Trump Got the Left to Come Out Against the 4th Of July

Trump has played the incredible trick of making the Left seem to come out against the 4th of July. The public doesn’t hear the nuance only the beat. And he’s done this time and again on God, mom and apple pie.
Trump is probably one of the most brilliant politicians in American history.

Ten Independence Day Tweets Showcasing Leftist Media's Hatred for Patriotism

Eh, too much group think inspires me to mention the trail of tears or something also.

But yeah, if we're happy Trump can make the folks who voted against him less patriotic, go Donald?
Getting his opponents to stop hiding and show the world want they truly believe is the pinnacle of political gamesmanship.

I don't know if you are seeing the bigger picture.

A good political leader makes everyone proud to be part of the group.

This isn't quite the same as a major league baseball team where you can cut or trade folks who aren't in for "my way or the highway".
Like Obama did?

Criticizing Obama is fair game. Go for it.

Big open minded folks can criticize Trump & Obama honestly!
Trump has played the incredible trick of making the Left seem to come out against the 4th of July. The public doesn’t hear the nuance only the beat. And he’s done this time and again on God, mom and apple pie.
Trump is probably one of the most brilliant politicians in American history.

Ten Independence Day Tweets Showcasing Leftist Media's Hatred for Patriotism

Eh, too much group think inspires me to mention the trail of tears or something also.

But yeah, if we're happy Trump can make the folks who voted against him less patriotic, go Donald?
Getting his opponents to stop hiding and show the world want they truly believe is the pinnacle of political gamesmanship.

I don't know if you are seeing the bigger picture.

A good political leader makes everyone proud to be part of the group.

This isn't quite the same as a major league baseball team where you can cut or trade folks who aren't in for "my way or the highway".
The "my way or the highway" guy hasn't been in office since early 2017, remember?
The biggest problem with the left is that the old hag didn't get elected and they still can't deal with that.
Their dreams of a socialist utopia had been put on hold.

Got it. You are here to brush political views with broad strokes and call ppl names. Nothing like getting "the xxxxx" to dig in their feet and driving "them" further from your point of view.
Trump has played the incredible trick of making the Left seem to come out against the 4th of July. The public doesn’t hear the nuance only the beat. And he’s done this time and again on God, mom and apple pie.
Trump is probably one of the most brilliant politicians in American history.

Ten Independence Day Tweets Showcasing Leftist Media's Hatred for Patriotism

Eh, too much group think inspires me to mention the trail of tears or something also.

But yeah, if we're happy Trump can make the folks who voted against him less patriotic, go Donald?
Getting his opponents to stop hiding and show the world want they truly believe is the pinnacle of political gamesmanship.

I don't know if you are seeing the bigger picture.

A good political leader makes everyone proud to be part of the group.

This isn't quite the same as a major league baseball team where you can cut or trade folks who aren't in for "my way or the highway".
The "my way or the highway" guy hasn't been in office since early 2017, remember?
The biggest problem with the left is that the old hag didn't get elected and they still can't deal with that.
Their dreams of a socialist utopia had been put on hold.

Got it. You are here to brush political views with broad strokes and call ppl names. Nothing like getting "the xxxxx" to dig in their feet and driving "them" further from your point of view.
I can't help if they're butthurt and the truth bothers them....I'm assuming you are one of them. I may be wrong on that....not sure.
Obama WAS the "my way or the highway" president...not sure why you took exception..
I really could care less on what ppl think of my opinion....this is a political message board. I'm not going to change
your mind or their minds with my opinion, nor will YOU change mine.
By the way.....Trump did put a hold on the socialist dream
Eh, too much group think inspires me to mention the trail of tears or something also.

But yeah, if we're happy Trump can make the folks who voted against him less patriotic, go Donald?
Getting his opponents to stop hiding and show the world want they truly believe is the pinnacle of political gamesmanship.

I don't know if you are seeing the bigger picture.

A good political leader makes everyone proud to be part of the group.

This isn't quite the same as a major league baseball team where you can cut or trade folks who aren't in for "my way or the highway".
The "my way or the highway" guy hasn't been in office since early 2017, remember?
The biggest problem with the left is that the old hag didn't get elected and they still can't deal with that.
Their dreams of a socialist utopia had been put on hold.

