Trump Hangs Picture with Dictator Kim Jong-Un in White House...

Yeah the best response you got is to make a joke about it.

I was going to make a joke about you but you speak for yourself. ITMT:
  1. The Clintons gave away billions worth of secret Lorell missile technology to the Chinese.
  2. Barry Obumma cost millions of lives and billions in property damage in the Middle East. Little Kim is a piker.

Do you even realize you are trying to rationalize why it is ok for Trump to put up a picture of a DICTATOR THAT KILLED AN AMERICAN CITIZEN IN THE WHITE HOUSE. If you have no problem with that, you are 1/100th the U.S. citizen Omar is.

Yet HERE YOU FUCKING ARE rationalizing putting a picture of someone in the White House that:
  • Sold out US missile technology to hostile foreign agents for personal gain.
  • Was raping and molesting unpaid junior subordinates right in the Oval Office.
  • Tried to steal a bunch of the White House's gifts and property.
  • Sold out stays in the Lincoln bedroom for money.
  • Used the Resolute Desk as a personal footstool.
  • Sent back gifts from Winston Churchill to the Queen seriously insulting our best ally.
  • Spied on and attacked numerous people from the Press just trying to do their jobs.
  • Spied on and conspired against the incoming President.
  • Weaponized a department of the federal government against the public to steal a 2nd term.
  • Gave away hundreds of billions in taxpayer money to failed businesses and crony friends.
  • Blatantly lied to all of the American people to sell them a package taking over 1/6th of the US economy that actually did the OPPOSITE promised.
  • Cost millions of lives by blatantly ignoring the greatest global threat just to appease his donator base.
  • Repeatedly exceeded his legal authority and powers as a president having to be slapped down by the Supreme Court numerous times.
Richard Nixon made inroads with the Chinese where no president went before.

Ronald Reagan made inroads with the Red Soviets ending the USSR and reuniting Germany.

Now Trump has made inroads with Kim, quelling a serious threat and staving off the chances of another repeat of the OW incident. A great accomplishment.

Bill Clinton got blowjobs.

Barry Obumma partied like it was 1999.

I am? Obama was a President. He was elected twice by the people of the United States. Was Kim Jong-Un elected by American citizens?

I think you when God passed out logic you called off sick.

"Logic" moron? Can you say STRAW MAN ARGUMENT? The issue isn't election, it is ACCOMPLISHMENTS. Trump has more accomplishments on his pinky finger that all of Clinton and Obumma put together. The Kim, meeting was a historical moment that will go down in the books. He can hang any damn pictures he wants.

All Willy has to show for himself is cumstains all over the walls and ceilings of the White House, and all Obumma has to show for himself is his Hollywood party bills and his brown nosing the Ayatollah of Iran to please taker out $150 billion dollars.

Are you going to keep it on topic or do I need to start reporting posts like you guys do?

This thread is about Trump putting up a picture of a murderous dictator who killed American Otto Warmbier in the White House.

I guess you guys have forgotten who he is.

Otto Warmbier - Wikipedia

Here is a quote from Trump saying he believes Kim Jong-Un when he says he didn't know Warmbier was being mistreated and was on death's bed, despite foreign affairs specialist and intelligence officials saying differently,

""I don't believe that he would have allowed that to happen," Mr. Trump said. "Just wasn't to his advantage to allow that to happen. Those prisons are rough. They're rough places. And bad things happen. But I really don't believe he knew about it.""

Trump says he will take Kim Jong Un "at his word" that he didn't know about Otto Warmbier's condition

For sure! Why would Jong-Un, a guy that has killed his own family members, let it happen?!!?
I was going to make a joke about you but you speak for yourself. ITMT:
  1. The Clintons gave away billions worth of secret Lorell missile technology to the Chinese.
  2. Barry Obumma cost millions of lives and billions in property damage in the Middle East. Little Kim is a piker.

Do you even realize you are trying to rationalize why it is ok for Trump to put up a picture of a DICTATOR THAT KILLED AN AMERICAN CITIZEN IN THE WHITE HOUSE. If you have no problem with that, you are 1/100th the U.S. citizen Omar is.

