who hold both houses of Congress. Constrained or not constrained is rather irrelevant, moot, if one cannot as "Negotiator in Chief" collaborate with one's own countrymen with whom one ostensibly shares goals. He had all the flexibility in the world re: healthcare and he didn't use it. Why? Most likely because, like foreign policy, he knows nothing about it and eschews developing a deep understanding of it and its attendant nuances.
  • "Yet despite its problems, I am signing this bill for the sake of national unity."
    • I'm incredulous that his staff even allowed that sentence to make it outside the WH walls. I don't know whether they groaned or laughed upon seeing Trump's final statement about S. 341. The single most pivotal factor deteriorating national unity in the U.S. is Trump. He'll do more for "national unity" by resigning than he will by signing any bill.

There is also Trump's relative quiescence about the legislation. He's made far ado about lesser documents he's signed. About all that's meritorious about Trump's lack of hoopla about S. 341 is that by remaining somewhat low-key about it, he avoided saying something else absurd.

Even a fool, when he holdeth his peace, is counted wise: and he that shutteth his lips is esteemed a man of understanding.
-- Proverbs 17:28​
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Why wouldnt he sign it? They had a veto proof majority. If he didnt, people would be saying he is putins bitch!
He dont complain about something we did to them just a few MONTHS before, and he is putins bitch. You people are ridiculous!
The putin/trump thing needs consistency. Good luck with that.
The freaking democrat party is in disarray while Debbie Wasserman is under investigation and Bill & Hill's foundation is going under and yet the angry hate filled left posts nit-picking junk gleaned from Media Matters spin. No wonder democrats haven't won an important election in more than five years.
The freaking democrat party is in disarray while Debbie Wasserman is under investigation and Bill & Hill's foundation is going under and yet the angry hate filled left posts nit-picking junk gleaned from Media Matters spin. No wonder democrats haven't won an important election in more than five years.
Yes. Pres. Trump spoke to a Russian person 5 years ago. Time for an special investigation. Mueller must hire 16 lawyers to help him find out why.
The freaking democrat party is in disarray while Debbie Wasserman is under investigation and Bill & Hill's foundation is going under and yet the angry hate filled left posts nit-picking junk gleaned from Media Matters spin. No wonder democrats haven't won an important election in more than five years.
Yes. Pres. Trump spoke to a Russian person 5 years ago. Time for an special investigation. Mueller must hire 16 lawyers to help him find out why.

Not exactly the reason, but yes, Muller is investigating. You got that part right.

Special Counsel Mueller Impanels Washington Grand Jury in Russia Probe
Expansion beyond Flynn grand jury is a sign the investigation in election meddling is ramping up

“This is yet a further sign that there is a long-term, large-scale series of prosecutions being contemplated and being pursued by the special counsel,” said Stephen I. Vladeck, a law professor at the University of Texas. “If there was already a grand jury in Alexandria looking at Flynn, there would be no need to reinvent the wheel for the same guy. This suggests that the investigation is bigger and wider than Flynn, perhaps substantially so.

Special Counsel Mueller Impanels Washington Grand Jury in Russia Probe

Special Counsel Mueller Impanels Washington Grand Jury in Russia Probe
Expansion beyond Flynn grand jury is a sign the investigation in election meddling is ramping up

“This is yet a further sign that there is a long-term, large-scale series of prosecutions being contemplated and being pursued by the special counsel,” said Stephen I. Vladeck, a law professor at the University of Texas. “If there was already a grand jury in Alexandria looking at Flynn, there would be no need to reinvent the wheel for the same guy. This suggests that the investigation is bigger and wider than Flynn, perhaps substantially so.

Special Counsel Mueller Impanels Washington Grand Jury in Russia Probe
This isn't new. It was reported back in June. Seems like a new spin since no real interest from the June disclosure was made, I will assume.

Special Counsel Mueller Impanels Washington Grand Jury in Russia Probe
Expansion beyond Flynn grand jury is a sign the investigation in election meddling is ramping up

“This is yet a further sign that there is a long-term, large-scale series of prosecutions being contemplated and being pursued by the special counsel,” said Stephen I. Vladeck, a law professor at the University of Texas. “If there was already a grand jury in Alexandria looking at Flynn, there would be no need to reinvent the wheel for the same guy. This suggests that the investigation is bigger and wider than Flynn, perhaps substantially so.

Special Counsel Mueller Impanels Washington Grand Jury in Russia Probe
This isn't new. It was reported back in June. Seems like a new spin since no real interest from the June disclosure was made, I will assume.

