Trump has $4.5B, 500 successful businesses, 5 losses and his father gave him $14M...WTF?

Trump has new numbers supplied for him. He has $4.5 B and his father gave him $14M. It's not what was said, but that is an excellent return.

He has over 500 investments and 5 went belly up. That is actually incredible!

During the campaign, he followed a winning procedure. He received $2B in free air time, spent $33m on airtime and Clinton spent $130M. Now, who would you like in charge of our deficit and budget? Sounds like an easy choice to me. Hillary spent over 4 times as much and what does she have to show for it? A very close race....

Donald Trump's Net Worth as He Turns 70 | GOBankingRates

I pick Trump.
You have no clue how much he is worth. And he told you he was worth more than $10 billion. So if he is really only worth $4.5 billion, then he lied to you.

I almost hope he wins, so I can watch him completely screw all of you morons who couldn't care less that he lies to you over and over again.

Never give suckers an even break

He didn't lie if the document stated that he is worth 10 billion.

There are different estimations of net worth depending on the estimation method. Frankly, you are full of shit as always...
Trump has new numbers supplied for him. He has $4.5 B and his father gave him $14M. It's not what was said, but that is an excellent return.

He has over 500 investments and 5 went belly up. That is actually incredible!

During the campaign, he followed a winning procedure. He received $2B in free air time, spent $33m on airtime and Clinton spent $130M. Now, who would you like in charge of our deficit and budget? Sounds like an easy choice to me. Hillary spent over 4 times as much and what does she have to show for it? A very close race....

Donald Trump's Net Worth as He Turns 70 | GOBankingRates

I pick Trump.

Don't forget how much the state has given him? I'd say all those taxes he hasn't had to pay plus the $900 million govts have given him too.

You have no evidence that there are any taxes that he hasn't had to pay. Deducting a loss is completely fair game if you are referring to that. No one should pay taxes on losses... according to any accounting board anywhere.

Do I need evidence? He won't present the evidence and insinuates he doesn't pay taxes anyway. So until he proves he does pay taxes, I'll continue to talk as if he doesn't.

Loses, the guy is worth how much? He must have made money at some point in the last 18 years.
If he files a tax return the he pays what he owes if he doesn't owe anything then it doesn't matter as long as he files

Tell me how many of you do your tax returns then pay more than you have to or don't take the refund if you have one?
Trump has new numbers supplied for him. He has $4.5 B and his father gave him $14M. It's not what was said, but that is an excellent return.

He has over 500 investments and 5 went belly up. That is actually incredible!

During the campaign, he followed a winning procedure. He received $2B in free air time, spent $33m on airtime and Clinton spent $130M. Now, who would you like in charge of our deficit and budget? Sounds like an easy choice to me. Hillary spent over 4 times as much and what does she have to show for it? A very close race....

Donald Trump's Net Worth as He Turns 70 | GOBankingRates

I pick Trump.
Except that the House in Congress controls the purse strings..
You do know you could be describing bill clinton too don't you?

And FYI I am not voting for Trump. You should really try not to be such a 2 dimensional thinker

I am trying to illustrate the penchant of partisan 2 dimensional thinkers like you to criticize one candidate but accept the very same things when your candidate does them
Bill Clinton isn't running for president.

And beating the false equivalency horse to death pretty much means you're a Republican
what is it with you people and your inability to post a link to verify your claims? I would be embarrassed to say what you just said and leave it as fact.

One other thing: Your pick lied. He said he had $10B if you care to remember

I know. Apparently that was wrong.
Seriously? You think it is a small thing that he lied to tune of 5+ billion dollars? WTF is wrong with you people?

Everybody lies and you are still surprised when they do

how cute
No, what I am surprised about is they he lies consistently; he's pathological. A pathological liar. And a sexual pervert who assaults women and lusts after teenagers and children. He doesn't pay taxes. He incites violence. He cheats on his wives. Has been divorced 3 times. He's a crook that hangs out with mafia members. So much more. And yet you idolize him. A sex pervert. It makes no sense.

Once again, Trump does pay taxes according to the law. You are being dumb...

