Trump goes there: insinuates that Megyn Kelly was menstruating during debate

Dear Lord, you just can't make this shit up. And he did this to a TV-anchor who has a HUGE Conservative following.


2016 Republican debate Donald Trump s Megyn Kelly war - POLITICO

After a day of escalating hostility, Trump took his attacks on Kelly to the next level on Friday night, apparently insinuating that the moderator had been menstruating when she questioned him during Thursday’s first Republican debate.

You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her — wherever,” he told anchor Don Lemon during an appearance on CNN.

It's pretty damned obvious.

I am making a prediction. I am predicting that this is not going to go well for Donald Trump and it is going to go just as badly for the Republican Party. This is misogyny pure. Had a Leftie said this about Megyn Kelly, Righties would be swinging from the rafters and screaming like banshees.

This is going to work wonders for the GOP in the female vote in 2016.

Thanks, Trump!

Edit: here's the video of his comments.

lmao..... this is getting comical now the clown parade on here is defending Fox

I'm not defending Fox. This thread is not about Fox. Question: are you brain-damaged?

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Don't be a hypocrite yes you are, you are playing Murdoch and Kelly as a victim....

You are trying everything you can to throw Trump under the buss so he don't go after Hillary.

T-Rump threw himself under the bus and is claiming to be the "victim".

The truth is no one forced him to say those vile words.

He said them because he is a vile person.

Kelly simply called him on them and now he has to deal with the consequences.

Drumpf has only three reactions:

You're a dummy.
You're fired.
You were mean to me.
The one to be hurt by this exchange is going to be Megyn Kelly. It's a shame because she was likely fed that question. It was her, because criticism of women is impossible. Wherever, does not mean she was menstruating.

Trump is going to win this one. Kelly is getting battered from all sides.
Are you kidding? Trump is the one that has something to fear. He just outed himself as a misogynist that Megan Kelly and I always knew him to be. Now she's going to make sure that America knows what kind of creep this guy is. And if an enterprising reporter sets up an interview with Carrie Prejean, we're going to see how he had "Miss California" fired because she wouldn't pose nude for Playboy because of her Christian values. You people are putting your faith in the wrong man if you value morality, decency, and equal rights for women.

On behalf of the Trump campaign, let me go ahead and thank you beforehand for the three weeks of free media coverage you are about to willingly gift him with. In a crowded GOP field, it is always nice to be the center of attention.

It won't play out like you think. People will get sick of guessing what bigoted, unfiltered statement the lout will come out with next.


That's funny because both are lies.

Fluke never asked from free birth control and no Dem politician called arah a "slut".

Its Bristol who is the slut.
Oh.............You guys call Republicans Sluts, Racist, Womanizers so often it's hard to remember which one you are calling a slut at the time......................

And I remember the WAR ON WOMEN Palin style...........and here you are defending FOX.............LOL
Because you want to attack Trump and feel you must defend a news group that you usually call whores and sluts.

The media is smarter than he is. They're all circling like sharks knowing that he can't resist blabbing all over TV, that he doesn't temper his speech, and that he can be made to say just about anything. Kelly is just the start. They're going to get the filth inside of him to come spilling out at every opportunity. It gets worse from here....find somebody else.

WORSE??? The man is leading over his closest opponent in every major national poll by double digits.... He is currently leading Jeb Bush... IN FLORIDA! The more you morons try to "get him" the more he makes you look like idiots and sucks up more of the oxygen in the room.
He's flip flopped on several statements since his fiasco at the "debate".

Apparently, his people are telling him what he should be saying.

Get used to it because he has no control over his mouth.
Looks like the left made an assumption......and were trumped.
here you go.

TAKE a gander. believe me none of these women or the phonies on the left is sensitive about anything. I left off the posters name who started the thread. but the Title is Palin like chocolate.... and it went on for over 350 pages. and then you haven't seen the ones about her downs syndrome baby


A publishing source told The ENQUIRER that McGinniss claims Sarah had a “fetish” for black men at the time and he quotes a friend as saying Sarah had “hauled (Rice’s) ass down.”

New book says Sarah Palin had one night stand with Glen Rice. | ProBasketballTalk
The media is smarter than he is. They're all circling like sharks knowing that he can't resist blabbing all over TV, that he doesn't temper his speech, and that he can be made to say just about anything. Kelly is just the start. They're going to get the filth inside of him to come spilling out at every opportunity. It gets worse from here....find somebody else.

