Trump goes there: insinuates that Megyn Kelly was menstruating during debate

Did you ask him?

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It's not my business to allow him the chance to mitigate his bigoted statements. He's done this before and if it were a conservative making these statements, you would take it at face value. You can admit you made a mistake. I promise not to upbraid you for it.
OK, I'll ask.


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OK...I'll answer

I was translating Trumps intent into crude terms to highlight the impact of what he said
What Trump said was repulsive and deserves derision.
His terminology in referring to women should not be tolerated
Exactly as I interpreted it. Unfortunately, many righties have problems with context....

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Trump says what we're thinking.

Not a Politically-correct bone in his body.

He didn't say what I was thinking with his crass attack on Megan Kelly. Of course, this is a surprise to many, but not me. I've been paying attention to who this creep is ever since Miss California.
Dear Lord, you just can't make this shit up. And he did this to a TV-anchor who has a HUGE Conservative following.


2016 Republican debate Donald Trump s Megyn Kelly war - POLITICO

After a day of escalating hostility, Trump took his attacks on Kelly to the next level on Friday night, apparently insinuating that the moderator had been menstruating when she questioned him during Thursday’s first Republican debate.

You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her — wherever,” he told anchor Don Lemon during an appearance on CNN.

It's pretty damned obvious.

I am making a prediction. I am predicting that this is not going to go well for Donald Trump and it is going to go just as badly for the Republican Party. This is misogyny pure. Had a Leftie said this about Megyn Kelly, Righties would be swinging from the rafters and screaming like banshees.

This is going to work wonders for the GOP in the female vote in 2016.

Thanks, Trump!

Edit: here's the video of his comments.

I knew he was a democratic stooge. This proves it.

Had anyone said that, I think the sensible would be demanding his head.
Clinton didn't leave Bush stuck with the great recession, two wars and a nation hated by most of the world.
Only left him 911, and Obama was gonna fix all that mess. Right? Well what happened?
Clinton left Bush a anti terrorist chief who was banging on White House doors and sending memo's about a coming terrorist attack from al Qaeda that included hi jacking of one or more passenger aircraft. Bush and his top security adviser Condi Rice ignored the guy and did absolutely nothing to prepare for the predicted attack.
Did he tell them when, how, and where? Bengazi, Obama was told when, how, and where and it still happened.
Your argument was lost years ago. It was lost in the public, in the media and in the Congressional Committees that looked into 9/11 and Benghazi. It doesn't even make a good deflection anymore. Lost cause boring crap from the rw fringe. Definitely has nothing to do with Trump crudely insulting women.
Oh......those poor women.

Insulting women isn't the worst thing a politician can do.
Of course not, but that is what the thread is about, isn't it? I don't know how it got into 9/11. Befuddling.
How about our current President who calls the opposite party the enemy and refuses to represent the whole country?
What about it?

Our president is entitled to respond to his critics and hold the opposing party responsible for their actions. He was not using offensive terms, he was stating the obvious
The president has a political platform that he ran on. A majority of the voters supported that platform. Whining that he does not "represent" you is childish

It was very offensive and it is not about one person.
Get serious

Compare the political rhetoric coming from the Republican leadership about Obama and Obamas response and the presidents responses are timid
Bush was very respectful towards Clinton throughout his presidency. Obama constantly blames Bush for his failures.
This is also a lie. Obama has barely mentioned 43 during his presidency. Try again, but first, consider getting back on topic. Thanks.

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Bullshit. He kept bitching about what he "inherited" and lying about where he inherited it from. No matter how much you people try to rewrite history, the chain reaction that caused a massive economic crash was run by Democrats 100%. Had Bucky been telling the truth and saying he inherited a bad economy from his own party, I would agree with you.
Clinton didn't leave Bush stuck with the great recession, two wars and a nation hated by most of the world.
Only left him 911, and Obama was gonna fix all that mess. Right? Well what happened?
Clinton left Bush a anti terrorist chief who was banging on White House doors and sending memo's about a coming terrorist attack from al Qaeda that included hi jacking of one or more passenger aircraft. Bush and his top security adviser Condi Rice ignored the guy and did absolutely nothing to prepare for the predicted attack.
Did he tell them when, how, and where? Bengazi, Obama was told when, how, and where and it still happened.
Your argument was lost years ago. It was lost in the public, in the media and in the Congressional Committees that looked into 9/11 and Benghazi. It doesn't even make a good deflection anymore. Lost cause boring crap from the rw fringe. Definitely has nothing to do with Trump crudely insulting women.
Oh......those poor women.

Insulting women isn't the worst thing a politician can do.
I know a president making fun of special Olympic kids is worse.
That is awesome! Trump just proved he's a conservative: blame others for your own shortcomings.
I see it as a democratic stooge attack. He is smart enough to know those who haven't drunk the kool aid would hate this. And democrats love this.
Only left him 911, and Obama was gonna fix all that mess. Right? Well what happened?
Clinton left Bush a anti terrorist chief who was banging on White House doors and sending memo's about a coming terrorist attack from al Qaeda that included hi jacking of one or more passenger aircraft. Bush and his top security adviser Condi Rice ignored the guy and did absolutely nothing to prepare for the predicted attack.
Did he tell them when, how, and where? Bengazi, Obama was told when, how, and where and it still happened.
Your argument was lost years ago. It was lost in the public, in the media and in the Congressional Committees that looked into 9/11 and Benghazi. It doesn't even make a good deflection anymore. Lost cause boring crap from the rw fringe. Definitely has nothing to do with Trump crudely insulting women.
I'm not saying Bush was blameless, but saying Clinton didn't have part of the blame is crazy.
OK, but you know we can go all the way back to Charlie Wilson and Carter and right on up into Reagan. We can blame Bush 41 for a crappy surrender agreement from Desert Storm. 9/11 happened on W's watch. That is who gets the blame for letting the bad guys into the perimeter.
I agree that Bush one should've took out Saddam, but he kept his agreement with the democrats to stop at Kuwait.
Nobody is defending Fox. They did their usual hatchet job, only this time their target was Trump, and his response was a childish, disgusting comeback. They can both be wrong, and they were.
Let me comprehend what you said.... The only way to get through to low information. Voters is go to entertainment and that's exactly what trump is doing, he is being a showman, trying to spark interest

