Trump Hangs Picture with Dictator Kim Jong-Un in White House...

Trump supporters quiet as Charlie Chaplin in the movie, "The Great Dictator."

Trump hangs photographs of himself and Kim Jong-un in White House - next to picture of the Queen

Trump is playing you Tards and kim..............

He’s killing two birds with one stone.

Only tards he is playing is the ones that suddenly find no problem with him putting up a picture in the White House a dictator that killed an American citizen and you are ok with it. Then again you've never shown an ounce of intelligence to realize it.
Trump supporters quiet as Charlie Chaplin in the movie, "The Great Dictator."

Trump hangs photographs of himself and Kim Jong-un in White House - next to picture of the Queen

Are you hearing your own words? Donald Trump must rule your life. Hail to the King!

As much as Congresswoman AOC rules your's?

If Obama had a picture of a dictator in the White House, people would be rioting.

Socialism is absolutely horrible! But having a picture of the President with a ruthless dictator that killed American Otto Warmbier is not an issue. Wow... :rolleyes:

I'll agree AOC is easy on the eyes, and the video of her rooftop dance . . . mesmerizing in a primitive sort of way. While I get where you're coming from, I also understand the unprecedented historic significance of the President's meetings with Kim, the dictator scum incarnate, and why POTUS would want to memorialize the moment. Perhaps one day soon he will hang Kim's head beside the offending photo. Would that please the crowd?

I'd just be happy if he wasn't hanging the picture of a Dictator up in the fucking WHITE HOUSE that killed an American citizen... like SINCE he has been President.
Most of our troops were killed with Iranian supplied weapons, and you defend Obummer handing them billions in hard cash.

I did? That's call a strawman. You want to make a bet you can't show proof of your statement? I know I'll be able to show for the next year or so all the people that defended Trump doing this.
Trump supporters quiet as Charlie Chaplin in the movie, "The Great Dictator."

Trump hangs photographs of himself and Kim Jong-un in White House - next to picture of the Queen

Trump is playing you Tards and kim..............

He’s killing two birds with one stone.

Only tards he is playing is the ones that suddenly find no problem with him putting up a picture in the White House a dictator that killed an American citizen and you are ok with it. Then again you've never shown an ounce of intelligence to realize it.

You’re butt hurt makes me very happy...

Do some more....

I think you are quite confused. It's not being butthurt, it is called having a rational response to the situation. Then again it takes a bit of brains to know when and what kind of response to have. You on other hand are putting your support behind a murdering dictator. Good job. :thup:
Trump supporters quiet as Charlie Chaplin in the movie, "The Great Dictator."

Trump hangs photographs of himself and Kim Jong-un in White House - next to picture of the Queen
Remember when they all lost their minds over that Andy Warhol "Mao" christmas decoration?

They would go nuts over an Obama fart, but Trump hangs a picture of a Dictator that killed an American citizen and they don't give two shits. The White House doesn't belong to Trump, it belongs to American citizens.
some people bitch over trumps farts too....just sayin....
Trump supporters quiet as Charlie Chaplin in the movie, "The Great Dictator."

Trump hangs photographs of himself and Kim Jong-un in White House - next to picture of the Queen

And? He lives there for now, he can put any photos he wants. BTW that photo will likely be in history books as well, you gonna cry about that too?


I see Kim is threatening to expand his nuclear program again.
Kim has played Trump, making Trump his useful idiot, while being legitimized as a major player on the world stage.
This as Trump kisses the ass of a man responsible for for the deaths of thousands of his own citizens and his own family members.
Trump and his Little Trumpsters have zero morals.
It’s Trump over morals, every single time.
Trump supporters quiet as Charlie Chaplin in the movie, "The Great Dictator."

Trump hangs photographs of himself and Kim Jong-un in White House - next to picture of the Queen

Trump is playing you Tards and kim..............

He’s killing two birds with one stone.

Only tards he is playing is the ones that suddenly find no problem with him putting up a picture in the White House a dictator that killed an American citizen and you are ok with it. Then again you've never shown an ounce of intelligence to realize it.

You’re butt hurt makes me very happy...

Do some more....

I think you are quite confused. It's not being butthurt, it is called having a rational response to the situation. Then again it takes a bit of brains to know when and what kind of response to have. You on other hand are putting your support behind a murdering dictator. Good job. :thup:

Trump knows kim is a POS....

Trump is trying to disarm kim......

Your hate for Trump blinds you....
Trump supporters quiet as Charlie Chaplin in the movie, "The Great Dictator."
Trump hangs photographs of himself and Kim Jong-un in White House - next to picture of the Queen

Hell, they have pictures of the Clintons and the Obamas hanging in there, so now I guess ANYTHING goes! At least with Kim, he's only threatened to fundamentally destroy America! He hasn't actually half way gone through with it, making Democrats by far the greater threat.

And the best part: like the master chessman puppet-master that he is, this can only further trigger the Left deeper. HaHa

Yeah the best response you got is to make a joke about it.

I was going to make a joke about you but you speak for yourself. ITMT:
  1. The Clintons gave away billions worth of secret Lorell missile technology to the Chinese.
  2. Barry Obumma cost millions of lives and billions in property damage in the Middle East. Little Kim is a piker.