There is no proof he has assaulted anyone. To be frank, man that successful does not need to assault women as they automatically are attracted like a magnet.
He has said he has assaulted women. You are being dumb. He has not paid Federal Taxes in 20 years. You are being dumb. Get your head outof the sand.

And your last statement is absolute bullshit. As well, he, again, admitted to sexually attacking women w/o their permission. Wake up.
Trump has new numbers supplied for him. He has $4.5 B and his father gave him $14M. It's not what was said, but that is an excellent return.

He has over 500 investments and 5 went belly up. That is actually incredible!

During the campaign, he followed a winning procedure. He received $2B in free air time, spent $33m on airtime and Clinton spent $130M. Now, who would you like in charge of our deficit and budget? Sounds like an easy choice to me. Hillary spent over 4 times as much and what does she have to show for it? A very close race....

Donald Trump's Net Worth as He Turns 70 | GOBankingRates

I pick Trump.
You have no clue how much he is worth. And he told you he was worth more than $10 billion. So if he is really only worth $4.5 billion, then he lied to you.

I almost hope he wins, so I can watch him completely screw all of you morons who couldn't care less that he lies to you over and over again.

Never give suckers an even break
It's really true, you know. If Trump shot someone in cold blood on Fifth Avenue, these morons would still support him.
what is it with you people and your inability to post a link to verify your claims? I would be embarrassed to say what you just said and leave it as fact.

One other thing: Your pick lied. He said he had $10B if you care to remember

I know. Apparently that was wrong.
Seriously? You think it is a small thing that he lied to tune of 5+ billion dollars? WTF is wrong with you people?

Everybody lies and you are still surprised when they do

how cute
No, what I am surprised about is they he lies consistently; he's pathological. A pathological liar. And a sexual pervert who assaults women and lusts after teenagers and children. He doesn't pay taxes. He incites violence. He cheats on his wives. Has been divorced 3 times. He's a crook that hangs out with mafia members. So much more. And yet you idolize him. A sex pervert. It makes no sense.

You do know you could be describing bill clinton too don't you?

And FYI I am not voting for Trump. You should really try not to be such a 2 dimensional thinker

I am trying to illustrate the penchant of partisan 2 dimensional thinkers like you to criticize one candidate but accept the very same things when your candidate does them
Bullshit. Clinton pays his taxes. He is definitely not a pathological liar. There is no evidence whatsoever he has lusted after teenagers or children: whereas, we have Trump doing it on video and audio tape on Howard Stern. Clinton has never used violent rhetoric. He has not been married 3 times. .He does not hang out with mafia people, whereas we have photos of Trump doing so. There is virtually no comparison.
Trump has new numbers supplied for him. He has $4.5 B and his father gave him $14M. It's not what was said, but that is an excellent return.

He has over 500 investments and 5 went belly up. That is actually incredible!

During the campaign, he followed a winning procedure. He received $2B in free air time, spent $33m on airtime and Clinton spent $130M. Now, who would you like in charge of our deficit and budget? Sounds like an easy choice to me. Hillary spent over 4 times as much and what does she have to show for it? A very close race....

I pick Trump.

what is it with you people and your inability to post a link to verify your claims? I would be embarrassed to say what you just said and leave it as fact.

One other thing: Your pick lied. He said he had $10B if you care to remember

Can anyone spot the irony in this post?

Where did Trump say he has 10B?


- MAY 17, 2016 -
(New York, NY) May 17, 2016 - Yesterday, Donald J. Trump filed his Personal Financial Disclosure (PFD) forms with the Federal Election Commission (FEC), his second annual filing since announcing his candidacy for President of the United States in June of last year.

Mr. Trump stated, “I filed my PFD, which I am proud to say is the largest in the history of the FEC. Despite the fact that I am allowed extensions, I have again filed my report, which is 104 pages, on time. Bernie Sanders has requested, on the other hand, an extension for his small report. This is the difference between a businessman and the all talk, no action politicians that have failed the American people for far too long. I have built an incredible company and have accumulated one of the greatest portfolios of real estate assets, many of which are considered to be among the finest and most iconic properties in the world. This is the kind of thinking the country needs.”