Got it. You are here to brush political views with broad strokes and call ppl names. Nothing like getting "the xxxxx" to dig in their feet and driving "them" further from your point of view.
I can't help if they're butthurt and the truth bothers them....I'm assuming you are one of them. I may be wrong on that....not sure.
Obama WAS the "my way or the highway" president...not sure why you took exception..
I really could care less on what ppl think of my opinion....this is a political message board. I'm not going to change
your mind or their minds with my opinion, nor will YOU change mine.
By the way.....Trump did put a hold on the socialist dream

On here I'm a leftists. On other boards they think I'm part of the Pro-Business Authoritarian Republican crowd defending Monstanto because I question the intelligence of folks thought Round-Up could kill plants near instantly, couldn't be sprayed on water but wasn't long term ppl poison.

I'll argue Trump is an authoritarian pro-business socialist. Welfare is welfare, as bankruptcy protection for corporations and their investors IS welfare as much as food stamps are. Notice I didn't say either are good or bad. Just what they are.

I've been focusing more lately on political consistency. If you've abandoned the conservative moniker and just want to sit with "I agree with Trump" that's cool also. I just have been having more fun poking the moral majority for their "compromise" vote.
Trump has played the incredible trick of making the Left seem to come out against the 4th of July. The public doesn’t hear the nuance only the beat. And he’s done this time and again on God, mom and apple pie.
Trump is probably one of the most brilliant politicians in American history.

Ten Independence Day Tweets Showcasing Leftist Media's Hatred for Patriotism

Eh, too much group think inspires me to mention the trail of tears or something also.

But yeah, if we're happy Trump can make the folks who voted against him less patriotic, go Donald?
No, your hatred for America
Americans love and understand July 4th. No one needed Donald Dork to explain it. He only tarnished and contaminated it.
Oh just shut up. Trump gave a great speech, wasn't that long. I bet you didn't watch it, and it still bothers you. Man, get a life. Lol
I thought I was listening to a seventh-grade history teacher.
We aren't talking about Obama off the teleprompter.

The guy with the Iowa Class avatar hates America..........

Perhaps our views of what is good about baseball or America are just different.

If I say "Trail of Tears" what do you think of?

I think of a hate filled backwoodsman who somehow made it to the White House and managed to send thousands of people away from their ancestral homes.

In the end, they people had the last laugh as they were exiled to lands atop massive lakes of oil. From a dirt-scratching existence, they were elevated to an upper middle-class status.

I bet Jackson is turning in his grave.
Breaking news: President Trump’s July Fourth celebration cost the D.C. government $1.7 million
Trump has played the incredible trick of making the Left seem to come out against the 4th of July.

Only to the Trumpublicans.

But truthiness is what Trumpybear is all about. Just like the WWE.

It just feels true, deep down in yer gut, doesn't it?
Trump has played the incredible trick of making the Left seem to come out against the 4th of July. The public doesn’t hear the nuance only the beat. And he’s done this time and again on God, mom and apple pie.
Trump is probably one of the most brilliant politicians in American history.

Ten Independence Day Tweets Showcasing Leftist Media's Hatred for Patriotism

Eh, too much group think inspires me to mention the trail of tears or something also.

But yeah, if we're happy Trump can make the folks who voted against him less patriotic, go Donald?
No, your hatred for America
Americans love and understand July 4th. No one needed Donald Dork to explain it. He only tarnished and contaminated it.
Oh just shut up. Trump gave a great speech, wasn't that long. I bet you didn't watch it, and it still bothers you. Man, get a life. Lol
I thought I was listening to a seventh-grade history teacher.
We aren't talking about Obama off the teleprompter.

The guy with the Iowa Class avatar hates America..........

Perhaps our views of what is good about baseball or America are just different.

If I say "Trail of Tears" what do you think of?

I think of a hate filled backwoodsman who somehow made it to the White House and managed to send thousands of people away from their ancestral homes.

In the end, they people had the last laugh as they were exiled to lands atop massive lakes of oil. From a dirt-scratching existence, they were elevated to an upper middle-class status.

I bet Jackson is turning in his grave.

Most of Oklahoma was stolen from them too and most of the oil.
Is that surprising coming from liberals? I - along with everyone else with a functioning cerebellum - have seen for years now that liberals are the most violent force of America-hatred in history. They're a walking disease incapable of the emotions of loyalty and gratitude.

Oh, and that liberal phony compassion for the third-world is nothing but a subterfuge to hide the fact they are the worst NIMBYs humanity has ever seen. I have so many leftist relatives who would raise hell if someone opened up a homeless shelter next door, or if a bunch illegals moved next door. Everything liberals do is to hide their sheer selfishness and being further up their own assholes than any other group of Americans in history.

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