Trump Hangs Picture with Dictator Kim Jong-Un in White House...

Sooo many strawman arguments in this thread.

I haven't read the thread, but I think it's fair to say that, you would be critical of Trump regardless of what he did or didn't do with regard to North Korea or anything else. Right?

No, it would not be fair to say that. How did you feel about Obama and Cuba? How did you feel about the death of Otto Warmbier?
Sooo many strawman arguments in this thread.

I haven't read the thread, but I think it's fair to say that, you would be critical of Trump regardless of what he did or didn't do with regard to North Korea or anything else. Right?

No, it would not be fair to say that. How did you feel about Obama and Cuba? How did you feel about the death of Otto Warmbier?

I expressed support for normalizing relations with Cuba. It was and remains my hope that Cuba will eventually abandon its totalitarian system.

I think the death of Otto Warmbier was a horrific crime and I felt, at the time, that the U.S. should have made North Korea, particularly Jung-un, pay a price for his murder.

As I told you before, I don't agree with Trump's approach to North Korea. I believe another strategy is better.

Still, it is my impression that you hate Trump more than you love America and so you will criticize him no matter what.
Sooo many strawman arguments in this thread.

I haven't read the thread, but I think it's fair to say that, you would be critical of Trump regardless of what he did or didn't do with regard to North Korea or anything else. Right?

No, it would not be fair to say that. How did you feel about Obama and Cuba? How did you feel about the death of Otto Warmbier?

I expressed support for normalizing relations with Cuba. It was and remains my hope that Cuba will eventually abandon its totalitarian system.

I think the death of Otto Warmbier was a horrific crime and I felt, at the time, that the U.S. should have made North Korea, particularly Jung-un, pay a price for his murder.

As I told you before, I don't agree with Trump's approach to North Korea. I believe another strategy is better.

Still, it is my impression that you hate Trump more than you love America and so you will criticize him no matter what.

And your thought is wrong. My love of the true America and what it stands for is in large part WHY I don't like Trump. The things he does and gets others to do is NOT what America is about.
Trump supporters quiet as Charlie Chaplin in the movie, "The Great Dictator."

Trump hangs photographs of himself and Kim Jong-un in White House - next to picture of the Queen
Remember when they all lost their minds over that Andy Warhol "Mao" christmas decoration?

They would go nuts over an Obama fart, but Trump hangs a picture of a Dictator that killed an American citizen and they don't give two shits. The White House doesn't belong to Trump, it belongs to American citizens.
How many illegals have killed American citizens?
Elected officials are supposed to serve
the interests of this country and her citizens
Trump supporters quiet as Charlie Chaplin in the movie, "The Great Dictator."

Trump hangs photographs of himself and Kim Jong-un in White House - next to picture of the Queen
Remember when they all lost their minds over that Andy Warhol "Mao" christmas decoration?

They would go nuts over an Obama fart, but Trump hangs a picture of a Dictator that killed an American citizen and they don't give two shits. The White House doesn't belong to Trump, it belongs to American citizens.
How many illegals have killed American citizens?
Elected officials are supposed to serve
the interests of this country and her citizens

How many American citizens have killed American citizens?

I certainly hope you are not trying to equate an undocumented immigrant to the dictator of a country.
Trump supporters quiet as Charlie Chaplin in the movie, "The Great Dictator."

Trump hangs photographs of himself and Kim Jong-un in White House - next to picture of the Queen
Remember when they all lost their minds over that Andy Warhol "Mao" christmas decoration?

They would go nuts over an Obama fart, but Trump hangs a picture of a Dictator that killed an American citizen and they don't give two shits. The White House doesn't belong to Trump, it belongs to American citizens.
How many illegals have killed American citizens?
Elected officials are supposed to serve
the interests of this country and her citizens

How many American citizens have killed American citizens?

I certainly hope you are not trying to equate an undocumented immigrant to the dictator of a country.
Are you equating illegals to American citizens?
Trump supporters quiet as Charlie Chaplin in the movie, "The Great Dictator."

Trump hangs photographs of himself and Kim Jong-un in White House - next to picture of the Queen
Remember when they all lost their minds over that Andy Warhol "Mao" christmas decoration?

They would go nuts over an Obama fart, but Trump hangs a picture of a Dictator that killed an American citizen and they don't give two shits. The White House doesn't belong to Trump, it belongs to American citizens.
How many illegals have killed American citizens?
Elected officials are supposed to serve
the interests of this country and her citizens

How many American citizens have killed American citizens?

I certainly hope you are not trying to equate an undocumented immigrant to the dictator of a country.
Are you equating illegals to American citizens?

They are on the same level where it comes to power in society. It's also been gone over many times over, undocumented immigrants commit crimes, at lower rates than American citizens.

