Trump has $4.5B, 500 successful businesses, 5 losses and his father gave him $14M...WTF?

I was responding to someone else's post on taxes if you do'n't like it then don't fucking read it

You were replying to MY post.
So YOU brought up that he doesn't pay taxes and now you're fucking whining that I responded to it

No, I brought up that he doesn't pay taxes, then you brought up that he didn't break the law. That's something different.

It's like talking about how you like bananas, then you bringing up people slipping on banana skins.
If he didn't pay taxes and he wasn't legally required to then what are you whining about?

Do you pay more taxes than you are legally required to pay?

Do you know what corruption is? Sometimes corruption is legal and sometimes it's illegal.

It's still immoral.

Trump paid politicians money to do what? Generally to help lubricate his business interests. He paid politicians in the states where he had business interests. To do what?

And Shillary took millions in the form of donations to a "charity"

Morality has nothing to do with the law. If it's legal then STFU
How does one go completely broke and lose nearly a billion dollars in the 1990's... losing $900 million dollars to a net worth of $4.5 billion in 2015, without ever paying a dime in federal or state income taxes?

How could he have accumulated $4.5 billion in wealth and not have to pay any income taxes on these gains over the years? He did have capital gains to go from nothing when Trump Inc. filed bankruptcy, didn't he?

Legal or not, it should be ILLEGAL.... to have these kind of loopholes for some, and not others... in the 1990's before he declared bankruptcy, he went to Congress and lobbied for all of the Real Estate Tycoon tax favoritism, and Congress gave it to him in tax code.... if they had not passed all of donald's suggestions, the Donald would not have been able to go two decades with paying nothing in income taxes... nor been able to borrow as much money as he was loaned.
You don't know what he paid or didn't pay

That entire argument is based on a couple of stolen pages from one tax return that was hundreds of pages long
There can be "cash" worth $4.5 and entire portfolio worth $10B. We don't know what Forbes is counting and what Trump is counting. After 2B...who's counting any longer...They're rich!
He isn't worth $10 billion. If he was, he'd have proof plastered everywhere.
That means he lied to you.

And it makes a big difference. The next time I get a $70 dollar loan consigned by my daddy, who had already given me millions of dollars, and I only turn that into a billion dollars or so after FORTY YEARS, then come shoot me.
How does one go completely broke and lose nearly a billion dollars in the 1990's... losing $900 million dollars to a net worth of $4.5 billion in 2015, without ever paying a dime in federal or state income taxes?

How could he have accumulated $4.5 billion in wealth and not have to pay any income taxes on these gains over the years? He did have capital gains to go from nothing when Trump Inc. filed bankruptcy, didn't he?

Legal or not, it should be ILLEGAL.... to have these kind of loopholes for some, and not others... in the 1990's before he declared bankruptcy, he went to Congress and lobbied for all of the Real Estate Tycoon tax favoritism, and Congress gave it to him in tax code.... if they had not passed all of donald's suggestions, the Donald would not have been able to go two decades with paying nothing in income taxes... nor been able to borrow as much money as he was loaned.
You don't know what he paid or didn't pay

That entire argument is based on a couple of stolen pages from one tax return that was hundreds of pages long
Trump indicated that he did NOT pay any income taxes on more than 1 occasion.

And we don't know for certain ONLY because he is hiding his last ten years of tax returns, UNLIKE his opponent, who was upfront, honest, and released hers....

RELEASE YOUR TAX RETURNS Mr Trump, what else do you have to hide in addition to paying zero in income taxes? What else is in them that has you so scared Mr Trump?
How does one go completely broke and lose nearly a billion dollars in the 1990's... losing $900 million dollars to a net worth of $4.5 billion in 2015, without ever paying a dime in federal or state income taxes?

How could he have accumulated $4.5 billion in wealth and not have to pay any income taxes on these gains over the years? He did have capital gains to go from nothing when Trump Inc. filed bankruptcy, didn't he?

Legal or not, it should be ILLEGAL.... to have these kind of loopholes for some, and not others... in the 1990's before he declared bankruptcy, he went to Congress and lobbied for all of the Real Estate Tycoon tax favoritism, and Congress gave it to him in tax code.... if they had not passed all of donald's suggestions, the Donald would not have been able to go two decades with paying nothing in income taxes... nor been able to borrow as much money as he was loaned.
Legal or should be illegal. I agree. Lets write our congressmen.
There can be "cash" worth $4.5 and entire portfolio worth $10B. We don't know what Forbes is counting and what Trump is counting. After 2B...who's counting any longer...They're rich!
He isn't worth $10 billion. If he was, he'd have proof plastered everywhere.
That means he lied to you.