Yet HERE YOU FUCKING ARE rationalizing putting a picture of someone in the White House that:
  • Sold out US missile technology to hostile foreign agents for personal gain.
  • Was raping and molesting unpaid junior subordinates right in the Oval Office.
  • Tried to steal a bunch of the White House's gifts and property.
  • Sold out stays in the Lincoln bedroom for money.
  • Used the Resolute Desk as a personal footstool.
  • Sent back gifts from Winston Churchill to the Queen seriously insulting our best ally.
  • Spied on and attacked numerous people from the Press just trying to do their jobs.
  • Spied on and conspired against the incoming President.
  • Weaponized a department of the federal government against the public to steal a 2nd term.
  • Gave away hundreds of billions in taxpayer money to failed businesses and crony friends.
  • Blatantly lied to all of the American people to sell them a package taking over 1/6th of the US economy that actually did the OPPOSITE promised.
  • Cost millions of lives by blatantly ignoring the greatest global threat just to appease his donator base.
  • Repeatedly exceeded his legal authority and powers as a president having to be slapped down by the Supreme Court numerous times.
Richard Nixon made inroads with the Chinese where no president went before.

Ronald Reagan made inroads with the Red Soviets ending the USSR and reuniting Germany.

Now Trump has made inroads with Kim, quelling a serious threat and staving off the chances of another repeat of the OW incident. A great accomplishment.

Bill Clinton got blowjobs.

Barry Obumma partied like it was 1999.

I am? Obama was a President. He was elected twice by the people of the United States. Was Kim Jong-Un elected by American citizens?

I think you when God passed out logic you called off sick.

"Logic" moron? Can you say STRAW MAN ARGUMENT? The issue isn't election, it is ACCOMPLISHMENTS. Trump has more accomplishments on his pinky finger that all of Clinton and Obumma put together. The Kim, meeting was a historical moment that will go down in the books. He can hang any damn pictures he wants.

All Willy has to show for himself is cumstains all over the walls and ceilings of the White House, and all Obumma has to show for himself is his Hollywood party bills and his brown nosing the Ayatollah of Iran to please taker out $150 billion dollars.

Are you going to keep it on topic or do I need to start reporting posts like you guys do?

Lew, please try to stay on topic. The topic is about pictures hung on WH walls and why, NOT Otto Wambier. Keep that in mind. Photos, Lew. Presidents hang photos of great accomplishments, meeting and moments. Trump has them. Willy and Barry didn't. Donald has taken a sows ear and is now turning him into a silk purse. Try to accept that and quit trying to steer every post to come out with the result YOU intended.
The photographs show Mr Trump inspecting the demilitarised zone (DMZ) that separates North Korea and South Korea;

History books ?
It would be one for the history books but the left along with their low IQ ****** nazi slaves is working up to erasing all of it ....along with western civilization and and white people

Good luck with that plan

Instead of arguing about who's "off topic" -- go read the OP and decide to STAY on that topic...

Literally, it's about a picture in the White House that nearly everybody has already seen in the media...
Do you even realize you are trying to rationalize why it is ok for Trump to put up a picture of a DICTATOR THAT KILLED AN AMERICAN CITIZEN IN THE WHITE HOUSE. If you have no problem with that, you are 1/100th the U.S. citizen Omar is.

Yet HERE YOU FUCKING ARE rationalizing putting a picture of someone in the White House that:
  • Sold out US missile technology to hostile foreign agents for personal gain.
  • Was raping and molesting unpaid junior subordinates right in the Oval Office.
  • Tried to steal a bunch of the White House's gifts and property.
  • Sold out stays in the Lincoln bedroom for money.
  • Used the Resolute Desk as a personal footstool.
  • Sent back gifts from Winston Churchill to the Queen seriously insulting our best ally.
  • Spied on and attacked numerous people from the Press just trying to do their jobs.
  • Spied on and conspired against the incoming President.
  • Weaponized a department of the federal government against the public to steal a 2nd term.
  • Gave away hundreds of billions in taxpayer money to failed businesses and crony friends.
  • Blatantly lied to all of the American people to sell them a package taking over 1/6th of the US economy that actually did the OPPOSITE promised.
  • Cost millions of lives by blatantly ignoring the greatest global threat just to appease his donator base.
  • Repeatedly exceeded his legal authority and powers as a president having to be slapped down by the Supreme Court numerous times.
Richard Nixon made inroads with the Chinese where no president went before.

Ronald Reagan made inroads with the Red Soviets ending the USSR and reuniting Germany.

Now Trump has made inroads with Kim, quelling a serious threat and staving off the chances of another repeat of the OW incident. A great accomplishment.