Do you even realize you are trying to rationalize why it is ok for Trump to put up a picture of a DICTATOR THAT KILLED AN AMERICAN CITIZEN IN THE WHITE HOUSE. If you have no problem with that, you are 1/100th the U.S. citizen Omar is.

It's a picture of a dominant moment for him in diplomacy.
Trump supporters quiet as Charlie Chaplin in the movie, "The Great Dictator."

Trump hangs photographs of himself and Kim Jong-un in White House - next to picture of the Queen
Remember when they all lost their minds over that Andy Warhol "Mao" christmas decoration?

They would go nuts over an Obama fart, but Trump hangs a picture of a Dictator that killed an American citizen and they don't give two shits. The White House doesn't belong to Trump, it belongs to American citizens.
fat donnie is a racist and a rapist and any who support him are ok with that.

I'm sitting here watching the number of Trump supporters that are so brainwashed they are literally selling their soul for him, all while Tump tries to talk about how he loves this country more than others. If he loved this country so much he sure as fuck wouldn't put that picture up, and slap in the face the Warmbier family. So every time some of the people defending him in this thread get outraged over dumb shit, I can pull up this thread. So in the same week Trump claims Rep. Omar is a member of Al-Qaeda he puts up in the White House a REAL murderer of an American citizen. Imagine that.
Trump supporters quiet as Charlie Chaplin in the movie, "The Great Dictator."

Trump hangs photographs of himself and Kim Jong-un in White House - next to picture of the Queen

Are you hearing your own words? Donald Trump must rule your life. Hail to the King!

As much as Congresswoman AOC rules your's?

If Obama had a picture of a dictator in the White House, people would be rioting.

Socialism is absolutely horrible! But having a picture of the President with a ruthless dictator that killed American Otto Warmbier is not an issue. Wow... :rolleyes:
Barry made no effort to get him out of North Korea you stupid fool
Trump supporters quiet as Charlie Chaplin in the movie, "The Great Dictator."
Trump hangs photographs of himself and Kim Jong-un in White House - next to picture of the Queen

Hell, they have pictures of the Clintons and the Obamas hanging in there, so now I guess ANYTHING goes! At least with Kim, he's only threatened to fundamentally destroy America! He hasn't actually half way gone through with it, making Democrats by far the greater threat.

And the best part: like the master chessman puppet-master that he is, this can only further trigger the Left deeper. HaHa

Yeah the best response you got is to make a joke about it.

I was going to make a joke about you but you speak for yourself. ITMT:
  1. The Clintons gave away billions worth of secret Lorell missile technology to the Chinese.
  2. Barry Obumma cost millions of lives and billions in property damage in the Middle East. Little Kim is a piker.

Do you even realize you are trying to rationalize why it is ok for Trump to put up a picture of a DICTATOR THAT KILLED AN AMERICAN CITIZEN IN THE WHITE HOUSE. If you have no problem with that, you are 1/100th the U.S. citizen Omar is.

Yet HERE YOU FUCKING ARE rationalizing putting a picture of someone in the White House that:
  • Sold out US missile technology to hostile foreign agents for personal gain.
  • Was raping and molesting unpaid junior subordinates right in the Oval Office.
  • Tried to steal a bunch of the White House's gifts and property.
  • Sold out stays in the Lincoln bedroom for money.
  • Used the Resolute Desk as a personal footstool.
  • Sent back gifts from Winston Churchill to the Queen seriously insulting our best ally.
  • Spied on and attacked numerous people from the Press just trying to do their jobs.
  • Spied on and conspired against the incoming President.
  • Weaponized a department of the federal government against the public to steal a 2nd term.
  • Gave away hundreds of billions in taxpayer money to failed businesses and crony friends.
  • Blatantly lied to all of the American people to sell them a package taking over 1/6th of the US economy that actually did the OPPOSITE promised.
  • Cost millions of lives by blatantly ignoring the greatest global threat just to appease his donator base.
  • Repeatedly exceeded his legal authority and powers as a president having to be slapped down by the Supreme Court numerous times.
Richard Nixon made inroads with the Chinese where no president went before.

Ronald Reagan made inroads with the Red Soviets ending the USSR and reuniting Germany.

Now Trump has made inroads with Kim, quelling a serious threat and staving off the chances of another repeat of the OW incident. A great accomplishment.

Bill Clinton got blowjobs.

Barry Obumma partied like it was 1999.

I am? Obama was a President. He was elected twice by the people of the United States. Was Kim Jong-Un elected by American citizens?

I think you when God passed out logic you called off sick.
Trump supporters quiet as Charlie Chaplin in the movie, "The Great Dictator."

Trump hangs photographs of himself and Kim Jong-un in White House - next to picture of the Queen
So what?

Are you now going to feign outrage or something, jackass?

I don't have to feign anything. I am outraged by it. A dictator who kills American citizens doesn't need to have their existed legitimized by a President putting up his picture in the White House. Thanks for showing how you are less of a citizen than the same very people you say aren't. :thup:
Trump supporters quiet as Charlie Chaplin in the movie, "The Great Dictator."