And it makes a big difference. The next time I get a $70 dollar loan consigned by my daddy, who had already given me millions of dollars, and I only turn that into a billion dollars or so after FORTY YEARS, then come shoot me.

When someone is talking about the worth, they could use many routes to get there. Cash on hand, total worth, total net worth. I don't know the man's thought process. Neither of us do. Does it make any difference? Did it make any difference how wealthy the Kennedy's were?

What is important, is that I feel Trump can do a better job making our country safe from outside enemies, bring jobs back to the US and bring back opportunities for all citizens in our society.
I know. Apparently that was wrong.
Seriously? You think it is a small thing that he lied to tune of 5+ billion dollars? WTF is wrong with you people?

Everybody lies and you are still surprised when they do

how cute
No, what I am surprised about is they he lies consistently; he's pathological. A pathological liar. And a sexual pervert who assaults women and lusts after teenagers and children. He doesn't pay taxes. He incites violence. He cheats on his wives. Has been divorced 3 times. He's a crook that hangs out with mafia members. So much more. And yet you idolize him. A sex pervert. It makes no sense.
Which candidate is known for their Lying? HILLIARY! Show me where it has been proven he is a sexual pervert. Have the authorities investigated him? Those around him and some of the women he was supposed to have assaulted are denying this. He uses tax laws to lower his tax liability just as we do. Where does he hang out with Mafia members? Colin Powell even called Clinton, "Clinton's Mafia". I believe Powell before I believe you. So he has been divorced three times! Many citizens have done the same. When a marriage is not working out, the honest thing to do is get a divorce and stop the cheating. Not like Bill clinton!
Trump does not have to be proven in court to be a pervert. His own recorded words confirm he is a pervert.
LOL, I'd like to make a bet with you...If you were in a fraternity in college, or part of a football, basketball or baseball team those comments would be lame.
Trump has new numbers supplied for him. He has $4.5 B and his father gave him $14M. It's not what was said, but that is an excellent return.

He has over 500 investments and 5 went belly up. That is actually incredible!

During the campaign, he followed a winning procedure. He received $2B in free air time, spent $33m on airtime and Clinton spent $130M. Now, who would you like in charge of our deficit and budget? Sounds like an easy choice to me. Hillary spent over 4 times as much and what does she have to show for it? A very close race....

Donald Trump's Net Worth as He Turns 70 | GOBankingRates

I pick Trump.
He has way more than 5 which went belly up.

Do you have a list of his 500 businesses? I should warn you that allowing his name to be put on something which he had nothing to do with is not a Trump business.
I do not dispute that Donald Trump has made a lot of money. But he made that money by exploiting human weaknesses. This is not something to brag about.

He also used his father's political connections to get his start, and he was rescued by his father more than once when he went totally belly up.

Donald Trump was born on third base and tells his rubes he hit a triple.
When someone is talking about the worth, they could use many routes to get there.
Go by any metric you want (except fantasy) and then multiply by two, and he still won't be worth $10 billion, which means he lied to you.
Seriously? You think it is a small thing that he lied to tune of 5+ billion dollars? WTF is wrong with you people?

Everybody lies and you are still surprised when they do

how cute
No, what I am surprised about is they he lies consistently; he's pathological. A pathological liar. And a sexual pervert who assaults women and lusts after teenagers and children. He doesn't pay taxes. He incites violence. He cheats on his wives. Has been divorced 3 times. He's a crook that hangs out with mafia members. So much more. And yet you idolize him. A sex pervert. It makes no sense.
Which candidate is known for their Lying? HILLIARY! Show me where it has been proven he is a sexual pervert. Have the authorities investigated him? Those around him and some of the women he was supposed to have assaulted are denying this. He uses tax laws to lower his tax liability just as we do. Where does he hang out with Mafia members? Colin Powell even called Clinton, "Clinton's Mafia". I believe Powell before I believe you. So he has been divorced three times! Many citizens have done the same. When a marriage is not working out, the honest thing to do is get a divorce and stop the cheating. Not like Bill clinton!
Trump does not have to be proven in court to be a pervert. His own recorded words confirm he is a pervert.
LOL, I'd like to make a bet with you...If you were in a fraternity in college, or part of a football, basketball or baseball team those comments would be lame.
I don't k now what kind of people you surround yourself with, but just because someone is in a fraternity or plays sports, that does not mean they talk or think like that. It's sad to think that there are people who don't know any decent men. Michelle Obama said it: decent men to not talk like that about women. And, there are decent men in this world. They know who they are and we know them. There isn't any doubt about it except from the poor people who have not experienced it.
Again, he said he’d spend a billion of his own money in Iowa.
Where is it?
How does one go completely broke and lose nearly a billion dollars in the 1990's... losing $900 million dollars to a net worth of $4.5 billion in 2015, without ever paying a dime in federal or state income taxes?