No. I didn't say anything about any of that. I said they were both wrong. Fox did a hatchet job on Trump, and Trump is a pig.
Actually, FOX was hard on all of the candidates, but Donnie the talking Toupee opened his mouth so much that the lion's share of attention went to him.

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And extremely biased and unenlightened assessment.

They set him up. We'll see if it works for them or ends up costing them.

They set him up to make crude and disgusting remarks? No, no. Only one man is responsible for what Trump says ... and that's Trump.
Exactly. Of course the liberal journalists love red meat......they can't resist it. No matter what it does to help one side or the other.
At least I can say that liberals protect their own. These scumbags at Fox deserve to lose their hold on the ratings. Acting like they stand up for decency and fairness.....yet they're no better than MSNBC.
  1. Trump campaign on whatever meaning nose. Only a deviant would think anything else.

Let the butt hurt flow. Woman can't stand being insulted in anyway they may want to think about staying out of politics. Insults and attacks are a way of life in this area.
Who the fuck cares what you think. That crude enough for you..................I don't care Mr. Lib.

Your side for decades has been calling people Racists, Bigots, Homophobes, Womanizers.............and so on............All of the them mean the same thing...........STFU.................Your side attacks those who dare disagree with you...................and I'm tired of it.................

Gosh, you sound flabbergasted. Sorry you are tired of me voicing an opinion as to the quality and analysis of the moral implications of your crude and child like opinions and post, but that is just to bad. When you tell people the STFU on the net they usually ignore you. It means you have delusions of having some authority when all you have is, well,..... a delusion. usual you misunderstand the STFU comment......................I equate it to your side's use of the words already posted............To me they mean the same thing...................

So I told you to STFU in reference to how you talk to us all the time.

The Ignore function is on this site...............If you are thin skinned then use it.............It will not change the price of rice in China to me.
Lets get it straight. You are doubling down on a crude attack made to a woman about menstruating and posting photo's to reinforce your point, and whining about how someone on a message board responds to your crudeness. Typical dish it out but can't take it behavior.

Women do not menstruate out of their eyes.
It's the left who is making it about her period.

yeah, I think it is possible he was just kind of repeating his earlier statement or trying to expand it and then added whatever......
wasnt even thinking about menstruation.

If he was however....expect him to double we will probably know for sure.
If so, it is so over the top, and plays into democratic line and sympathy for Hillary...that you have to wonder if he isnt a shill for the Democrats.
I don't wonder. I have been sure of it from day one. It is obvious that he is a shill. It should be obvious to the meanest intellegence.
That is awesome! Trump just proved he's a conservative: blame others for your own shortcomings.

omg, how funny. seven years into Obama and everything is still:
Bush or Republicans fault. what a hoot you people will fall for anything
Lol, the thread topic is two Repubs, retard.

Stephanie is a moronic bitch who doesn't know shit and proves it over and over every day.
Steph is not the topic. Please remain on topic. It should be "Trump is a moronic bastard who doesn't know shit and proves it over and over every day"
Some on the left don't believe in social excuses for free; drugs, menstruation, there is no excuse for a lousy argument.
Has anyone asked Megan Kelly if it's true? Perhaps she was menstruing during the debate. Is Trumph wrong to point it out if it's true.
We are witnessing the crude behavior of not only Trump, but his supporters. One need look no further than the pages of USMB to find immature and foul behavior. Wonder why America's standards and morals are in decline. Well, here you go.

One low class individual and his somewhat-misled backers are not responsible. The moral structure of American society has been in decline for decades, and history clearly shows the responsibility falls squarely on the heads of the Democrats and their supporters.

So you're saying that it's not trump's's societies?

My statement clearly does not say that, nor could what I said be more clear .
In response to the controversy over his comments that Megyn Kelly was being aggressive because she was bleeding off her "whatever," Donald Trump tweeted a clarification:


Banned Donald Trump says I was talking about Megyn Kelly s NOSE Tycoon declares war on politically correct fools who kicked him out of GOP conference for his sexist attack on Fox host Daily Mail Online
That is awesome! Trump just proved he's a conservative: blame others for your own shortcomings.

omg, how funny. seven years into Obama and everything is still:
Bush or Republicans fault. what a hoot you people will fall for anything
Lol, the thread topic is two Repubs, retard.

Stephanie is a moronic bitch who doesn't know shit and proves it over and over every day.

Wow... You just said something 10x worse about Stephanie than anything Donald Trump has ever said about any woman... (except maybe Rosie.)

Typical Flaming Liberal Hypocrite!
What a joke. As if anyone believes that.

The man's campaign is done. It's just a matter of time before that becomes more obvious to all.
Can't you people condense all this Trump shit in one thread? There is like 50 threads on the subject

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