Bill Clinton got blowjobs.

Barry Obumma partied like it was 1999.

I am? Obama was a President. He was elected twice by the people of the United States. Was Kim Jong-Un elected by American citizens?

I think you when God passed out logic you called off sick.

"Logic" moron? Can you say STRAW MAN ARGUMENT? The issue isn't election, it is ACCOMPLISHMENTS. Trump has more accomplishments on his pinky finger that all of Clinton and Obumma put together. The Kim, meeting was a historical moment that will go down in the books. He can hang any damn pictures he wants.

All Willy has to show for himself is cumstains all over the walls and ceilings of the White House, and all Obumma has to show for himself is his Hollywood party bills and his brown nosing the Ayatollah of Iran to please taker out $150 billion dollars.

Are you going to keep it on topic or do I need to start reporting posts like you guys do?

Lew, please try to stay on topic. The topic is about pictures hung on WH walls and why, NOT Otto Wambier. Keep that in mind. Photos, Lew. Presidents hang photos of great accomplishments, meeting and moments. Trump has them. Willy and Barry didn't. Donald has taken a sows ear and is now turning him into a silk purse. Try to accept that and quit trying to steer every post to come out with the result YOU intended.

No the thread is about a picture of a dictator that killed an American citizen being hung up in the White House.
Instead of arguing about who's "off topic" -- go read the OP and decide to STAY on that topic...

Literally, it's about a picture in the White House that nearly everybody has already seen in the media...

Except hanging it up in the White House gives Jong-Un legitimacy and gives him more positive propaganda to share with his citizens.

That's a pretty biased red warning you posted there Admin.
Trump supporters quiet as Charlie Chaplin in the movie, "The Great Dictator."

Trump hangs photographs of himself and Kim Jong-un in White House - next to picture of the Queen

And? He lives there for now, he can put any photos he wants. BTW that photo will likely be in history books as well, you gonna cry about that too?


I see Kim is threatening to expand his nuclear program again.
Kim has played Trump, making Trump his useful idiot, while being legitimized as a major player on the world stage.
This as Trump kisses the ass of a man responsible for for the deaths of thousands of his own citizens and his own family members.
Trump and his Little Trumpsters have zero morals.
It’s Trump over morals, every single time.

Poor little commie, you can't refute what I actually said, so you deflect and try to change the topic. I think that's a posting rules violation.

Instead of arguing about who's "off topic" -- go read the OP and decide to STAY on that topic...

Literally, it's about a picture in the White House that nearly everybody has already seen in the media...

Except hanging it up in the White House gives Jong-Un legitimacy and gives him more positive propaganda to share with his citizens.

That's a pretty biased red warning you posted there Admin.

You feel the way about that picture going into the Library of Congress or the Smithsonian??? :badgrin:
Trump supporters quiet as Charlie Chaplin in the movie, "The Great Dictator."

Trump hangs photographs of himself and Kim Jong-un in White House - next to picture of the Queen

And? He lives there for now, he can put any photos he wants. BTW that photo will likely be in history books as well, you gonna cry about that too?


History will record what a useless 4 years this administration has been and nothing shows it better than trumps bromanance with KIm Jung un.

Really, with all the other good economic news, I heard today that hispanic home ownership just hit an all time high. So feel free to keep lying to yourself and others, you'll love the next 5+ years of the Trump presidency. LMAO

I was going to make a joke about you but you speak for yourself. ITMT:
  1. The Clintons gave away billions worth of secret Lorell missile technology to the Chinese.
  2. Barry Obumma cost millions of lives and billions in property damage in the Middle East. Little Kim is a piker.

Do you even realize you are trying to rationalize why it is ok for Trump to put up a picture of a DICTATOR THAT KILLED AN AMERICAN CITIZEN IN THE WHITE HOUSE. If you have no problem with that, you are 1/100th the U.S. citizen Omar is.