How could he have accumulated $4.5 billion in wealth and not have to pay any income taxes on these gains over the years? He did have capital gains to go from nothing when Trump Inc. filed bankruptcy, didn't he?

Legal or not, it should be ILLEGAL.... to have these kind of loopholes for some, and not others... in the 1990's before he declared bankruptcy, he went to Congress and lobbied for all of the Real Estate Tycoon tax favoritism, and Congress gave it to him in tax code.... if they had not passed all of donald's suggestions, the Donald would not have been able to go two decades with paying nothing in income taxes... nor been able to borrow as much money as he was loaned.
You don't know what he paid or didn't pay

That entire argument is based on a couple of stolen pages from one tax return that was hundreds of pages long
Trump indicated that he did NOT pay any income taxes on more than 1 occasion.

And we don't know for certain ONLY because he is hiding his last ten years of tax returns, UNLIKE his opponent, who was upfront, honest, and released hers....

RELEASE YOUR TAX RETURNS Mr Trump, what else do you have to hide in addition to paying zero in income taxes? What else is in them that has you so scared Mr Trump?
Yes specifically 2 years in the 1970's you know the 2 years that Shillary mentioned in the debate?

And no presidential candidate has any legal obligation to release their tax returns.
You were replying to MY post.
So YOU brought up that he doesn't pay taxes and now you're fucking whining that I responded to it

No, I brought up that he doesn't pay taxes, then you brought up that he didn't break the law. That's something different.

It's like talking about how you like bananas, then you bringing up people slipping on banana skins.
If he didn't pay taxes and he wasn't legally required to then what are you whining about?

Do you pay more taxes than you are legally required to pay?

Do you know what corruption is? Sometimes corruption is legal and sometimes it's illegal.

It's still immoral.

Trump paid politicians money to do what? Generally to help lubricate his business interests. He paid politicians in the states where he had business interests. To do what?
He knew how the game is played. He's one president who won't be bought.

Really? Seems Trump's "policies" change depending on who the last person he spoke to was. What are his "policies"? There's only one that is in any way concrete and that's a wall. Everything else he'll change like the wind.
Trump has new numbers supplied for him. He has $4.5 B and his father gave him $14M. It's not what was said, but that is an excellent return.

He has over 500 investments and 5 went belly up. That is actually incredible!

During the campaign, he followed a winning procedure. He received $2B in free air time, spent $33m on airtime and Clinton spent $130M. Now, who would you like in charge of our deficit and budget? Sounds like an easy choice to me. Hillary spent over 4 times as much and what does she have to show for it? A very close race....

Donald Trump's Net Worth as He Turns 70 | GOBankingRates

I pick Trump.

Too bad the US government doesn't run as a proprietary business with a dictator in charge.
How does one go completely broke and lose nearly a billion dollars in the 1990's... losing $900 million dollars to a net worth of $4.5 billion in 2015, without ever paying a dime in federal or state income taxes?

How could he have accumulated $4.5 billion in wealth and not have to pay any income taxes on these gains over the years? He did have capital gains to go from nothing when Trump Inc. filed bankruptcy, didn't he?

Legal or not, it should be ILLEGAL.... to have these kind of loopholes for some, and not others... in the 1990's before he declared bankruptcy, he went to Congress and lobbied for all of the Real Estate Tycoon tax favoritism, and Congress gave it to him in tax code.... if they had not passed all of donald's suggestions, the Donald would not have been able to go two decades with paying nothing in income taxes... nor been able to borrow as much money as he was loaned.
You don't know what he paid or didn't pay

That entire argument is based on a couple of stolen pages from one tax return that was hundreds of pages long
Trump indicated that he did NOT pay any income taxes on more than 1 occasion.

And we don't know for certain ONLY because he is hiding his last ten years of tax returns, UNLIKE his opponent, who was upfront, honest, and released hers....

RELEASE YOUR TAX RETURNS Mr Trump, what else do you have to hide in addition to paying zero in income taxes? What else is in them that has you so scared Mr Trump?
Yes specifically 2 years in the 1970's you know the 2 years that Shillary mentioned in the debate?

