Trump Has Been Arrested For Creating Illegal Electors In Seven States

“What I recommended, I've said this repeatedly is that he {PENCE} accede to request more than 100 state legislators in those swing states to give them a week to sort out the impact of what everyone acknowledged was illegality in the conduct of the election," Eastman told Laura Ingraham.​
You probably don’t know that the above explanation to Ingraham was in reference to Eastman just before midnight on the day of the Trump mob attacking the Capitol trying to persuade Pence to commit “one more relatively minor violation of the ECA” by having Pence adjourning for 10 days to allow the state legislatures to finish their investigations,​
"So now that the precedent has been set that the Electoral Count Act is not quite so sacrosanct as was previously claimed, I implore you to consider one more relatively minor violation and adjourn for 10 days to allow the legislatures to finish their investigations, as well as to allow a full forensic audit of the massive amount of illegal activity that has occurred here," Eastman wrote. John Eastman asked for '1 more relatively minor violation' of election law in wake of Jan. 6 attack: VP aide
So here after the riot Eastman dreams uo a new little crime that would unsettle the peaceful transfer of power as it would be violently unsettled just four days before Inauguration Day of the incoming Biden Administration with the possibility that Trump was nit going to leave and his followers would use violence to protect him.​
Just a “relatively minor violation” says Eastman in writing.​
Have you figured out I do not buy the bullshit you are posting? How is Obama spying on Trump a peaceful transfer of power?
Have you figured out I do not buy the bullshit you are posting?
Don’t give a shit what you buy or don’t buy. Truth is not for sale. - It’s free. You only have to look for it.

Truth is everything you do not respond to here which is everything I have written for you. I see you are preparing to run away preceded by a rant of absurd whattaboutism - so don’t let the door hit you on the ass on your way out

So why did the Sixteen Michigan Trump
electors plan to hide in the Capitol overnight if what they were signing was legit official election business for the Election Process in Michigan?
Don’t give a shit what you buy or don’t buy. Truth is not for sale. - It’s free. You only have to look for it.

Truth is everything you do not respond to here which is everything I have written for you. I see you are preparing to run away preceded by a rant of absurd whattaboutism - so don’t let the door hit you on the ass on your way out

So why did the Sixteen Michigan Trump
electors plan to hide in the Capitol overnight if what they were signing was legit official election business for the Election Process in Michigan?
The truth is the 2020 election was stolen from Trump and he used completely legal means of contesting it.
The truth is the 2020 election was stolen from Trump and he used completely legal means of contesting it.

Last April you asked me in post Lstmndr.23.04.13 #8,281 How do you think you came into being? No one murdered you in the womb.did they?

The truth is my mother wanted to give birth to six kids and I was one of them. If she decided to abort me the truth is I wouldn’t have had a thought on the matter. I don’t understand why anyone else would. She may have had an abortion at some point in her life and so what? I don’t know and don’t care. That is truth. So fucking what. She was a much loved beautiful kind and adventurous human being.

Your question prices you know nothing about truth and should refrain from using that term.

The election was not stolen from Trump. You are nit telling the truth. But how could you. You exist in the Saving Baby Fetus Cult.
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Last April you asked me in post Lstmndr.23.04.13 #8,281 How do you think you came into being? No one murdered you in the womb.did they?

The truth is my mother wanted to give birth to six kids and I was one of them. If she decided to abort me the truth is I wouldn’t have had a thought on the matter. I don’t understand why anyone else would.

Your question prices you know nothing about truth and should refrain from using that term.

The election was not stolen from Trump. You are nit telling the truth. But how could you. You exist in the Saving Baby Fetus Cult.
The question assumes that fact. Wrong again.
I have told you that was an existing law that was used as a deterrent. That is what we need. deterrents not rewards.

Why do you jerkoffs get so upset when someone tries to defend this country?

And you lied again.
The truth is the 2020 election was stolen from Trump and he used completely legal means of contesting it.

You're lying again, Liemender. Trump list and then tried to steal it by sending fake electors to Congress.
Nope. When Congress voted not to investigate they stole the election. That made it final. Illegally.
Congress stole the election on J6.
Why did the Michigan Trump Electors send a signed sworn affidavit saying that they met in the Michigan Capitol on December 14th to certify the FACT that Trump received more votes in the State of Michigan than Biden?

Why did the Michigan Trump Electors send a signed sworn fraudulent laced affidavit to The President of the Senate, Mike Pence when they are seen on multiple news clips not being allowed entry on that date and knowing that Trump dud not win?

What was Pence supposed to do with a slate of Trump electors from Michigan when he knew damn well that Trump lost Michigan by 150,000 votes this time around whereas he only won it by 11,000 in 2016.

On December 14h the Trump campaign had no legal challenges pending before any court in Michigan or higher at the Federal level attempting to prove the state’s certification of Biden’s win did not reflect the will of the lawful voters in the state.

So why fake electors in Michigan signed an official election document on Dec 14 when they had three weeks to see if Trump lawyers could get the courts or state legislatures to demand the certifications sent back after “finding” 160,000 vote fraud cache of illegal ballots cast for Biden with zero illegal
ballots cast for Trump?

Your argument is absurd if we are putting it kindly.
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