Yet HERE YOU FUCKING ARE rationalizing putting a picture of someone in the White House that:
  • Sold out US missile technology to hostile foreign agents for personal gain.
  • Was raping and molesting unpaid junior subordinates right in the Oval Office.
  • Tried to steal a bunch of the White House's gifts and property.
  • Sold out stays in the Lincoln bedroom for money.
  • Used the Resolute Desk as a personal footstool.
  • Sent back gifts from Winston Churchill to the Queen seriously insulting our best ally.
  • Spied on and attacked numerous people from the Press just trying to do their jobs.
  • Spied on and conspired against the incoming President.
  • Weaponized a department of the federal government against the public to steal a 2nd term.
  • Gave away hundreds of billions in taxpayer money to failed businesses and crony friends.
  • Blatantly lied to all of the American people to sell them a package taking over 1/6th of the US economy that actually did the OPPOSITE promised.
  • Cost millions of lives by blatantly ignoring the greatest global threat just to appease his donator base.
  • Repeatedly exceeded his legal authority and powers as a president having to be slapped down by the Supreme Court numerous times.
Richard Nixon made inroads with the Chinese where no president went before.

Ronald Reagan made inroads with the Red Soviets ending the USSR and reuniting Germany.

Now Trump has made inroads with Kim, quelling a serious threat and staving off the chances of another repeat of the OW incident. A great accomplishment.

Bill Clinton got blowjobs.

Barry Obumma partied like it was 1999.

I am? Obama was a President. He was elected twice by the people of the United States. Was Kim Jong-Un elected by American citizens?

I think you when God passed out logic you called off sick.

"Logic" moron? Can you say STRAW MAN ARGUMENT? The issue isn't election, it is ACCOMPLISHMENTS. Trump has more accomplishments on his pinky finger that all of Clinton and Obumma put together. The Kim, meeting was a historical moment that will go down in the books. He can hang any damn pictures he wants.

All Willy has to show for himself is cumstains all over the walls and ceilings of the White House, and all Obumma has to show for himself is his Hollywood party bills and his brown nosing the Ayatollah of Iran to please taker out $150 billion dollars.

Are you going to keep it on topic or do I need to start reporting posts like you guys do?

This thread is about Trump putting up a picture of a murderous dictator who killed American Otto Warmbier in the White House.

I guess you guys have forgotten who he is.

Otto Warmbier - Wikipedia

Here is a quote from Trump saying he believes Kim Jong-Un when he says he didn't know Warmbier was being mistreated and was on death's bed, despite foreign affairs specialist and intelligence officials saying differently,

""I don't believe that he would have allowed that to happen," Mr. Trump said. "Just wasn't to his advantage to allow that to happen. Those prisons are rough. They're rough places. And bad things happen. But I really don't believe he knew about it.""

Trump says he will take Kim Jong Un "at his word" that he didn't know about Otto Warmbier's condition

For sure! Why would Jong-Un, a guy that has killed his own family members, let it happen?!!?
Oh, he's that idiot who went to a country where everybody is taught to hate Americans from birth and insulted the entire country by stealing a patriotic banner. Both the inmates and guards probably whooped his ass every day. He earned a painful Darwin award.
Trump supporters quiet as Charlie Chaplin in the movie, "The Great Dictator."

Trump hangs photographs of himself and Kim Jong-un in White House - next to picture of the Queen

And? He lives there for now, he can put any photos he wants. BTW that photo will likely be in history books as well, you gonna cry about that too?


I see Kim is threatening to expand his nuclear program again.
Kim has played Trump, making Trump his useful idiot, while being legitimized as a major player on the world stage.
This as Trump kisses the ass of a man responsible for for the deaths of thousands of his own citizens and his own family members.
Trump and his Little Trumpsters have zero morals.
It’s Trump over morals, every single time.

Poor little commie, you can't refute what I actually said, so you deflect and try to change the topic. I think that's a posting rules violation.

Refute what? Your wet dream of that the picture of Kim playing Trump (again) will be in history books? I doubt it. Everybody knows that Kim is using Trump to boost his place on the world stage. Well, anybody but gullible Little Trumpsters.
That "historic meeting" meant nothing to Kim.
Humiliation for Trump as North Korea threatens to resume missile tests despite Kim meeting
Trump supporters quiet as Charlie Chaplin in the movie, "The Great Dictator."

Trump hangs photographs of himself and Kim Jong-un in White House - next to picture of the Queen

And? He lives there for now, he can put any photos he wants. BTW that photo will likely be in history books as well, you gonna cry about that too?


I see Kim is threatening to expand his nuclear program again.
Kim has played Trump, making Trump his useful idiot, while being legitimized as a major player on the world stage.
This as Trump kisses the ass of a man responsible for for the deaths of thousands of his own citizens and his own family members.
Trump and his Little Trumpsters have zero morals.
It’s Trump over morals, every single time.