And no presidential candidate has any legal obligation to release their tax returns.

They have no obligation, but they have no immunity to the consequences of asserting their right to keep their taxes secret.
You were replying to MY post.
So YOU brought up that he doesn't pay taxes and now you're fucking whining that I responded to it

No, I brought up that he doesn't pay taxes, then you brought up that he didn't break the law. That's something different.

It's like talking about how you like bananas, then you bringing up people slipping on banana skins.
If he didn't pay taxes and he wasn't legally required to then what are you whining about?

Do you pay more taxes than you are legally required to pay?

Do you know what corruption is? Sometimes corruption is legal and sometimes it's illegal.

It's still immoral.

Trump paid politicians money to do what? Generally to help lubricate his business interests. He paid politicians in the states where he had business interests. To do what?

And Shillary took millions in the form of donations to a "charity"

Morality has nothing to do with the law. If it's legal then STFU

Right, so elect people who have no morality, but make the laws to suit their own agenda, and mess over the working people then? This is the sort you want to elect?
So YOU brought up that he doesn't pay taxes and now you're fucking whining that I responded to it

No, I brought up that he doesn't pay taxes, then you brought up that he didn't break the law. That's something different.

It's like talking about how you like bananas, then you bringing up people slipping on banana skins.
If he didn't pay taxes and he wasn't legally required to then what are you whining about?

Do you pay more taxes than you are legally required to pay?

Do you know what corruption is? Sometimes corruption is legal and sometimes it's illegal.

It's still immoral.

Trump paid politicians money to do what? Generally to help lubricate his business interests. He paid politicians in the states where he had business interests. To do what?
He knew how the game is played. He's one president who won't be bought.

Really? Seems Trump's "policies" change depending on who the last person he spoke to was. What are his "policies"? There's only one that is in any way concrete and that's a wall. Everything else he'll change like the wind.
so how is that different from any other politician?
How does one go completely broke and lose nearly a billion dollars in the 1990's... losing $900 million dollars to a net worth of $4.5 billion in 2015, without ever paying a dime in federal or state income taxes?

How could he have accumulated $4.5 billion in wealth and not have to pay any income taxes on these gains over the years? He did have capital gains to go from nothing when Trump Inc. filed bankruptcy, didn't he?

Legal or not, it should be ILLEGAL.... to have these kind of loopholes for some, and not others... in the 1990's before he declared bankruptcy, he went to Congress and lobbied for all of the Real Estate Tycoon tax favoritism, and Congress gave it to him in tax code.... if they had not passed all of donald's suggestions, the Donald would not have been able to go two decades with paying nothing in income taxes... nor been able to borrow as much money as he was loaned.
You don't know what he paid or didn't pay

That entire argument is based on a couple of stolen pages from one tax return that was hundreds of pages long
Trump indicated that he did NOT pay any income taxes on more than 1 occasion.

And we don't know for certain ONLY because he is hiding his last ten years of tax returns, UNLIKE his opponent, who was upfront, honest, and released hers....

RELEASE YOUR TAX RETURNS Mr Trump, what else do you have to hide in addition to paying zero in income taxes? What else is in them that has you so scared Mr Trump?
Yes specifically 2 years in the 1970's you know the 2 years that Shillary mentioned in the debate?

And no presidential candidate has any legal obligation to release their tax returns.

They have no obligation, but they have no immunity to the consequences of asserting their right to keep their taxes secret.
so why do you keep whining about it

FYI it's not his tax returns that are hurting Trump
So YOU brought up that he doesn't pay taxes and now you're fucking whining that I responded to it

No, I brought up that he doesn't pay taxes, then you brought up that he didn't break the law. That's something different.

It's like talking about how you like bananas, then you bringing up people slipping on banana skins.
If he didn't pay taxes and he wasn't legally required to then what are you whining about?

Do you pay more taxes than you are legally required to pay?

Do you know what corruption is? Sometimes corruption is legal and sometimes it's illegal.

It's still immoral.

Trump paid politicians money to do what? Generally to help lubricate his business interests. He paid politicians in the states where he had business interests. To do what?

And Shillary took millions in the form of donations to a "charity"

Morality has nothing to do with the law. If it's legal then STFU

Right, so elect people who have no morality, but make the laws to suit their own agenda, and mess over the working people then? This is the sort you want to elect?

you act as if that's never been done by any politician

where the hell have you been?

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