WORSE??? The man is leading over his closest opponent in every major national poll by double digits.... He is currently leading Jeb Bush... IN FLORIDA! The more you morons try to "get him" the more he makes you look like idiots and sucks up more of the oxygen in the room.
It's a sawdust fire. You forget the election is 15 months away and this kind of half cocked circus campaign never has endurance.
The one to be hurt by this exchange is going to be Megyn Kelly. It's a shame because she was likely fed that question. It was her, because criticism of women is impossible. Wherever, does not mean she was menstruating.

Trump is going to win this one. Kelly is getting battered from all sides.
Are you kidding? Trump is the one that has something to fear. He just outed himself as a misogynist that Megan Kelly and I always knew him to be. Now she's going to make sure that America knows what kind of creep this guy is. And if an enterprising reporter sets up an interview with Carrie Prejean, we're going to see how he had "Miss California" fired because she wouldn't pose nude for Playboy because of her Christian values. You people are putting your faith in the wrong man if you value morality, decency, and equal rights for women.

On behalf of the Trump campaign, let me go ahead and thank you beforehand for the three weeks of free media coverage you are about to willingly gift him with. In a crowded GOP field, it is always nice to be the center of attention.

It won't play out like you think. People will get sick of guessing what bigoted, unfiltered statement the lout will come out with next.

I disagree... I think the people are going to get tired of hypocrite self-righteous liberals trying to make something out of nothing. So please... keep this in the spotlight! Keep badgering him over his comments and giving him air time! It's literally something money cannot buy at this point... (CFR laws and all)... So keep it up! Trump needs more exposure!
The left has had horrific things to say about Megyn and her network. A whole helluva lot worse than 'she might have been menstruating' ...heck, I'm with Donald... Something must have been wrong with her. This was a chance to look at the candidates running for President of the United States and hear their points of views on issues pertaining to our country... not some reality show gossip and banter about Rosie O'Donnell. Her question was intentionally written to make a vicious attack on Trump. It was just the sort of question some pea-brain liberal might ask... Not Megyn Kelly.

Fox News lost a TON of credibility with me last night. It was a shameful attempt at something you can't call a 'debate' by any definition of the word. It was... let's ambush Trump, throw difficult questions at Carson, make Huckabee sound like a liberal, get Cruz to talk about Jesus, Rand to talk about NSA, Walker to talk about unions, Rubio to sob over immigrants... then make Jeb, Christie and Kasich look as 'presidential' as possible!

Please provide links with quotes.

I have never heard a Leftie say even one misogynistic thing about Megyn Kelly, ever.

Please, have at it. I can wait.

No they just post pictures of her in silky lingerie and say they would do her.

Not misogynistic at all. Nope.

Why do you think she posed for those pictures in the first place?
If Kelly wants to be taken seriously as a journalist you don't pose for pictures like that
God damn you are gay as shit. So confused now you are going after Kelly?

Who is your target bitch? Trump or Kelly, this is so fascinating, you don't know even know who to attack.:)

Your brain is too small to realize both Kelly and Trump are asses. Just because at least one is wrong doesn't mean the other was right.
Which leading liberal presidential candidate called Palin a c*nt?

It is your leading candidate for president who is using these terms, not some comedian

Can you tell the difference?
Like I said my guy is Carson, but Trump driving you nuts is quite amusing. I hope he turns it up a notch. He is keeping liberals away from the real republican nominee. I think it's great! I can't wait for Hillary to come out of hiding and Trump puts her on her ass!
I hope Trump does turn it up a notch. I hope he runs third party
He damages Republicans not Democrats
Actually he is getting the uninformed voter crowd. That would be the democrat side. So no, Trump would be hurting democrats, Perot did take republican voters away and gave Clinton the presidency, but Trump third party would take votes from Hillary. Especially after the young voters find out her stance on issues. If she ever tells us that.

Trump would take votes from Hillary? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Yes, most uninformed voters are democrats. You have entertaining Trump on one side, and you have a boring ole bat on the other side. They would vote for Trump in a heart beat. Trump was once a liberal so he can get their vote. The liberal education system could bite you in the ass on this one.

Trump won't get any sane persons vote no matter what he says he advocates today.

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