The newly filed PFD shows a tremendous cash flow, and a revenue increase of approximately $190 million dollars (which does not include dividends, interest, capital gains, rents and royalties). This income was utilized, among other things, for the funding of construction projects at various multi-million dollar developments, reduction of debt and the funding of the campaign.

Mr. Trump’s income as reported in the PFD statement is in excess of $557 million (which does not include dividends, interest, capital gains, rents and royalties). Mr. Trump's net worth has increased since the last statement was filed in July of 2015. As of this date, Mr. Trump's net worth is in excess of $10 billion dollars.
You do know you could be describing bill clinton too don't you?

And FYI I am not voting for Trump. You should really try not to be such a 2 dimensional thinker

I am trying to illustrate the penchant of partisan 2 dimensional thinkers like you to criticize one candidate but accept the very same things when your candidate does them
Bill Clinton isn't running for president.

And beating the false equivalency horse to death pretty much means you're a Republican

So what when he was none of that shit mattered did it? But all of a sudden Dems are worried about it?

since you missed it, that was the point I was making
I know. Apparently that was wrong.
Seriously? You think it is a small thing that he lied to tune of 5+ billion dollars? WTF is wrong with you people?

Everybody lies and you are still surprised when they do

how cute
No, what I am surprised about is they he lies consistently; he's pathological. A pathological liar. And a sexual pervert who assaults women and lusts after teenagers and children. He doesn't pay taxes. He incites violence. He cheats on his wives. Has been divorced 3 times. He's a crook that hangs out with mafia members. So much more. And yet you idolize him. A sex pervert. It makes no sense.

You do know you could be describing bill clinton too don't you?

And FYI I am not voting for Trump. You should really try not to be such a 2 dimensional thinker

I am trying to illustrate the penchant of partisan 2 dimensional thinkers like you to criticize one candidate but accept the very same things when your candidate does them
Bullshit. Clinton pays his taxes. He is definitely not a pathological liar. There is no evidence whatsoever he has lusted after teenagers or children: whereas, we have Trump doing it on video and audio tape on Howard Stern. Clinton has never used violent rhetoric. He has not been married 3 times. .He does not hang out with mafia people, whereas we have photos of Trump doing so. There is virtually no comparison.

So where is your proof that Trump didn't pay what he was legally obligated to pay?

Oh yeah you don't have any proof

Tell me do you pay more income tax than you are legally obligated to pay? Do you tell the IRS to keep your refund check?

And I don't listen to Stern. Only immature idiots who still giggle at boobies and farts listen to that idiot
If he files a tax return he pays what he legally has to.
Why didn't he advocate closing that insane loop hole when he ran for president in 2000?
IDGAF I wasn't going to vote for him then and I'm not voting for him now

I am pointing out the rampant hypocrisy of the partisan 2 dimensional sheep that are so prevalent on this board
You do know you could be describing bill clinton too don't you?

And FYI I am not voting for Trump. You should really try not to be such a 2 dimensional thinker

I am trying to illustrate the penchant of partisan 2 dimensional thinkers like you to criticize one candidate but accept the very same things when your candidate does them
Bill Clinton isn't running for president.

And beating the false equivalency horse to death pretty much means you're a Republican

So what when he was none of that shit mattered did it? But all of a sudden Dems are worried about it?

since you missed it, that was the point I was making
I don't recall. I voted for GHWB.
Trump has new numbers supplied for him. He has $4.5 B and his father gave him $14M. It's not what was said, but that is an excellent return.

He has over 500 investments and 5 went belly up. That is actually incredible!

During the campaign, he followed a winning procedure. He received $2B in free air time, spent $33m on airtime and Clinton spent $130M. Now, who would you like in charge of our deficit and budget? Sounds like an easy choice to me. Hillary spent over 4 times as much and what does she have to show for it? A very close race....

Donald Trump's Net Worth as He Turns 70 | GOBankingRates

I pick Trump.

Don't forget how much the state has given him? I'd say all those taxes he hasn't had to pay plus the $900 million govts have given him too.

You have no evidence that there are any taxes that he hasn't had to pay. Deducting a loss is completely fair game if you are referring to that. No one should pay taxes on losses... according to any accounting board anywhere.