To me crimes are crimes, and depending on the crime, are done by bad people. They are just as bad no matter the documentation of the person who committed them.
And your thought is wrong. My love of the true America and what it stands for is in large part WHY I don't like Trump. The things he does and gets others to do is NOT what America is about.

But you support politicians and policies that are DETRIMENTAL to the interests of Americans, particularly poor and middle class Americans.
And your thought is wrong. My love of the true America and what it stands for is in large part WHY I don't like Trump. The things he does and gets others to do is NOT what America is about.

But you support politicians and policies that are DETRIMENTAL to the interests of Americans, particularly poor and middle class Americans.

Just because they have different plans and views on some things does not make them detrimental to America.

Rand Paul voted for Trump's HUGE tax cut that blasted the national debt... and then he turned around and WOULDN'T vote to help to continue to fund the 911 Fund because he said it would grow the national debt. He was ok with filling the pockets of the rich to raise the national debt, but NOT OK to fund the people that were effected during the terrorist attack of 911. How do you feel about that? Do you support Rand Paul?

Not to mention, if John Kasich ran against Trump, I would be voting for him and not any Democrat.
Just because they have different plans and views on some things does not make them detrimental to America.

The out-of-control immigration is BAD for Americans. Controlled immigration is GOOD but what we have and what the Democrats support is BAD for America. The Democratic Party in particular is unwilling to do anything to enforce our nation's immigration laws. So much for Obama's statement that ''We're a nation of laws''. I'm glad that Trump is fighting to UPHOLD THE LAW and to deport those that aren't legally permitted to be here. The Democratic Party wants to import a permanent underclass of people who will, eventually (they hope), vote Democrat so that a socialist type of system can be implemented and they can acquire greater power and wealth. They have ZERO interest in doing anything positive for poor and average Americans. You hate Trump and yet, he's the only one trying to help us.
Just because they have different plans and views on some things does not make them detrimental to America.

The out-of-control immigration is BAD for Americans. Controlled immigration is GOOD but what we have and what the Democrats support is BAD for America. The Democratic Party in particular is unwilling to do anything to enforce our nation's immigration laws. So much for Obama's statement that ''We're a nation of laws''. I'm glad that Trump is fighting to UPHOLD THE LAW and to deport those that aren't legally permitted to be here. The Democratic Party wants to import a permanent underclass of people who will, eventually (they hope), vote Democrat so that a socialist type of system can be implemented and they can acquire greater power and wealth. They have ZERO interest in doing anything positive for poor and average Americans. You hate Trump and yet, he's the only one trying to help us.

FYI, until recently, illegal immigration was at an all-time low in decades. That is a very good indication of a manufactured crisis. When people living in countries that are full of corruption, gangs, violence... many of which are like that because of things the United States destabilized their government... and Trump pulls the funding the U.S. was sending there, and he is vocal that he isn't going to gradually change the immigration system, but instead is going to basically end U.S. asylum, then they fear their only shot to escape the world they live in where either their, or their child's life is in severe danger, then they all get together and try to get here before they will NEVER have a chance again.

It is no different than say when the weather man says a huge snow storm is coming, and people run to the grocery store to stock up on essential items fighting over milk and bread. That was a situation that was created.

NO ONE wants open borders. This whole argument has become a zero sum game. If a person disagrees with Trump, it doesn't mean they have a different plan that may be differently structured than Trump... NO it means you are for totally open borders! You want to let everyone in, including drugs dealers, gang members, and murders! No, that isn't what a lot of people are saying, but it sure is what a lot of people believe because Trump is saying it.

If you want Trump to uphold the laws? Then hold him accountable when he is told what he is doing is AGAINST the law. If a judge says no, he can't do something, don't get pissed at the judge because he is stopping Trump, because that is the system we live in! Trump is violating current asylum laws by having bore agents prevent immigrants from touching American soil so they can present theirself for asylum! He is breaking the law by holding asylum seekers for more hours in detention centers than he is supposed to. One law after another... if you and Trump don't like the laws, CHANGE them, don't break them.
We have 23 million illegals and growing. The word is out that Aneeica's borders are open. Illegals drive up the cost of healthcare and everything else. They also drive down wages for Americans.
We have 23 million illegals and growing. The word is out that Aneeica's borders are open. Illegals drive up the cost of healthcare and everything else. They also drive down wages for Americans.

That's why you punish the companies that hire them. If word gets out if immigrants come to the United States and can't get jobs they won't come.

I hate to tell you this, but undocumented immigrants do not qualify for a lot of social welfare programs. You know what really drives up healthcare? People who can't afford to eat healthy and end up with a family of all obese people with hypertension and diabetes... and foot problems, knee problems, back problems, etc.

You are making a ton of excuses. If YOU, TRUMP, and enough Americans don't like the asylum laws... CHANGE THEM. You are the one that said you like Trump for enforcing laws, well no, he isn't, he's breaking them.

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