Trump hangs photographs of himself and Kim Jong-un in White House - next to picture of the Queen

And? He lives there for now, he can put any photos he wants. BTW that photo will likely be in history books as well, you gonna cry about that too?


History will record what a useless 4 years this administration has been and nothing shows it better than trumps bromanance with KIm Jung un.
Hell, they have pictures of the Clintons and the Obamas hanging in there, so now I guess ANYTHING goes! At least with Kim, he's only threatened to fundamentally destroy America! He hasn't actually half way gone through with it, making Democrats by far the greater threat.

And the best part: like the master chessman puppet-master that he is, this can only further trigger the Left deeper. HaHa

Yeah the best response you got is to make a joke about it.

I was going to make a joke about you but you speak for yourself. ITMT:
  1. The Clintons gave away billions worth of secret Lorell missile technology to the Chinese.
  2. Barry Obumma cost millions of lives and billions in property damage in the Middle East. Little Kim is a piker.

Do you even realize you are trying to rationalize why it is ok for Trump to put up a picture of a DICTATOR THAT KILLED AN AMERICAN CITIZEN IN THE WHITE HOUSE. If you have no problem with that, you are 1/100th the U.S. citizen Omar is.

Yet HERE YOU FUCKING ARE rationalizing putting a picture of someone in the White House that:
  • Sold out US missile technology to hostile foreign agents for personal gain.
  • Was raping and molesting unpaid junior subordinates right in the Oval Office.
  • Tried to steal a bunch of the White House's gifts and property.
  • Sold out stays in the Lincoln bedroom for money.
  • Used the Resolute Desk as a personal footstool.
  • Sent back gifts from Winston Churchill to the Queen seriously insulting our best ally.
  • Spied on and attacked numerous people from the Press just trying to do their jobs.
  • Spied on and conspired against the incoming President.
  • Weaponized a department of the federal government against the public to steal a 2nd term.
  • Gave away hundreds of billions in taxpayer money to failed businesses and crony friends.
  • Blatantly lied to all of the American people to sell them a package taking over 1/6th of the US economy that actually did the OPPOSITE promised.
  • Cost millions of lives by blatantly ignoring the greatest global threat just to appease his donator base.
  • Repeatedly exceeded his legal authority and powers as a president having to be slapped down by the Supreme Court numerous times.
Richard Nixon made inroads with the Chinese where no president went before.

Ronald Reagan made inroads with the Red Soviets ending the USSR and reuniting Germany.

Now Trump has made inroads with Kim, quelling a serious threat and staving off the chances of another repeat of the OW incident. A great accomplishment.

Bill Clinton got blowjobs.

Barry Obumma partied like it was 1999.

I am? Obama was a President. He was elected twice by the people of the United States. Was Kim Jong-Un elected by American citizens?

I think you when God passed out logic you called off sick.

"Logic" moron? Can you say STRAW MAN ARGUMENT? The issue isn't election, it is ACCOMPLISHMENTS. Trump has more accomplishments in his pinky finger than all of Clinton and Obumma put together. The Kim meeting was a historical moment that will go down in the books. He can hang any damn pictures he wants.

All Willy has to show for himself is cumstains all over the walls and ceilings of the White House, and all Obumma has to show for himself is his Hollywood party bills and his brown nosing the Ayatollah of Iran to please take our $150 billion dollars.
Why would he put a picture of Kim and not Omar

I guess he is being a diplomat now

Flip Flop Flip Flop
Flop Flip Flop Flip
Hell, they have pictures of the Clintons and the Obamas hanging in there, so now I guess ANYTHING goes! At least with Kim, he's only threatened to fundamentally destroy America! He hasn't actually half way gone through with it, making Democrats by far the greater threat.

And the best part: like the master chessman puppet-master that he is, this can only further trigger the Left deeper. HaHa

Yeah the best response you got is to make a joke about it.

I was going to make a joke about you but you speak for yourself. ITMT:
  1. The Clintons gave away billions worth of secret Lorell missile technology to the Chinese.
  2. Barry Obumma cost millions of lives and billions in property damage in the Middle East. Little Kim is a piker.

Standard comeback for a trumpster. But clintons did this, but barry did that. Just like a little kid.

You mean like how Obumma spent his entire 8 years in office telling the nation that he wasn't responsible for any of his mess and that he inherited it all and was a janitor with a broom trying to clean it up? EVERYTHING in life needs CONTEXT. Without context, there is no meaning. Tards like you hate it when we bring up Clintorus and Obumma because compared to them, Trump is an angel. I get that.

Has nothing to do with what is discussed in this thread. If you want to talk about them, feel free to start a thread. They didn't put up pictures of Dictators in the White House. Quit trying to derail the thread.

Pictures hanging in the White House are not germane to the thread? :CryingCow: OH DEAR, what lengths you will go to run from what the wrongs your Willy and Barry committed. Trump is free to hanging anything on the wall he wants. Maybe next year he'll hang a photo of him mooning the Democrats after winning reelection, and I'd like that. Go suck Trump's big fat orange ass.

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