Do I need evidence? He won't present the evidence and insinuates he doesn't pay taxes anyway. So until he proves he does pay taxes, I'll continue to talk as if he doesn't.

Loses, the guy is worth how much? He must have made money at some point in the last 18 years.
If he files a tax return the he pays what he owes if he doesn't owe anything then it doesn't matter as long as he files

Tell me how many of you do your tax returns then pay more than you have to or don't take the refund if you have one?

I'm not sure why you've brought this up, it doesn't have anything to do with what we're actually talking about.

What we're talking about is how he became so rich. Was it because of his amazing brain, or was it because the US has a system which basically gives handouts to the rich? I'd say the latter. Most of his money appears not to have been made on a level playing field, but from him being given loads of money by the government.

If this is the case, then all those supporting him because he's apparently such a great businessman, might have to think again, oh, except they won't bother thinking, they couldn't care less whether he's successful or not.
Trump has new numbers supplied for him. He has $4.5 B and his father gave him $14M. It's not what was said, but that is an excellent return.

He has over 500 investments and 5 went belly up. That is actually incredible!

During the campaign, he followed a winning procedure. He received $2B in free air time, spent $33m on airtime and Clinton spent $130M. Now, who would you like in charge of our deficit and budget? Sounds like an easy choice to me. Hillary spent over 4 times as much and what does she have to show for it? A very close race....

Donald Trump's Net Worth as He Turns 70 | GOBankingRates

I pick Trump.

Don't forget how much the state has given him? I'd say all those taxes he hasn't had to pay plus the $900 million govts have given him too.

You have no evidence that there are any taxes that he hasn't had to pay. Deducting a loss is completely fair game if you are referring to that. No one should pay taxes on losses... according to any accounting board anywhere.

Do I need evidence? He won't present the evidence and insinuates he doesn't pay taxes anyway. So until he proves he does pay taxes, I'll continue to talk as if he doesn't.

Loses, the guy is worth how much? He must have made money at some point in the last 18 years.
If he files a tax return the he pays what he owes if he doesn't owe anything then it doesn't matter as long as he files

Tell me how many of you do your tax returns then pay more than you have to or don't take the refund if you have one?

I'm not sure why you've brought this up, it doesn't have anything to do with what we're actually talking about.

What we're talking about is how he became so rich. Was it because of his amazing brain, or was it because the US has a system which basically gives handouts to the rich? I'd say the latter. Most of his money appears not to have been made on a level playing field, but from him being given loads of money by the government.

If this is the case, then all those supporting him because he's apparently such a great businessman, might have to think again, oh, except they won't bother thinking, they couldn't care less whether he's successful or not.

And your proof for this extraordinary claim is... where?

There is a 99.9999% chance that Trump is a net tax payer, based on the status of people in that income class, so choose the words carefully.
Trump has new numbers supplied for him. He has $4.5 B and his father gave him $14M. It's not what was said, but that is an excellent return.

He has over 500 investments and 5 went belly up. That is actually incredible!

During the campaign, he followed a winning procedure. He received $2B in free air time, spent $33m on airtime and Clinton spent $130M. Now, who would you like in charge of our deficit and budget? Sounds like an easy choice to me. Hillary spent over 4 times as much and what does she have to show for it? A very close race....

Donald Trump's Net Worth as He Turns 70 | GOBankingRates

I pick Trump.

Don't forget how much the state has given him? I'd say all those taxes he hasn't had to pay plus the $900 million govts have given him too.

You have no evidence that there are any taxes that he hasn't had to pay. Deducting a loss is completely fair game if you are referring to that. No one should pay taxes on losses... according to any accounting board anywhere.

Do I need evidence? He won't present the evidence and insinuates he doesn't pay taxes anyway. So until he proves he does pay taxes, I'll continue to talk as if he doesn't.

Loses, the guy is worth how much? He must have made money at some point in the last 18 years.
If he files a tax return the he pays what he owes if he doesn't owe anything then it doesn't matter as long as he files

Tell me how many of you do your tax returns then pay more than you have to or don't take the refund if you have one?

I'm not sure why you've brought this up, it doesn't have anything to do with what we're actually talking about.

