Trump Has Been Arrested For Creating Illegal Electors In Seven States

Name one fascist policy of Trumps.
Separating children from their parents, then not even attempting to reunite those families!
But you are ok with that. How about holding asylum hearings for infants as young as 3 months old, No parents anywhere? Do you think that child knew why he was in court? Lock the child up, sell it on the open market! You are a fantastic humanitarian!
They were statements that each person signing the document electors representing the winner of the popular vote in the state which they stated was Donald Trump.

Where does it say they claimed Trump won the popular vote?

As you can see I said they were representing the winner of the popular vote as what they claimed as WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, being the duly elected and qualified Electors for President ……

To be a duly elected and qualified Electors you have to be representing the winner of the popular vote.

They were lying when they claimed to be duly elected and qualified Electors for Trump.

They were lying when they claimed they took this vote while inside the Michigan Capitol because they were not allowed in the Capitol that day because the real electors were in there voting for the winner of the popular vote. Biden Electors.

You are correct Trump did not win the popular vote in Michigan.

WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, being the duly elected and qualified Electors for President and Vice President of the United States of America from the State of Michigan, do hereby certify the following:

(A) That we convened and organized in the State Capitol, in the City of Lansing, Michigan, and at 2:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time on the 14th day of December, 2020, performed the duties enjoined upon us;

(B)That being so assembled and duly organized, we proceeded to vote by ballot, and balloted first for President and then for Vice President, by distinct ballots; and

(C) That the following are two distinct lists, one, of all the votes for President; and the other, of all the votes for Vice President, so cast as aforesaid:

Names of the Person Voted For;
DONALD J. TRUMP of the State of Florida

Names of Person Voted For MICHAEL R .PENCE of the State of Indiana

Number of Votes 16
Number ofVotes 16
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Why do you bother posting nonsense like they'll never be convicted?
Because they will not be convicted. They have no case.
As you can see I said they were representing the winner of the popular vote as what they claimed as WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, being the duly elected and qualified Electors for President ……

To be a duly elected and qualified Electors you have to be representing the winner of the popular vote.

They were lying when they claimed to be duly elected and qualified Electors for Trump.

They were lying when they claimed they took this vote while inside the Michigan Capitol because they were not allowed in the Capitol that day because the real electors were in there voting for the winner of the popular vote. Biden Electors.

You are correct Trump did not win the popular vote in Michigan.

WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, being the duly elected and qualified Electors for President and Vice President of the United States of America from the State of Michigan, do hereby certify the following:

(A) That we convened and organized in the State Capitol, in the City of Lansing, Michigan, and at 2:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time on the 14th day of December, 2020, performed the duties enjoined upon us;

(B)That being so assembled and duly organized, we proceeded to vote by ballot, and balloted first for President and then for Vice President, by distinct ballots; and

(C) That the following are two distinct lists, one, of all the votes for President; and the other, of all the votes for Vice President, so cast as aforesaid:

Names of the Person Voted For;
DONALD J. TRUMP of the State of Florida

Names of Person Voted For MICHAEL R .PENCE of the State of Indiana

Number of Votes 16
Number ofVotes 16
To oppose the election you need another slate of electors. That simple. They have no case. It is intimidation and bullshit and guess what? It is not working they way the planned and it is going to backfire. They have more or less guaranteed Trump will be the 47th president.
Separating children from their parents, then not even attempting to reunite those families!
But you are ok with that. How about holding asylum hearings for infants as young as 3 months old, No parents anywhere? Do you think that child knew why he was in court? Lock the child up, sell it on the open market! You are a fantastic humanitarian!
That was the law on the books when Trump took office. He merely enforced it. Talk to Obama who built the cages.
Because they will not be convicted. They have no case.

Again, says you -- the drooling liar who's been wrong every step of the way. In fact, by you already declaring their innocence only serves to increase the odds they will be convicted. :badgrin:
Again, says you -- the drooling liar who's been wrong every step of the way. In fact, by you already declaring their innocence only serves to increase the odds they will be convicted. :badgrin:
You mad bro? :mm:
That was the law on the books when Trump took office. He merely enforced it. Talk to Obama who built the cages.
I knew you would come back with that. Obama had the cages built for UNACCOMPANIED teenagers the coyotes were bringing across, hoping to gain asylum and then their parents could come. One could not simply turn those kids around and expect them to find their way home! Then trump and the Nazi Stephen Miller decided to SEPARATE the children from the parents, deport the parents, and try to find homes in the US for those kids Miller "kidnapped"!!!
Again, you lie and lie about everything! Fuck you, you know nothing trump asskisser!
I knew you would come back with that. Obama had the cages built for UNACCOMPANIED teenagers the coyotes were bringing across, hoping to gain asylum and then their parents could come. One could not simply turn those kids around and expect them to find their way home! Then trump and the Nazi Stephen Miller decided to SEPARATE the children from the parents, deport the parents, and try to find homes in the US for those kids Miller "kidnapped"!!!
Again, you lie and lie about everything! Fuck you, you know nothing trump asskisser!
I have told you that was an existing law that was used as a deterrent. That is what we need. deterrents not rewards.