Really?? So you're plan is to continue the madness of ENGAGING madmen thru low level negotiations that go nowhere ad nauseum??? In the PRK there is ONE "decision maker".. He's responsible to NO ONE... If you don't want to just end up "killing them all" -- you best go talk to HIM....

That's the 30 yr mistake of American diplomacy with North Korea.... Not rare either. We fuck it up CONSTANTLY by "going by the book".....

You're just scared shitless Trump MIGHT succeed without "killing them all"... Or without having North Korea START a conflict in Asia that could take out parts of L.A..

Dennis fucking RODMAN was a better US diplomat to N. Korea than ALL of the PREVIOUS diplomatic attempts to take this meglomaniacal, sent by god, disturbed piece of kim chee off the ledge his family and himself created..

He CAN be "talked down" into prosperity and peace.. Just NOT by "low level discussions" that would NEVER work....

Bite it. It's true....
Last edited:
Trump supporters quiet as Charlie Chaplin in the movie, "The Great Dictator."

Trump hangs photographs of himself and Kim Jong-un in White House - next to picture of the Queen

And? He lives there for now, he can put any photos he wants. BTW that photo will likely be in history books as well, you gonna cry about that too?


I see Kim is threatening to expand his nuclear program again.
Kim has played Trump, making Trump his useful idiot, while being legitimized as a major player on the world stage.
This as Trump kisses the ass of a man responsible for for the deaths of thousands of his own citizens and his own family members.
Trump and his Little Trumpsters have zero morals.
It’s Trump over morals, every single time.

Poor little commie, you can't refute what I actually said, so you deflect and try to change the topic. I think that's a posting rules violation.

Refute what? Your wet dream of that the picture of Kim playing Trump (again) will be in history books? I doubt it. Everybody knows that Kim is using Trump to boost his place on the world stage. Well, anybody but gullible Little Trumpsters.
That "historic meeting" meant nothing to Kim.
Humiliation for Trump as North Korea threatens to resume missile tests despite Kim meeting

First American president to set foot in NK, yep it'll be in the history books, of course the remainder of the chapter has yet to be written.

Trump supporters quiet as Charlie Chaplin in the movie, "The Great Dictator."

Trump hangs photographs of himself and Kim Jong-un in White House - next to picture of the Queen

And? He lives there for now, he can put any photos he wants. BTW that photo will likely be in history books as well, you gonna cry about that too?


I see Kim is threatening to expand his nuclear program again.
Kim has played Trump, making Trump his useful idiot, while being legitimized as a major player on the world stage.
This as Trump kisses the ass of a man responsible for for the deaths of thousands of his own citizens and his own family members.
Trump and his Little Trumpsters have zero morals.
It’s Trump over morals, every single time.

So you're only reply to that cogent analysis is a funny? You're in this thread just to create narratives about a picture in the White House to score cheap political points and expect NOT to be challenged?? So be it....

I see nothing "funny" about diplomacy with N Korean dictators that HAS to be done..... And personal assurances of our peaceful intentions IS the true "American way"...


There's more than ONE way to get there... Better ideas, even if RISKY are a welcomed alternative to kicking cans down the road for the NEXT CIC......
Instead of arguing about who's "off topic" -- go read the OP and decide to STAY on that topic...

Literally, it's about a picture in the White House that nearly everybody has already seen in the media...

Except hanging it up in the White House gives Jong-Un legitimacy and gives him more positive propaganda to share with his citizens.

That's a pretty biased red warning you posted there Admin.

Heads up Lew, not your place to comment on moderator actions. I have no problem with the photo of Trump and Kim commemorating their historic meeting. What makes it special is that such a meeting could occur DESPITE what and who Kim has been in the past! Did it ever occur to you that Trump is maybe reforming the dictatorship of NK towards a better democratic future for all their people? OF COURSE NOT.

But if you feel so strongly about a little picture few will ever see in person deep somewhere inside the White House, much less Kim unless he actually comes to Washington (hopefully some day he will), what are your feelings about the legitimacy that Obama gave the Ayatollah of Iran by not only giving them a pathway to nuclear bombs but by also giving them 150 billion dollars they didn't even ask for before the entire world???? Or are you going to duck and weave on that as well in your one-sided myopic attempt to smear everything the president does?
Over 7,800 American military personnel are still listed as missing from the Korean War. Trump lies about cooperation with N. Korea over accounting for MIA's. N. Korea returned about 50 alleged remains after Trump's visit with the N. Korean dictator. So far, only 5 of those alleged remains have been identified as American military personnel.

