Trump has alot more Libertarian in him than he's given credit for...


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
With all due respect to my fellow Libertarian brothers and sisters, Trump has proven himself to be more Libertarian than we might have expected. I was pulling for Rand Paul in the primaries and I was concerned Trump wasn't a Conservative. He isn't, but he is not ideologically rigid either which to me is a major asset.

First, consider that he and Rand Paul seem to have a decent relationship. Paul has a large hand in the development of the Affordable Care Act replacement and in general discussions with Trump if the interviews I have seen of him are credible. Paul happened to drop out early and never wavered from saying he would vote for the nominee, even when others were stating they might abandon their pledge.

Furthermore, some of his economic plans are Libertarian in nature. Certainly not the protectionism, but drastic times require drastic measures so I won't fault him for this when China is gaming the system and becoming a real global threat economically and militarily.

However, he is going to drop tax rates for citizens and businesses. Some suggest the largest tax cut in history. He is getting rid of regulations in massive numbers and encouraging businesses to come back to America, invest, hire and grow in this better economic environment. These changes alone will have a major positive effect on the job market, which is what he is wisely focusing on. Broadening the tax base, rather than the tax burden.

Then there is his take on the constitution. From free speech and the suggestion that Americans speak their minds and debate freely again without fear of being falsely labelled or having the PC police come down on them. To, his suggestion that religious leaders not feel fear because of their beliefs but to openly express heir beliefs and be allowed to be loyal to their faith.

He is not an interventionalist. Which I hope is understated as I do believe that a strong U.S presence is vital in our world. However, his "peace through strength" mantra will work wonders for world peace, especially when he wants to beef it up, just in case China pushes too far.

Of course, his desire to make government lean and accountable is right out of he Libertarian playbook.

Well that's my rant and assessment thus far, I type too fast, hah. As much as he is viewed as a populist leader by some, he takes best practices as any good businessman does to ensure he is a bit of everything, and a lot more Libertarian than most give him credit for. I hope he and Rand see eye to eye throughout his administration.
Will he legalize pot?

Of course not, he is adamantly against that, especially after seeing so many ruined lives and harm done to communities he passed through during his campaigning.

I said he is some parts Libertarian, many libertarians I know don't support the sort of decision that makes drugs more accessible or legal, it's a balance that has to be struck. Forunately, he is wise enough and seen enough in his life to make a sound decision on this. Of course, everyone has their own degree of opinion on these contention issues.
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Will he legalize pot?

Of course not, he is adamantly against that, especially after seeing so many ruined lives and harm done to communities he passed through during his campaigning.

I said he is some parts Libertarian, many libertarians I know don't support the sort of decision that makes drugs more accessible or legal, it's a balance that has to be struck. Forunately, he is wise enough and seen enough in his life to make a sound decision on this. Of course, everyone has their own degree of opinion on these contention issues.
Then he's not as Libertarian as you think. He'd only be "Libertarian" for things he agrees with, not libertarian ideals.
With all due respect

bullshit on Trump being a libertarian or an anything-else-a-tarian

Trump is a populist with no principles, no values, and no ideology

I disagree. He is not ideologically rigid, even Obama stated this after they met. Part populism, part conservative, part liberal, many parts libertarian. That's how I am viewing him after following this entire election cycle and listening to him speak and direct his administration.
With all due respect

bullshit on Trump being a libertarian or an anything-else-a-tarian

Trump is a populist with no principles, no values, and no ideology

I disagree. He is not ideologically rigid, even Obama stated this after they met. Part populism, part conservative, part liberal, many parts libertarian. That's how I am viewing him after following this entire election cycle and listening to him speak and direct his administration.
He's a lyin sac of shit.

Trump has no principles

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