What we're talking about is how he became so rich. Was it because of his amazing brain, or was it because the US has a system which basically gives handouts to the rich? I'd say the latter. Most of his money appears not to have been made on a level playing field, but from him being given loads of money by the government.

If this is the case, then all those supporting him because he's apparently such a great businessman, might have to think again, oh, except they won't bother thinking, they couldn't care less whether he's successful or not.

FYI I wasn't the first person to bring up taxes in this thread
Trump has new numbers supplied for him. He has $4.5 B and his father gave him $14M. It's not what was said, but that is an excellent return.

He has over 500 investments and 5 went belly up. That is actually incredible!

During the campaign, he followed a winning procedure. He received $2B in free air time, spent $33m on airtime and Clinton spent $130M. Now, who would you like in charge of our deficit and budget? Sounds like an easy choice to me. Hillary spent over 4 times as much and what does she have to show for it? A very close race....

I pick Trump.

what is it with you people and your inability to post a link to verify your claims? I would be embarrassed to say what you just said and leave it as fact.

One other thing: Your pick lied. He said he had $10B if you care to remember
Says the progress of control freak who worships a fucking fake Indian
Don't forget how much the state has given him? I'd say all those taxes he hasn't had to pay plus the $900 million govts have given him too.

You have no evidence that there are any taxes that he hasn't had to pay. Deducting a loss is completely fair game if you are referring to that. No one should pay taxes on losses... according to any accounting board anywhere.

Do I need evidence? He won't present the evidence and insinuates he doesn't pay taxes anyway. So until he proves he does pay taxes, I'll continue to talk as if he doesn't.

Loses, the guy is worth how much? He must have made money at some point in the last 18 years.
If he files a tax return the he pays what he owes if he doesn't owe anything then it doesn't matter as long as he files

Tell me how many of you do your tax returns then pay more than you have to or don't take the refund if you have one?

I'm not sure why you've brought this up, it doesn't have anything to do with what we're actually talking about.

What we're talking about is how he became so rich. Was it because of his amazing brain, or was it because the US has a system which basically gives handouts to the rich? I'd say the latter. Most of his money appears not to have been made on a level playing field, but from him being given loads of money by the government.

If this is the case, then all those supporting him because he's apparently such a great businessman, might have to think again, oh, except they won't bother thinking, they couldn't care less whether he's successful or not.

And your proof for this extraordinary claim is... where?

There is a 99.9999% chance that Trump is a net tax payer, based on the status of people in that income class, so choose the words carefully.

99.999% chance that Trump is a net tax payer? Rubbish.

When told that he didn't pay taxes, Trump's reply was "that proves I'm smart". Er... right, that's the response of a guy who pays taxes is it?
You have no evidence that there are any taxes that he hasn't had to pay. Deducting a loss is completely fair game if you are referring to that. No one should pay taxes on losses... according to any accounting board anywhere.

Do I need evidence? He won't present the evidence and insinuates he doesn't pay taxes anyway. So until he proves he does pay taxes, I'll continue to talk as if he doesn't.

Loses, the guy is worth how much? He must have made money at some point in the last 18 years.
If he files a tax return the he pays what he owes if he doesn't owe anything then it doesn't matter as long as he files

Tell me how many of you do your tax returns then pay more than you have to or don't take the refund if you have one?

I'm not sure why you've brought this up, it doesn't have anything to do with what we're actually talking about.

What we're talking about is how he became so rich. Was it because of his amazing brain, or was it because the US has a system which basically gives handouts to the rich? I'd say the latter. Most of his money appears not to have been made on a level playing field, but from him being given loads of money by the government.

If this is the case, then all those supporting him because he's apparently such a great businessman, might have to think again, oh, except they won't bother thinking, they couldn't care less whether he's successful or not.

And your proof for this extraordinary claim is... where?

There is a 99.9999% chance that Trump is a net tax payer, based on the status of people in that income class, so choose the words carefully.

99.999% chance that Trump is a net tax payer? Rubbish.

When told that he didn't pay taxes, Trump's reply was "that proves I'm smart". Er... right, that's the response of a guy who pays taxes is it?
That was a specific answer to two years in the 1970's

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