Why do you jerkoffs get so upset when someone tries to defend this country?
To oppose the election you need another slate of electors.
slates of election have no role in opposing the outcome of the election in each respective state. In Michigan the electors are duty bound to vote for the winner of the election in their state.

It is not overturning it is contesting.

You have not addressed the two lies I told you about that the Trump Electors put in writing and signed and then sent by registered and certified mail to the following:

TO: President of the Senate United States Senate

Archivist of the United States

Secretary of State State of Michigan

Chief Judge, U.S. District Court Western

Kathy Berden, Chairperson, Electoral College of Michigan December 14, 2020

Michigan's Electoral Votes for President and Vice President

MEMORANDUM Pursuant to 3 U.S.C. § 11, enclosed please find duplicate originals of Michigan's electoral votes for President and Vice President, as follows: two (2) duplicate originals for the President of the Senate and the Archivist, and one (1) duplicate original for the Secretary of State and Chief Judge.​
slates of election have no role in opposing the outcome of the election in each respective state. In Michigan the electors are duty bound to vote for the winner of the election in their state.

You have not addressed the two lies I told you about that the Trump Electors put in writing and signed and then sent by registered and certified mail to the following:

TO: President of the Senate United States Senate​
Archivist of the United States​
Secretary of State State of Michigan​
Chief Judge, U.S. District Court Western​
Kathy Berden, Chairperson, Electoral College of Michigan December 14, 2020​
Michigan's Electoral Votes for President and Vice President​
MEMORANDUM Pursuant to 3 U.S.C. § 11, enclosed please find duplicate originals of Michigan's electoral votes for President and Vice President, as follows: two (2) duplicate originals for the President of the Senate and the Archivist, and one (1) duplicate original for the Secretary of State and Chief Judge.​
The legislature is the concern. If it was thrown back to state they would decide what electors voted for who. And the Congress would have to except it. All legal.
I have told you that was an existing law that was used as a deterrent. That is what we need. deterrents not rewards.

Why do you jerkoffs get so upset when someone tries to defend this country?
Stephen Miller did not use an existing law to rip children away from their parents, then deport the parents! What law allows our govt to kidnap children?
Because you jackoffs are trying to make this country a dictatorship! Do you want trump to tear up and destroy the Constitution? And don't say Biden is already doing it without proof! DON'T lie! But you will because all you have is lies!
“What I recommended, I've said this repeatedly is that he {PENCE} accede to request more than 100 state legislators in those swing states to give them a week to sort out the impact of what everyone acknowledged was illegality in the conduct of the election," Eastman told Laura Ingraham.​

Why don’t you understand that Trump and his co-conspirators are being charged with doing what Eastman confessed they were doing because it is a crime to delay an official proceeding of Congress as J6 was being presided over by Pence.

If it was thrown back to state they would decide what electors voted for who.

Pence was being pressured to do just that with the exception that he was supposed to refuse to count every state that had two sets of electors which changed the outcome of the entire national election so that Pence could declare himself and Trump the winners.

None of it had anything to do with changing the actual counting of ballots in seven states based on evidence that there was outcome determinative fraud in each of the states that had two sets of electiors.
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Stephen Miller did not use an existing law to rip children away from their parents, then deport the parents! What law allows our govt to kidnap children?
Because you jackoffs are trying to make this country a dictatorship! Do you want trump to tear up and destroy the Constitution? And don't say Biden is already doing it without proof! DON'T lie! But you will because all you have is lies!
That was the law. Ask Obama.
“What I recommended, I've said this repeatedly is that he accede to request more than 100 state legislators in those swing states to give them a week to sort out the impact of what everyone acknowledged was illegality in the conduct of the election," Eastman told Laura Ingraham.​

Why don’t you understand that Trump and his co-conspirators are being charged with doing what Eastman confessed they were doing because it is a crime to delay an official proceeding of Congress as J6 was being presided over by Pence.

Pence was being pressured to do just that with the exception that he was supposed to refuse to count every state that had two sets of electors which changed the outcome of the entire national election so that Pence could declare himself and Trump the winners.

None of it had anything to do with changing the actual counting of ballots in seven states based on evidence that there was outcome determinative fraud in each of the states that had two sets of electiors.
Protesting an election is not illegal. That is why Senators and Congress members did it. J6 was the last chance they had.
Protesting an election is not illegal. That is why Senators and Congress members did it. J6 was the last chance they had.

“What I recommended, I've said this repeatedly is that he {PENCE} accede to request more than 100 state legislators in those swing states to give them a week to sort out the impact of what everyone acknowledged was illegality in the conduct of the election," Eastman told Laura Ingraham.​
Delaying the election for a week so new evidence of outcome determinative fraud could be presented in seven states was not the plan.