Special Counsel Mueller Impanels Washington Grand Jury in Russia Probe
Expansion beyond Flynn grand jury is a sign the investigation in election meddling is ramping up

“This is yet a further sign that there is a long-term, large-scale series of prosecutions being contemplated and being pursued by the special counsel,” said Stephen I. Vladeck, a law professor at the University of Texas. “If there was already a grand jury in Alexandria looking at Flynn, there would be no need to reinvent the wheel for the same guy. This suggests that the investigation is bigger and wider than Flynn, perhaps substantially so.

Special Counsel Mueller Impanels Washington Grand Jury in Russia Probe

Um, perhaps you should read the article. This is breaking news today.

A SECOND Grand Jury has been empaneled.
"The 2nd grand jury suggests there is a long-term, large-scale series of prosecutions being contemplated & pursued."
Nothing I can find elsewhere mentions a second grand jury

Special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia probe heats up
Mueller impanels grand jury to investigate Russian election meddling: Report
Mueller Is Said to Impanel Grand Jury in Russia Probe: WSJ

"The 2nd grand jury suggests there is a long-term, large-scale series of prosecutions being contemplated & pursued."
The Grand Jury empaneled for Flynn is in Virginia. This one is in DC, and has been expanded to others.

And you know this how? Maybe you are right but I find it rather coincidental they state it has been going on for several weeks, the approximate time the other one has been.
Nothing I can find elsewhere mentions a second grand jury

Special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia probe heats up
Mueller impanels grand jury to investigate Russian election meddling: Report
Mueller Is Said to Impanel Grand Jury in Russia Probe: WSJ

"The 2nd grand jury suggests there is a long-term, large-scale series of prosecutions being contemplated & pursued."
The Grand Jury empaneled for Flynn is in Virginia. This one is in DC, and has been expanded to others.

Nothing I can find elsewhere mentions a second grand jury

Special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia probe heats up
Mueller impanels grand jury to investigate Russian election meddling: Report
Mueller Is Said to Impanel Grand Jury in Russia Probe: WSJ

"The 2nd grand jury suggests there is a long-term, large-scale series of prosecutions being contemplated & pursued."
The Grand Jury empaneled for Flynn is in Virginia. This one is in DC, and has been expanded to others.

Why wouldnt he sign it? They had a veto proof majority. If he didnt, people would be saying he is putins bitch!
He dont complain about something we did to them just a few MONTHS before, and he is putins bitch. You people are ridiculous!
The putin/trump thing needs consistency. Good luck with that.

that's why i can't take them seriously. EVERYTHING he does is wrong even if it's what they wanted him to do.
This isn't new. It was reported back in June. Seems like a new spin since no real interest from the June disclosure was made, I will assume.

Special Counsel Mueller Impanels Washington Grand Jury in Russia Probe
Expansion beyond Flynn grand jury is a sign the investigation in election meddling is ramping up

“This is yet a further sign that there is a long-term, large-scale series of prosecutions being contemplated and being pursued by the special counsel,” said Stephen I. Vladeck, a law professor at the University of Texas. “If there was already a grand jury in Alexandria looking at Flynn, there would be no need to reinvent the wheel for the same guy. This suggests that the investigation is bigger and wider than Flynn, perhaps substantially so.

Special Counsel Mueller Impanels Washington Grand Jury in Russia Probe

Um, perhaps you should read the article. This is breaking news today.

A SECOND Grand Jury has been empaneled.

heating up. one way or another there will be more to talk and rant about soon.
The freaking democrat party is in disarray while Debbie Wasserman is under investigation and Bill & Hill's foundation is going under and yet the angry hate filled left posts nit-picking junk gleaned from Media Matters spin. No wonder democrats haven't won an important election in more than five years.
Yes. Pres. Trump spoke to a Russian person 5 years ago. Time for an special investigation. Mueller must hire 16 lawyers to help him find out why.

Not exactly the reason, but yes, Muller is investigating. You got that part right.
He's investigating the wrong person. He'll find nothing - but learning of his history of falsifying information and accusing innocent people (which he never apologized for) I'm sure he'll invent something. I'm equally sure the American people will see straight through it.
The freaking democrat party is in disarray while Debbie Wasserman is under investigation and Bill & Hill's foundation is going under and yet the angry hate filled left posts nit-picking junk gleaned from Media Matters spin. No wonder democrats haven't won an important election in more than five years.
Yes. Pres. Trump spoke to a Russian person 5 years ago. Time for an special investigation. Mueller must hire 16 lawyers to help him find out why.

Not exactly the reason, but yes, Muller is investigating. You got that part right.
He's investigating the wrong person. He'll find nothing - but learning of his history of falsifying information and accusing innocent people (which he never apologized for) I'm sure he'll invent something. I'm equally sure the American people will see straight through it.

You should call him right now and tell him. I'm sure he will appreciate you pointing out his mistake.

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