Vietnam allowed American experts to question villagers and N. Vietnam military personnel about possible burial sites and to search for and excavate those sites. Not only were many missing Americans found in this procedure, in many cases a full accounting of the Americans demise was obtained. No such procedures are available for N. Korea.
I'm sitting here watching the number of Trump supporters that are so brainwashed they are literally selling their soul for him, all while Tump tries to talk about how he loves this country more than others...
So those who don't agree with your leftarded silliness are brainwashed, eh? You do know that is a common lament of not-too-brights, right? Others aren't as STUPID as y'all are and you need to learn to live with that.

This POTUS is clearly an America-first guy (obviously not your sorta fella) and you seem believe God anointed you judge and master of men's souls.

Typically pompous leftard.
I don't have to feign anything. I am outraged by it.
Of course you are, Snowflake ... that is why Trump hung that pic in a place of prominence. In fact, he's been triggering you for years and you just never seem to get it.
Except hanging it up in the White House gives Jong-Un legitimacy and gives him more positive propaganda to share with his citizens. That's a pretty biased red warning you posted there Admin.
LOL. So hanging Kim's pic gives the little twerp legitimacy and propaganda?

Do you think Lil Kim will hang a pic of the WH wall on which his pic is hung? :lol:

Hey Lewdog ... is this an especially STUPID day for you or just typically STUPID?
I'm sitting here watching the number of Trump supporters that are so brainwashed they are literally selling their soul for him, all while Tump tries to talk about how he loves this country more than others...
So those who don't agree with your leftarded silliness are brainwashed, eh? You do know that is a common lament of not-too-brights, right? Others aren't as STUPID as y'all are and you need to learn to live with that.

This POTUS is clearly an America-first guy (obviously not your sorta fella) and you seem believe God anointed you judge and master of men's souls.

Typically pompous leftard.
I don't have to feign anything. I am outraged by it.
Of course you are, Snowflake ... that is why Trump hung that pic in a place of prominence. In fact, he's been triggering you for years and you just never seem to get it.
Except hanging it up in the White House gives Jong-Un legitimacy and gives him more positive propaganda to share with his citizens. That's a pretty biased red warning you posted there Admin.
LOL. So hanging Kim's pic gives the little twerp legitimacy and propaganda?

Do you think Lil Kim will hang a pic of the WH wall on which his pic is hung? :lol:

Hey Lewdog ... is this an especially STUPID day for you or just typically STUPID?

Yes, when people start trying to reason out and support an actin they would NEVER in a million years support before now under Trump, they are either brainwashed or do not care about the U.S. as much as they say. Just around 2 years ago Kim and North Korea handed over an American citizen that was brain dead due to the treatment he received under Kim. Kim has not stopped ANY of the North Korean work towards being a nuclear power. They have not dismantled ANY sites. They are a dictatorship and the President just hung up the picture in the WHITE HOUSE.

Many people that hated Obama flipped their shit when he raised conditions of the embargo to Cuba so that Americas of Cuban decent could legally fly there and visit relatives. Obama became one of the first U.S. Presidents to go there in several decades. People literally went NUTS about it and when Trump got into power he reversed it all. All this for a country that is not trying to build nuclear weapons or a threat to attack the United States.

So yes, Trump supporters that have no problem with this, or are going out of their way to try and rationalize this action, are brainwashed. Hell a poster above just rationalized it by saying it is in a place that very few people can see it. Well if very few people can see it, that defeats the purpose of it being a picture on display right? The key is however, the cat's out of the bag and whether anyone actually can go there and look at it, we KNOW it is there, and so does Kim and his citizens which is one of the most serious of all of this.
Trump supporters quiet as Charlie Chaplin in the movie, "The Great Dictator."

Trump hangs photographs of himself and Kim Jong-un in White House - next to picture of the Queen

Trump is playing you Tards and kim..............

He’s killing two birds with one stone.

Only tards he is playing is the ones that suddenly find no problem with him putting up a picture in the White House a dictator that killed an American citizen and you are ok with it. Then again you've never shown an ounce of intelligence to realize it.
You have yours, he has his. This is what you want and you got it.

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