Pence was being pressured to recognize that two slates of electors were presented to him from seven states therefore those states were not valid and would not be counted on Jan6. The pressure on Pence was not to request any kind of delay; it was to declare Trump the winner by unilaterally rejecting millions of legal Biden votes.

If the chaos of a Constitutional Crises driven by one man (Pence) being able to stop the transfer of power to the certified winner of the election erupted into violence in the streets Eastman is on record saying that’s ok we’ve had violence before Let it be. Basically because Trump has to stay in power because he’s the only one who can save the country from the other party.

So when it turned into violence on Jan6 because Pence did not give the Oath Keepers and Proud Boys a win for Trump according to plan Eastman went searching for a pardon from Trump in the final weeks he had left. His coup had failed and you feel sorry for him now.
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Protesting an election is not illegal. That is why Senators and Congress members did it. J6 was the last chance they had.

Absolutely. And Pence after not being hanged on the gallows that the Trump militias brought to the Capitol on Jan6, gave all those Senators with shit stains in their breeches like Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz from the attack on the Capitol their moment to protest a state as it was being called.

All legal because none of them brought up the fake electors because Pence drive a Constitutional stake through the heart of ttat one.

Claim: Some states' results are still "disputed" — GOP Senator Ted Cruz, of Texas, and other Republican senators
Fact check: False. States have certified their results.​
Cruz's group, which is working separately from Hawley, has called for a 10-day audit of states that it says are still disputed.​
"We intend to vote on January 6 to reject the electors from disputed states as not 'regularly given' and 'lawfully certified' (the statutory requisite), unless and until that emergency 10-day audit is completed," the group said in a statement.​
"Congress should immediately appoint an Electoral Commission, with full investigatory and fact-finding authority, to conduct an emergency 10-day audit of the election returns in the disputed states," reads the statement. "Once completed, individual states would evaluate the Commission's findings and could convene a special legislative session to certify a change in their vote, if needed."​
The senators say they are trying to "restore faith in our democracy," due to claims of voter fraud. But all of the states have certified their election results, so they are not disputed.​
Mr. Trump's legal team has not been able to provide evidence of voter fraud in numerous lawsuits challenging the election results, and has exhausted its timeframe to challenge the election.​
Pence did his Constitutional Presiding and let Hawley and Cruz hold their circus votes after the invaders went home and Trump said he loved them, but Biden won every state and we finally got to have the peaceful transfer of power that never should have been marred by Trump driven Big Lie violence in the first place.

Trump never spent a nickel looking to price he won which he could still do if he wanted to but chooses not to waste his money on that.
“What I recommended, I've said this repeatedly is that he {PENCE} accede to request more than 100 state legislators in those swing states to give them a week to sort out the impact of what everyone acknowledged was illegality in the conduct of the election," Eastman told Laura Ingraham.​
Delaying the election for a week so new evidence of outcome determinative fraud could be presented in seven states was not the plan.

Pence was being pressured to recognize that two slates of electors were presented to him from seven states therefore those states were not valid and would not be counted on Jan6. The pressure on Pence was not to request any kind of delay; it was to declare Trump the winner by unilaterally rejecting millions of legal Biden votes.

If the chaos of a Constitutional Crises driven by one man (Pence) being able to stop the transfer of power to the certified winner of the election erupted into violence in the streets Eastman is on record saying that’s ok we’ve had violence before Let it be. Basically because Trump has to stay in power because he’s the only one who can save the country from the other party.

So when it turned into violence on Jan6 because Pence did not give the Oath Keepers and Proud Boys a win for Trump according to plan Eastman went searching for a pardon from Trump in the final weeks he had left. His coup had failed and you feel sorry for him now.
It turned into a riot because of FBI and DHS instigators. You have nothing but except bald face lies.
You have nothing but except bald face lies.

“What I recommended, I've said this repeatedly is that he {PENCE} accede to request more than 100 state legislators in those swing states to give them a week to sort out the impact of what everyone acknowledged was illegality in the conduct of the election," Eastman told Laura Ingraham.​
You probably don’t know that the above explanation to Ingraham was in reference to Eastman just before midnight on the day of the Trump mob attacking the Capitol trying to persuade Pence to commit “one more relatively minor violation of the ECA” by having Pence adjourning for 10 days to allow the state legislatures to finish their investigations,​
"So now that the precedent has been set that the Electoral Count Act is not quite so sacrosanct as was previously claimed, I implore you to consider one more relatively minor violation and adjourn for 10 days to allow the legislatures to finish their investigations, as well as to allow a full forensic audit of the massive amount of illegal activity that has occurred here," Eastman wrote. John Eastman asked for '1 more relatively minor violation' of election law in wake of Jan. 6 attack: VP aide
So here after the riot Eastman dreams up a new little crime that would negatively impact the peaceful transfer of power, as it would be violently unsettled until just four days before Inauguration Day of the incoming Biden Administration with the possibility that Trump was not going to leave and his followers would use violence to protect him as they did no Jan6.​
Just a “relatively minor violation” says Eastman in writing.​
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